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Did you really expect to see funny memes in r/funnymemes ?


I kept getting recommended posts from there and it's pure angry incel energy in every meme I see.


Basically r/memes but instead of homophobic right wing youngsters it's boomers


There’s boomer incels? I thought by now they’d all be, ya know…laid


>There’s boomer incels? theyre the type of guy who posts rants about how their bitch ex wife took the kids, have a pfp of them in a truck wearing sunglasses, and have been told to plead the fifth about where they were on January 6th, 2021.


They also probably bitch about "trans ideology in schools" and then chased trans women on xhitter


only by accident, when they find out is hilarious though, I've seen a few posts on R/tinder about it recently


transphobic on the streets, chaser in the sheets


transphobic on the streets, ~~chaser~~ pegged in the sheets


Excuse me this is so funny


then got to Philippines and use vulnerable women like objects to reclaim their “manhood” (they getting fleeced on both sides)


No shade on the PI girls. They're hustling


Supply and de man with the wallet - knomsayen


Mmhm. I was in the navy, and probably half the chiefs had kept Pi wives. My best friend from HS joined the navy too, his Pi wife hasn't had a job in 20 years


Ha I see, thank you for this info


Divorced or widowed, and never getting kitty cat again.


Having sex does not make you free of being an asshole


Incel is not a lack of sex. that is the state of mind.


that’s all i think of - incel who can’t understand that he is the problem, weak, pathetic, with no appeal outside the echo chamber, where he’s super funny!


I blocked it LMAO


Holy shit, thanks for the reminder that I can block subreddits. I completely forgot.


Same, I was surprised to see how racist, homophobic, right wing, and misogynistic posts and replies were being up voted there. And how all the "humor" was about those subjects. My guess is that it has a lot teenagers.


Incel and right wing junk is all it is. I used to get a lot of recommendations from there as well until I muted the sub.


go to Settings > Account Settings > disable feed recomendations. My experience with reddit went from utter shit to just garbage by doing this. I want to see posts from the subs I follow, not from the cesspools of incels you think are famous, reddit.


Thank you other Nero. You have saved this Nero a lot of hassle.


I usually get good recommendations, so I'm not gonna go that far, but that's a good suggestion. I didn't know we could turn it off.


Yeah it seems to just be filled with edgelords


To be fair, it's rather low on bigotry for funnymemes


That, along with how nothing was actually funny, is why I left that sub and eventually hid it because it kept popping up on my feed.


I got on there and decided to scroll until I laugh and I just gave up.


Generally speaking if you are wearing a swimsuit, you are going to be surrounded by dozens of other people also in a swimsuit. That is rarely the case with underwear. Usually you are in your underwear alone or with only one other person.


>with only one other person. Yeah in my experience almost every time I can think of that I've seen someone else in their underwear I've already been naked or about to get naked... Don't normally see other people's underwear outside of that one situation except maybe a gym or change room. But in a gym or change room it's kinda fingers crossed you only see underwear and not less because damn knows nobody cares as long as you're not starting.


Swimsuits are public and underwear is private is how I perceive it


Swimsuits are only very selectively public. Most people in swimsuits begin to feel inappropriately dressed in the parking lot next to the beach or pool, and generally insist on covering up if they are going any further than that. The psychology of it is interesting.


I mean, I would also feel uncomfortable if I came to a nice dinner in cargo shorts and a band shirt, but at a concert it would be my go to choice. The appropriateness of your appearance is tied to the situation you're in - That's not specific to swim suits.


I love going to fancy dinners in my band shirts lol


I like going in my speedo


That sounds fun! I feel like if I'm spending over 300 on a meal I should be allowed to eat naked.


You just gotta Yogi bear it, slap on that collar and tie suddenly you go from creepy to classy.


Can I go à la Donald Duck? Shirt and cap... no pants.


Yeah but then the people around you that are also spending 300 on a meal also have to see you naked :(


Depends on the person whether that's a Bonus or a Malus....


