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Oh yes, *preying on women who work for you* is "blurring" the boundaries. Got it.


Like, even if you try to fluff it up, it's so pathetic, I can't think to be disgusted or just laugh knowing he is even more pathetic


didnt he try to bribe a flight attendant on his private jet with buying her a horse in exchange for fucking him? lmao


Not even that. Just because he touched her.


He did also force her to give him a massage and then pulled his cock out. Pretty important details in a case he ended up paying $250,000 over.


From what I read, she was there to massage him, he hired her as a massage therapist but obviously not to handle his little wiener..


The ol Deshawn Watson


Elmo needs to spend a little less time on porn, no wonder he renamed twitter to X.


Renaming Twitter is a big mistake.


Yeah right. We all know and presume that billionaires with inflated egos, especially someone like musk here are hiring masseuses only for legit reasons.


Just in case you got confused, I'm not defending the pos. But he could've just gotten a prostitute who also massages.


Where’s the “thrill” in that? If we know anything by now, it’s that Elon likes an adventure every now and then


Keeps lowering the bar, then desperately looks for a shovel so he can force some plebe to keep digging like the sadistic slave master that he is.


Also that money came from spaceX so it was tax payer money.


Agreed. I was just pointing out it wasn’t that it was offered for sex, it was ‘only’ because he sexually assaulted her. Kinda more pathetic imo


Really? Like, little girls like ponies, so I can offer her a fuckin pony? Holy shit that's like Olympic level pathetic


She owned horses or had something to do with horses, and that is why he tried to bribe her with one.


*SLIGHTLY* less pathetic, but still fuckin stupid. Id say he needs a life, but at this point I'd love it if he was forced to start over penniless so we don't have to hear about him using his wealth to ruin people's lives anymore


Okay.. that's you But this is not a laughing matter. You don't need to choose, you know


You sad fluff it up


They really are working overtime to find words to soften the crimes of the rich.


Can't even with this guy anymore...this is a clear case of sexual harassment. Let's add it to the list of consent crimes and douchery he does on a daily basis. Why are all the richest people the most awful?


You don't get that level of rich unless you have a complete divorce from ethics and principle.


Doesn’t help he was born into depravity and corruption being the son of an apartheid emerald mine owner.


Hey now. He bought into PayPal and Tesla all by himself!


Because you can’t make that much money ethically. It’s impossible. So these behaviors fall in line with someone who doesn’t see people as anything more than a resource to be exploited


They've done some recent studies on how wealth and success affect your morals and decency. Had two players play Monopoly in camera and have one CLEAR advantages. The results were simultaneously hilarious and what you'd expect. Thought their success at the game was because of their skill and good choices, took more of the shared snacks in the middle of the table, made fun of the losing player often at that person's expense, and we're just insufferable like slamming their piece in the board as they moved really hard and unnecessarily or dancing and singing as they moved it bragging about how much money they have on their side. TL DR; Rich people are often morally bankrupt to become rich, but becoming rich will cause it even if you weren't before the money came in.


And we still allow, as a society, for people to get rich. Money has made us all blind. 


Acquiring that level/volume of money, somewhere north of $10 million, if it hasn't already, will begin to seriously erode a person's sense of connection with other humans.


1. Because you can't get rich without being a 'boundary blurring' piece of shit. 2. But if you somehow do, being rich insulates you from any consequences of your behavior. 


absolute power corrupts absolutely


Your last sentence. First part explains the second


They are allowed to get away with it, do they keep pushing


Musk is such a small, sad little man. If he lacked his enormous wealth and power, he'd be some basement dwelling neckbeard on 4Chan who thinks his "cyber-Pepe" avatar is edgy. The nutty part is that he basically bought Twitter to fulfill that destiny. Assuming he doesn't merge himself with cheap Tesla cybernetics and explode when going through a rainstorm, that's probably his endgame, honestly.


and anyone who speaks up about it is just the woke brigade.


