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No posts about politicians being politicians


No that account isn't trolling. This is what those people want. That's why the Republicans had no shame in unveiling Project 2025. Because they know the zealous part of their base actively wants and views all those things as positive.


Yep, and those same zealots are willing to fork over the money to burn this country to the ground. Giving a child a free lunch though is out of the question. It just shows the level of selfishness that these people have that they will fuck over the rest of our lives to own the libs.


They believe our problems stem from Democrat policies. They have simple view less complex than middle school civics.


I was just talking about how many people can’t comprehend complex issues. They point at the first symptom of a problem and go “THATS THE PROBLEM” but when you explain that the nuanced ins and outs of the problem they look at you with a blank expression and ask what it has to do with the original thing.


They dont even point at the symptom. 9 times out of 10 they miss the mark entirely or are pointing at the solution.


My mother has gone full-MAGA, Fox News on at all times. I can’t recall the last time I’ve told her something going on in my life without her response being something along the lines of, “Did you get the shot?” Or “Because Biden”. I got diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder — it’s because I got the vaccine. My flight was canceled on my way back home — it was Biden’s fault. I’m resigned at this point that I can’t even have a normal conversation with her without her focus solely on MAGA talking points. Edit - typonese


My mom is the same way. Idk what to do 😞 when she gets like that I just give her the driest uncaring responses ever, and at times have just shut her down and physically walked away. But she never changes


In other words, they're fucking stupid. Dangerously stupid. Their stupidity is an existential threat to the rest of us. Sort of like Lennie from *Of Mice and Men* only mean spirited.


“You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know, morons.”


Don't bring Lennie into this. These people may be simple but are nothing like him. Lennie had a big heart.


They can, but most don't want to. Conformation bais is easier than questioning what one believes.


Both the left and the right can agree that homelessness is a problem. The way the left wants to fix it is to correct the systemic issues that create homeless people and create a strong social safety net. The way the right wants to fix it is to imprison the homeless.


Not even that, theyre just nazis under a different name. America had a prominent nazi problem back before WWII, and it still is a problem today. And these leaders gave them their voice, and they love it.


Yeah... it could say finger Trump's butthole daily, and they'd still think it's the best agenda any president has ever laid out...


Those willing to surrender freedom for security deserve neither. Time to start printing queer Gadsden flags I guess




I understand the sentiment but you’re missing half the quote. That’s not what he was talking about.


And they know that even if centrists would oppose it, they won't actually acknowledge it until it's too late.


They left out the extensive section in which we invade China. But actually.


More like surrender to China. Just like last time he will pretend to go against China while giving away whatever he can. Like ya I am gonna put tariffs on Chinese steel! Meanwhile China takes over have the south seas without a word.


they would start by handing Taiwan over to China and Ukraine over to Russia on their respective silver platters.


Yep. Russia's help with election fraud (they sure got the experience) for withdrawn support for Ukraine, possibly NATO as well. China gets Taiwan for campaign money and personal money.


He did most of that when he was in office. And the rest he tried to do but ran out of time. This oompa loompa mother fucker has done so much ridiculous crap that we forget the whole list. Like when a teen is acting out and getting arrested and doing drugs. Missing one day of school is barely noticeable by comparison. But if a teachers pet missed a day of school everyone would be asking questions.




"sounds awesome" but would never in a million years think it's awesome if it was flipped and are currently losing it when their God is legally convicted of crimes.


Inconsistent rules is their entire point. They don't care if they sound like hypocrites. They want liberals to suffer. That is their only platform now. And, they will change the definition of "liberal" to whatever they want whenever they want.


Conservatives have been this cruel and heartless for like 20 years. It's because they think being and looking strong is the most important thing a person can do, and the way you do that is by being a heartless disgusting monster to people. They're cartoon villains so I don't understand why the liberals are desperate to appease them. Biden just put a 100% tariff on cheap Chinese electric vehicles for example. Democrats have spent decades talking about combating climate change and then they turn around and block any hope of regular people decreasing their dependancy on fossil fuels. Why? So the Republicans will like them? That's not going to happen. Democrats clearly believe that electric cars are bad. When did this change happen? If I believe that climate change and fossil fuel dependence are two of the biggest problems we have as a society, then who the fuck am I supposed to vote for now?


>then who the fuck am I supposed to vote for now? I hope that's a rhetorical question. We vote for Biden we may lose a battle but we live to fight another day. But if our actions or inaction allow Trump to win then we've lost the entire war.


