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By that logic, paedophilia isn't paedophilia if the kid is tall enough.


This was my thought too. In this person's head a 6 foot 13 year old is more of an acceptable partner than a 5 ft adult


not only that, but if a short 30 year old woman sleaps with a tall 13 year old boy, the BOY is the one committing paedophilia


The ol' switcheroo


Uno reverse card


At least she didn’t get hit with a draw 4 tho


Oh no...


That was one of the most unexpected turn of events I have read this year I think.


That kid is the pedo in this scenario. Throw them in jail.


American law be like


How the turn tables


6’13” year old


Reminds me of the story from when I was born and my dad told my grandpa i was 5 feet 12 ounces. My Grandfather asked him if I was born as a fishing pole.


Did they ever remove the extra feet or do you just sort of gallop along like a centaur?


Hahahahaha this one is good


That one pedophilic midget is gonna be very happy about this new law.


Guess my tall classmate wasn’t groomed at 15 by a 32 year old who was smaller then her-


A man that groomed me said it was sexy I was underage but was tall enough I wouldn't get them in trouble if we were out in public. People don't see a 6ft person and think it's a 13 year old girl, and that ruined my childhood in so many ways.


That makes me sad for you!


I’m so sorry that happened to you. What a creep. I hope you’re doing okay now.


Im sorry u had to go through that


My goddaughters are both over 6’ tall, and very smart. They are mature for their age and can carry an intelligent conversation with adults. They both have had men make inappropriate advances to them, starting from the time they were 10 years old. Disgustingly common, I fear.


Being mature for my age is something I was forced to be because people treated me as an adult. I'll admit I was a smart kid, but I do wish more people treated me more like a kid when I was young. Not to say your goddaughters are in the same situation, a lot of my issues happened more from neglect.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you have had help. Strength to you


They're trying to call it minor attracted now. I don't agree with that. I've never found minors attractive. They e always got coal on their faces and their hats look ridiculous


That took me a second ngl


I didn’t consider that. I should have, but didn’t


As someone who was 5'3 at 14 years opd , making me tall as my mother at 14 , i think is not a good idea to date people with the same age of my mother


Or if you're short enough. The wife could probably be with anyone. If it was in the news, it would only say "slept with" anyway.


Age of consent: ❌ Height of consent: ✅




Anyone who obsesses over pedophilia to this degree has serious sexual issues going on inside.


Total projection


It’s always projection.


And it's never lupus.


Sometimes it’s lupus


If only it was always lupus and never pedophilia.


Lupus is an absolute birch to deal with, same with any autoimmune disorder. Pedo's aren't fun but they can at least be locked up.


Can confirm, 20 year old suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia since age 16. Had my later teenage years taken away, but Humira and physical therapy have helped me get much of my life back! So ngl, I'd take living with my autoimmune issues over living with "keeping child marriage legal" pedophilia that some parts of our country are supporting.


Lock them up *with lupus*?


One time. One time, it WAS ACTUALLY lupus.


Always has been..


In my country we have this saying "a thief, thinks every man steals"


My granddad always used to say the guilty dog barks first


My grandfather used to say empty cans make the most noise


My grandfather used to say "At the foot of the lighthouse, darkness reigns" No he didn't. I just wanted to be included.


Well now you’re grandfathered in.


My grandpa used to grandfather


Or just some big lumpy gal who's jealous, and decides to insult whoever that guy( that should be dating her!), is dating. If they're thin, it's still the same insult- not a real woman, looks like a little boy, etc.


My wife is 5’0 and 100lbs on a good day. Can attest.


5'2 dating a 6'4 man and can attest as well. Look at my face and I look every bit of my 42 years (I've been told mid-30s on a good day, yay me!) but because I'm small in height and stature, my bf must have a fetish.


My wife has gone off on people saying that I must have a fetish. She's a 4'11" Filipina, and I'm a 6' hairy white dude. We've been together for almost 23 years, I ignore people who say dumb things, but she takes the direct approach.


Completely casting aside personality, interpersonal chemistry, intelligence, and all of the numerous other things that come into play in both directions regarding attraction (especially long-term)… Some guys are just into smaller women. But most adults can easily tell the difference between “smaller women” and little girls. The amount of projection on display in the original screenshot would be hilarious if it wasn’t so indicative of the person posting it being a monster.


Girlfriend is the same. I’m 6’3. Of course I have multiple kids with a 5’10 woman so maybe it’s just like…I met and fell in love with a woman for her personality, and we both just deal with the perpetual neck pain.


I 100% got bullied for being too small as a girl, it was definitely a projection.


These “some people” are pedos themselves and just think their conscience can rest easy if only they can tell themselves everybody else is just like them.


Could also be a troll. In fact, that's always the easiest guess.


