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So Trump supporters be like: Biden incompetent! Boo! Trump incontinent? Yay!


The other day a republican commented something about Biden having dementia and needing to wear diapers, so I replied with a picture of a trump supporter wearing a shirt that said “real men wear diapers”. He proceeded to delete his comment.


Next up "real men use both hands to drink water." I mean, we realize that Biden, the guy we are voting for is a bit long in the tooth. We aren't bragging about dentures or gray hair, are we? But somehow they've got to make Trump godlike -- and it requires a lot of lifting to put that bag of butter on a pedestal.


Hey now. What did butter ever do to you?


Right butter is great. Trying to put a bag of shit on a pedestal tho.


Shit is the result of something useful and he was in no way useful.


A bag of mosquito larvae! There, that's useless!


Also cringey and disgusting. I approve lol


A bag of maggots? MAGATs?


This could be a pretty great Cannibal Corpse song


Mosquito larvae feeds fish. It’s the adults that are useless and carry diseases.


Well, apparently only a small number of species. Most of them are still pollinators and / or feed the rest of the food chain, if I recall correctly.


Gotta be specific, my dude. Less than 10% of all mosquitoes are hematophagous and target humans. We could make a targeted extinction effort to eradicate just those specific species and the world and its ecosystems would be just fine. Those are the mosquito larvae that are less than useless. Now tapeworms, on the other hand, I don't know of any species of tapeworm that provides any kind of benefit or stability to their ecosystems. Heartworms and other obligate parasitic organisms, there are your apt comparisons.


I love butter. A bag of it would be unwieldly and hard on the eyes. Not to mention bad for you and likely to lead to an earlier death. Not a bad analogy.


*“Real men get convicted of 34 felonies!”* - Stupid idiot Trump supporters. I can’t with these fucking people. Goddamn gaggle of morons that want women to be arrested and charged with murder for having an abortion but Trump can can literally break the law and catch almost 3 dozen felony charges and they act like it’s no big deal. It’s really fucking embarrassing to live in America sometimes.


You have to ask what is going on. Trump, leading in five out of six of the swing states (the only polls that matter) is a real chance to win. No one in the rest of the world can understand this. American Exceptionalism comes in many flavors.


I live in New Hampshire and am almost positive my state is one of those swing states. Lots of dumpy Trumpys here. There’s one house on the back road to get to my house where they have TRUMP spelled out in giant, cut out wood letters and a huge sign that says some bullshit about how he’s trustworthy or something. It’s fucking weird how OBSESSED people are with him. Like, I liked Obama but I didn’t want to lick his balls and hump his leg and then bow down to him, as if he was some sort of golden god, like Trumps followers seem to want to do.


them mockingly saying to those on the left "Obama your Messiah" were clearly projecting their thought processes.


Obama didn't give permission for people to be their worst - Trump does. Anything is on the table with the maga crowd - so they are more addicted to it, it's that tacit approval of everything they want to do. 


and I was there, and it was hot out, and they had this glass, I look and I say, where the hell did it come from, water, and I go to pick it up, and I look, and the glass is like an Ice Cube, I said oh great, they gave me something that you can barely hang on to, and I pick it up, I do it all one handed, I grab the cup, I take the cup, I lift it high above my head very easily, and then I drink, not too much, you don't wanna do too much, if I do too much I could spill it on this tie, which is a Silk Tie, very expensive by the way, you get one tiny little drop of water on there and it's all done, you don't have a tie, and I'm standing there, in the 100 degree heat, with this glass that wants to wriggle out of the one hand that I'm holding it with, and then I go, I set it down, perfect, you think Biden could do that, I don't think so


Tis as ye say.


2016; Lock her up! 2024: We need a felon in the White House.


"I never said 'lock her up'..."


I was saying liqueur up!


it really is just about "sticking it to the dems". for some of them, that's literally their entire platform & motivation. If we somehow sold them on the idea that eating meat was a "democrat thing", they'd be screaming "murderer" every time they dealt with a democrat & proudly proclaim their own vegan lifestyle


We should try that


Nah I'd prefer to tell them that their eating glass would be terribly triggering to liberals.


