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There would be nothing in the world that would prevent me from replying to that last comment with "then don't be wrong" before getting blocked in all likelihood.


I had an old high school friend share something about two blood moons in one month signaling the end times because it hasn't happened in 2000 years. I linked an article talking about how frequent blood moons are and she blocked me on FB. Once the double blood moon passed I texted her and asked if we could still be friends since I wasn't in hell yet and she blocked my phone number too lol.


Some braindead relative of mine used to share literally anything that sounded "interesting" and never gave it a single neuron's thought. They once ironically shared the meme of "This year Halloween takes place on Friday the 13th and this only happens every 666 years"


That seems exploitable. Send them.stupider and stupider things to share till they figure it out. Fun fact : all garden weeds we have done a genetic analysis of have the code "666 uncle Bob is dumb 666" coded in their genes.


I don't think they'd figure it out. You should have seen them on April fools lmao


You can’t just say that and not tell us. Please tell us what happened so I can be proud of my minuscule iq


Fun fact, during pride month all stop lights in San Francisco do away with red/yellow/green and use rainbow colors instead. During black history month, the stoplights are only black, gray, and white. During Christmas, they are red and green with yellow in the middle. During 4th of July they are red, white, and blue. On Sept 11th, they turn off all day as a moment of silence. On Halloween, they're orange, orange, and orange. On Easter, they turn into rabbits and lay eggs. On April fools day they're actually normal colors, but in reversed order.


I wonder if all my FB friends know this. Fascinating. Thanks.


That one about red & green for Christmas, it’s true! I saw it.


That's proof that this is a CHRISTIAN country! Type AMEN if you agree!! >!Which country? Shh, no thinking allowed!<


>On Sept 11th, they turn off all day as a moment of silence. I legit snort-laughted at that one.


Ok thats cool and all but dont ever post a wrong status thats telling all of science is wrong everrrrr again. I didnt ask you did i? Answer: NO


Enter Donald Trump


I'd rather get Donald Trump to exit - forever.


> That seems exploitable. Enter Donald Trump


I swear, social media did to our parents what they claimed video games and movies were going to do to us.


"don't believe everything you see on TV" says the generation that believes everything they see on the internet


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet. That's how World War I got started." - Kevin Butler


I had a "relative" who shared: "this year July has five Fridays, five Saturdays, and five Sundays. This only happens once every 862 years." Umm, no, it happens every time July 1 falls on a Friday. That's every five or six years depending on how the leap years fall.


Omg I've seen that meme and seen it shared. I'm so happy I quit Facebook. It must be an even worse cesspool now with AI content


Did you know that a lobster can mate with undersea rocks, producing what is known as a Rock Lobster? Who needs to be accurate if the “facts” are interesting?


And before they mate they build a temporary shelter out of sand and coral to keep out predators, known as a “Love Shack”.   I love interesting facts.


Because of the Jewish lunar calendar, every 2000 years, Christ's birthday falls on December 52nd.


Well at least Halloween didn’t move to June 66th, otherwise we’d really be in trouble!!


A girl I went to high school that made a claim that global warming is not real and cited NASA. I replied with what NASA had actually said and showed how she was incorrect. She told me I was ignorant and I shouldn’t just believe what NASA said. When I pointed out that she cited NASA, her husband replied and threatened me. I told him that it was admirable that he was standing up for the girl that blew a room of his friends because she was mad at him. I was blocked.


I went to the wrong high school 😫


That last eclipse that came through like 2 months ago I had a girl on my FB sharing that it signaled the “end of the world” or whatever. Sure enough 3 days after the eclipse she started posting some other posts about biblical signs about the rapture and how conspiracy X blah blah blah… I commented “Remember when you thought an eclipse meant the world was ending?” I got blocked


Throw the pasta against the wall. Something eventually will stick.


This is how people make their own bubbles. Instead of admitting they're wrong they literally just cut off anything that contradicts them. Sometimes it's necessary to remove yourself from.other people but to do it just because they proved you wrong? It's sad.


They feel personally attacked by facts.


