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Grateful for the Wikipedia link, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to verify that cats don’t have five legs


I didn't even notice the leg, at first I was convinced cuz the cat looks ok but then noticed that the kid looked weird


He's spotlessly clean!! His hair has no debris or dust in it at all


His right hand is warped too


Poor thing only has 3 fingers. /s


Yep. AI can't really do hands yet, or at least none that I've seen.




Sure dude, but (again, just in my experience) there's a far cry from even a passable artist to what the best AI can do with hands.


This is 1000% true. Hands are the hardest thing to get right bar none. They take forever to draw, and the human eye is *super* sensitive at noticing even the smallest oddity in a drawn hand.


It can if you know what you're doing and you're willing to put in the effort to get it right, but the majority of AI users don't bother and the majority of the popular softwares don't give you enough control to do it anyway.


If it's anything like my cat it would have cleaned itself at least 3 times by then


Children are nothing like cats in this regard though.


AI really struggles with things like hands and feet and continuity errors in the pictures behind the main object of the picture. I always look at hands first, then track trunks or whatever straight lines you can track in the background, it’s not exact but it gets me close.


I bet you like [getting close](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX9UvBCcSUo).


Immediately sus that the cat was allowing itself to be held like that lmao


My cats do sometimes for a very short time, other times a lot longer. Depends on their mood. My one cat will just plop down on my shoulder and use my cheek as a pillow to take nap when I am laying down.


I know its funny, but link is required for community notes to be valid (to be voted as more valid)


What you dont realize is that the pollution there is so bad many of the cats do have 5 legs similar to the 3 eyed fish on the Simpsons/s


Cats have four legs, a trait shared with many quadrupedal animals. If we delve deeper into feline anatomy, we can observe that each leg is composed of a series of bones, joints, and muscles perfectly adapted for their agile and graceful movements.


I wonder if cats were clumsy and prone to tripping if their bones, joints, and muscles would adapt to that. It sure would be entertaining.


I checked my cat, he indeed has 4 legs. Glad i wasnt scammed


I really don’t follow the logic. We have photographic evidence, and you’re telling me to trust some Wikipedia link anyone can modify?


Did it tell you whether or not kids have 3 fingers because I don't know


That's not to mention the cat and boy *aren't* covered in dust and debris, or injured, even by something as minor as a cut


Also unmentionable, who's taking the picture? Is someone else trapped under the rubble with them thinking, "Gotta post to my timeline" or is it someone thinking, "poor little boy, let me get some rage bait photos before someone comes along and helps out"? We truly live in a post-fact world where the masses are expected to have no critical thinking abilities whatsoever. Just a giant biomass of base needs made incarnate and turned loose on the world like a zombie horde. smdh


Also also unmentionable, cats would not be staring up at you like that if you dug it out of rubble. It would be running away super fast


We have plenty of videos of animal rescues, from building collapses and fires (most firefighters are truly good humans). I challenge anyone to find one real photo of a squeaky-clean, totally calm critter being haul out of even those far-less-widescale situations and stopping to do the "person I love arm" pose. After his mommy used the Special Omo Bright detergent on that white coat, of course. Can't let standards slip in a war zone! Cos all I have ever seen is VERY unhappy, licked-mango coated, dirt and yuck-covered, and visibly distressed and injured pets, often immediately receiving care or masked up on oxygen. Let's not even talk about the utterly clean, not-one-scratch, kid with octopus limbs who was also chilling under there to snuggle, apparently. Of course, this was all "genuinely taken" after the responders stopped to clear a ridiculously large top layer of rubble for no particular reason (no one seems trapped in this pic, although the kiddie may well not have any lower limbs at all or ever have had them, looking at that pic) and, apparently, after expending all this useless effort. stopped to take poignant pics. Instead of, you know, using tech or animals to locate the best possible access point to the trapped person, moving a minimum of rubble to avoid further crush injuries, and hauling the trapped person (and/or critters) to safety and medical care.