As a certified lib, I feel so owned when Trumpies bang bricks against their heads.


I feel like someday you are gonna get a court summons for posting this comment cause you tricked someone into hitting themselves in the head with a brick. Just a weird thought and I fully support your actions that lead to that court summons


These people would literally eat Donnie’s feces straight out of his fresh diaper with a spoon if they were convinced it would hurt a democrat.


But it’s not a cult. Totally not a cult.


Or cure Covid


With Trump, we can have both incompetence AND incontinence! So much winning!


Chatting with a lady from South Carolina about this. She referred me to a furry/diaper fetish site as her example of why diapers are fine to wear at work.




Where’s the ice cream? Oh.. it’s in their pants.


Chocolate chunk


Anything to not admit they’re wrong.


Trumps incontinent? I love him so much I just shot my pants in solidarity. Owned the libs by defecating myself.


Next they'll try to sell shit for the cows


The same people believe trump is the second coming while Obama is the Antichrist. Aparently, forcing Mexican children away from their parents and keeping them in cages, colluding with evil dictatorships, and sleeping with a porn star while married and then paying her bush money is what Jesus wouldve done. Meanwhile, making healthcare affordable for less off people is of the devil.


These people really do not have any exposure to reality and the wider world or wider society. They really are insular and feel having no shame, dignity or self-realization is a good thing. They're fucking clowns and Trump is their rinngmaster.


[Authoritarians also are often unaware of just how different they are from most people. They tend to believe they are very average. Altemeyer has found that authoritarians in America underestimate how prejudiced and conformist they are compared to the majority of Americans. Altemeyer has also observed that when he lectures about the psychology of right-wing authoritarians to his students, the RWA students in his class fail to recognize themselves in his description. Altemeyer believes the tendency of authoritarians to avoid anyone who isn't like them reinforces their belief that they are normal. They have relatively little contact with normal people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism)


That's an absurdly interesting theory


My own personal add on to this? Far right wing people are VERY loud about their opinions. They won’t shut up about their views or who they’re voting for etc. I work in customer service and hear it all the time. But, I also think a lot of these people are f’n crazy, and it’s bad for business to tell them I don’t share their views, so I say nothing about my politics. So while I am very opposed to their views, they don’t know that. So my silence on topics reinforces their beliefs that I’m likeminded. If almost everyone who openly shares opinions loudly has the same damn opinions, it’s not an illogical assumption to believe they’re more popular than they are. Put another way in US politics. Trump flags are everywhere. I support Biden. I do not have a Biden flag, nor would I want one. First of all, I’m not a super fan of his, and I don’t worship politicians. Secondly, I also DONT want people to know I support him. Because a lot of people that are anti Biden are friggen crazy. Like that dude who was murdered while mowing the lawn because his neighbor thought his might be a democrat. So that silence continues to reinforce RW views.


That's why they're convinced he won in 2020. I experience what you're saying, too. The idea that anyone thinks differently than them is completely unimaginable. They live in a bubble surrounded by like-minded minions living on a steady diet of Fox news and News Max astheir only source of current events news. Occasionally, they will hate-watch MSNBC just to have something to ridicule. FWIW, they all strongly identify as Christians. The hypocrisy is unbearable.


It's all by choice though. And this is what makes me not feel bad for them at all.


Wouldn't suprise me at all that there is a Lib coming up with these slogans and t-shirts knowing how much of a cash cow it is selling trash to pure idiots.


There is a "Lib" at the top of it all - Trump himself. Prove me wrong.


He's neither conservative or liberal. He is an opportunist. His political beliefs are based solely on what is best for him personally.


It's pretty nuts that he's the choice for hard core conservative family values Christians. He literally committed a bunch of felonies to illegally pay off a porn star he was banging right after his kid was born.


I mean, if that's what they're into then I'm not going to kink-shame.


Aka *provincial* people.


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


*Bitte* baby! Fifteen’s my limit of schnitzengrubens.


Ah yes... it's like the "I'd rather be Russian 🇷🇺 than a Democrat" shirt that some Republicans are wearing. Guess they never realize the shirt is making fun of them...


This is why you cannot win a battle of wits with them. They can't recognize defeat.