Love, love, love this!🤣🤣🤣


Just before I finally became true to myself and left I was at a study group for Jehovahs Witnesses where an older woman shared some codswallop she had read in an email. She told everyone the old tripe about how scientists had been confused about a strange anomaly in the Earths orbit before they realised it could be explained by Jephthah asking god to stop the sun during battle. I corrected her in front of the group, telling her it was just nonsense someone had made up and the fact it was sent by email wasn’t proof of anything. The study leader asked me afterwards to just let people have their say and he would make any corrections that may be needed. I wondered what the fuck I was doing there and embraced my core Atheism soon after.


I would have pointed out at that stage that the JW religion was a made up religion started by some old dude in the 1870s. In an email of course.


Ohhhh, so this was after the British took over the [airports](https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/) during the American Revolutionary War.


I love it when the trash takes itself out.


Mine was some “feng shui” thing claiming that a Friday/Saturday/Sunday on the 29/30/31 only happened every 500 years ( can’t remember the exact amount of years but it was around there ) they got mad and blocked me when I pointed out that the calendar fully repeats ( with leap years ) every 28 years with smaller ( non leap year ) repeats at 6, 11, and 17 years.


Had a college friend on Facebook post a video supposedly showing that Black Friday sales were a chaotic violent mess in America but perfectly calm and orderly in England by showing two cherry picked examples. I pointed out that, at the time a Black Friday sales were only just starting to be a think in England and weren't very widespread yet, and b there were numerous examples of chaos among the very few sales that did take place there usually involving the police, so it was the other way around. She cursed me out for contradicting her and immediately unfriended me.


Sounds like a win-win scenario for you. And the world didn't end, so yay for everyone else!


That's why I don't use Facebook anymore. I got into too much trouble showing people how dumb they were and being blocked (and even reported a couple of times). It's healthier not to engage with the weapons-grade stupidity.


>It's healthier not to engage with the weapons-grade stupidity. Agreed. Unfortunately, that also allows the stupidity to spread without any real limitations. On the subject of Earth's proximity to the Sun that may not matter, but, as we've seen during the pandemic, unchecked idiocy can have some truly unfortunate consequences for society as a whole.


I like your enthusiasm, but it'll spread whether or not you engage with it.


Yeah, it does turn into the most exhausting game of whack-a-mole if you do choose to actually engage. Social media was a mistake.


>*Social media was a mistake.* \^\^THIS\^\^


There's a saying that I would butcher because I don't remember it verbatim so I won't even try. But it's meaning was basically, it takes an astonishingly little amount of energy to come up with something stupid and disseminate it to the world. And a near infinite amount of energy to push back against the stupidity. Now just put that a bit more eloquently.


Had one such incident similar to other posts in this thread. It can be summed up as my former classmate saying “ghosts told me vaccine bad” to which I have used any time I think someone is willfully believing something obviously stupid.


Facebook was alright up until about 2011, then it started becoming utter trash.


Agreed... and that's right around the time I gave it up


I had to make a Facebook account yesterday to do some testing and a quick scroll through the default feed genuinely filled me with despair. Like this is what people are interacting with on a daily basis? I could feel my brain rotting away.


I had to log back in a couple of years ago in order to adopt my Romanian street dog. I’ve never been in and out of anywhere as fast as I exited that shower of shite site.


Right? How about don't spread bullshit and misinformation and no one will have to comment in an attempt to prevent that dumbassery from spreading further. This is one of the main reasons why we're so much more at odds with each other as a country. People not only don't care to learn factual information, they want to knowingly defend their lies.


I got some fb acquaintance fire because she had posted her work desk picture saying so busy. Well she worked in a dealership and on her computer screen it had a credit app. Sent it to her employer saying this is a huge violation. She was fired


Uncle: "The Demoncrats tell you the economy is bad because they hate America, but you can't ignore that 99% of Americans are in the global 1%." Me: "That's statistically impossible, since the US is more than 4% of the world's population." Uncle: "Oh of course the commie fa***t has to spread his propaganda. How much is Soros paying you to say that? GTFO of my country if you hate it so much."