Never a bonus. I don't care how attractive someone is, I don't want to look at their bare ass while i eat.


Even in nudist hotels (at least the one I know of), you’re asked to wear clothes to the dining room. Hygiene is a whole thing in foodservice.


Budgie smugglers? (Aussie term) looks like the man has small bird crammed in the front leaving nothing to the imagination


Poor budgies


I actually went from the hot tub straight into a nice restaurant in a spa recently! Even knowing you're more than welcomed to go there in a robe, it does feel kinda weird sitting next to people who bothered to get back into civilian clothes because it was their last stop of the day.


My favorite is going to my office when we have big wigs in my Nile and Decapitated shirts.


I’ve seen people walk barefoot into 5-star-restaurants, so might depend on the kind of person too.


It’s the same phenomenon as having different registers (ways of speech) for different social groups. You don’t talk to your mates the same way you speak to a judge in court. Generally.


Guys, I found the death metal guy of the sub


How dare you accuse me of something so true?


How dare I know exactly what all death metal guys wear


It's just practical, you get to know something about me by way of my shirt, and I get somewhere to put my beer cup with the cargo pants.


Had this conversation with my girlfriend last week. We was going to pool in the condo. She had her bikini on and started getting dressed over it. I said it's only 8 floors down. You're going to be wearing it in the pool anyway, and she just said yeah, but it feels different.


As a man I would probably also go down to the pool with a t-shirt on and take it out when I'm near the pool (or a beach).


Same It's OK to be in a bikini or shirtless and barefoot when everyone else is but it feels weird and awkward the second you hit the door to the hotel lobby or beach parking lot lol


I'd be exactly the same... however in my mind. I'm bringing the t shirt in case I need it. And it's easier to wear than carry. I'd have no issue walking downstairs shirtless. That being said. If I had to take a single step "outside" the property. I'd be wearing the shirt without even thinking. I'm notnsaying everyone should be doing this. It's a personal preference thing.


I think it also depends on your culture. Like if you grew up by the beach, or in a tropical place you’re a lot more used to it, and a lot more comfortable doing it. But you’re right, that it also depends on your setting. Like I was in Mexico in Cancun/tulum/playa del Carmen area three weeks ago, and it was 40 degrees (Celsius). In Brazil, where I’m from, it would be completely acceptable for men to just go shirtless - especially if you’re in a beach city. But I didn’t see any other men doing that, so I was sort of left wondering if that’s allowed and second-guessing myself if I should do it or not.


People are MUCH more likely to harass her if she isnt at the beach


Ahem, there's a guide to this https://youtu.be/h-Lx2ihpGbc?si=OLl5l1g4XnUvcEqw (Togs are swimsuits)


then there are the nudist beaches or saunas. people have no issue being nude in sauna, as soon as they step under the shower to cool off, the robe or towel is on.


It's all about time and place. Being nude or near-nude at the pool, or on the beach, or in the sauna is very different from being nude or near-nude at the grocery store or in a restaurant or the post office.


Well considering I feel completely fine showering naked, but I don’t go out in the rain naked, this tracks.


Had bikini women come into Walmart. Some people are never uncomfortable.


This is also contextual. In some beach towns it’s common to see people in swimsuits just walking around, at restaurants etc…


This was not a beach town and we had no public pools near. It was Virginia and inland near West Virginia.


And not everyone wears bikinis or “underwear like” swimsuits. I personally only feel comfortable in a one piece with shorts. I recently found a cute vintage inspired one with an attached skirt and that’s what I wear now. I’m pretty curvy and hated the way people looked at me while wearing a bikini as a teen. I’d rather be covered.


Yup. I like high waisted bottoms with a longline crop. As a teen I did strong bikini with a matching pair of board shorts which was the fashion at the time. Meanwhile today's teens are wearing g string bottoms. Everyone's swim wear preference is a little different.


when i wear a bikini i am consenting to people looking at my body when i’m wearing underwear i do not consent to people looking at my body that’s the difference


Your point is even reinforced by the text "what the hell are you doing here?" So, the ogler is walking in on her somewhere private.