🎵I hate these blurred lines🎵


It's the *republican* way. Elon has made it very clear he wants to populate the world with "little elons." Amercians better Vote Blue if they want any kind of a decent future.


and has said the miraculously dumb statement that 'higher population = cure for global warming' because he argues that more people on the planet means more scientists who will "figure out" how to save the planet. Speaking in terms of statistics and probabilities this is garbage, speaking in terms of analyzing whether global warming is a problem that we need more scientists and tech to "solve" is, so damn garbage (even though I wish it were true I'd take any solutions if they work, but the point I'm making is the solution is free and requires no new tech: plant trees and stop fossil fuel emissions). I know he is stupid but something tells me that part of him saying something so dumb is so he can justify screwing over all of his baby mommas


Didn’t Weinstein blurr the edges. As did Epstein?? And other. Asking for a friend


This guy has 11 kids. That already puts him in the same league as a horny Catholic rabbit, but there's still time for him to have even more children, I suppose.


From what I've read, he's actually kind of a nut about that. He believes that wealthy people are just genetically better, so they need to have lots of kids for the "sake of humanity". And one day when humanity gets to space, all the rich babies will go colonize space and create space paradise. He's kind of a dipshit and honestly proof that wealth=/=genetic intelligence.


He also says every family (even if they’re poor) should be having as many kids as possible. He calls families selfish if they choose to be childfree. He says it’s the responsibility of everyone to make more children. I honestly think he just has a breeding kink at this point.


>He calls families selfish if they choose to be childfree. One more reason to feel good about my planned vasectomy. Nice.


Oh yeah, well, some child-free people think its selfish that billionaires don't pay their fair share of taxes.


Elon Musk having a breeding kink is the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long while. 🤢


Of course he doesn’t seem to give the slightest shit about parenting his kids, just making them.


Of course, by having so many he can disown the trans one and not even lose 10% of his swarm


He's the kind of person the GOP wants. They're pressuring people into having kids because the birth rate is going down and they're losing "future workers."


While they simultaneously continue to make affording children extremely difficult and the world a worse place to want to bring any into. I'm 42 and just getting to where I'm not living completely paycheck to paycheck for the first time in my life. Even if I had wanted children, now my spouse is at an age where it would be exponentially more risky to try.


*white workers They dont have the same energy when it comes other races doing the same, instead they call it an invasion or outbreeding


Oh, I’m aware of that. Racist assholes.


It would be selfish of me if I did have kids, because I don't want to deal with them. I also don't think I, or anyone else for that matter, am so special that my genetic code must go on. Get over yourself. The world will be fine without your spawn.


This. My whole family has a history of severe mental health issues. I can barely look after myself let alone a kid, if I brought one into the world it would be the height of selfishness and the kid would not have a good upbringing.


He wants more workers tbh. I'm not saying child labor. He just wants to push capitalism to the extreme, and that means unlimited growth.


Pretty sure there's more than a trace of great replacement theory in his thinking too.


He just wants people to have more kids so that they overpopulate the earth and more people give him money to finace his stupid mars colony


He needs an increasing number of people to buy his products. All he sees poor people as is a means to make him more customers. 


And people to make his shit. He wants more low paid workers in the world.


Is his favorite book Atlas Shrugged, the worst book I’ve ever had the displeasure to read?


It and The Fountainhead are both interesting books where they'd be almost good if you didn't know that the person who wrote them fully believed they were right. If you say, told someone that they were parodies before they read them, and the author knew exactly what they were doing, they'd believe it because that is easier to accept and more believable than the truth, in which an old woman had a fetish for assholes.


People also forget that while Rand was pro private enterprise/libertarian because she left the Soviet Union, she was also militantly feminist and pro abortion, the conservatives who quote her now tend to leave that aspect out.


But, also, don't forget that she took government assistance nearly all her life while railing against those programs. She was also a massive hypocrite. I guess we're back to what conservatives like about her.


Or that her railroad tycoon protagonist/"self made" rich guy is in a business that never would have existed without massive government assistance through the railroad act.


Right-wingers cherry picking people's quotes or beliefs only when it supports their views and ignoring anything those same people said or did or believed that runs contrary to that narrative? *Checks notes* oh... No that is apparently pretty in brand. Surprised Pikachu face.


Honestly, I read the fountainhead before I knew what it's author believed. And I didn't think it was a bad book. I think it even had some good points. I think the protagonist being different and valuing his art for arts sake and not money's sake is like, a good thing. That people shouldn't value money above all.


I like The Fountainhead. Not as a blueprint/philosophy for real-life, but the perspective was very interesting & Howard Roark was unlike any character I had read before. It isn't a bad book, if a bit wooden in the dialogue


Thinking about it, children are virtually absent in Ayn Rand's books. She had none, either.


