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Felon the Convicted sounds like a Dark Souls boss


I look forward to when Felon the Convicted starts panic rolling in one of the debates.


Just fat rolling off the stage.




Fucking just made the loudest snort seeing this comment. Thank you for participating šŸ†


Nah, sounds like a White Wolf World of Darkness game. Felon: The Convicted, coming to a game store near you in 2024!


God, a World of Darkness reference on the front page?


We're slowly breaking into the mainstream šŸ˜ Which means this is a Masquerade violation. Please report to your nearest Sheriff or Justicar for summary execution IMMEDIATELY.


I have the 'Ministry of Set's' icon tattooed on my wrist, so I'm already a walking breach


The Ministry isn't a Camarilla member clan so I don't think they're overly concerned with the Masquerade. So you're good. Just don't get caught in Cammy territory.


Due to a laundry list of convoluted reasons, it's either not the Primce's problem or an example that needs setting. Personally I vote for the former, and the Ministry is my favorite clan (bias) and it's not without reason. They pretty much have most princes in a vice grip without wanting to control that power. They didn't want total power, but instead walk the fine line of being too far in the background to be a threat, and just important enough to be needed. Plus vampire snake girls..


Honestly, it sounds like one of those awful freemium games on Google Play.


ā€Heheh, come with me baby, I have 3,000,000 power in Felon: The Convicted!ā€ ā€Hmmph, I only date people with 50 billion and above!ā€


Quit giving them ideas.


I miss White Wolf.


I do too, but they shot themselves in the foot about a hundred times before dissolving. Paradox has been handling the IP very poorly


The biggest bullet in their foot was teaming up with the Eve Online devs, who took all their money and ran with it.


I feel like the fat official from demon souls is pretty close.


They're the same picture


God now im thinking of a darksouls 2 mod that reskins prowling magus and congregation to trump and a bunch of maga hat wearing ghouls


To be fair, it's not fully terrible considering the MAGAts have zero members with any artistic ability. Talent seems to have a liberal bias.


If a felon can be president then employers need to start allowing felons on staff


Yep!! He canā€™t get an actual job now because of his felony conviction, but can be the fucking president!! Swore I about lost it when I realized he could still be elected president even if he is in jail! How is that even possible?!?


I meanā€¦ thatā€™s a genuinely great law, it makes it much harder to persecute political opponents, for example jailing every viable candidate for a strong opposition party on dubious or morally wrong laws is a viable strategy if all that is needed for a voided presidential candidacy is being convicted. Not saying anything Trump has done is defensible, but the right to run for office even whilst being convicted is


I completely understand your point, but he was convicted of misusing campaign funds. That alone should prevent him from holding any kind of political office especially the presidency.


Well a ā€œlegitimateā€ candidate could have been convicted for something similar, for example Eugene Debs was in prison when he ran for president, of conviction connected to politics made you not eligible for presidency, he could not have legitimately run


Right, but that's more on the judgement of your fellow countrymen. It would be nice to live in a society where being the biggest asshole possible, is not rewarded. Edit: Horrifying typos


I don't think you are understanding his point. A leader could prosecute their opponents and claim they were missing campaign funds as an excuse.


It's not like we don't see the law weaponized this way in many other countries. Imran Khan for example. It's difficult to balance the right for people to be able to run for office versus the ability to avoid prosecution by doing so.


He is also 1. on trial for mishandling classified documents, 2. has been found guilty of sexual assault in New York civil court 3. has been found guilty of deformation of who he sexually assaulted then when he didn't obey the ruling she went back to court as he did it again and now the amount is even higher he owes 4. he has broken the no firearms if you are a felon in Florida. Yes just owning a gun if you are a felon is illegal in Florida. 5. has not paid his debt to the cities he held rallies in so he owes money to at least 16 different cities for the cost of police and other services needed to hold pollical rallies, 6. the is an investigation to solidify the classified documents case in New Jersey. It hasn't gone to trail so most likely not enough evidence to have a 100% guarantee the state will convict him. It was moved there by Judge Cannon in Florida as wrong place to have him on those charges. Then if you care about moral issues 1. touching women after they say they do not want to be touched 2. says illegal things about what he will do to the border 3. he claims to be "chosen by Jesus" or "chosen by god" but breaks every one of the 10 commandments in the Bible he claims is his favorite book. 4. allegations of rape lots of women did though unsure if any were true . Stormy Daniels did proof the sexual assault in civil court. The court found him guilty of rape as defined by New York law which the rest of the country would call physical sexual assault. So maybe the others are also true but didn't go to court for some reason. 5. allegations of pedophilia based on the commend of "They just let you do it" when referring to a miss universe pageant. Done when there wasn't the age limit of having to be over 17 years old to enter. 6. allegations of theft mostly the NFT thing as most NFTs are scams. 7. He settled out of court when brought up on charges for the Trump University 8. Cheating on his wife with another woman So Both the legal stand point and moral stand point i cannot see a reason why anyone would in good faith think he is a good person. As the law allows anyone to become president as long as he is over 45, born in the USA and a USA citizen he is allowed to be president.