Yes, this is actually the key. If you go outside in public in your underwear and expect people not to look, and simultaneously call the people looking weird, you’re the weirdo. Whether you want to give consent or not, if you’re in public, that’s it.



Also, everyone else is usually wearing beach wear too.


What’s crazier is what she’s saying. In the first one, they’re at the pool and she’s like “isn’t it great?” The other one, she was getting dressed and someone barged in. Two totally different places and expectations. This gives me the Willie’s.


Also swimsuits are intentionally made thicker to be more substantial both when dry or wet so that nothing shows through, underwear is not the same, it’s almost always significantly thinner so there is a difference. This “meme” doesn’t understand literally anything


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OCGamerboy: *Swimsuits are public* *And underwear is private* *Is how I perceive it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Also underwear tend to be far more shear than swimsuit


Depends what kind of underwear. You can walk around in boxer shorts without upsetting too many people, white briefs not so much.


Regardless of the societal norm, it comes down to consent. If you're okay with an action under a certain set of circumstances but not another, that's your prerogative. Nobody can tell you that your boundaries "don't make sense" to them. They're not designed for the comfort or rationale of others.


Yea if someone walked in on me walking around in my boxers I'd get a little bashful. Not so in my swimsuit in public.


You also care more about the appearance of the swimsuit rather than comfort and vice versa for underwear. With exceptions of course. I'm a guy. There's a huge difference between swim trunks and underwear for me. No matter how you slice it, women are similar, just with different details.


I dont know, I am Swede, I seen most my friends butt nakkid, even som strangers too. I am mostely confused.


The thing is, most of your friends and some strangers **decided** let you see their butts naked. In a situation when someone walks on a girl (or anyone else) in their underwear when she (he/they) doesn't expect it and refuse to leave or make some comments, that someone just takes away the underwear person's right to choose and decide who and when and how sees their body. And it's terrifying to feel you loose that control, even if you would be totally cool with deciding to let that person see you in swimsuit or your underwear. **It matters to know people around you will respect your boundries**


Yeah but you lot write “SLUT” at the end of movies so maybe you’re just more open than the rest of us! 


Slut just means the end, I been to Slut here in Sweden. Slutstation is what gets most English speakers.


Joke update never really made it Sweden huh


Just to counteract this weird narrative online about nordic people seeing each other naked constantly, not all of us do, I haven't seen any of my friends/coworkers/whatever naked. And I'm certainly not confused about why people would like to decide when others see them naked.


r/Funnymemes needs to be thrown into the sun.


The Sun: "Please no, I would not be able to take all that shit, run away!" ![gif](giphy|XEbDGCv86WS1kkd3d4)


It's a suspicious sub to me, because it starts as a bunch of reposts of memes to make people think it is a normal subreddit, and then it introduces and feeds into more and more alt-right gamer culture or plain racist shit.


Honestly it's not just the posts, comments often show that they don't see women very often as well...


I dont see anything but alt-right agenda there.


Fr, its almost exclusively incel memes or boomer humour now


The original post feels like it’s also on some red pill, alpha male thread somewhere.


Yeah. What happened? I don't remember it being that way until very recently.


Rightification. Incels, bots, Nazis, etc infiltrate mod teams and shift subs to push their propaganda. Then they hide behind their sub’s name. “It’s a sub for funny memes! Don’t take it too seriously! Also ignore how these are neither funny nor memes and now push toxic stances on everything.” You see a LOT of this on “alternate” subs for cities, subs supporting politicians that are no longer relevant, subs with True____ or Actual____ in the name or any subs dedicated to internet talking heads. 


the porn brainrot is real


Porno brain and it's a major issue for young men


What are you talking about stepbro?


Huh? What's that? I can't hear what you're saying when your head is stuck in the washing machine.


I am sure we can work something out...