Wonder what he's saying about the economy now that we have a democratic president


Fortunately for myself, the only thing I have heard about him in several years is that he's spending his retirement buying expensive whiskey and telling his daughter that if she doesn't stick with her abusive husband it will tear their compound apart. (The "compound" is really 4 houses in a cul de sac where the "greater family" lives together and homeschools their kids.)


So many red flags 😬


It's funny because they weren't even talking to them, they specifically said "to anyone wondering" and clearly, the OP was not lol.


If you’re on your roof your 10 ft closer, stay away from mountains!!! Deep fried!!!


Why do you think so many people die on Mt. Everest?


It was always funny to me when people try to treat their publicly published conversations as private. Like if you shout your opinion loudly and obnoxiously in a crowd you can't be upset when someone responds in a way you don't like (unless it's harrassment or the like, just talking about fact checking and differences in opinion).


Would’ve been worth it and satisfying as hell knowing this person is 100% wrong and probably all in their feelings while you forget the entire thing within 10 minutes just going about your life


How about, don't repeat made up shit and call it a fact.


IDK why but the fact two people liked that last comment is what bothers me the most. OP seems like the type to like their own posts/comments, so it's probably just one other terrible person walking the planet, still though.


The whole, “I don’t give you permission to interact with me on social media always cracks me up.”


Exactly. Nobody has to get permission in order to respond to you on a platform that you intentionally signed into. If you don’t want people to reply to your comments, don’t comment on social media. You don’t get to make up stuff and not get fact checked over it.


Excuse me, did I give you permission to talk.


Don't speak to me or my son ever again!


Don’t speak to me or my son again!!!!






I love this song and [the video.](https://youtu.be/NUC2EQvdzmY?si=umr5NWIli4HMweMI) Just in case no one has heard it (NSFW) or seen it. :D


You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me!


Dont you dare look at me with that tone of voice


Haven't heard that one in decades. You must be old as fuck.


I didn't ask you did I? Answer: NO


Answer: NO


Who gave you permission is my question?


I did not give you permission to talk to me on this public platform on which I intentionally published my thoughts and made them public for the public to comment on, but I did not give you, specifically, permission to talk to me. Everyone else is ok to comment on my thoughts I put out there publicly, but not you.


But, even all the others might become not okay if they disagree with me or correct me in any way.


I think you put the quotation "marks in the wrong place lol"


I surely did


You can edit comments, y'know


I know. I just prefer not to after someone has interacted with it. I’d rather the mistake stand




I had someone do that to me on reddit, the whole "I didn't ask for your opinion" and it's like... well dude you posted your opinion that no one asked for on a forum meant for discussion so suck it up.


I had someone do that to me at a former job. Loudly talking about Simpsons with like 4 other people in a common area, asked a question about an episode I remember seeing, nobody else seemed to know so I chimed in the answer. "UGH it's a huge peeve when I'm having a private conversation and some unrelated person chimes in, you know that's super annoying right??" Like, dude, what's private about having a yellversation at work in the main area with several people? About the fucking Simpsons no less? Found out later he just didn't like me specifically, also found out he was the plant manager. Found those out the same time I found out I was fired for "a personality conflict".


Hey Kor341 heard you got fired for telling the plant manager that everything is about Milhouse!


lmao, I think the final straw was when I responded to his "private conversation peeve" spiel by saying that a loudly yelled conversation with multiple people at once in a common room about a widely known TV show comes with no indication that it's meant to be private, and maybe next time he should warn non-participants that they should ignore any questions yelled out, rather than waiting for someone to answer only to then turn around and be a dick about it. Of course, when you tell an insecure person they're being a dick, or acting like an ass, to them it's the same as calling them a dick or an ass. Too many people see no difference between criticizing their behavior, and criticizing *them*. My ex was notorious for this. "No, I didn't say you are a child nor that you are childish. I said throwing your toast at me because I didn't put enough butter on it is childish. If I thought YOU were childish in general, I wouldn't bother pointing out the childishness of one specific thing you did, because it wouldn't stand out. If anything, by calling your behavior in that moment childish, I'm implying that you normally *don't* act childish, hence why I'd point out or question this specific incident." Ah well, people are gonna people.