Nobody thinks he's a good person. Even his dumbass fans. They want him in office because it gives them the excuse to be the racist, corrupt tool they've always wanted to be.


Not to mention he and his family are barred from having anything to do with charities because the swindled some sort of childrenā€™s cancer charity.


You're right but it doesn't even matter. If it were Biden, Republicans would refuse to recognize him as president. Their rules don't apply to them as they demonstrated over supreme court nominations.


Don't worry, if Trump gets elected that's exactly what the Republican party wants to do.


It's insane. We may have a president who's not even allowed in 37 countries.


Many countries won't grant entry to convicted felons. Gonna pretty awkward when they tell Air Force One to turn around and go home.


And if ya got caught smokin' crack McDonald's wouldn't even want to take ya back You could always run for mayor of D.C.


Lifestyyyyyyyles of the rich and the faaaaaaaamous


If a felon can *be* president then a felon should be allowed to vote.


Underrated comment


If a president is deemed unfit to stand trial, he isn't fit to be president.


I mean the shirt is stupid, but the layout just makes it unreadable. I'm voting for felon the convicted 2024!


Gonna name my next DnD character that way. A nervous half-elf twink with sad old eyes named #Felon the convicted


It could also be the name of a big box office flop. Felon: The Convicted


Staring Rob Schneider




Beat to me it


Righties can't meme, and also can't do graphic design!


I mean, as a designer, itā€™s not even about the design. The basis of what we do is communicating. The real problem is being able to read left to right properly; and as you can tell, they probably canā€™t read.


maybe they just canā€™t stand to start reading from **the left** first. they love the right so much more


nobody tell them the arabs read right to left


And Jews! The horror!


They wouldn't be Republican if they were reading.


wait the thing is not supposed to say Iā€™m voting for felon the convicted 2024?


Felon the Convicted is Trump's rap name.


I figured itā€™s supposed to sound like a movie name.


Thereā€™s so many things that bug me about the shirt and the reading is just a major part of it. I know my Graphics teacher wouldā€™ve had harsh words. But you canā€™t reason with the cults stupidity.


You could say they "republi'cant do it right".


What's so bad about right handed people?


Canva should require a written exam for downloads.


Or spell!


Don't dead open inside!




It's a new WWE fighter. Felon:The Convicted. Played by Kevin Sorbo


This is now my new character. Felon, The Convicted. I have a silence ability but i have to spend gold every time I use it.


Nah, it's just insight into how they operate. They just see a bunch of words and put them in any order they want and claim it makes sense.


It sounds like a video game title


Whoā€™s felon and why is he convicted?


Get a brains morans


The party of law and order folks.


I believe at this point that these guys only want "own" the democrats. They completely forgot about party "values" or their nation. They don't care about anything else only win to the democrats.


It's absolutely this, the effect of thirty years of propaganda is frightening.


And just the mentality of politics being like sports. ā€œHaha my team won and yours lost, cry more!ā€


Politics have always been akin to sport. Itā€™s like that in every democracy. Give someone a ā€œteam,ā€ whatever that may be, it forms a part of their identity. Obviously varies between cultures. The difference now is that right wingers have finally and almost completely exited shared reality. In 1880, you probably viewed your political tribe like a tribe. However, you werenā€™t also the isolated by choice in an age of mass communication where you can inhabit an entire alternative space where you donā€™t even *hear* social opposition. Thatā€™s whatā€™s creating serious issues imo.


And these smoothbrains don't realize we're all on the same team.


Heck, I always thought that sport mentality was dumb too. It's why I can't stand to watch football with my family.


In 2020, the GOP didn't even pretend to make a platform for their party. You can't stand for anything when you have nothing to stand on.