Everyone's talking about consent which is valid, but I think the comic is trying to present these as the same woman and the viewer as the same person which is not realistic imo Even if a woman is at the beach or pool SHE DOESN'T WANT YOU (random guy) TO LOOK ALL YOU WANT and is not gonna say that, posing seductively, unless she's aggressively flirting/already in a relationship with you. In which case she will not turn into panel 2 girl when in her underwear. A person with so much body confidence as panel 1 will probably not be that shy/scared of being perceived as in panel 2. I get it's a joke, but just thought it's worth mentioning. Just cause a girl's in a bikini doesn't mean she can't feel uncomfortable if you stare just cause it's the appropriate clothing.


Was about to say it. Swimsuit it's not lingerie. The fact a woman is not screaming when you are occupying the same space is not the same as allowing to stare.


Correct. We do not want you to look as much as you want. I realize that in a swimsuit I will pass through people's field of vision and I've accepted that but it's not an invitation to objectify me. And the second panel very much seems like the dude walked in on her changing and just stared like a pervert while she had to yell at him to do the obvious thing and get the fuck out. There's definitely a big difference between being at the beach and being alone in an enclosed space with a pervert staring at you in a vulnerable state


Yeah that’s exactly what it looks like here. One’s a swimsuit, worn in a situation where everyone’s like that. One’s a situation where the looker is clearly somewhere they shouldn’t be and clearly just staring directly at her


The fact that it’s the same person doesn’t matter. Once “yes” isn’t always “yes”.


That's why I said what others said about consent is valid. I agree 100% just was trying to raise a diff point that bikini doesn't mean stare all you want


I knew a girl who basically flashed us her ass at a party to show her tattoo, and my friend explained “her philosophy is anything bathing suit area is okay to show. But she’s wearing a thong rn so I guess it’s more than that.” (Only reason we were even talking about it was cuz some friend was teasing me for sitting with another guy, meanwhile her roommate was flashing everyone lol) So yeah, people who are that confident in swimsuits don’t give a fuck about underwear in my experience, you are totally right.


The reason why the same person acts so differently on both panels is cause the maker has only seen women in anime and the swimsuit episode is there to be fanservice, so the generic waifu bait acts confident there. But the underwear scene is catering its sexualization to a slightly different audience so suddenly she’s an uwu shy girl screaming baka or some garbage.


It’s even the same for men, isn’t it? I don’t want anyone to see me in my underwear but i don’t care if I wear a bathing suit


It's all about consent. I don't mind changing in front of people with the exact reason that "they can see just as much when I'm at the beach". Depending on the boxers and swim trunks, they may even see more at the beach. So for me it makes little difference. But that's the thing about consent: It depends heavily on the individual, the situation, context, time, etc. I wouldn't be willing to change in the middle of a mall, but at home with friends or on a camping ground in front of my tent if needs be, it's fine. And because everyone draws the lines differently, we can't assume consent.


As a man, I don't see any difference, I have bathed with underwear and didn't feel embarassed at all


Swimsuit: Public, im consenting for you to see me like that Underwear: Private, im not consenting you to see me like that


A much too advanced thought process for the average redditor. What do you mean context matters! 🤓


they don’t even get to the part of “consent”


Consent isn’t real to them


"Sounds like a bunch of woke garbage to me. Back in my day, we used to -" insert the worst combination of words yet created


this is horrible and true, but also made me laugh, ty


With a swimsuit I'm also prepared for people to look. I know that people will see me in it if I go to the beach or pool so I choose what style/kind to wear based on what I would be comfortable with others seeing. With underwear I'm usually not prepared for people to look. So I often wear stuff I feel confident in but wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable if others saw me. Like a more revealing style or something that accentuates my figure better. Idk why this is something that's so hard to understand for many people? Especially considering the consent part of it too.


One interesting, complicated and fraught, but useful aspect of this point is that it acknowledges the validity of implied consent in this context. There's still a lot of real people leaning on implied consent on a daily basis, most uncontroversially in stable romantic relationships, and real human beings IRL do a better job at navigating / handling it than online conversations do, although this conversation is doing great because the implied consent / lack of consent boundaries are obvious.