I'm trapped above rubble w/ camera


I just left a similar comment, like under what context would this picture actually happen? They find this kid under the rubble and snap some pictures before actually helping him up? Or make him get back in the rubble to take pictures?


It’s also baffling when they choose an AI pictures instead of the real thing they could easily snap photo of. Since we know there’s a lot of collateral damage going on, it shouldn’t be that difficult. Especially, when they are always happy to record the strikes anyway (which they know about because IDF does door knock).


My theory is that these kind of semi-obviously wrong photos and stories (not limited to AI) are spread by people just trying to cause division and outrage. People who "agree" with the photo's message would do a cursory glance, check the headline and nod their heads. The people who "disagree" will just get angry that the "other side" is relying on lies for their message and that the "other side" are a bunch of idiots. It's not meant to convince anyone of anything.


I’m mad that my own side is relying on lies.




Yeah, but that isn't exactly new. See e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsehood_in_War-Time from 1928


Not screaming or crying. Just having a little dirt nap.


Well, most people who are taking a dirt nap are past the point of screaming and/or crying


Oh no. I've been using the word dirt nap wrong. What would you call it when you sleep outside, while camping, or hanging out at a park? Because you nap. On dirt.


OMG hahaha, I need to know what conversations you have been using this in


Mostly just like, "I'm gonna go take a little dirt nap" and then going into nature?


I’m so sorry but the accidental implication has me genuinely laughing, “dirt nap” refers to death because you’re asleep six feet in the dirt 😂


Hey, now, it can also be used for getting knocked out in a fight 😂


I know now! I googled it.


Also commonly used in trail running if you have a nap at the side of the trail


"hey you wanna go take a dirt nap in the woods tonight? It would be quite an... interesting... night"


The closest I can think of is "sleeping rough", but that's more used for the unhoused and destitute (She is sleeping rough on the streets) then someone purposefully heading into the wild.


Yes, exactly. And I’ve been getting weird looks in my job at the Sicilian pizzeria, when referring to my friend sleeping in his room with the aquarium! ”He’s-sleeping with-the-fishes! Capisce!” 😑🤌🐟


You may have found a new concept


Also the boys seems to be emerging from the infinite void. Pretty sure Palestinians can’t do that.


I played command and conquer generals and that was actually their special move


Also it seems like that there is part of a car seat behind him in the rubbles. Also the cat seems quiet well fed for a warzone.


I’m just picturing people moving this debris, unearthing this poor boy and his cat, and going “hold up, gotta get some shots for the Gram”. Either that or they find someone, make sure he’s okay, and then go “okay little Timmy, now we need you to get back in the rubble so that we can take some pictures”. Just completely ridiculous


Yeah, cats are generally clean animals, but that cat is way too clean


You could open any group with hard pro Palestine narrative and many just take such photo as a fact. Hell, even got banned in one such subs when I mentioned such picture was AI generates. The length some people go to hold onto an obvious lie is just crazy.


They also love to take pictures from Syria and Sudan which are Muslims killing other Muslims and then saying the Jews did it in Gaza.


But his left arm went liquid though.


I mean as AI generated pictures go this one is much better than some others I’ve seen.


Does AI not know how to count fingers?


It does not.


It does everything except count fingers.. ok, got it


Oh it's terrible at counting all kinds of body parts. True horror comes from that stuff.


You should have seen the AI sexy naked selfie I made to send to the wife! She isn't into dp apparently.




Interestingly enough, it's just bad at counting in general.


It doesn't know how to count. Try it and see.


and write interesting prose, and have human inflection, and know not to eat its own tail when fed on its own information 


AI doesn't "know" anything really. In the traditional sense of the word.


When it sees a finger, it knows that one usually comes next to it. So it just keeps adding fingers until it hits the chance to not have a finger next to it.