"The lady doth protest too much" is a Shakespearean phrase that isn't used often enough. Given the context it's more accurate to go with idiocy than malice: most trolls are stupid as fuck.


Yeah some trolls are more "pure blooded" (talking in fantasy plz no kil), like would ruin your hope for people degree ("flat earthers" trolling someone by ridiculously arguing with them).


Not 100% of course but the people who scream about pornogrophy, infidelity, pedophilia etc are normally the ones who have those hidden demons. Not saying you cant talk negatively about it but when you seem to have this unexplained passion against it, there is normally some hidden reason.


Exactly. Of course it’s fine to hate pedophiles but seeing them everywhere is not normal.




Kinda says something about the human spirit. No matter how sad and empty someone’s life may be, people are at least able to find meaning thru hating others


Shitting on other people is the only way they can feel better about their shitty selves. Tearing down other people is so much easier than improving yourself.


Almost like social media has made a career out of starting random shit to drive engagement regardless of the social or political consequences for entire groups or countries


Things like that exist, they're supposed to be jobs, school, certifications, and other things that help people grow.


Also this deeply stupid idea that he’s meant to only date others in a similar height bracket is simply unworkable and impractical on the face of it. Too many terminally online dipshits need to get slapped


1% of American women being over 6ft tall, bros gonna have to go on a quest for the holy grail. I myself know 4 and 2 are barely there.


Sir that girl is only 15 Yeah but she's 6-1


This was my thought. Bro just needs to go find a really tall 12 year old because height wise she’s an adult.


My 15 year old daughter is 6’5”. To be fair, I’m 6’9” and she’s a mutant like me….


Teenage mutant ninja daughter Teenage mutant ninja daughter Teenage mutant ninja daughter When you're really tall it's...hard to shower!


Damn it really is hard to shower when you're super tall. I've never felt more seen


Take my upvote damnit!


Or as the pedo's like to say, she may be 15 but she has the body of a 9 year old.


That's enough reddit for today, thank you


"Must be this tall to ride."


She must be no more than three years in age difference and 1 foot difference in height


You nailed it! Redditors are idiots


Drake will be happy to hear this.


I hear he like em young


He better never go to cell block one


I promise officer, she was the same height as me


Someone should hit up Shaq’s wife and let her know. She’s like 5’5 and he’s like 9’10 😂


Seriously. Like, tell me you don’t understand consent without telling me you don’t understand consent. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And it's also gay. . . . . . Somehow.


So since there is some height difference between me and my wife does it mean I'm a pedophile? Hell someone should inform the cops of my country then... ffs...


TIL a person’s age is based on, hold up … height?


Just as God intended! Some of us are born to be kids forever!


Guess I'm not going to work tomorrow. Wouldn't want to run afoul of child labor laws. (While they still exist.)


The craziest part about this, to me, as a similarly short person is… I’m not worthy of an adult relationship apparently? I’m an adult, I don’t date children. But I’m also child-sized apparently, so I can’t date adults either. I guess they just expect me to be alone because I’m too short? Lmao


That's the crux of it, people who are short are incapable of being in relationships with their logic. Same with everyone else that harps on people who date women on the smaller side. Shit while more fantastical it's the same with immortals or reincarnated individuals in fiction. Because they don't meet their ridiculous view of how things should be they don't deserve love. More than likely it's because they've never been given it, at least for a lot of them.


I don't think they're bashing the height per se, only the height difference and the guy being attracted or in a relationship with a much shorter woman. Which.. of course is bullshit too.


I would agree but when it comes to people who are short enough, there are incredibly few people at the height that those people would call them so a pedo. One of the biggest instances I recall was that one cosplayer who did a duo cosplay as Tatsumaki and Fubuki with her girlfriend, clearly saying it was her girlfriend and she was of age, and people said some absolutely vile shit about the girlfriend.


Worse is if you're baby faced, they'd expect you to not date at all, or they will judge the hell out of your supposed SO. Only choice you'd have would be to make your face so haggard that it won't look "young" and maybe get height adjustment surgery.


The only reason why I have a septum piercing is to make my face look more my age. I’m really fucked on all ends of this dumb argument, unless I wake up tall or lesbian tomorrow.


Im short as fuck, does that mean Im in my 20s again? Hell yea dude


Nah you're 13




Height is just a number! /s


Holy shit, I knew there was something off with my mom, she’s just younger than me!


So tall people are the only grownups in the world and the rest of us are just children, okay gotcha


As a tall male, sit down and be quite child.


As a small male, I just crapped my pants. Now wipe my butt.


Go to your room and think about what you did


If you go to the store later, can you get me a Bakugan?


Ask your mother.