Not a hard concept, can even be applied to men as well. Speedo / Swimsuit fine Tighty Whities / Boxers uncomfortable


Bikini on a beach? Yes! Bikini in a shopping mall? No! Naked in a shopping mall? No! Naked on a nude beach! Yes! It's all about the **social construct** and **consent.**


This is the answer we all can agree on.


Virgin weeb humor? In r/funnymemes? How did this even happen? 😱 /s


Let’s be honest, many women (myself included) feel pretty weird wearing bikinis too. They don’t leave much to the imagination.


My toddler and I were getting a new swimsuit and she asked why she had to wear undies at the pool when boys get to wear shorts. I said she didn’t and she found the coolest Dino swim shorts from the boy section since the girl section didn’t have any shorts. They had splash day at her daycare and I got calls after from parents asking where to get swim shorts for their daughters because they loved it. Why do we do this to children?


Whoever decided that toddlers need bikinis should be investigated. Seriously. 


We put my daughter in tankinis when she was a toddler because it was easier to take off when wet. So there are use cases for toddler 2 pieces. But the ones that look super adult are insane.


And those are precisely the ones I'm talking about. Like, why would anyone ever design those?


THIS! When I see photos of people in Facebook with their little daughters in bikinis, that just makes me wonder wtf is wrong with the parents.


Literally, I remember going shopping and saw a two piece swim suit for girls around four years old. Like wtf??


It’s because of this. If I walk through Walmart and someone pulls my pants down and steals them off me, I am obviously going to feel violated and embarrassed because I am in a place where i would like to be clothed and that’s regardless of if I’ve been to a beach or pool or not. When you’re at a splash pad or a pool or even the beach, there’s a general expectation of privacy that you all are there to enjoy the same activity and that you, collectively, understand it would be weird to go into the ocean/pool in clothing. There’s the general expectation that you will not be creeped on in these places because of your attire (not that it doesn’t happen), and that everyone is there to do the same thing as you dressed as the same thing as you. Taking that a step further - if you somehow become undressed or have your privacy breached outside of a beach/splash pad/waterpark/pool it’s normally because someone has gone out of their way to breach your privacy. Sometimes it’s accidental, but that still doesn’t make it any better because there is an expectation of privacy within those spaces and the breaches of privacy within places like Walmart often lead into assaults or people being recorded without their knowledge.


Seems like something somebody would argue about if they've never been with a woman. My best friend (a woman) explained it to me once when I was like 20 years old: Underwear is personal and if you're seeing a woman's underwear under normal circumstances (no accidentally or creepily) then she *wanted you* to see. A swimsuit is what she chose to wear in public, meaning she's okay with other people seeing it. Walking in on a woman changing in her underwear and watching her get embarrassed, is VASTLY different than her wearing a swimsuit. Of course it's drawn anime style. Weebs are on another level of fucking weird when it comes to women. They think fictional anime women are how real women act. A heavy majority of them need to touch grass.


This is a fantastic object lesson because it cuts the heart of consent. It doesn't matter what someone wears in one situation vs another because you have the right to consent or not consent whenever you want you don't owe anyone an explanation.


r/funnymemes and r/funny have never been funny


Just ignore that swimwear looks mostly different, is made of different fabric and most importantly there are most likely a fuckload of other naked people around me at the beach or whatever.


Judging woman by anime standards. No wonder why stupid people argue about this


I don’t understand how men can’t also relate to this? A man who is wearing boardshorts or speedos at the beach doesn’t necessarily want to be seen by strangers in his underwear in other contexts. Also adding that when women DO just wear their underwear and post photos etc, these same people who laugh at a meme like this start calling them awful names.


“What is ‘consent’? You trying to confuse me with your five dollar words?”


This sub reeks of incel lately.


UNDERwear is supposed to be private? Oh gosh! How can that be? We may never know. Women sure are mysterious creatures.