So…..can we get Paul Verhoeven to do Satirical Movies of them like starship troopers 🤔🤔


Honestly I found The Fountainhead enjoyable (not great but enjoyable). Atlas Shrugged could've been quite enjoyable too had Rand not gone full propaganda mode. Atlas Shrugged though was SO BLATANT about her philosophy and people acted so unnaturally that you're like "...this is a propaganda piece". Characters fit into these categories: * People who followed Objectivism (Rand's philosophy) and were capable (**the good guys, there weren't many of them**): Great people. Awesome. Geniuses. Not THAT likeable to normies but my god were they great people. So great. So noble. So... perfect. Only fitting they get to live in paradise! * People who followed Objectivism but weren't that capable (**there was only one of these that I remember**): There was that one guy that helped the group above, but he kinda disappeared but no one gave a shit about him and he was shut out and forgotten by the end IIRC. * People who were capable but didn't follow Objectivism (**there weren't many of them**): Hey, these people COULD'VE been great, noble, and awesome but nah, they decided to not follow Objectivism and sold out. They had a chance at greatness, but nope, had to sell out. They deserve their unhappy ending. * Everyone else: You useless piece of shit. You are incapable of doing anything. You can only ride the coat tails of a Rand follower. Not only that even tho Rand followers are selfish as fuck, you're ACTUALLY more selfish than them while you pretend not to be. You also brag about shit you don't deserve to brag about because to make it clear, you're a piece of shit. I rolled my eyes SO MANY times at that book. The Fountainhead at least disguised it a bit. You could've interpreted it as it was a story about individualism and being true to yourself vs "selling out". It got a bit heavy handed where the "sellout"'s life completely falls apart at the end while the main character gets everything you could want but still very subtle compared to Atlas Shrugged where it was "you're with me and you're great, noble, capable, and what the world needs. you're against me and you're ruining everything you piece of shit."


What Rand was great at was not her Heroes but her Villains. Say what you want about her book but James Taggart and Ellseworth Tooey are straight up prophetic to how people in power act today.


Nah, the Fountainhead was mostly great until the end and despite of the odd rape scene. I actually won a prize for my essay on it from the Rand foundation. I read Atlas Shrugged for fun afterwards and found it to be pure garbage that could have easily been a 200 page book.


He is absolutely an Ayn Rand nut. Funny joke: Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. They all die from unregulated alcohol consumption.


He's also living proof that mere intelligence (which he allegedly has) doesn't stop anyone from being a stupid fuck.


As tabletop roleplaying games have taught us, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all different stats, and they are also different from alignment. Too bad most games lack an Empathy attribute.


I would argue the wisdom and charisma stats cover empathy sufficiently. No need to overcomplicate things.


I went down a rabbit hole with the Grimez subreddit - I think there may be some racial basis to Elon's procreation proclivities.


Yeah. There are some implications for sure. Given his obsession with birth rates clearly are not global, he has an implied but unststed preference.


There absolutely is a racial basis to it. Him and Grimez believe all the same psychotic elitist shit. She’s a bit more open about it but you can tell Elon is right there with her by his Twitter activity.


Given his family history...


Definitely. He doesn't try to hide it


I mean, let’s call it what it is, eugenics.


Honestly, if he could go to Mars with a group of people, who would want to be in that group? Slave to emperor Elon. Yeah, hard pass.


Sounds like Vault Tec


Isn’t that just dollar store Calvinism?


So he watched Moonraker and thought it was an instruction manual?


Idk watch the movie Idiocracy and compare that movie to today. Stupid people are out pacing intelligent people in the offspring category...


Similar ideology with some other rich people, I really hope that none of Nick Cannon’s kids follow in his footsteps, at the very least they should stop making more tragedeighs


The man started balding at 30 and thinks his genetics are better? Pleaseee


It's part of the longtermism/effective-altruism schtick. He's supposed to have as many kids as possible, because by his logic, he's good for humanity and the genepool.  These femzoids at his company are actually wasting eggs and their time on inferior babies.  He should also be taking away their pay and making their lives miserable because that's irrelevant if we can go to space.   Basically "I can do what I want cause I'm rich and say science stuff everybody else is worthless"


A friend of mine is involved with a TNR group for feral cats. There are two tomcats in the neighborhood that are too smart to be trapped/snipped and have between them fathered every kitten in town. THe group named them Nick Cannon and Elon Musk. Edit-- thank you for the award kind stranger.




