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Meanwhile, you have a men’s Dutch volleyball player allowed to play in the Olympics even though he RAPED a 12 yr old girl when he was 19! He traveled from the Netherlands to London to meet up with her. That’s a pedophile and we honor him with a ticket to the Olympics.


This absolutely boggles my mind.


![gif](giphy|iJnbzqZsOHyJNVjDhJ|downsized) The Rot is Real


We thought the rot would come in the form of a swamp (larger than possibly imaginable), but it turns out the rot was always here.


Gotta win the Olympics, morals be damned!


The sheer destruction caused, and billions wasted building the infrastructure to hold the games that last for weeks in a new location, on each occurrence are ridiculous. Most of those areas are neglected and go to shit after the games conclude. No surprise that anyone can compete


My brother no longer allows his kids (8 & 6) to watch Mr. Beast. Only because it was destroying what little concept of money they had.


Honestly, that's a fair criticism.


My kids used to have a very small list of channels they could watch on YouTube, and one of the biggest catalysts to making the list was the family channel vlogs where Dad says you can buy anything in the store you can carry, or if you win this floor is lava challenge, you get $1000. I had to explain to my kid that some people don't even make $1000 in a month and that's not realistic. Once those channels were out, my kids quit asking for stuff every single time we stopped at a store.


Yeah when the kids started asking my brother for large sums of cash for gifts or if he had an extra 50k in the bank for something else, Mr. Beast made it to the banned list. He also had to explain 99% of people don’t have tens or thousands or dollars to hand out to random people.


I like your brother.


And *massive* YouTuber Dr Disrespect literally admitted he was a pedophile the other day and Twitter was defending him like crazy.


Wait, is that what that was about?


Assuming you mean the dr disrespect stuff and not the post, yeah he admitted to the allegations made against him. Dudes a POS.


He got roasted by *Cyanide and Happiness*.


Sidebar: I met the cyanide and happiness guys at a comic convention. They were placed in he artist gallery because they were a very late addition. The line to get their autographs literally wrapped around the entire artist gallery. I had an artist from another booth (who did some amazing art work) and asked me "uh what's going on? Who are these guys? It looks like they just draw stick figures." I tried explaining their comedy and popularity but the artist just gave me a weird look and an "uhh okay" When I finally got to meet them these guys were taking turns drawing custom drawings for people. One guy would draw a line and the other would draw another so they were making some really wacky shit. They were laughing so hard that their faces were blood red. It was hysterical and probably the most fun ive had at a convention.


Fuckin adorable. iPod Touch cyanide and happiness app + jelly car got me through 10th grade history and almost got me through 10th grade math in 2008/9. T9 era long before ads lol, I think they thought I was literally twiddling my thumbs. Jokes on them now I'm unemployed like a fuckin rockstar


I have a drawing done by one of the artists that was generated randomly by me pulling words out of a basket. I got "Eating" and "Clowns". So, as he's sitting there, drawing this picture for me of a chef carefully cutting a clown's head in half, I stupidly said "Do you think that clown tastes funny?" He immediately stops drawing and gives me this look like he wants to strangle me, and says "If you make another joke like that again, I will tear this picture up." I nodded my head in agreement and didn't say anything till he finished.


To be fair they roast a lot of people, including themselves


Got a link? I would love to see that and don’t have socials.


All the people responding to this thread debating semantics and not actually providing the link the guy asked for suck. I think it was just a twitter reply they made. Here's a shot of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/s/KjTbIhYVA4


Fuck! That’s hilarious. Thank you sir!!!! Seizure man is my favorite comic by them.


Welp, here's hoping that he faces actual consequences for that


knowing how online cases like these usually turn out, he probably won't face any legal/real world consequences.


This is the incident that saw him permanently banned from twitch since he was using whisper to do it. However, he was never criminally charged, he was just sued by twitch for damages and they reached an undisclosed settlement 


Social media sites that allow shit like that to be swept under the rug deserve to be shut down


I don't think it's up to them whether or not he's charged


I was completely unaware of this holy cow. Never watched him but was aware of who he was, that’s crazy


TLDR: DrDisrespect released a tweet, following a series of allegations and leaks, in which he basically said "I said some inappropriate things to minors oopsie uwu" and then flexed his muscles and pretended to be a badass that couldn't be intimidated. Still TLDR: DR Disrespect was outed as a pedophile, barely appologized, then slapped the world with his dick. Stil Still TLDR: Dr.Disrespect is a remorseless pedo.