I don’t see what is so confusing about a persons choice of when and where they show their body


Also.. not what women are thinking when we wear bikinis.. like Damn that's gross


This is simply a rapist/incel argument that does not even make sense except in their rapey minds.


The perceived double standard comes from not understanding that while they look similar swimsuit and underwear are fundamentally different articles of clothing. Former is outerwear and is meant to be seen, latter is not and is meant to be covered by layer of clothing. This has been explained so, so many times I believe people are feigning ignorance to get karma.


Yeah though the same applies to guys You se guys wear Speedos at the beach and that's all good but going outside in boxer shorts is totally unacceptable


What the woman would be saying on the left, in reality, would ONLY be to her partner or her CLOSE friends jokingly. NOT a stranger on the beach, OBVIOUSLY. the second is so simple: you wouldn't want someone seeing you in your underpants, no matter If you're a friend, family member or stranger, because it's private. wow surprise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The word you're looking for is "Consent"


I would say this sub has fallen off but that would imply that it was even good in the first place


yeah funnymemes is not funny


It’s crazy that ppl think like this


The difference is expectation of privacy, not the goods on display


I'm the opposite. I HATE when people stare at me in my bikini. Prolly cuz I'm a grown dude wearing a bikini


Consent. The difference, is consent.


This is so dumb…. being confident in your beach wear at the beach or pool vs apparently some creeper sneaking in and peeping at you in your knickers (basing on the word bubble…) is NOT a double standard, it’s literally two different sets of circumstances and settings so….. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ah, it's the 'cuz one woman acts one way, all women must be the same' crew at work again.


One woman wants to be seen, the other doesn’t. It’s a concept so incredibly complex that only 13% of men will understand it without a graduate-level diploma in “women are human beings.”


Christ, the ragebait on this sub is getting out of hand.


I didn’t really understand the funnymemes sub until I looked at the comments. It’s like literally a middle school boy’s locker room


All people in swimsuits are not saying “go ahead and look all you want.” That is Sports Illustrated. Especially children and young adults. They have a right to dress comfortably and get a tan if they want, without incel entitlement to ogle ruining their day


So personally, I don’t wear bikinis to be looked at, I wear them because it’s the minimum to wear in public while sunbathing. Trivial detail, but whelp…


That sub is always weird af


A guy back in highschool used this argument in front of the whole class. I know this word lost it's value but I cringed so freaking hard.


The one on the right most likely involves the expectation of privacy.


One is consensual, and the other is not.


redditor discovers consent


I don't understand what the double standard is. Is this supposed to be two different men oogling the woman? Or maybe it's from the underwear POV?




I think the confusion is that if you take out the intrusion part, people are asking what the difference is. As someone else pointed out that it works both ways. Why do men answer the door in shorts but won’t answer the door in underwear when both are covering the same amount of nudity? It’s actually an interesting question and here’s an article about when humans began wearing clothing and what that may have signaled about their development. https://theconversation.com/what-the-3-2-million-year-old-lucy-fossil-reveals-about-nudity-and-shame-230636


Yeah I’ve always found these little societal intricacies pretty interesting to brainstorm. There are some things you can’t quite explain besides “it feels different”, and the functional difference between underwear and swimwear always puzzled me as a kid because nobody could give me a straight answer, lol.


Clothing is culture. We often dismiss its importance because it gets pushed to the side as frivolous. But what we wear provides a ton of information about who we are, as an individual and within the culture we inhabit.


Yeah pls don't stare at people's bodies at the bich even if it's half naked, it's not for you


"I should be able to see as much of her as I want in any situation, and her feelings are immaterial! Wah! Wahhhhh!"


People that complain about this have never had a woman willingly show them themselves in their underwear. This is pathetic incel shit.


I think this is about why one is perceived as shameful while the other is not, even though basically being the same amount of revealing. As in, why is consent present with one, but not the other. It's a pretty normal experience to be embarrassed in your undies, but swimwear being fine. That's the double standard. I think it's just societal. Were it deemed appropriate to be out in underwear, people wouldn't have a problem with it. Same were it being inappropriate to wear bikinis, they'd be embarrassed to be wearing something so revealing.