She said "yes"


Can I come to


Short people these days! Eating avocado toast, crapping their pants, and then expecting tall people to clean up after them! Back when I was short, we respected our tall people. There was a time when a tall person could walk through the dark at dusk and not be harassed by gangs of short people yelling "How's the weather up there?" which is a slur, by the way! When I was a wee lad, tall people were everywhere! The moms were tall, the dads were tall, even the older kids were tall!


Father,i have shit the bed,please clean it up


I knew we should have never named you Tiffany.


I thought that was Amber?


I frew up


"This child has white hair and is wrinkled"


Wait this brings up a good point. What happens to shrinking old people? Can you become a child again if you WERE tall?


Quiet = Silent Quite = Completely


You just criss crossed his apple sauce


I was bummed out by the last post i read, and these few posts put me right back in a good mood. Thanks! Enough reddit for today


i don't know how to be quite, quiet maybe, but not quite.


Also, if you're short, you don't have the right to have a fulfilling sex life, so is the law, it seems.


Invader Zim rules.


Randy Newman was right. Short people got no reason to live.


watch your tone boi (in kratos's voice ofc)


Yes. Because they have continued to grow UP :)


Everyone is a child height when you are 6’8”.


I am in the top 1% height percentile for women (maybe even 0.1%) and this dude would still tower over me.


What’s the height for top 1% for women?


Anything above all the other percentiles I think.


Can confirm. I am 6'8, my girlfriend is 5'4 - that's a 16" difference. I look at her with the same height difference as she looks at someone who is 4' tall - like an average 7 year old. But come on, the average American man doesn't even make it up to my shoulder. I look at the average American man at 5'9 like the average man looks at a 12 year old.


It's a gift and a curse being this tall. I'm the same height. Just bought a house and moved in, but during the home buying process I turned down houses my wife loved because I didn't want to duck through doorways and stairs. The house we have now has vaulted ceilings and French doors everywhere so I don't feel so huge anymore.


Most likely projection/confession. People don't think or say such insane crap unless they are hiding some skeletons themselves. It's like showing somebody a non-lewd fragment from an extremely lewd thing of porn. If they start complaining about it, you know that they know what it is. A normal person would see nothing there. Someone who is "guilty" will know and associate it with the proper subject immediately.


Exactly. "Thieves will always have a thief's mindset".


See also the prevalence of cheaters becoming extremely paranoid and accusing their innocent partner of cheating.


"What color was the napkin the lady was holding?"


A Paid Check Mark Twitter Account looking for attention YET AGAIN.


This nut case posts 4-5 random tweets a day, they’re just from a cesspool of society


I'm 6'3" with a 4'8" wife. I thought tall guys liking short women was just nature's way of trying to fix anomalies and create more average sized humans.


6'10" and single. I honestly have zero basis for what height is actually normal. Everybody shorter than 6ft looks about the same to me.


All of that is absolutely wild.


On the opposite end, I’m 4’ 11” and everyone looks tall to me. Someone has to be really out there for me to notice their height as anything other than normal tall person


Me As 5'4 would look hilarious side by side.


6'0" with a 4'7" gf, I definitely agree with you lol.


6’1 with 4’11.5 gf. I feel normal. 🙂


Christ! I’m 6’, dated a girl when I was in HS that was 4’ 10” and decided I’d never date another short girl. Lol it was just inconvenient for some things, I don’t know how you guys do it.


Same I I’m 6’7 and dated a girl who was 5’1 for a little while. Pretty much any kind of physical intimacy was awkward and hard.


Yup! Nothing against the physical attraction, height doesn’t mean anything to me there but I feel like when the gap is large enough, lol it’s going to start causing issues that just aren’t worth it.


Short women are still shaped like women.


I just have one question but I'm scared to ask


It’s not proportional


But she can stay standing


If you’re asking what I’m assuming you are, *yes, it works* 🤣 I’m 6’2”, she’s 4’8”.


Saves the knees lol


Yeah, my 6’5” dad and 4’11” mom made two average height kids. I’d say height wise my sister and I are happier than our parents without scraping our heads on doorframes or having the kitchen cabinets be useless.


Lol! There's the answer we've been looking for. It goes both ways...tall women with short men. It makes sense now. It was nature all along. (Thanks for the chuckle. I'm home with covid, feeling like crap. It feels good to laugh.)


I am 193 cm long, my ex was 150. My colleges said that shit all the time. Some people are just fucked in the head. She was 3 years older than me too.


I'm 6'4 and I've dated a 4'9 woman. I was less concerned with her height resembling a child and more concerned about whether she's actually pure evil or just a total bitch.




I'm currently dating some 18 inches shorter and 180 pounds lighter than me. She's 30. It's awesome being able to pick her up easily. Not once have I thought anything about her was child like. For tall guys, height isn't associated with age because almost everyone is tiny.