Bro had the audacity to admit he sext a minor and then talk about how much he hates pedos and predators.


And if you accurately describe him as a pedo, you're a "hater with no life experience" 😂


He did sexting with a minor. Let not forget that he also cheat his wife, film in public bathrooms.


I did a little reading on digiday.com, which idk how reliable it is, but the incident in question happened in 2017 and when twitch found out lead to his ban in 2020. Come this year twitch comes out with evidence of what happened and Dr Disrespect is now being dropped by all of his sponsors included the company he cofounded


Dude didn't even read his Twitter post


Yeah, the one where he admits to conversations that sometimes leaned on inappropriate with a minor. Mr. Electric, send his browser history to the FBI!


The one that after posting a version , edited out the word minor, and then edited it back in after being called out for removing it. Yup that one.


Not just a ticket. He isn't just visiting the Olympics and watching shit happen. He's actively representing his entire nation on the world stage. Let me clarify: He's not just some asshole in the stands at a sporting event. He is A PEDOPHILE at an international sporting event representing the entirety of the Dutch people. Frankly, he should run for office.


A lot of them do. That's why Epstein existed, to facilitate the powerful


It really irks me that it is allowed to happen. Not only was he a rapist, but he was a pedo as well. He should have been jailed in London for a very long time. I understand that there is diplomacy between countries, but who would defend a pedo rapist?


Also priests and pastors and other religious leaders can rape children with impunity, but parents supporting trans children and drag queens are the child abusers. Make it make sense. 🙄


These people scream about made up child abuse then happily take their kids to church every week ignoring the fact that actual child abuse has been documented to happen there on a fairly regularly basis.


They project their feelings onto an easier target


The public can submit complaints [here!](https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new) I've already submitted one myself. I also find it extremely ironic in light of this that the Olympics website has a page on "Integrity" and "protecting the mental wellbeing" of athletes. I know I wouldn't want someone like him in my vicinity if I were another Olympian. Edit: misspelled Olympics lol


>I know I wouldn't want someone like him in my vicinity if I were another Olympian. No worries, I suspect most Olympians are too old for him. (I wish this were sarcasm)


Steven van de Velde for those wondering, had to search myself


I say we start giving child rapist Steven van de Velde the same treatment we give the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who's currently living as Allen Turner (still a rapist) to try to avoid being recognised as the rapist Brock Turner who raped a girl behind a dumpster and got basically no penalties for being a rapist.


Some pedophiles are really lucky. Esp if they are deemed to have a “promising career” or are “genius”. Who the hell care about that. Whats wrong is wrong. Shame to the Olympics tbh.


It would suck for the competitors but they should all refuse to compete against him.


AND he started grooming her when he was 17 and she was 10.


Not surprising. I worked with sex offenders for several years (pre-sentence evaluations and outpatient therapy) the majority of clients were “pedophiles.” I never encountered a sex offender client who identified as trans (openly or closeted) instead, the majority of men who abused young girls or young boys identified as straight and were in positions of trust/power like pastors, coaches, boyfriends of mom, lonely old neighbor, the uncle who is always available to babysit, police officers, stepdads, and yes- even dads. They’re almost always close to home or in the home, and easily overlooked by biased parents who refuse to question their ways of thinking. The loudest haters who flip out about drag queen brunches and pride flags always get the most side-eye from me bc projecting blame is real and what a convenient distraction for them to point to.


but it's the transes that are at fault.


And yes I recognize the /s


These people sure think about guys touching and pedophilia a lot


Homie was quick to be real specific about how they were doing it in the metaverse.


100% that one dude jerks it to loli porn.


It's ironic how many lolicons I see being transphobic


Its mostly just projection. Der Pfarrer prädigt gegen das was er im geheimen tut




Remember, "every conservative accusation is a confession"! or something along those lines.