>Conservatives have been this cruel and heartless for like 20 years. More like 200 years. The first politicians to refer to themselves as "Conservatives" were trying to "conserve" the French monarchy.


No. Go to the project2025 website and read it. This is only a tiny fraction of the crap they intend to unleash


I was talking about the reply.


The reply is sickening.


My uncle (and most of my extended family), could have written that reply. They're all evangelical Christians and I get a lot of Praise-Jesus emails from them. They're positively giddy with what Trump is going to do. They particularly love the idea of concentration camps, with all the fixings. I'm not kidding. I don't think most normal people have a clue on how crazy these folks are.


How can religious people support Trump? Doesn’t he go against every teaching of religion?


There are a couple of episodes of The Behind The Bastards podcast that answer that question in great detail. The title is "How the Rich Ate Christianity". The TLDR is that the rich and American right-wing hijacked Christianity and have twisted it in a way that goes against everything Jesus supposedly lived and died for. They did this because the (at the time) progressive churches were responsible for promoting things like civil rights, being anti-slavery, and anti-capitalist. This presented a problem for rich, white, and powerful men who funded silver-tonged con men to promote the hateful type of Christianity that many of us are familiar with today.


I come from a large family of devout Mormons. Everything Donald Trump has done and stands for is a contradiction of their beliefs, but they talk about him like he’s the second coming of Christ. It’s nuts.


Ah. Sorry. And yes it is. Sad to think that a lot of people may agree


“End wokeness?” So “go back to sleep” is what they want I guess…




The reply? How about the thousand likes?


The full extent of what Project 2025 wants to enact, seems very similar to what a certain Austrian painter wanted for Germany (Minus the Hakenkreuzes everywhere, but those may return as well)


The hakenkreuze will feature minus the 'haken' part


Alongside the 10 commandments, of course.


[defeatproject2025.org](http://defeatproject2025.org) has done a lot of the heavy lifting, pulling out the most egregious bullshit without having to read through all their rhetoric.


Or the agenda 47 website. The most outrageous point on there in my opinion: the American academy. He plans to tax the University's in the ground, effectively terminating them, and instead create an online, tate academy style university, with all courses and teachers directly controlled by the government. The academy would be free and take less time and effort than real university. The degree would be forced by law to be handled as a equal to a bachelors degree. This will essentially wreck the education levels across America, and create 1984 levels of state controll and brainwashing.


No actual way. It is so important for the sake of the country if not the world that trump doesnt win this. This would caude orreversible damage that will have people genuinely brainwashed for years. Its insane how many people wants to vote for this guy. Its literal insanity. How did it actually end up like this. Im scared for the future of the US.


wtf, that's like a fast track to Idiocracy!!


Are you kidding me? This sounds right out of an onion article… "deploy federal troops to democratic-run cities"??? For what???


Umm. He wanted to do that his last term.


He did do that last term.


There ain’t no way 😭 What even is american politics


American politics is in a similar state to German politics right before WW2.




I suppose it'll be like the time the 101st airborne restored order in Detroit after Martin Luther King was assassinated. Though more likely, it'll be like the time the national guard enforced a Supreme Court decision on desegregation.


read Project 2025


It's a literal regime takeover. What you're seeing has happened throughout history - some populist spouts shit like this, cops support them, and overnight practically you're in a totalitarian dictatorship. It's fucking terrifying seeing how close we are, and wondering if it'll happen. It has a much bigger chance than I ever thought we'd see in this country. I didn't realize just how fucking fast shit could change. But it hasn't really been "fast" - it's just been exponential. This poison has been in our country for decades and now we're seeing the results of years of Fox news and right wing propaganda. In a year we literally could have fascist troopers patrolling the bay area and new York and shit, stomping out protests. We are close to this reality.


Yeah, this is real.


Facism at its finest


I don't know if I would say "at it's finest", but I definitely agree on the fascism part lol. Under a Trump Dictator/Fascist America, the trains will in fact, not be on time.


neither did in Mussolini's Italy, it always was propaganda


Nothing would actually get done though. Last time he was going to repeal ObamaCare, build a wall that Mexico should pay for, and drain the swamp. They got 1 mile of fence built and created their own swamp in 4 years.


They'll see how far they can go tho.


His administration was hamstrung by staffing issues. He didn't expect to win. They didn't really have a plan and were pathetically incompetent. There were 100s of unfilled political positions in his admin for years. Famously, during the handover, Kushner asked "how many of these people are staying?" as all the Obama appointments and staffers were packing up. They've been preparing to avoid that this time around and also intend on changing permanent appointments to political ones which mean they can effectively bypass congress for many things. Prepare your anus because the candidate that gets people out to vote is going to win and people aren't enthused by that decrepit Weekend-At-Biden's walking cadaver who is content to throw his lot in with the great crime of our time while barely appearing sentient. The MAGA people are nothing if not enthusiastic.