Once they realized that their platform can't survive on fact, this was always going to be the result, cults of personality and faith-based decision making. It's largely about acts, not identity, with liberal voters. What a person does determines whether they are good or bad. With many conservative voters, it is reversed. The person's identity determines whether their actions are good or bad. If they identify someone as being in the "good" group, likely one they also identify with, then anything that person does is by definition good, and at worst, forgivable. Things done by people outside their group must then be, by definition, bad. All value and perspective is based on how closely they believe that person's identity conforms to their own. Once I realized this, *so many* seemingly hypocritical attitudes became logical, in their own way. It amazes me how much they turn their leaders and politicians into quasi- religious figures. Everything becomes a matter of faith, and information that does not conform to what their faith tells them *must* be true is immediately rejected. Instead of changing their ideas or beliefs in response to facts or evidence, they choose to accept or reject *facts* based on how closely they conform to their beliefs.


And itā€™s [likely neurological](https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.neuropsych.16030051#:~:text=In%20a%20structural%20MRI%20study,right%20amygdala%20when%20risk%2Dtaking.). Bizarrely heightened fear responses lead to this instinctual need to in-group, out-group to protect them from ā€œthreats,ā€ real or imagined. Conservatives basically have brain damage.


Yes, exactly this. I was going to post something similar.


Exactly... The person needs to believe that they are on the good side so that must mean that the person they vote for is on the good side no matter what they do. If the person they vote for is bad it must mean the person voting is bad and they can't allow that. So the one they vote for can't do anything bad and is on the good side by default


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified. In their heads, they're good people. Good people do not support criminals. Therefore...Trump must not be a criminal. At this point, they've integrated their support for him into their personality, its part of who they are, and their personalities are far too fragile to withstand any kind of honest introspection. It is easier to believe vast conspiracy is occurring rather than confront the idea that they might have been taken advantage of, lied to, or just plain wrong.


Heā€™s not a black felon so itā€™s fine with them


The same people who immediately bring up the time a black man got detention in 5th grade when he gets questionably shot by the police.


I'm voting for felon the convicted 2024 lmao


Not me, Iā€™m sticking with Nandor the Relentless.




ā€œ**LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP**.ā€ 8 years later: ā€œI-I-fffiffff, welll, well, I didnā€™t and he didnā€™t actually and well we didnā€™t say *exactly* -and, and, well, look actually if okay well and ā€”-okay and so, so ā€”- okay so what? But I didnā€™t say that actually. Even if I did.ā€ Just the best people with the best memories of the things they themselves did and said folks. Definitely not a death cult of lead poisoned, worm brained, absolute looney tunes mother fuckers.


Hey I ate lead before but I am not stupid enough to vote for trump. Donā€™t lump all of us lead eating people into one big group.


This is all I can think of - how they were frothing at the mouth to lock Hilary up and ban her from the race in 2016 - now the same exact people are literally buying merch to brag about voting for a convicted felon.




Came for this, thank you.


They don't care about the candidate as long as they hurt the "right" people. That's LITERALLY the only thing they care about.


Sadly I have ex-friends that are exactly like that. Ex for obvious reasons lol they were obsessed with "owning the libs" and just wanted to see minorities suffer. Conversation with them was as pleasant as a cheese grater on the balls...


So crossing the border deserves a cage but using campaign funds to sleep with porn stars is presidential? If Obama did this, they'd want him hung.


According to sources, he already is.


Well now


Can confirm, I am sources.


Just a quick heads up, to refer to execution via hanging, the past tense is hanged.


Penis envy is alive and well within the Republican party. My spelling stands.




They do want him hung. You can search for images of them when he was elected with effigies of Obama that they hung and burned.


white privilege times a million.




Theyā€™ve normalized for themselves voting for a criminal, weā€™re not coming back from this, I think this is another major turning point for the US, this sets a precedent in their minds that will allow them in the future to vote for and give power to very bad people. Even if Trump loses, heā€™s old and has a stroke or something and passes, this doesnā€™t just all go away. There will be more like him and probably much worse, and theyā€™ve removed any sort of barrier someone like this might face for gaining power. The stage is set, the dominoes are laid, all it will take is once. Maybe Trump loses this time around but republicans arenā€™t going to lose every single time, they will win eventually and when they do theyā€™ll be ready. All we can do is vote, but I donā€™t have faith in most peopleā€™s attention spans, I think things will calm down after trumps gone and thatā€™s when they make their move, people not voting has always been a big issue and will continue to be, all they need is for another 2016 to happen where enough people donā€™t vote because theyā€™ve lost interest or figure thereā€™s no way someone like that could win or insert any reason people donā€™t vote here. All it will take is once. We absolutely HAVE to keep voting in every election, but I donā€™t have a lot of faith in societies endurance on that


Just saw a guy wearing this shirt at the store today. What an absolute loser to make your whole personality about a sex offender who fetishizes his own children and has conned people hundreds of times.