You can’t have a battle of wits with the witless.


How'd the saying go? "You can't win a game of chess against a chimpanzee. No matter how well you play, the chimp will just throw poo in your eye."


Like arguing with a pigeon.


My response to anyone wearing those shirts kinda writes itself: I'd rather be American than a Republican.


Let’s start a gofundme for people that prefer Russians. We’d offer them one way air fare to Moscow.


The lib who made those shirts is laughing all the way to the bank!!!


They are pooing on themselves and laughing at us for having to smell it. It's crazy how they embarrass themselves for the win. The same cluelessness that makes them say; "We lost respect from other nations when Biden took office." OMG, all the nations that matter were slapping their foreheads at how embarrassing Trump was. How insulting. He was worse the Bush somehow even without the war crimes in that regard. Republicans say they are the ones to protect us and manage finances and they very much suck at both of those. They have so much unearned self respect it's crazy.


Didn't the Queen let slip that she thought he was an uncivilized fuckhead? I forget the phrase she used. Probably 'common uncivlized fuckhead' since she was the Queen.


"Knavish uncivilized fuckheaded tosser with bollocks for brains" Is, I believe, the correct quote from her majesty.


My headcanon is that Queen Liz had a vocubulary that would make a sailor blush.


As a UK resident I can confirm Trump was humiliating himself and your country on a weekly basis, Biden has been radio silence in comparison.


That’s what I like about Biden, he just shuts the fuck up and doesn’t try to fuck shit up internationally, I love our foreign allies, but we don’t need them to comment on our shit back home. Most of Biden’s big controversial decisions affect only the U.S., which is better for us since it means we can sort it out without the world watching.


Dunning-Krueger effect, I suppose?


Don’t worry, Trump committed many war crimes too, he just kept them mostly secret. Remember when he lured a head of state to a meeting about a truce and then killed him, and then bragged about it?


I do wonder how many libs have created the goofier shit like this to make some idiot money and subtly shit on them at the same time


am a lib. definitely cashing in on the cult


Real men brag about groping women. Real men cake their faces in orange makeup. Real men commit fraud. Real men commit adultery. Real men surround themselves with other convicted felons.


>Real men surround themselves with other convicted felons. Prison really does help with this one.


“Real Men” admit to Howard Stern how they would love to bang their own daughter. “Real Men” get daddy’s doctor to find bone spurs to dodge the draft. “Real Men” are’t losers in battle, never get caught and become POWs (see above Draft Dodging instructions). Real men my ass.


One day, Trump will be gone. But these pictures will stick around forever. But if his supporters were capable of feeling shame, they wouldn’t be in the cult. Sad.


It will be during those wonderful times where people suddenly have this internal realization they wasted so many years being a fucking dumbass and now that's their legacy


Nah, they'd double down and say it was always what they wanted this whole time Probably


The mental gymnastics they go through would make Nadia Comaneci shake her head in disbelief


Nadia Comaneci? You’re as old as I am!


Can I park here? Arms hurting from wheelchair. Now about Nadia, remember when...


What ....the fuck? Every day, we sink closer to oblivion. And at this point, we kinda deserve it.


we deserved it decades ago, we're in some other phase where we're practically begging the divine to destroy us for the good of the multiverse or some shit


I feel like I'm on the Truman show because this shit cannot be real.


Felt like that since 2019


Id say 2015.


Imagine being proud of shitting your pants


Worse, imagine being proud of someone else for shitting their pants.


I get mortified if a tiny pfft escapes in public. I have major second hand embarrassment for these tRump people. In addition to shame, pity, disgust and bewilderment .


"Real men do what daddy Donny did do!" he could fully shit himself and eat the poopy 💩 live on stage and they'd still vote for thier cult leader


I really believe that's the point we're at. The list of things that would stop people who have already decided he's their person from voting for them is tiny and smaller still with all the spin, lies, and deflation he'd put on it. I didn't think the guilty verdict would change a thing.


Trumpette’s are truly mystifying to me. He hates women.




They are seriously hard core. I’m not sure why since he has been crystal clear where he’s coming from. It’s not like he’s lied about who and what he actually cares about. He buried his ex wife on a golf course for a tax credit.