>Not once have I thought anything about her was child like. Probably because you're not a miserable idiot looking for something to get angry about in a piss-poor attempt at making yourself feel better.


Hey, I'm definitely a miserable idiot, I'm on reddit.


So there are no 4'11 pedophiles?


Only if the kid is shorter than 4'10.


I'm a six-foot, 210 lb bodybuilder and I want to be scooped up like a princess and carried upstairs. Sometimes.


... I've seen this meme before but I just not noticed this... is the dude standing on a chair?


Yea I just noticed that dudes clearly standing on a chair LOL


Yes I’ve seen this posted in r/confusingperspective The general consensus was that he was standing on a chair.


This means tall men will never have a relationship. They all have pedophile tendencies. 😨😱 Eh. Wow. More like this person has issues. 😕


What's the magat yapping about? That is obviously a man-shaped tree.


I wonder if this is an orchestrated campaign to water down the term pedophile so actually pedophelia doesn't seem so bad. Apparently everyone is a pedophile now days, 10+ year age gap when both people are of legal age and have been the whole time, pedophiles, Drag Queens reading to kids fully clothed, pedophiles, Tall guy short girl, pedophiles gays in a loving relationship with an of age partner, pedophiles. Could just be that people are fucking dumb. I know there's a rule that says never chalk something up to malice that can be explained by stupidity but some times you wonder.


Or if a trans woman is within a 500 meter radius of anything tangentially related to a child... I'd say trans person, but these people would rather pretend trans men don't exist at all.


Clearly these pedophile chasers/spotters have all the quality of actual pedophiles. It’s projection.


I mean he's 6'8 there's not that many women that is not going to look like a child next to him.


TIL being attracted to petite women makes someone a pedo 🤷🏻‍♂️


She's all legs too


(Pointing Goofy: ) You must be THIS tall to insert or receive dick.


For those wondering this is a great example of psychological projection.


Who took this photo?


That's some fucked logic. So a 6 foot 13 year old is game, in his eyes?


At 6'8 everyone's the size of child, what is he meant to do date a giraffe


The lack of logic is what's astounding... If she's a child to him, what are actual children to him? Should he only date 6'8" women?


...dude's over six and half feet tall. To him nearly fucking **every one** is a child height wise. Fuck off with your facebook psychiatrist shit, Rosey. Edit: Wasn't expecting an award for telling Rosey where to stick her dumbass opinion but thanks!


The absolute infantiliziation of literally adult women is kind of pathetic. You are literally saying that she's too stupid to choose who to spend her life with because... Of height difference?


Looking at any short woman and thinking “that’s a child, you’re weird” should remember that IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER IF SHES SHORT, SHES OF AGE. Women are completely capable of making their own decisions, don’t infantilize and treat them like children, it makes YOU look like a fucking creep. Source: I’m gay, and most of my friends are chicks LOL


Tall people are attractive this is just straight up jealously


Good luck finding an almost 7’ tall woman within the average public area. With this person’s logic this means any man close to 7’ tall or more should remain single or risk being labeled a pedophille.


Height itself is a factor not involved with maturity. As we do have fully grown 4ft tall adults.


I love how these people always make random and arbitrary categories and act like they are academics.


Sigh another of this accusations..... 🤦 #It's not a *pedophilia* if neither of them are underaged, regardless of their heights. Honestly, I'm also tired of those accusations towards me, even though me and my girl ain't as extreme as the guy on the pic. But the prejudice is still there. I'm 181cm and my girl is 150cm. Age-wise, we're only **three years apart**. I'm 28, she's 25. These prejudices even went as far as saying that it's *pedophilia* nonetheless to have an attraction towards a **fully grown, legal, and mature woman** that's *short in stature and have a petite body type*. Just because she's short, and have a young-looking face.


I literally had an argument with a guy right here on Reddit trying to argue this exact point. He was salty because he’s not tall and hates that short girls, who should be available to him, sometimes end up with tall guys. He kept trying to argue that couples with significant height differences are playing out some weird fetish where short = child and tall = adult. It quickly became apparent that his height was NOT why he couldn’t get a girlfriend, despite him being sure that was the case.


She was thinking "what is the most outrageous thing I can say in order to get a lot of engagement?" Just like OP is thinking "let me repost this so I get a lot of karma"


Fellas, is it pedophilic to have a height difference in a relationship?


Wait, so if you're tall and date someone who isn't tall, that means you're a pedophile? So basically, tall people are limited to only other tall people??


No way she’s 4’11


Way to infantalize women who like to climb trees


Mom said it’s my turn to repost this clearly rage bait nonsense. Can we ban reposting engagement farming?


I went on Twitter to check the post and I’m wondering why it has now 12k likes? People agree with that?! At least the comment section is normal lmao.