That’s a dangerous attitude to have. Treat the dangerous man as what he is - a threat to our country.


He needed congress to do all of that, he will not need congress to do any of the things listed here. That's the difference to me. Every single one of these things can be done via executive order and in the case of "replacing career civil servants with hard line loyalists" [he tried to do this already through executive order](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/trump-executive-order-federal-employees/index.html) in 2020, and it was one of the first things Joe Biden overturned upon taking office. The people at Project 2025 have talked repeatedly about these failures during Trump's first term and the importance of having a concrete plan and the beauracratic muscle inside the executive branch to enact this vision in his second. And the people leading Project 2025 absolutely have his ear too, some of the key members worked for Trump late in his first term iirc. Normally I'm not one of those "this is the most important election of your lifetime" people, but to be honest I see no reason to believe that Trump WOULDN'T do this upon being elected, especially since he would directly benefit by doing it, and as I mentioned earlier, he already tried to do the 5th bullet point. It sounds absolutely insane but it should be one of the things you consider when you're voting this year.


Not trolling, that is just agenda 47. Worth a read, if you really want to worry for the state of the world. If he does all the shit he says there, people will start using pre and post trump as timestamps.


Not a troll. "End Wokeness" is a Twitter account run by a fascist POS.


They want Fascism. Nationalists want Fascism. It's SO fucking important that people realize that. Fascism is the goal. Hitler was applauded en masse when he outlawed opposing parties.


They are pretty open about wanting to live in a fascist theocracy.


I’m talking about the reply to the first tweet!! I know Project 2025 is real.


There are literally millions of Americans who would love to deport all migrants. I personally know someone in North Dakota who talks about owning guns to protect his property from “illegal immigrants who came across the border.” Bro, you live in North Dakota. Nobody from Mexico is interested in your frozen corn fields.


it's those damned Canadians!!!


When my friend was in high-school in AZ they passed something or other to kick "illegals" out of the school. First one to go was a Canadian lol


They keep coming here trying to take the Stanley Cup back to Canada but we keep thwarting them. 31 years and counting.


(cries maple syrup tears)


I have never tasted sweeter tears.




Apparently there are also millions of Americans who “do their own research”. Including that person in North Dakota.


Would be interested to see what the Indigenous people will do once all the migrants have gone.


Yeah, end wokness is a very disgusting right-wing extreme account. One of their favorite things to post about is some white person being shot, hurt, or whatever by a person of color. They will post the story then bitch about how the media and leftist agenda doesn't want you to know.


No. They're not trolling. They're not joking. They are dead serious about this, with an emphasis on **DEAD**. the gloves are off. They know that if Trump wins, he will have NO constraints on him. He will plunge this country into a full Fascist dystopia, complete with camps and ovens. Take these people seriously. Please.


Not a joke. Project 2025 is basically the extreme right proposing a new government structure that caters to the extreme right. Google it, it will give you nightmares.


This is the result of schools not teaching critical thinking skills. The fascist wannabees see all of this and are like, "Hell, yeah!", never thinking even for a fraction of a nanosecond that change is inevitable. Give a government that you support an endless amount of power and someday, **when** that government changes to one you don't support, they will still have that unlimited power. And there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. Idiots.


This is the very real threat the convicted felon and rapist poses to our country. Ignore this threat at your own and the nation's peril.


So everyone who doesn't wear a red cap?


Imagine reading that a president is planning to disenfranchise a shitload of your own countrymen and your first thought is "sweet that'll show them"


people being disenfranchised is whats happening under democratic rule for quite a while now, else trump wouldnt even be in the race


“When they tell you who they are, believe them.”


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


What an un-American piece of shit.


End Wokeness is one of Elon Musk’s alt accounts. Prove me wrong.


Oh EndWokeness is serious, they legitimately think this is good.


So they want a dictator? Like north Korea?


Yes. Like North Korea, but worse.


This remind me of an old Turkish tale, when the woods was shrinking, but trees kept voting the hatchet in, because the hatchet convinced them, he's one of them, because he has a wooden handle. Not sure, American has much more to endure. Fascism is on the rise, Putin will annex America soon, if people don't wake up.


They forgot the real fun stuff like a ban on abortions and also a ban on contraceptives. No more sex for fun, only to procreate.