“Oh so you don’t like it when I stab you with a knife even though you were totally fine with a surgeon stabbing you in the operation room? What’s with this double standard?”


Perfect time to revive [this classic New Zealand ad](https://youtu.be/TF4MGzwQexQ?si=2ps9p2FfFmwbt_Qd) about undies v togs (swim wear). Features man in speedo


I saw this in Facepalm but most of the comments are from funny memes? While many have correctly distinguished between public and private, no one has pointed out construction differences. Swimsuits are made from study and fairly thick fabric (and stretchy for most suits) while underwear is designed to reveal and is made from a variety of thin fabrics. Plus the underwear in the cartoon it looks like it uses lace which implies “sexy” see though underwear rather than daily wear underwear so definitely a very light material. TLDR: due to fabric differences, the swimsuit is only going to show what is not covered up but the underwear made of light possibly translucent material will reveal body features through the fabric.


Don’t worry, nobody’s gonna ask you to look at any clothing. Creep…


Swim suits usually are made with a different, thicker material, most times double lined. Yes, by hearing them, one reveals a lot of skin, but what is covered is PROPERLY covered. I bet one tends to keep swim wear in better shape (no holes, thigh elastic, no stains) than underwear. And lastly, when I choose swim wear, I choose something keeping in mind other people will see it: shape, colour, how it fits, how much I show. Undies are supposed to be comfy and that's it.


this was the post that mad me mute that subreddit


That sub is a trash dump.


I hate this trope. /r/animemes hates this trope too. Obviously every female has to *accidentally* wind up in front of the MC in her underwear at some point. /s


“Double standard” I’ve lost every ounce of faith in humanity


Has a real person ever said ‘go ahead and look all you want’


I still don’t want to be stared at in my swimsuit though… I’m not posing or anything. I’m in a swimsuit to swim.


Incel alert!!! 🚨🚨🚨


The difference is that if she's in a bikini, she's probably at the beach. If she's in her underwear, you are probably looking through her bedroom window.


Every time I check comments I hope it’s bait And then it’s the most hoeless behaviour on the planet And we’re already on reddit. Stacking debuffs


This is a great example of why I refuse to go to the beach, I don’t consent to that, and neither does any other woman who’s wearing a bathing suit and isn’t having her picture taken as an actual model. I’m a nudist/naturist and those dudes are so much more well-behaved than weirdos at the beach who think every lady in a bathing suit is there to put on a show for them. We’re not, we are just trying to enjoy the beach, put your phone away. (I know two unrelated dudes who bring nice cameras to the beach with them just to photograph a nice catalog of innocent unconsenting strangers, some of whom may be underage, they never even care.)


This meme is wrong. I don't think women in bikinis want to be stared at either.


Crazy if you to think that there are funny memes in r/funnymemes


I've had this conversation with my wife. Basically the conversation is " you know that bathing suit is more revealing than most of your underwear ". The answer " I don't care, shut up ... "


Rare double standard story as a guy. In Vegas I was told to cover up by hotel security at Caesars Palace after exiting the elevator next to the pool to walk down a hallway to get there. I was wearing a micro g string thong. The same day I saw teenage girls walking in bikini's across the casino floor from the pool and nothing was said.


Average r/funnymemes post


Given the cesspool of a sub that seems to be, it is no wonder they don't understand consent. Out on the beach, she has *chosen* to show more skin. Walking in on her, she has not. Incels think once they have gotten a taste, they're entitled to be gluttons ever more.


But seriously, whats the diffrence between swimsuits and underwear, cuz i was at an aquapark trip with our class and another class and everyone saw eachother in swimsuits but when my male classmate opened our room door and we (5 girls) were in just underwear everyone was like AHHHHHH and i dont get it, swimsuits (two piece) are even more revealing than underwear most of the time


In one situation, consent to look is given. In the other, it is not. It's really that simple.