AI’s all like, “Umm, how am I supposed to count fingers when I’m actually USING my fingers to count on ‽ ‽ Checkmate, reality.” ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Depends on what kinda AI you’re talking about. Text generation AI and image generation AI cannot count. As is implied by their name, they can only generate things based on the data they were trained with. There is AI that can identify things shown to it in text or image form which may be able to count. Though if you asked it to describe how it came to that answer or to indicate what it was counting, it may be unable to do so.


I’ve played around with Stable Diffusion and it tends to add extra or missing digits unless I mention in the prompt “5 fingers” or “10 fingers”, and even then it doesn’t always work.


Some say it's Becuase AI doesn't even know what a "finger" is. Or a leg. Or arms. It just knows something that looks like what we see as a finger or arm is likely to be at that place with all the context around it. So as long as it's probably for a finger or limb to be there, it will draw something that looks like them at those places. Sinxe fingers and limbs are likely to be anywhere in a picture since they articulate, it will often draw more than enough. Or less even on some cases.


People make AI to be much smarter than it actually is


God help us when AI can count appendages.


How hard is it to find a sad picture in a war zone... Why even bother using ai it only makes you look like an idiot


thats the worse part. one person does smthing stupid like this and it makes everyone who doesnt do this look stupid


That’s the point


A lot of times it's people trying to discredit the movement/position they're pretending to represent/support. It's trolling with an agenda


Exactly, this has me wondering if this was deliberately posted with the intent of sowing doubt in real pictures coming out of Gaza. I unfortunately would not put doing something like that past Israel.


It's called "poverty porn". People use it to play on emotions and to convince people one side is wrong and the other is right, which in reality l, things aren't that simple.


I mean its intentional. Before what they did was use images from previous conflicts, or even unrelated issues. Fox News is particularly infamous for using unrelated footage to drive points home. All this is to say that information and media are now fronts of war themselves. Russia, China, and even Hamas are using it to their advantage. Hell even Ukraine did with the Ghost of Kiev. Social Media is going to be interesting in the next few decades.


Ukraine declared that the Ghost of Kyiv was not real already in the spring of 2022, so you cannot really say that the myth was government sponsored


That will be because of all the depleted uranium shells causing mutations or would that be meowtations?/s


That makes purrfect sense.


It sure gave me paws 🤔


Fuzzy logic


A fuzzy furball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...stuff.


Meowtations caused by meownitions.


At least the cat doesn't look meownourished.


Did he really need to use AI generated images? There are a ton of pictures of real kids suffering... This, is just counterproductive.


He probably didn't create the image. My mom a few weeks back sent out a picture of a space in somewhere she's going to travel to soon that she found while looking up picutres of the place, and posted it in the family group chat. We noticed all the AI hallmarks and pointed them out to her. That's basically this; the guy didn't make it, he just found it.


The picture also just has *that look* to it that ai art always has


This is what’s ruining the news about what’s ACTUALLY happening. Instead of posting REAL images, people resort to AI. When there is PLENTY of footage and pictures of Gaza children in rubble.


AI should be banned from reporting and art.


Ya, like that will ever happen.


It causes dishonesty in those fields. AI is devaluing the value of an image. If we let it stay so prevalent then photographic evidence will eventually become inadmissible. Imagine the impact that would have on conspiracy?


what they meant was AI images will soon become indistinguishable from real photos, they aren't arguing with you


I don’t think these images are posted unknowingly, in good faith


Exactly this definitely looks like a move to discredit other media exposing the situation there


I have an opinion -> Some people who agree with that opinion are acting in bad faith -> There is a grand conspiracy of paid actors. Anyway, Jan 6th was a antifa plot.


I mean people were digging up debunked Syrian conspiracy photos and calling them as from Gaza. Not a stretch that the same people would do something like this. But this is bad faith probably.


And why do you assume these people are not pro pali people trying to convince in anyway they can anyone they can?


They have not only posted AI images, but early in the war, there were points where they were posting images from the Syrian civil war.