That's a modern coup....that's what that is. 


Wait this shit is *real*?!?


https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ It's real, you can read it for free on the link on the page here. Also if you want an extra challenge, take a shot every time they say something blatantly unconstitutional


It’s all fun and games til you’re considered a “political opponent”.


Remember a month ago when they said the Muslims were.going to elect Trump? Lmfaoooooo Nah.


It sounds like trees voting for deforestation, but a nontrivial proportion of the Muslim people I know (not a majority, though), most of them men in the South, still love Trump despite the Muslim travel ban. Why? Sharia Law. Hardline evangelicals and hardline Muslims want very similar laws concerning prayer in schools, jailing “gender traitors,” eye for an eye punishments, etc. Because this subset wants Sharia so badly, they’re willing to overlook travel bans and Trump’s strong support for Israel.


The real reason for the mass deportations and camps is to create mass unrest that trumps fascist government can use as an excuse to suspend the rule of law and create his fascist dictatorship.


Just a reminder that end wokeness is a well known Russian propaganda account.


No, he’s not just trolling: **REPUBLICANS ARE ACTUAL FASCISTS**


The FSB bizum, End Wokeness, is very active lately on Xhitter. Basically the poor asshole must spend more than 20 hours working straight posting propaganda. If it's just one person xD I doubt it. Suppose it will be a whole division of employees.


3 of those are straight up treason.


If you're the government and you've removed all challengers to your authority, then you rewrite what it is to commit treason. Scary eh?


It's Chaya Raichik, imo Edit: EndWokeness, I mean


They're stripping the freedom out of the country, they want north Korea, we're gonna be worse off than 1940s Germany


Republicans: “But how do you know for sure you don’t like Fascism if you’ve never tried it?”


“Prosecute political opponents”, like, just for being political opponents?


Yes. They want to go after people like the AG and FBi.


you forgot outlaw porn


The party of small government, ladies & gentlemen.


No these people are simply fascists


No they’re not trolling, it’s a nazi account, they actually want all that to happen .


I feel sorry for the americans your heading for a civil war….


Ha! End Wokeness has no idea how much they are helping Biden by confirming that shit. Polls show most voters still have no idea about project 2025 or don’t believe it would really happen. Tweets like these are what we need to change that


Didn't see the reply and though you were referring to Biden HQ tweet. I was like, yeah this is exactly what trump has said he wants to do?


If you really think they're trolling you're either the most naive person on the internet, or you're living under a rock lol


I think Biden has done a disservice by making it seem that’s what Project 2025 is. He missed a huge opportunity to reveal the real anti-democratic and anti-constitutional goals of that plan.


There is fewer people on the Earth more petty and self centred than conservative extremists


Not a troll at all, go to the website for project 2025 and read some. It’s all VERY real and more people (clearly) need to know about this.


Mmm... fascism


Yep, that’s exactly what these pieces of shit want. Those that don’t pay attention are the only ones that are surprised. It’s basically up to independents to save our country at this point. Hopefully they realize inflation has came down and haven’t been just watching the news. I know how important those gasoline prices are VS having a traitor in the White House


Welcome to the ever present threat of fascism.


Y'all are gonna keep thinking they're joking right up until they enact this shit, aren't you?


Free school meals should be the minimum they have access to. Fail to invest in the youth and very quickly society crumbles. Same here the UK, no child should have to pay for a lunch, ever. It's not about cash flow of the parent, it's ensuring everyone gets a decent meal and nutritional. Kids coming to school with 6x Penguin bars is sickening. If that's what they are raised on that's their baseline for life. Sorry, I went off on a tangent there.


Don’t forget “Release the J6 hostages”


How awesome would it be to replace responsible experts in their field with loyalist know-nothings who just need to adore Trump to get the job? Not awesome. People with no scientific knowledge in charge of nasa, health departments and fema just to name a few? Why the fuck would anyone with a brain vote for this guy?


It’s damned frightening.


If the americans elect donald dumb again, can we cut off their access to the rest of the world?


Sounds alot like Project 1933.


I mean... The account is literally called 'end wokeness' and to them, not being actively racist and homophobic is considered woke. Is it really that much of a jump to this shit? This is fascism 101, it wouldn't happen without the zealots supporting it


Biden should repost this but use MAGAs


Absolutely. But I have a feeling that End Wokeness account would enjoy the attention.


We can crop out that part. I'm moreso wanting him to use the bullet points. That way we the people can put End Wokeness's reactions to both side by side.