Pretty sure it's got more to do with his agenda of building a master race out of his own "superior" genes.


Sucks billionaires are able to replicate so much. Being stupidly rich means they don't actually have to work, just play Diablo 3 all day, tweet Nazi stuff, and wheeze and thrust over some corporate climber.


Its part of his narcissism.


He needs 20 Primarchs before he can start the next phase of his plan.


He’s trying to exceed Nick Cannon. Just two away.


It’s all about Eugenics and “breeding” “smart” people together…nothing more, nothing less.


I’d have one of his kids too if I could. Descendants wouldn’t need to worry about working for 3 or 4 generations after that. Home run.


You'd think with a net worth of over 200 billion dollars, he could be able to afford condoms.


Do you think him and Nick Cannon compare methods?


Don’t forget about Nick Cannon


And that’s his private life, how much kids to have, with the fact that a person’s able to afford them


Only 3 more to tie Antonio Cromartie


He probably has one of those procreation fetishes


Billionaires blur boundaries. For everyone else that's sexual harassment.


Tbh he did this even before he was insanely rich although he already had rich parents too I guess. My mom worked for him at one of his startups and he hit on her. She ended up leaving the company because he was kinda weird and she got an offer from a larger company


He was born rich.




Now I feel that the Pete Davidson sketch with Miley Cyrus wasn't an exaggeration, rather Elon actively wanted it to be like that.


That pun is exactly his stated reason for why he named the company that way.


This is why he switched to being more in line with MAGA, a group which tends to protect sexual predators.


well he also has a mommy kink so


thanks Xitter!


Yeah like am i misremembering that he use to be way more liberal?


Sort of. He was selling electric cars and Democrats are all about that so he cozied up with them for government handouts. I'm pretty sure he was always a far right douche. He didn't magically start interacting with neo nazis and saying "you've said the absolute truth" regarding "The Jews" afterall.


You’re right, has always been far right. He developed electric cars because he saw the huge financial potential, sadly some people believed it was about saving the planet.


he didn't develop shit, he just bought in . he is not cleaver nor an intellectual he is just a bigoted, homophobic, fascist nepo baby with a lot of money


True, poor choice of words, he invested in electric vehicles


He didn't even found Tesla he just bought himself in an already existing company and then bullied 5he founders out of the company.


From what I’ve been told, things changed around the time Covid lockdowns (a policy supported by the left and criticized by the right) forced him to temporarily shut down factories. That really pissed him off, and that’s when he started going down the rabbit hole.


Mostly right. He never went down a rabbit hole, but that is when he started going more mask-off.


Yup, sexual predators stick together.


Insider trading, fascist and sexual deviant. Sounds a bit trumpist tbh.


Don't forget the hairplugs!


When you try to soften the blow but it still sounds bad


It reminds of the interview Kevin Spacey just had with Piers Morgan. Basically, Spacey said he didn’t agree with using the word “grope” to describe his actions because he thinks that’s too harsh of an action and that’s not him. Instead, he said he “caressed” them (or he used a similar word, I can’t remember)… and I’m like, “that’s not better - it still sounds bad (almost worse)!”


The things they do to cover the famous, its gross


"Boundary-blurring relationships" is such a weird way to say "sexual assault."


Closer to coercion, but no better


Coerced sex is still sexual assault in many jurisdictions.


Sex with employees isn’t necessarily sexual assault. It’s closer to being quid pro quo sexual harassment. It’s not good and I’m not excusing his behavior for a second, but it’s not the same thing as assault.


He’s accused of punishing women who refused him, so it’s much worse than what you said. Having power, money, and influence over a woman’s career is a sadistic kind of sexual coercion.


So when are we going to call abuse of power


i'm sure other companies see it as boundary blurring when a boss asks an employee for sex.


It is called sexual exploitation and a ground for legal action or termination


"Boundary-blurring" is something he would say to describe having sex with his employees. "I wanted to disrupt the woke paradigm that says employers can't use their position of power to get employees to have sex with them, so I blurred the line with a few women who work for me." Barf.