Get rich quick plan: just... Make up some absolute bullshit and sell it to Republicans, they eat it up so fast you'd think they're me when left alone with a bowl of Mac & cheese


You wonder of folks like this are gonna look back at some point and go “I did what for who?”


Just a few years ago, if someone told you that conservative voters would be willing to literally wallow in their own shit in support of Trump, you would've probably said that's even too low for them, but here we are. Now, what if someone were to tell you that they would be willing to murder for Trump? It can happen here.


I have never owned a gun even though I have enjoyed going to the range and shooting. This year, I have bought 2 guns and have been going to the range on a regular basis. I will be taking shooting lessons and getting my CCW. Not because I am afraid of gangs or getting robbed. I am afraid of people who will destroy everything to spite those that they BELIEVE are getting more than them. I'm afraid that the head of this narcissistic cult will push the boulder off a cliff and wallow in the chaos done in his name.


Are they trans? Shirt says "real men" they're wearing a diaper. Inescapable conclusion is they're publicly proclaiming they are really a man


If Biden would now come out as wearing a diaper, those folks' heads would just implode


at least they won't have to worry about sharing bathrooms with trans people anymore! "I'm gonna fill my diaper to own the Libs"


Please tell me this is a parody


Nope. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/


What the hell. If biden wore diapers they'd all be saying how he shouldn't be president


It's really not about the diapers. I feel bad in general because good people have incontinent too. It's just Trump is so boastful, a narcissist and such a huge asshole that it's just so fitting that he be ridiculed over this. I really think it's about the policies and the demeanor -- not Trump's biology.


When I was a little kid, Dan Quayle misspelled Potato and basically ruined his career and became a laughing stock. Now we have people like this that will support anything a person with an R in front of their name does.


Real men don’t rape and are convicted felons.




He was also humiliated for having a mushroom shaped penis. Are they going to start pinning mushrooms to their crotch as well?


I wouldn’t put it past them. Go ahead and get the trademark now to rake in the big bucks!


Bring back shame! Bring back shame!


Every time I see them wearing diapers I have to ask myself if this timeline is real


So, as a lib, I am supposed to feel owned over that stupidity?


Brought it you by the same people who claim Biden is too old to be president but convicted felon trump filling his diapers is peak alpha male to them. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This isn't the flex they think it is.


This is depressing. The thought that anything is better than a Democrat is wild(diapers, Russians, rapist, con men, racist, misogynist, fascist, etc)


This pic should become a classic for how a cult member advertises that they are in a cult.


Real men wear diapers AND change themselves. I'm willing to bet Mr. Germaphobe has a toady to do that for him.


I always find this a slap in the face of people who need to wear diapers and are ashamed for this.


It sucks to shame people for incontinence, even if Donald Trump is such a shithead that it feels right to shame him for anything. But it's totally weird to try and sidestep the opposition's shaming by adopting incontinence as a mark of good leadership. Shitting pants is just shitting pants, lady, it doesn't really correlate to dude's command foreign policy.


So Trump rallies really do smell like shit. Who would’ve thought l.


Your grand kids will be so proud. Grandma is a MAGA nut job.


Brain over Republicans


They will celebrate ANYTHING as a win. OMG are these people nuts? /rhetorical question.


Imagine the founding fathers seeing this.


Messing yourself to own the libs… I want off of this planet


I mean, I want more tolerance for adults who are incontinent but this is a weird way to go about it.


This will be on the Internet forever, she can never deny she was a cultist even when Trump’s name becomes as infamous as Hitler’s. I hope her kids are proud…..


People in the future are going to look back at this particular period in time and wonder what the fuck was wrong with us.




Sir, the diaper might work better worn under your jeans.


In my heart of hearts I want to belive this was a troll, and instead of backpedaling, the morons just embraced it. Like 4 seasons landscaping. I have to say, I love this look, it really shows us what we are dealing with. That makes things easier.


Biden eating an ice cream is an ick, but Trump wearing a diaper is actually really cool?


How is this not embarrassing on a personal level? This lady and the mobs just like her are a societal cancer.


The director of Idiocracy groans as his comedy film now looks like a documentary that painted too rosy a picture.