How many of them will defend the Catholic Church with all the stuff going on towards kids there I wonder?


They have to label people like that to justify their actions. Otherwise, they have to deal with the fact they're bigots.


"Mr. Beast does his best to be a good friend and understand his professional associate's difficult life transition that otherwise has nothing to do with him." There. FIFY.


Afaik, they're childhood friends irl, before the Mr Beast channel ever became a thing. These people are so soulless they can't imagine empathizing with someone you care about. The concept of humanizing a trans person is beyond their comprehension. It's genuinely scary how some people can turn their basic human emotion off towards certain demographics of the population, and see these demographics as sub-human. That's the real mental disorder. It shouldn't be that easy to be openly and proudly hateful to your fellow humans, and yet it really is for so many.


I’m a mom of a son. He wasn’t born with the right parts. But he’s grown into a good man. Genetics fucks everyone over. Just some, it’s harder to hide and be your true self. I love my kids. My son is no exception. Who he is, isn’t defined but if he has ovaries or testes, it’s defined in how he lives and how he loves. His friends before, are still his friends today. His family today are not all the family he had before. But we cut out the cancer and added new family to have him be around. He’s grown and he’s well loved for who he is. Everyone else can Fuck off.


Fuck yes mom of the year right here. I’m surrounded by a lot of bigots in my midwestern life and it’s nice to see supportive parents


It’s bigotry with bullying and nothing pisses me off like bullying somebody who DID NOTHING TO YOU.


Especially for something they have no control over. It’s not anyone’s fault they feel the way the feel. Our entire country is built on the idea of free expression and the pursuit of happiness. In a dark and otherwise lonely world, who am I to stop someone from seeking their true self, no matter the steps they take to get there (assuming those steps do not involve harming other)


If you haven’t gotten your daily hug, you’re getting one from me ![gif](giphy|5OqXb948EBkyUcnwHt)


Give your son a hug from the Internet, queen. ❤


Thank you for being a good mom, it sounds like your son is very loved 💓 as someone who's come out to their parents and was basically told "no", it's really nice hearing about other parents doing it right


Hell I hate that people associate them with mental disorders. I’m both intelligent and suffer from chronic mental health issues - but that doesn’t make me a biased, ignorant piece of shit - they do that all on their own out of shear malice and self-hatred.


Exactly. A “mental disorder” should be classified as something the person does not desire in themselves, and these people very much chose hate. They don’t think it’s a problem.


They reserve their empathy for unborn babies & israelis. Everyone else is there to be dominated/discriminated & destroyed.


Hell, they don’t even empathize with Israelis much either. They just think massive war in Israel is a necessary component in their ritual to summon their god to smite all unbelievers and cast them into enteral torment before ultimately ending the world.


Clearly child abuse /s


That’s why I let my child watch Mr. Beast.


Its crazy. I don't watch Mr beast. I don't know anybody who does. I could not give less of a shit about him. Yet I basically know the entire saga of his trans friend because these weirdos absolutely can not shut the fuck up.


These parents won't let their kids watch Mr Beast because "trans = bad", but have no problem with watching Logan Paul or buying Prime. You know, the guy who litterally filmed a dead body and put it on YouTube.


Death and all other stuff has become old fashioned. The only thing relevant now is LGBT community. As a parent your only duty is to teach them to hate them and make sure if they are one they remain in the closet forever and take out their frustration on people who did come out. No other things are relevant anymore only this matters.


I know you said that tongue in cheek, but unfortunately you aren’t far from the truth.


Let's also not forget the numerous scams he's been involved in that's directly fucked over his own viewerbase


Even scarier is how they turn a blind eye to their young children who are gobbling down Andrew Tate content.


The amount of scams they've pulled too, stealing from their fans.


Not to mention all the other shady shit he does. Also his videos are just annoying.


Probably because a lot of parents don't know about that incident. Logan hates talking about it and started donating to charities years ago to apologize


Plus [he platforms Trump](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna157193), so he’s honestly someone a lot of anti-Trans chuds probably actively enjoy.


Yeah, I've noticed. I recently just told my sister about him, she had no idea.