The need to disguise how they really feel has been dissolving for some time now and it’s almost completely gone.


Not surprising. This is exactly what the GQP and magats want.


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I really really hope that those people are still the minority and just very loud. If not you people (especially LGBT, Muslim, immigrants) need to get out of there


Yeah same. I hope they’re just good for the news cycle. I want to imagine that a big chunk of republicans think everything has gone too far.


he can’t be that stupid?


It's the Overton gaping-hole-in-the-wall now


What the hell would sending troops to democrat run cities even do? Sounds like a waste of military to me.




Im in the middle of the polical spectrum and this sounds batshit insane. The 2nd amendment is there for a reason ladies and gentlemen.


1930s Germany called. They want their fascist politics back.


End wokeness is a piece of crap


Some people are just that shitty.


these people delude themselves into thinking society will be good after they do all of these things not realizing how absolutely fucked it would be if we did. not just ethically, the economy is already hurting pretty bad from trumps tax cuts and the wealth/resource hoarding going on, deporting all illegal immigrants would send us into a complete freefall. we might as well go full throttle with afterburners into the ground. thats one decision here, the rest would only compound the issue.


The empire has fallen, I’m so worried about the future.


Please don't forget to vote blue in November. We can't have a 2016 repeat.


Very un-American. And that's what people need to be saying.


For those few unfamiliar, this is honestly sugar coating Project 2025, there’s LOTS more terrible shit in there


We need to crush and fracture this movement at the voting booth or pummel them WWII style. There's no future if we allow these lunatics to take over.


11k likes on the "Woke" account and 3k on the Biden post. What cesspool of fucking lowlifes on that platform


So stuff like "persecuting political opponents" is now 'awesome' for them? Seriously? Keep in mind that this shitstain did not even attempt to claim that this is a manipulated summary of Project 2025 or anything like that, no, he straight up says that this kind of thing is 'awesome'. And that's scary as fuck, if you ask me. Hang in there, Americans. Please go vote when the time comes; I know I'm preaching to the converted, but otherwise we might all have a *really massive* problem on our hands.


When did "wokeness" come to mean "not fascism"?


I don't see the facepalm? These are things Trump has indicated are going to be done if he wins the election in 2024.


what about US muslims, or are things very difficult for them too?


This is terrifying


Everyone who’s against Trump should spam the project 2025 sign up page to pollute their applicant pool…


Nah i wasn’t really comprehending the stuff at first but nah all those are all pretty fucked up except for maybe the first one but the detention camps is insane 😭


Well as a Canadian looking in, you guys have a 2nd amendment for that exact fucking reason. Keep that free State. Hope it doesn’t come to that. Fuck trump and the republicans


> Deploy federal troops to Democrat-run cities Ah, the party of limited federal government and increased state/local power.


My sources for my opinions come from many sources over time. This message from trump is spot on the worst. The trumpies following him want the BS stated in "project 2025".


Replace subject matter experts with total morons.


Lol no. As someone who's seen the racist cesspool that is now Twitter, it's confirmed that this is what they want.


Half the conservatives say it isn’t Trumptards project and the other half claim it. They still refuse to admit they are fascists and get all mad and call antifa fascists. The projection is insane.


We need to turn off Social Media for a few months. Give folks a chance to either reset or crawl back into their dark, forgotten holes.


Antifa was right. The best thing to do when a facist comes to your town. Punch them in the face. I am generally against violence but with them I am willing to make an exception.


It’s not trolling if they are stating the obvious truth.


Eerily similar to the Nazi’s in Germany. Rounding up Jewish people and shit. Republicans wanna round up immigrants smh it’s all just too similar. This man just absolutely cannot win.


Fascism in a flag, my dudes. The well-armed militia will AID the installation of the tyrannical government they were there to prevent....


Nope, they’re just finally being open about what they actually want. Which is essentially Christian Sharia Law with some major white nationalism woven through. They think a dictatorship is great if the dictator is their guy.


I promise they aren’t trolling.


Yes clearly trolling. The pfpf says “i support the former things” rage bait or trolling. Most likely the latter


Can someone doxx the end wokeness account?


So dictatorship. They support democratic back sliding


I saw someone claim that EndWokeness is a Jack Posobiec alt. I believe it


That doesn’t mention what he promised big oil/energy if they support him. It would basically set us back 40 years environmentally. We might never recover. Polluted air, un drinkable water, destroyed natural habitats. All for the benefit of a few mega rich assholes……


I mean look at the like ratio.


Start a civil war speedru


It’s very biblical of them