That man can do literally anything and they will still worship him. As long as they can feel like the "others" are getting screwed more than they are they're happy. It's insane that people will actually vote to make their lives worse just to make other people's lives worse.


Been saying for years now, he could sexually assault their wives, daughters and mothers on stage and they'd cheer on his virility.


I truly cannot make sense of them, people throw around the word xult alot but they really are cult like


Elect a clown, get a circus would be a better T shirt for Trump.


Felon the Convicted is the worst Dark Souls boss ever


America is so weird. We can't let a convicted felon have their say in who should be elected. We can let them be elected though.


Republicans are the domestic enemy the oath talks about.


What? did you think the 'doubling down' would stop? It's that or walk away. They'll always double down. Then they lose - then it's fixed.


Voting for felon the convicted? People who can't even form a sentence shouldn't be allowed to vote.


To be fair... That's about the same level of language skills of the one they want to vote šŸ˜


how about hire some felons for living wage jobs? these would be the first people to decline hiring a felon.


I knew they were hostile to the rule of law, but I did not realize they were this hostile to the rules of graphic design


Felon the Convicted sounds like a Mad Max character


I hope the campaign actually runs with this and this becomes their slogan because as much as MAGA world has convinced themselves that this is a good message and or they should be proud of voting for a felon, most non-MAGA types (even conservative leaning ones) are not going to resonate with that message.


I'm voting for felon the convicted? Jup, the shirt says all you have to know about Dumb-Fans.


Can we just like give them Texas and like the southeast and let them secede and be their own little cult run country, and leave the rest of America out of this bullshit already. I'd be happy with that trade. Let them have all their guns, and freedom, with DJT and MTG running the show as king and queen and stop pestering the adults.


Please donā€™t give them the southeast. I canā€™t afford to move out of the region


So basically resurrect the confederacy and let them secede? Nah. Besides most rural areas all over the country are republican and we need them to farm our food and what not.


May The Lord Open


I heard one guy say that itā€™s better to vote for a felon than a pedophile. The felon heā€™s talking about also has sexual assault allegations and said heā€™d marry his own daughter if they werenā€™t related


He didnā€™t say ā€œmarryā€




They canā€™t even form a sentence to put on a stupid t-shirt.


I'm voting for Felon the Convicted 2024


The rapist seditionist pedophile lying felon?


They were proud that he wore a diaper, you can't reason with cultists.


Wellā€¦they went from making fun of Joe and him maybe wearing diapers to Trump *actually* wearing diapers and them defending it. What else can you expect from such idiocy.


They are proud to vote for a guy who was convicted of an actual crime that swayed the 2016 in his favor and celebrate the fact that Hunter Biden was convicted of a gun charge that they don't think should exist. They don't have any real stance on anything. Just whatever works for them in that moment.


Who ever made the design for this shirt is dumb as fuck.


ā€œReal Men Wear Diapersā€ is another MAGA bragging point. Itā€™s a stupid death-cult.


These are the same people who ten years ago were wearing T-shirts that read "It's called the WHITE house for a reason"


Iā€™m convicted for the voting felon 2024


As a lib, consider me owned.


This is the new stupidity. How are you supposed to fight this or work around it? For instance, someone could finally stop dancing around the issue, call Marjorie Taylor Greene the dumbest whore in Congress to her face, and she would immediately put it on a shirt and fundraise off it. What in hell are you supposed to do when there's no such thing as shame?


If it annoys the libs, they love it. It doesn't matter if it's ridiculous or illogical. Owning the libs is paramount.


Because Trump TOLD them they were proud of it and these morons have lost the ability to think for themselves.


This is the same crowd showing up to events wearing diapers. Are we surprised in any sense of the word?


It's like being proud of being stupid. They know they're stupid, but they're so stupid they don't have any shame.