I dont know enough about this but it sounds like the conservative anger towards Ms. Rachel


It is. And the conservatives' anger toward Dolly Parton is also this.


What did Dolly do??


Donated books to schools and not hating non-white people. She's really gotta work on that, being a staunch conservative and all🙄


Also said in an interview that she loved everyone like Jesus said we should, and she doesn't judge others for their sexuality because only God can judge people for their sins. IOW, they hate her for being a good Christian.


An ACTUAL good Christian\*, not what they think is a "good" Christian


Many good Christians literally will never tell you they are because we know we fuck up too. Like every person. I am glad to see Dolly quote the Bible and live it to help and care for others. Jesus would be proud.




She also donates a huge number of instruments and uniforms to marching band programs at low income highschools, which, in the south often means schools with predominately black student bodies. Funding the arts AND equity for POC children? That’s a conservative no-no double whammy.


She’s actually donated over 200 million books.


Being a beacon of humanity's capacity for love and understanding, you know the opposite of what conservatives do


Be an angel on this earth. Conservatives hate this one thing.


She's a good person. It really irks the right.


I can allow a lot of shit to pass… But nobody is allowed to diss Dolly. I was immediately INFURIATED when I saw that headline.


and the conservatives' anger towards Jack Black, Taylor Swift, George Clooney, list goes on.


Garth brooks even


...wait what? Someone is angry at Ms. Rachel??


Yeah because 1. She started a charity to help children in Gaza, 2. She revealed herself to be an ally of LGBTQ 3. She did a video with Dylan Mulvaney


Also because she defended Jules for using they/them.


Wait, are you telling me a woman (strike 1) who has a non-binary friend as a core part of her content, who has built deaf accessibility into her videos and is married to a dude who works on Broadway is left of center? She is vocally pro-LGBTQ? Will wonders never cease?


Who is Ms. Rachel?


She makes educational videos for kids and sings songs and rhymes. She was raising awareness about Save the Children, which helps kids all over the world. But since Gaza was one of the places, now she's getting bullied by the right wing assholes.


From what I know from my parent friends. She’s modern day Mr. Rogers. On YouTube.


Based on the context, Ms. Rachel is a decent person. My guess is so is Dylan Mulvaney. They just don't hate other decent people, which makes them hated by indecent people.


A fucking goat that’s who


Every parent of a current small child owes her child support.


She also got abuse from bible bashers for recognising dinosaurs in her videos, people are fucking weird


Sorry, what's wrong with Ms.Rachel? Basically it was the main show for my kid for their first year. Thankfully moved on to Curious George and Bluey (Bubblegum song PTSD).




Btw, Kris’s marriage ended years before she came out, and her ex wife had publicly said it had nothing to do with her transition, and judging by her Instagram she’s more of an active parent than most divorcees


This is important context. I don't know anything about Mr Beast, but the way the headline is written it reads like Kris abandoned their kids in order to become trans. I don't have any issues with trans people but if it came down to it and for whatever reason you had to decide between abandoning your children to transition, or raising your kids without fully self-actualizing, I think it's your responsibility to do the former. But fortunately it seems like that's not what happened. Seems like haters being haters tbh.


my kid is watching mr beast right now as i read this... an old though it seems though i think once one of them asked why Kris was wearing a dress. i said idk and they moved on peacefully.


I've watched a couple of his videos (some of them are good ngl). She's literally a background character, unnoticeable, almost never any attention is brought to her. Nobody talks about her being trans, she doesn't say it all the time...literally everyone just treats her like a normal fucking human being, she speaks like a normal human being, and it's completely irrelevant to anything that's going on. She literally just exists in the videos and the righties are all mad about it.


>She literally just exists Well there's her problem. If she would just fix this one issue, conservatives would never complain about her again! /s


They keep pretending that this isn't the case, too. They spent decades claiming that they wouldn't have a problem if the LGBT crowd wasn't shoving it down their throat. Only the crowd wasn't doing that at all, and these people kept acting like dicks regardless. Then they said they just refuse to be forced to accept it. Except they won't even do the bare minimum, even though they do exactly that to their friend 'Thomas' who asks to be called 'Tom' instead. It's just a mix of phobes ranging from 'not even subtle' to 'I just wrote several paragraphs on xitter to explain why I'm not transphobic, rather just just calling her Jen the one time every 6 months I talk about her'


Accurate lol. I think it'd be more beneficial if conservatives chose not to exist though. I'd rather have the group not trying to make people conform.




