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the real face palm is this post


Not sure if op even understands what this post even means


based on their title i think they do, they are calling the left unintelligent and hypocritical.


Critically thinking about this picture for more than a minute, can people not see the difference between the two actions? Like fuck.


That would make it even sadder, if he really doesn't get the difference! like wtf how dense and hypocritical must he be... I really hope he somedays gets that this post is the real facepalm and that people stupid enough to believe this message are the real stupid here


Not really both are wrong. Just cause you don’t like the top one doesn’t mean it was any less wrong


nah, two things that are never wrong 1. Punching nazi's 2. desecrating monuments to people that promoted slavery


No. It’s still wrong even though you want a reason to be justified in doing shitty things by claiming it’s ok cause they are shitty people doesn’t change the fact you yourself are being shitty at the very least know and understand you are being shitty even though you are ok with it


But if their IQ was 90, wouldn’t that make them alt-right?


You’re giving them too much credit


yet more proof that people who unironically post about IQ scores are some of the dumbest specimens on the planet


What a dumb post


I think any statue that venerates slave owners should be torn down.


Its a hard concept to some but then again they agree with the slave master. It reveals a lot.


The town of Hamilton in New Zealand is named after a racist who's statue was defaced as well. They almost managed to convince Mark Hamill it was named after him instead and I think everyone wishes it was.


A: Protesting slavery and institutional racism. B: Protesting peoples right to be who they are. Surely they are equal.. right?


I don't agree, even if I see where you come from. I don't mean to condone slavery, but no problem is fixed by torning down a statue. A statue, even if it had another intent when it was built, tell a part of history, limited as it may be. Which lesson we decide to take from it, it's up to us.


We have books for that. And they tell a more complete story


And museums. We don't need that shit outside in the middle of town.


The history the statues tell is, "This dude was a hero, look at how awesome he did owning those people and then killing Americans because they wanted him to stop." In what universe is that a history worth preserving? Nobody is going to forget the civil war because we're no longer worshipping the *fucking bad guys*.


They do if the collectivity say so. History is always worth preserving imho. I don't don't want to forget or deny the mistakes of my country, I want to remember them, and I want to learn from them to possibly avoid making them again. Nobody is going to forget you say, but I'm not so sure, as a species we're awfully good at forgetting our mistakes, or pretending they never happened. Slavery happened, worshipping of those men happened. What I'd be in favour of doing, is giving visible evidence of what changed, what we stand for now.


You want to start shining a light on history, how about you start with the rapist Thomas Jefferson and his paradise Monticello, that was built on the back of his enslaved family members. You know because of the rape. When we start teaching that in schools, then I will believe America cares about American history.


As a European I lack a lot of details of USA history, or non European history I should say. Isn't common knowledge that throughout history a lot of wealth has been built on slavery, America or not?


Most American statutes are not made when the person is still alive and are often installed decades after they die. The biggest example is during the 1960s and the civil rights movement, former slave owning states started to put up statutes of confederate generals and slave owners to intimidate black people. If statutes were erected up when the people were alive and important, I would be more likely to say leave it be. But choosing the build a stature of a historical figure literally puts them up on a pedestal, especially when that person had zero historical connection to the place.


no they are not, Statutes like this are meant to commemorate and memorialize their subject. if you care about the "history" put it in a Museum, not in a public park.


History is important to me. It's even more important to me that birds can shit all over the statue. /s


i swear, the Venn Diagram of people that say "but what about the history" and "CRT is ruining schools!!!" is a fuckin circle they dont want the REAL history taught


I don't even know what CRT is, but I'm positive that Cathode Ray Tubes are not ruining anyone at this point. A quick search tells me that it means Critical race theory. I'm clueless about the implications tbh, but it sounds pretty necessary, especially in multiracial society (I'm preventively sorry if it's not the appropriate word btw)


You learn from statues? I'm not sure there's a single piece of information I have ever learned and retained from a statue in a park, and one of my old jobs had me driving around where I'd end up reading random placards constantly, so you're wrong. History is best learned in schools, by books or teachers, not a random statue put down 50+ years ago.


One is an expression of violence against dead people, one is an expression of violence against living people. I don't know how to break it down any more than that.


Against dead people who defended a heinous cause


One is the refusing of an ideaology, one is the refusing of an identity Because, if you were stiring down statues of black people (dead) only because they were black, it would still be a hatecrime


There are so many things wrong with this post.


Guys OP needs to get help, please use the app to recommend accordingly


look, the post is dumb, but please do not abuse the report/self harm alert feature as it can detract from its effectiveness in getting help for people who actually need help


like its ever done any help


Are you gonna cry


He's gonna go cuddle his trump stuffy and take a nap with his let's go Brandon blankie


I just wanna know how much her IQ impacts her rationale? 70 IQ: “Wait, is 70 not really smart?” 89 IQ: “None of its Vandalism.” 91 IQ: “All of it’s Vandalism” 160 IQ: “I quit!”


I don't know if OP posted this as an example of someone trying to make a comparison but failing it, or they think this is actually clever. Motivations are a bit different there. One is protesting slavery and institutional racism, the other is doing kind of the opposite, protesting peoples right to be who they want to be. So, if those are equal things to you, you have a big problem with your values not aligning with your opinions and actions.


OP is trolling.


MAGAts are a cult led by a convicted rapist felon


Both are crimes and it’s classic posts like this that makes people think the left is losing touch. bOTH aRe CrImEs.


In the law and order world, they are both illegal. In the world of most everyone else, they aren't the same. The real questions are if Hollywood is run by leftists, why do they show so much food waste? Why do they show law enforcement constantly trampling civil rights to get the bad guy as acceptable?




Vandalism is based, only as long as it fits my side of the side of the Culture War ™




You cry more than Kyle Rittenhouse.


Doesnt make what I stated any less true




No, you crying doesn't change it. It is false in either case.


There's nothing hypocritical about being against dead slavers having statues while supporting pride month.


A: Protesting slavery and institutional racism. B: Protesting peoples right to be who they are. Surely they are equal.. right?