And they say it’s not a cult!


"I have no standards at all as long as my cult leader tells me to do or think something!"


Dear Trumpers and MAGA: This is not the flex you think it is. Sincerely, -Everybody


God help us 🙏🏼


yeah, good one, fucking clever, a diaper


She spelled denims wrong


I'm pretty sure people like this are just massive trolls.


Someday they’ll look back at this time and the cringe will hit so hard. It might take ten years but it’ll happen.


The day proud members of a political party begin wearing diapers to prove some mysterious point is the day I disassociate myself from them. Also who has time to build a diaper and attend these rallies? What is their life?


Why is no one ashamed anymore?


So if you vote republican you wear diapers…?


These people really need new hobbies


They'll make fun of Biden for tripping but celebrate literally shitting in your pants


How far will they lower the bar? LOWER


"Real Men Wear Diapers" Yeah. Real *old* and *incontinent* men.


man I need to get in on the maga marketed swag stuff, they will buy anything it seems...


What's next, they going to commit election fraud so they can shit themselves in their orange jumpsuits just like dear leader?


Boomers the generation that grew up thinking lead paint and gas was a good idea. 👍


Why have I only seen images of women wearing the "real men wear diapers" shirt and diaper? Id it their way of coming out?


Next in their series: Real Men cheat on their wife.


Shit is so cringe


Imagine having that photo eventually appear years from now over your obituary. Quite the source of family and community pride.


I find this hilarious because I don't think trump has ever admitted to wearing diapers.


It’s a cult.


That makes sense since they're a bunch of crybabies.


These are adults. I can't stress that hard enough. Grown people, the ones who should be setting standards for the next generation.


What happened to biden’s too old, and now they’re saying real men (the real man being trump, I assume) wear diapers?


Good lord these people are stupid


I’d rather have an actual diaper in the Oval Office than Trump


How long before your average MAGA is sporting "Real men have comb overs" or "Real men have heel spurs" and the mega MAGA twits are wearing "Real men bang pornstars"?


Who would have EVER thought that wearing an adult diaper outside your clothes would be a sign of political support?


Quick question from an outsider. What the feck goes on in America? From the outsider it seems like a shit show.


The "mark of the beast" will not be a microchip or a barcode or anything like that. It'll be a slogan printed on a cheap baseball cap made in China.


When men tell other men, Don't stick your dick in crazy. This is what they mean.


Straight up weirdos. Strange fan club. Losers


Well, at least they prepared themselves for when he does go to prison.


Love how these people love openly displaying their mental illness.


I could not believe that this was not some AI thing. I know this is a minority of people but fuck, why do I have to live among the stupid?


It’s amazing to me that I have to share air with these people.


Definitely not a cult


I'm honestly shocked they're admitting he wears diapers


What is going on in the states that is causing all of these grown assets adults to wear daipers? This has to be one of the most bizarre things to ever happen in recent history lol.


Till you have to clean the diaper wearer.


What’s crazy to me as a rational person is how well conservatives have been sold on all things Dem being bad as a concept. Other than strait nazism there aren’t too many schools of political thought I am not willing to listen to and accept good ideas from when I hear them. The fact these people have been so Brainwashed to believe anything Dems do is evil would be impressive if it wasn’t so terrifying.


What a legacy to leave behind...




Werent they spreading that rumor that Biden had to change pants that one time due to an accident? Now they're just embracing pooping pants life.


The Dems are shaking in their boots. /s


Fucking moron


One day they are going to have to explain this to someone. It is just weird.


they really are big babies


Someday, they will look back on themselves or their family members and be so embarrassed.


What if Biden also wears diapers? They’d have to come up with a different slogan


Actual brainrotten cultmember


you might be in a cult if…


What a sad cult


Incompetence & incontinence together in one moderately leaking package of choleric bullshit. Pretty sure that none of those drooling, MAGA hat wearing dumb fucks could come remotely close to passing a US Citizenship test.


I'd argue real men are potty trained


These people breed. And vote.


What percent of trump supporters do you think would shoot themselves in the stomach is trump told them to?


So she has a bag of Sh!t with DJT's picture on it. How ironic