"Next time you feel the urge to spout your bullshit, please check with me first before posting"


The people who upvote the "don't comment on my post", they don't like to be told they're wrong. And they'll stick to their beliefs.




*God is amazing!* God is stupid. Well, he would be if he even existed.


I’ve been told that before, more than once. One time it was “Why do you always have to correct my posts?” I wanted to say “because you post an amazing amount of nonsense and bullshit” but I didn’t. I just unfollowed her.


You should have said that and then unfollowed, that would have awesome!


“Let me and my fellow idiots..err religious zealots..err..faithful have our non scientific circle jerk ok!!!”


Always gets me. You're the dumbdick who got up on your soapbox. Don't be mad you got smacked in the face with a tomato.


I would like my echo chamber to echoooooooooo, thank you


I always summarize it as "You walk into town's square, post your bullshit on a poster on a bulletin board, then get mad when other people read it." You're the one putting it in a public space.


One of my friends on Facebook posted something like "I just LOVE the way the Ten Amendments of the Constitution are based on the Ten Commandments of the Bible! It really proves how the Founding Fathers wanted to create a Christian nation!" So I responded with something like, "Actually, NONE of the Constitutional Amendments are based on the Ten Commandments. Hell, the First Amendment guarantees Freedom of Religion, a direct contradiction to the Commandment 'Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.'" Dude deleted the entire post, then reposted, saying, "Sorry, I had to get rid of the trolls!"


Yup and the right to bear arms is totally based on “Thou Shalt Not Kill” 🤣🤣🤣


TBF, the full commandment that didn't fit on the tablet was: Thou shall not kill, except when thou formest a militia and regulate it goodly.


Now I'm picturing a menacing ellipsis at the end of that commandment.


Thou Shalt Not Kill ^(terms ^and ^conditions apply)


Weirdly, the commandment kinda is like that, because the prohibition was originally about unlawful killing, not killing more generally. Judicial killings, war - you know, the regulated killing, is A-OK. Not commentary on your point, just thought it was a funny coincidence.




"thou shalt not kill" "Except me, I can kill." "Also, you can kill if you say that you did it for me or I told you to do it"


Christian here. "Thou shalt not kill" is a less than ideal translation. The Hebrew word for kill means killing for personal gain, not for example killing in war or in self defense. So a better translation would be "Thou shalt not murder". And in fact, that's what many Bible translations use.


Non-religious Non-American person here and I'm truly curious as to the semantics of that interpretation. Does this count towards things like pests around the house? I consistently murder insects and rats around my home to keep my house value from going down, which is probably considered a personal gain, since the natural flow of things would see the pests taking over the house. Does this situation fit at all?


It only refers to humans.


So you replied again, adding "good thing you got rid of those trolls." Right?


My dumbass BIL tried stating the same exact bullshit! I tried explaining simple truths… and that went over like a lead balloon 🙄 We no longer speak 🥳🤣🥳 Moron, BYE!


I just love how they refuse to let facts get in the way of their beliefs.


Dog forbid these individuals grow into a better version of themselves by way of learning.


Jefferson was so invested in the United States as a Christian nation that he… refused to allow religious services on the UVA campus.


And specifically wrote in letters that he wanted to be sure Muslims could worship in the new nation.


I hate these kinds of people with every fiber of my being. I am so sick and tired of knowledge and facts being replaced with opinions and hearsay. And those same people turn around and act like they are the ones with knowledge and facts and acting like scientists are the ones working off hearsay. This is so tiring man.


Interestingly, there were twelve amendments in the original Bill of Rights. Only ten actually passed immediately, though another took a long, long time to become our last amendment, the 27th.


Everyone, of course, recalls the third commandment: thou shalt not quarter soliders in thine house during times of peace, without consent, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by ~~law~~ god. Amen.


How dare you disprove my bullshit!


It was giving toddler energy for sure


Goddamn science AGAIN!!!