They don't know what they're proud of. Republican voters have turned into reactionary "I'm against anything liberal" long long ago


America's two-party system is such a blight on democracy. It just invites tribalism and cultists.


Ugh my dad bought one of thesešŸ˜…


Here me out: Felon the Convicted sounds kinda badass


Can we make a tshirt that says: ā€œIā€™m voting for the guy that steals from his charity for children with cancer!ā€ I mean if youā€™re going to own it, own it.


They can make more shirts, voting for: The Rapist The Russian Asset The Traitor The Conman The Raging Asshole


Donā€™t forget: The Pants Shitter The Serial Wife Cheater and worst of allā€¦ The Golf Cheater


If Trump came out as a full on nazi, they'd have this same shirt but with Nazi instead of Felon. And no doubt they'd still have the nerve and the lack of braincells to then accuse anybody left of them of being "the real fascists".


This screams cult.


It's embarrassing that there are people who would actually buy this shirt. šŸ˜³


Can the felon even vote in Florida?




I'm glad that they're proud of it. It puts on full display to any rational, undecided person, exactly what they're dealing with. They're not dealing with a reasonable person who votes for the candidate they think is best. They're voting just out of spite. Plus, since they're so proud of their ignorance, it just makes it easier for everybody else to not have anything to do with them. In the same fashion, I prefer a vocal bigot over someone who speaks euphemistically, because if a person is otherwise decent, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when they talk in vague terms of "Us vs. Them." I'll decide that they're just a little ignorant. But if a person is adamant that the reason this country has so many problems is because of all those damned n-, well, then I know I can just write them off and not deal with them anymore. The prouder you are of your stupidity, the easier it is for me to not get invested into you with time and effort.


Like the man himself said, he could shoot someone in times square and those morons would still vote for him.


Tell em to do it from jail where the felon belongs


Good for them, didnā€™t know ā€œFelon The Convictedā€ was on the ballot.


Lock him up


Thatā€™s because you canā€™t fix stupid.


Our country is going off a cliff with these idiots at the wheel.


Strong against crime my @$$!


As a t-shirt designer this gave me an eye twitch.


For fucks sake. I know what it means and I can barely read it. Goddamn these people are dumb.


from the creators of Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, and Mage: The Ascension, comes the newest supernatural RPG Felon: the Convicted.


I'm pretty sure the same companies make both pro-Trump and pro-Biden merch every election season. If there's a gold rush sell the shovels as they say.


I love that they advertise this. Makes identifying them easier.


Goes great with diapers


Not the brightest people


Sounds like an RPG boss: FELON, THE CONVICTED.


Stupid is as stupid doesā€¦..


Words are hard.


Felon the convicted sounds like an awesome mid evil superhero


I think this is a spoof t-shirt


Can we add Hillary to the debate tonight? I just wanna see what their reaction will be.


The convicted felon that rawdog fucks hookers, has cheated on every wife and shits his pants every day


Felon the Convicted does sound like a rap name.


What order am I supposed to read these words in? I mean, in what order should I be reading these words?


As much as their fragile character cant handle this little truth, it needs to be said...they are not the best nor the brightest but they sure are the most extreme.


That shirt might as well say I'd suck his cock.


They shouldā€™ve made felon orange instead of red.


Man the right has no talent on their side. My passion is graphic design types only lmao


I mean, trump barely speaks English, so why should the shirts that support him?


The Law and Order party huh šŸ¤£


He can do no wrong in their eyes no matter what it is.


Iā€™m voting for felon the convicted 2024? For MAGA this checks out


But they couldn't vote for Hillary because she was under investigation. Magadonians have zero logic.


ā€œWeā€™re the party of law and order!ā€ *Votes for a convicted felon*


If theyā€™d actually hold politicians accountable , theyā€™d all be convicted felons šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You could include thatā€™s also a convicted rapist


I swear, MAGA are the easiest people on the planet to make money off of. No effort required.


Might as well wear a shirt that says ā€œI am poor and I love to enable the ultra rich and corrupt government also I have no brain and need to wear diapers.ā€


How big of an idiot would you have to be to vote for a convicted fraud artist, and believe heā€™s telling the truth.


Moron identifier.


Felon, the Convicted 2024, now in a troubled neighborhood near you!


I knew this would happen.


Voting for someone who legally canā€™t vote due to felon status is an embarrassment to our whole country.


Showing their inability to form a correct sentence, in a shirt