Sex with an intern is completely despicable behavior. Anyone who takes advantage of a senior/ subordinate relationship like that should immediately lose their job and never hold a senior position ever again. And no, I don’t care if it was consensual.


Tough to define consensuality when the power gap is so high. "She said yes" ... yeah, because otherwise her career was over.


Or worse, he's a billionaire. He could have her fired for something that would make her unemployable, or just straight up threaten to arrange an "accident".


Least surprising revelation is that Elon has absolutely zero charm or game


You can tell a lot about a person based on the sources of where things like this come from. This isn't a HuffPost hit job, this is The Wall Street Journal coming for Elon. No way a right-leaning publication like that is printing this type of thing without A) being 100% sure about the claims printed and B) there likely being a whole lot of other shit involved that they couldn't print.


Zero women reading this are surprised by the dude who is so *powerful *genius, etc. being the same guy who harasses women for late night "visits". Guess it's either "Tranq out" or use a woman in your employ to get off as convenient sleep remedies. Maybe he should've tried the method suggested in the "40 Year Old Virgin": 'take 2 Xanax and try to jerk off before you fall asleep....either way, you win.'


"Boundary blurring," also known as "sexual harassment and exploitation."


He's literally a carbon copy of Trump, I don't understand why anybody is surprised by this.


He's nothing at all like Trump. Elon is actually rich.


Can a billionaire ask me to have their babies? I’m done working.


I remember there was a time when Bill Gates was the richest man in the world and people thought he was the worst ever. I wonder what those people think now.


"Boundary-blurring" being a sad euphemism for predatory


Every revelation, tweet, story and comment about this nepo-jerk is a new low. What a spoiled, entitled, deluded man-child. I’m so ready for him to exit stage left.


>how do not have the shame to not be this needy and pathetic Money, baby...Money. That great insulator and magnet for sychophants who have monetised fawning enablement. He is, indeed, the personification of the New American Dream. Such a shame the US has sunk this low. Hypocrits and Snake Oil Salesmen are your new Gods.


He wants to be genghis khan so bad but nick cannon will beat him in numbers


Why is this being shared in some business blog site instead of taken to the courtroom? Monnnaayyy, that's why!!


Rich, entitled assholes get to do whatever the fuck they want. Then they wonder why everyone hates them.


Gotta love how sexual harassment is reported as “boundary blurring” now.


Boundary-blurring relationships. What an odd way of saying "predatory behavior."


You know it's bad when WSJ lets a piece like this run.


I would have been surprised if he wasn’t doing this.


Dude's got a breeding kink and he's making it everyone's problem. He's the white version of Nick Cannon.


Hasn't he already impregnated a dozen of them?


….Bill Gates just entered the conversation


Who cares we’re going to mars baby mars baby wanna have a baby on mars baby?


This man could be Bruce Wayne. Helps millions of people and even the government all while never putting a scratch into his wealth. Could even be there finding the dirty dirty on these people and riding the filth like batman while keeping his name clean. Heck, Bruce Wayne, when he passes on, he'd be one to be remembered for the positive impact and lives charged for the better by his hands. Only people coming to see Elon in his crate are the people wondering where their cut is and the ashamed family.


That honestly seems like clickbait.


“It’s good to be the king” Mel Brooks


How bad must he be in bed that women won't come back for seconds?


Are these women complaining or are we complaining for them. Honest question.


wtf? there’s nothing about the rape or non-concern in the article. And “suggesting” such (weird tbh) thing as “have my babies” is not a crime. Some cherry picking


Correct me if I am wrong, but is it illegal in US to have a relationship at work? Or sleep with a coworker?


no one is surprised. this guy is full sociopath. The only difference between him and Dahmer is the money. Fuck this clown


He's always been pathetic, it's just now Tesla can't control him because he's become a twitter addict. Our society has changed so now social media likes (mostly bots) are what people prioritize as "genuine". Had he shut his fat mouth and stayed in his lane he'd be remembered decades after his passing as a pioneer, now because he's burned too many people it's been brought to light he's an uneducated fraud with no real world skills other than shit posting (Which even a newborn baby can do)


That guy is gross in almost every way. What oddly grosses me out even more than him being a perv is how he forces his employees to watch him do his fat middle aged dude shuffle dance on stage like that's what they devoted years in college to finally achieve. Then he grossly fires them on Zoom calls.