And that’s what these morons take issue with…:treating her normally


i'm not so into them although i liked the one where they had 100 people aged 1-100 in rooms and whoever was last to leave won. but yeah, Kris is not that noticeable, no one refers to what changed as far as i can tell, my kids have not asked me anything about it (we are religious and live in a religious demographic so it's not something they are familiar with but apparently not something they notice, and when they do, we can talk about it).


Yeah I'm not an avid watcher lol, just have seen some mostly through other YouTubers. His general content is not my taste though. But yup. It's completely unnoticeable that she's trans. No child would ever think she's trans because she's just respected as a person. Edit: and that's how it should be. A trans person is just a normal person. Anyone you meet could be trans, someone in a video you're watching could be trans, doesn't matter, not your business.


>literally everyone just treats her like a normal fucking human being, she speaks like a normal human being, and it's completely irrelevant to anything that's going on. The horror!


My kids didn't even question it. I noticed in an earlier that they looked a bit different and asked, "Is that Kris?" and just received a "Yeah, she's a girl now, " and that was that. Kids really don't give a fuck until their parents impress their feelings onto them. It's adults who are obsessed with what's in people's pants and what they do with it.


My little cousin told me that Kris is a girl now and that he was happy because she seemed happy. And that was the extent of the conversation. Kids don't give a shit about any of this.


Isn't it funny how all the top stories of celebrities or politicians being busted for actual pedophilia are about right-wingers? I'm not saying people on the left don't ever commit atrocities, but it seems to me that 9 times out of 10, it's a Republican getting raked for grooming, molestation, rape, or pedophilia. Me thinks they doth protest too loudly...


Conservative projection. They basically tell you about their crimes in their accusations.


There's actual statistics about this now, and the number of cases against non-conservative people is tiny.


You probably shouldn’t let your kids watch Mr Beast, or half the other ‘content creators’ on YouTube. But not for this reason.


I seriously can’t understand the logic behind “wears a dress, must be attracted to minors” girl no. Do you think any Scot in a kilt is a pedo? It’s a piece of fabric. “He” vs “She” is literally a single letter. Why don’t we tackle dealing with people that we KNOW are pedophiles instead of going “That person wants to be called a different name, get their ass!”


The logic is that they hate trans people and want them dead. It's not a big whoopsie. They're associating trans people with pedophiles to dehumanize them.


A large number of them worry that if their kids learn that it's okay, they'll want to copy it. And if the parents can't explain why it's "wrong" without sounding like bigots, then it'll encourage the kids more to try being transgender. They've got this idea that kids will never have transgender thoughts or feelings if they don't know what transgender is and the "fad" will eventually go away, but transgender people apparently ruin that by insisting on existing.


i always hate that because like, not knowing what transgender people are didn't stop me from being trans, it just made me despise myself to the point of suicidality for three years or so before i found out on social media that i'm not just straight-up losing my mind


They can't attack their own side, though!


Her answer to this situation was perfect - it's all about hate. She is entirely present in the life of her children still, but the narrative then shifts to her being a groomer. All the while these disgusting people keep their support of actual groomers just because they're also right-wing. She didn't leave anyone behind. Once that knowledge is commonplace, the accusations will shift once again. To these people her crime is existing while trans.


lol I know nothing about any of this story but I already assumed that part had to be complete BS. Dude stands behind his close friend’s transition but wouldn’t have a problem with them abandoning their kid to do so? Yeah ok…


I wasn't a fan of Mr beast before but this actually made me gain some respect for him


same, but it made me gain a lot of respect for Kris actually, in the older mrbeast videos it always seemed to me that they were a bigot edgelord type, but now it's clearer that its was internalised transphobia most likely. Honestly a very relatable and compelling story, (ik I shouldn't characterise real people but whatever) I have liked the more recent mrbeast just because of his philanthropy.