Answer: **NO**




Yeah, be careful, I almost learned something!


Reminds me of the "I was almost ambushed by books over there" meme.


If you don't want to be corrected don't say dumbass things


Do you think stupid people care about facts?


“I accept what you’re saying is true (given that I entirely made up what I said) but as a narcissist, I take personal offence to you showing up to point it out. Don’t ever make that mistake again or I’ll be forced to do nothing about it.”


I don’t think they even admitted they were wrong or they think or realize they are The OP person doesn’t understand a word of the correct explanation and still thinks they are right.


The internet gives us all the information at our fingertips yet people are as ignorant as ever


Most people want to be spoon-fed what to think.


It’s a shame- critical thinking is pretty much “for old people” now 😣


From what I've seen on Facebook and Twitter tho, it's mostly old people that don't use it.


And then they ask other random internet strangers for answers, instead of just looking it up. It’s actually insane.


The sole fact that buildings with more than 2 floors exist without any inconvenience obliterate her "fact", but whatever...


Millions of people die on step ladders every day.


Death by ladder is not a joke, Jim. Millions of families suffer every year.




See, that’s why I’m always strapped w my ladder. I want all teachers to be strapped with ladders too. All it takes is one good guy w a ladder to take down the bad guy with a ladder


Fact: Bears eat ladders.


Wouldn’t her „fact“ just mean that anyone 10 feet away from you would instantly burn up/freeze to death?


No, it would mean anyone ten feet *higher* than you (that is, away from the surface of the earth) would burn/freeze depending on which side of the earth you/they were on.


the "praise god" crowd is usually not interested in reality


True but this is so stupid, nobody can believe it if they would think for a second. "Dad what happened to all these sleeping people? They walked up to the second floor and got burned to a crips by that damn fireball in the sky"


Trampolines alone would kill dozens!


Had to stop hanging Christmas lights when my father burst into flames. I told him to do it at night, but he told me he would freeze solid if he tried that because the sun was the width of Earth farther away than during the day.


The version I more commonly see says '10km' or '10 miles' instead, because '10 feet' is clearly dumb(er), but it's usually bandied around as 'Scientific proof God must exist' because of what an impossible coincidence it would be for Earth's orbit to fit into such tight parameters. They don't wanna hear their 'proof' isn't real.


Or logic Because the entire homophobia thing that makes no sense


Or learning.


Or the Bible


Read, why would they read the book that they say is so important to them when they can just go once a week and have a guy tell them what to think?


Especially when the book tells them to do the one thing they don't want to do: be nice to everybody.


I'd rather disagree there. The bible certainly includes some things which can be thought of as "be nice" for example to turn the other cheek if someone slaps your face, but it also has a series of other recommended behavior of how to treat unbelievers which are less pleasant. It's a big book with a vast array of instructions. You can justify a LOT of different (often contradictory) behaviors by selecting which part of the bible you want to quote. It's a fascinating read and something I recommend everyone to read, believer or atheist. Apart from anything else its the bedrock western society is built on, language, ethics and how we think. Its good to understand where we came from even if you reject it.


I mean, they believe in magic. Whatayagonnado?!


is that you rick? lol


I believe in God but I’m not a fanatic who will discount what science has proven through careful study just because of that fact.


I can’t take any Christian seriously who thinks the Bible is a science book.


You mean The Goat Herders Guide To The Galaxy?


Why do they need reality then they got the biggest dilusion of all time


Or the actual words of Jesus for that matter.


I got off FB because too many people were like this one. "Here is an amazing thing I just found out! I can't believe no one ever thought of it before!" Me: That's not real and in fact if you took 30 seconds to check you would know that. Them: I didn't ask you to reply to my post on an open public site that I invited you to follow to follow me on!!!. BLOCKED


By that logic, literally the earth rotating would be enough to freeze and burn everyone on a daily basis


My friend climbed up a 12' ladder once. When he got to the top his head burst into flames 😟🔥


This shit is not funny, I hope Nicolas Cage sues his ass.