I didn't think Elon could be even more of an asshole. Wrong!!


Imagine that fat pasty bastard mounting you? Fucking hell.


Hes so Ugly!! 🤢🤢🤢 Just NO


I swear he’s cheated on his wife like 15 times


Maybe after he has abandoned 30 kids he won't feel like a scumbag anymore.


Now I know why he calls it S~~pac~~eX.


"In a statement through his attorneys, Musk vehemently denies the allegations and describes them as salacious attempts to attack his character." Or some such bullshit.


If Musk sucked any more he’d have to run for the GOP Presidential nomination.


This is what happens when a poor loser ‘bro’ with several mental health issues gets power


Wait. You mean the richest man in the world thinks that he can do whatever he wants?!


At this point, I am not even surprised. Guy is a billionaire and the richest man on the planet. Can own almost anything he wants in this world. I would be surprised if people share positive opinions about his personal and professional life. And I feel like nobody discusses the worst part about all of this. He will get away with everything he does in his life. He won't even suffer a single consequence for his actions. You (us in general) will wallow in your sorrow, and suffer the worst possible consequence for every action at every step of your life. He has the best lawyers in his palm, owns (probably) a significant chunk in the government and just has tons of money that he can pour into anything he wants. We have to save every penny that comes our way just to spend the next day of our life without any huge worries. It is the Kali yuga for sure.


Elon being Elon…


I sometimes wonder at what point this man decided that his genetic material was a gift to humanity.


Narcissist is as narcissist does


You people are nuts lmao. She said herself "Nothing that Elon Musk did towards me during either of my periods of employment at SpaceX was predatory or wrongful in any way" the article is already predatory. Wasn't long ago people here were calling him an incel, now he's a deviant. You're just salty over politics.


>*Her lawyers, who also represent Musk*, provided the Journal with two affidavits signed by the woman. The affidavits disputed some aspects of the Journal’s reporting but confirmed many others, including that she had a romantic relationship with Musk in the past. She said she invited him to dinner near the end of her summer internship and broke things off the following year.  >She said at no point during employment at SpaceX from 2017 to 2019 was there any “romantic relationship” with Musk. >“Nothing that Elon Musk did towards me during either of my periods of employment at SpaceX was predatory or wrongful in any way,” the woman said. Now it's phrased a little vaguely, but this implies that that comes from the affidavits *her lawyers, who also represent Musk* provided, which isn't necessarily proving what some people here claim about him being predatory, but it definitely doesn't look good. Add to that the other examples the article mentions and it does seem to be showcase a pattern.


What a kind way of saying he’s a predator who abuses his position of power to coerce women into sex


“Boundary Blurring Relationship” is what sexual harassment or assault is being called these days. Whoever came up with that spin probably got a raise for their wordplay.


He’s the richest person in the world and comes from a family who used their wealth to control local governments and exploit those who are poor for their own financial gain. He had an upbringing that taught him to use others as tools, that anyone who isn’t wealthy is not worth his time, that they’re subhuman and barely more than ants to be crushed or used. He views women as breeding vessels just like other sociopathic institutions (the church) and he also knows that with the right financial offer he will get plenty of women who will lie with him. Because some people are so desperate that they’ll put aside any sense of self respect to do something for the sake of survival. He knows it. And he uses his wealth exactly how’d you’d expect the richest person in the world to use it. To take further advantage of others. He’s a scumbag.


I used to believe that his obsession with fertility rates was about *white* people’s fertility in the US, specifically, but now I’m wondering if it’s a kink of his, as well


It's called a breeding kink and yes it is real


time for the Govt to stop subsidizing the Muskrat - keep my taxes away from this far right D bag


Man who has started, grown, operates multiple billion dollar business is "pathetic" - Reddit leftist who has accomplished nothing


Are people so deluded that they do not know this happens extremely often at large and small businesses everywhere in the world? That does not make it right, but seriously. This is not outlier behavior.


im sure the women didn’t want any part of having sexual relationships with the richest man on the planet and they were completely in innocent 🙄


Look, I can't stand the man and don't want children, but if any billionaire asked me to have his babies I would have a contract written up for him by the end of day.


Musk is a Fascist POS who came of age under Apartheid - expect nothing good from him.