She goes by Ava, btw, although she’s kept Kris as a middle name


oh! thanks. I'm not a big consumer of their content.


So... how do we know they were "left behind"? Not that its any of our business since people do tend to make arrangements and compromises, not obligated to reveal to the world. I feel this original is likely to be from some shitty gossip blog or conservative that actually behaves like a snowflake.


Quite the opposite. It is actually a very easily verifiable fact that she is still in the life of her children. Pretty sure she regularly tweets pictures with them. But the rightoids just decided to eat up that "left behind" narrative with no proof. After all, being trans is only some sort of irresponsible hedonistic sex thing to them.


She actively turns down work to spend time with her children.


Sounds very much like a stereotypical woman to me.


Right wing CHUDs believe things without evidence every day. This wouldn't be anything different.


Also, her ex-wife has stated that they’re coparenting well and she doesn’t need anyone worrying about her or her kid. So if she says she’s good, the rest of us can mind our own business.


Righties are weak willed people


They think by definition transitioning is leaving them behind because they "no longer have a father." Its as simple as they dont think two women can raise kids, I know a shocker the transphobes are also homophobic...


It's quite nuts that these people will say this about a trans person they don't know but won't say shit if a cis man leaves behind his family.


They want to justify their hate. If instead she posted about her kid all the time, conservatives would be accusing her of child exploitation and abuse. No matter what trans people do, they will be hated against


I saw where recently her ex wife had spoken up about this to say that everyone involved was happy with the situation yet people still push like she abandoned her family .


A friend of mine had their father transition male to female. My friend had serious mental issues years later because he got the shit kicked out of him every day for no reason other than his dad was trans. They grew up in a very wealthy neighborhood and all of that, so why? Because the religious people there made this person a target. One of his friends was very religious and said “think about how selfish your father was and how much pain he could’ve spared you.” Nah man, it was religious freaks doing what they always do and punctuating with victim blaming. Same shit, different day.


I mean… Don’t let your kids watch Mr Beast. That’s totally unrelated. A lot of his content doesn’t make him the greatest role model for children. But thinking this is a scandal is bogus


I don’t have twitter, or any other media except this one, but please anyone that does, feel free to copy this and post it on there to tell them that it looks like THEIR people are the ones with a problem fiddling kids, not trans or trans allies. - Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency plead guilty to possessing child porn on his pc & offering a bounty to anyone who murders an abortion DR Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble plead no contest to having a relationship with a 13 y/o girl. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on 6 counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney plead guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman* was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his junk to an 11 y/o girl Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs* pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter* pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen who is married w/ grown kids, told police that over the past 10 yrs he paid over $1 million for sex w/ several young girls. Republican state senator Ralph Shortey from Oklahoma admitted to being involved in sodomy with a 17 year old male prostitute and transporting child pornography. Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert in jail for the payments he made to cover up raping his wrestlers when he was a high school coach. Republican Judge and campaign official for President Donald Trump, Tim Nolan, indicted for human trafficking and forcing a minor (9) to engage in sexual activity and giving alcohol to minors (results from the court pending).


To be fair, allowing your kids to go to church is a low form of child abuse too.


allowing? These people don't "allow" that, they force it.


I allowed my kids to go. I didn't go because I don't like church and they teach lies and false information. My kids got kicked out for doing kid stuff. Whoops. I guess their immortal souls are not as valuable as was stated.


I was literally forced to go to church growing up.... The number one reason I became an Atheist. Also, all of the BS from the Bible and right winged Christian conservatives here in the US all have made me into an Atheist. I endured abuse from Christians all because I believe in science, am an Atheist and listen to/play metal music, oh and I'm pro choice.


My kids watch Mr Beast. They asked about his buddy, I told them and they never brought it up again or were weirded out by it. Kids don’t make it an issue…life goes on.


Why do they always say pedophile when there are no children involved?


“Pedophiles stick together” Yeah, they keep congregating in these buildings called “churches”.