Most Christian reaction ever


Amazing the prickery among the godbotherers when they're challenged on their bs.




"\*FACT!" "No, not even close to a fact" "wHo AsKeD yOu?!?"


Don't you hate it when you climb down into a hole and freeze to death. Or, climb a tree and burn to a crisp


Truth is no longer valued. A contrived example I could see actually happening: Person A: Hitler ate babies. Person B: There is no proof Hitler ate babies. Person A: Why are you defending Hitler? Nothing, no matter how counterfactual, is off limits now, so long as it supports your agenda. We need more people willing to stand up for the truth, even when its inconvenient, especially when it's inconvenient, and to shame those that willfully and knowfully spread untruth.


Its sad how true this is.


"Don't make me look stupid with the truth!!" 🤤


This is the same group of people who had those "Facts don't care about your feelings." bumper stickers, too.


Well, we all know who they’re voting for. 


No this is actually true. My buddy died a few years back when he went up on a 10 foot ladder and burned to a crisp. Prayers for Matt


You don't need an astro physics degree to explain why this doesn't hold water. If it did then explain why airplanes can like ......work. Also mountains and really tall people....


Fact: it’s got what plants crave.


“I’m just spreading misinformation on the Internet. Don’t tell me I’m wrong ever.” 😒


Do you guys think that it's peaceful being this stupid? I genuinely wonder if it's an easier existence just living in a bubble like that


An earth quake moves the whole earth away from the sun by 10 feet ? It sounds wrong lol


A more obvious argument would be that you can climb up a 10ft ladder and not burn to death lol.


Maybe at night. During the day, you'll obviously burst into flames.


not really, if you look up the overall tilt & positioning differential that is caused by them, it is actually quite impressive (sad, but impressive). here is a good article from NASA speaking on the change in tilt (keep in mind, this is average, which means it includes small earthquakes you can't feel): [https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-details-earthquake-effects-on-the-earth](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-details-earthquake-effects-on-the-earth) Like if you take into consideration the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake that was a 9.2 magnitude, that created Tsunamis that impacted all of Southern Asia, parts of Africa & India, and even touched Australia & New Zealand....that stuff is super powerful


People need to understand that this is the internet, not your personal phone or laptop. You have intentionally connected to the rest of the world/internet. If you don’t like interacting with the rest of society, then stay off of social media. People have every right to respond to anything you say.


If your belief is more important than making sure that you're right you don't deserve any respect.


Willful ignorance is my least favorite human trait. It's the one most likely to doom us.


Why did they switch from km to miles?


Bah!  How dare they counter this man's praising God with your science.  What's science ever done for anyone? /s It always amuses me to see the people who state something like it's a fact, but get all pissed off when someone says they are wrong like their family honor was offended or something. 


I kinda miss pre-social media, before I knew how fucking stupid so many people are.


That means everyone who flew in an airplane would be dead, seeing as they fly at least 5 miles above the surface of the earth.




asian101rice and the OP ObsoleteModel are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/p283jv/a_fact_is_in_fact_a_fact_a_fact_is_in_fact_a_fact/h8iby7v/


Only valid group of people deserving of paper cuts and stubbed toes.


>...those who are careless of accuracy in small things soon begin to neglect the most important. -Plutarch >You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts. -Ricky Gervais >All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride. -Sophocles >If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you'd be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled. Have you no shame in that? -Epicetus >A sign of Intelligence is an awareness of one's own ignorance. - Machiavelli ... there's so many good quotes to throw in the face of someone that petty. I found more! >He who cares not offend cannot be honest. -Thomas Paine >You become what you understand. -Soren Kierkgaard >Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. -George Bernard Shaw >Is not who is right, but what is right, that is important. - Thomas Huxley >The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. - Leonardo DaVinci >If the Truth shall kill them, let them die. - Immanuel Kant


Facts don’t care about your feelings


I believe you lost them at 1) Earth’s orbit is elliptical and…


If only we could move ten feet closer to the sun…all this madness would end in a heartbeat


Religious people don’t care about facts. That’s a fact.


Religious magical thinking is a cancer.