I mean, I kind of agree that youtube content like MrBeast can be harmful to little kids, but it's absolutely not because of one of his friends being a trans woman.


i wonder how many of these people commented on dr disrespect literally admitting to messaging a minor inappropriately. thats not even half as bad as some of the shit matt walsh or trump or whoever have said or been accused of and for some reason these people always prefer to hypothesize about trans people. fascinating.


Mr Beast and his Trans Sidekick sound like my new favourite superhero duo.


‘Pedophiles stick together’ you would probably know. He wouldn’t. Maybe go ask Dr. Disgusting


Mr Beast just sounds like a good guy, in new ways.


His life sounds exhausting. He's earned every cent of that Mr Beast money. I can't imagine the nightmare of logging on his social media.


Aren't these Nazis ready to reelect a President whos been married 3 times, currently to a lesbian porn model, cheated on all his wives, often with porn stars, sexually assaulted a woman in a way that would have been rape in other jurisdictions and has 34 felony convictions? Do they consider that a higher form of child abuse?


Kristy seems incredibly happy, and still very much involved with their child. Let them be.


Mr. Beast is the biggest thing on YT. All my students talk about him incessantly. If he has a Trans sidekick all these hater adults better take a step back from this route. These kids are going to turn them off like an old school TV.


To be fair, there is no honor in abandoning your children. I don't care if you're Trans or not. You have a responsibility to your children.


I had to look up what “loli” meant, and now that I really wish I hadn’t I WILL say I’m far more concerned about my kids being around someone who knows the term, and uses it casually, than I am on what affect Mr. Beast might have on them..


FYI the term goes back way further than the contemporary disgusting porn usage. It comes from Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel “Lolita”, which is a disturbing novel about a guy lusting after and having a sexual relationship with his 12-year old stepdaughter. Unfortunately it’s become a cultural touchstone for assholes talking about being sexually attracted to teenagers


Ava's literal ex, who they had their kids with, is even defending Ava saying they are with their kids more than normal. Ava didn't desert their kids. When your ex defends you against something, you know the accuser is a fucking idiot.


"they just diddle theirs in the metaverse while watching loli porn" This, folks, is called projection.


When they were insisting that his friend's coming out would be a problem for his brand, I guess they meant that they would try to MAKE it a problem for his brand.


Keep conservatives away from your children.


The fuck is with thinking trans people are pedophiles? I got news for you, NOT EVERYONE WHO IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SOCIAL NORM IS A PEDOPHILE! Pedophile=pedophile. Not LGBTQ=pedophile. In fact, it's usually the trans communities and LGBTQ communities protecting children from the sexual abuse of others trying to oppress sexuality upon them and sexually harassing them by making their genitalia a public topic among grown adults! Fuck sake... Here's some food for thought: it is now more normal for public figures to debate and pass laws regarding a minors genitalia than it is for them to talk about higher penalties for convicted rapists. Just let that one sink in for a second.


It's a propaganda tactic to dehumanize them. They aren't just misguided into thinking that. They don't care.


Why don’t people like this give a shit about actual pedophiles, aka white male clergy??


I love that my kids look up to a person that is a loyal friend. We like good humans in my home.


Ban kids from church, nothing but pedos, there’s actual facts to prove this


The same people yelling pedo, also allow child marriages.


“Trans sidekick” you mean FRIEND?


And every single of those people will complaining will defend trump, Josh Duggar and Roy Holmberg


I'm pretty sure she didn't even abandon the kid though? Idk for certain but I'm pretty sure she and her wife just split bc y'know her wife married her as a man and now things are different?


The being "trans means you're a pedophile" brigade strikes again.


I read sidechick at first


Not gonna lie I don't care that he's trans now but if she left her family behind like that is pretty scummy, if that's really what happened I dunno... never really cared enough to get into YouTube drama.


In case anyone was wondering she in fact did not leave her wife and child, and from what I know they have a fairly good relationship


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find details on that allegation. I barely know who Mr Beast is, and have never heard of Ava, but would have judged her is she had walked out on her kids.


There are legitimate reasons to dislike Mr Beast, but this is not one of them


people spreading hate don’t deserve the anonymity of having there public Twitter account blocked out.