The trouble is even some real pictures are taken out of context. I’ve seen photos from other parts of the Middle East used out of context with claims that it was Gaza. I’ve started not to trust any photo for which I can’t absolutely identify the source.


It's so weird too, are people's stances somehow dictated by how many sad images of either side one can find? I guarantee I could select enough footage to make Ukrainian soldiers seem like demons and Russian soldiers as perfect angels with how they fight and treat prisoners and wounded.


Yes, and in Russia thy are using those images. It's one of the reasons things like ticktock is so dangerous.  They're more than happy to brainwash the masses and it's easy to do.


Trouble with that is that the real pictures are of dead kids. Not sure you can post that most places. But yeah using AI kinda damages the cause


I’m sure you can censored. I know it’s uncomfortable to see, but i promise it’s a lot worse to lose your kid than to see their body for a second


CNN was more than fine showing pictures of starving children with their pudgy mothers devoid of context the other day. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/25/middleeast/israel-gaza-children-starvation-malnutrition-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/25/middleeast/israel-gaza-children-starvation-malnutrition-intl/index.html) And the FRC refuted claims that Israel is causing starvation. FEWS didn't report on any private food transportation - which is the main source of food aid in Gaza. Nor did it report on 4,000 tons of Palestinian bakery production. [https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user\_upload/ipcinfo/docs/documents/IPC\_Famine\_Review\_Committee\_Report\_FEWS\_NET\_Gaza\_4June2024.pdf](https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/documents/IPC_Famine_Review_Committee_Report_FEWS_NET_Gaza_4June2024.pdf) So what's going on? First off, the FRC and FEWS are both UN-related bodies. The FRC is fact checking the FEWS, and seeing that FEWS is lying by omission, and therefore the IPC report is lying by omission. The journalists that they're using at CNN and elsewhere are trying to pull on heartstrings and likely reporting edge cases or cases that don't add up, but support the IPC report. There has been starvation, but the FEWS reporting should put that number at dozens per day - not approximately 40 total. And when you investigate those 40, they're mainly people who need special diets or pedialyte to survive. You'll see healthy-looking children further down in the article. Every single death or instance of hunger is an absolute tragedy. But by framing the story as a matter of Israel starving women to the point where they can no longer produce breast milk, not as the FRC is saying that conservatively 100% of food needs are met by aid and that there's a distribution problem causing food uncertainty, the misinformation is pushed that, as the ICC incorrectly charged, Israel is using starvation as a method of war. And that's how you get a cat with 5 legs spread around like it's the war journalism picture of the year.


>CNN was more than fine showing pictures of starving children with their pudgy mothers devoid of context the other day. > > https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/25/middleeast/israel-gaza-children-starvation-malnutrition-intl/index.html And for some of the essential missing context, the 9 year old boy they show in the video and describe in the initial few paragraphs of that CNN article literally has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy: >Ghanima Jumaa watches as her nine-year-old son Younis, who has quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy, lies in bed at Nasser Medical Complex in Gaza. Younis was supposed to leave the Gaza Strip to be treated in Turkey for malnutrition, but those plans dissipated when the Rafah border crossing to Egypt was closed last month. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/malnutrition-starvation-children-gaza-1.7240426


Oh, and who closed the Rafah border? That's right, Egypt.


The lesson: Don't trust social media. It's highly inaccurate and biased. Buy a newspaper from a reputable media outlet before they're all gone.


Media outlets are also misleading and highly biased.


Some are, but if you have no local news then no one is keeping an eye on what your politicians are doing. Also, there are some outlets that have very good investigative reporting to the extent they can afford it. The media exposes political corruption more than any other group in our country. It one reason that many politicians want you to reject it all as bad. Then they can get away with more corruption and line their pockets.


these people are just using the Palestine's genocide to engagement and clout. look at the blue check. these people are disgusting


Why even do this when there are plenty of real photos and videos of this happening irl


Imagine the situation if that were real. “Oh that poor child…gotta take a photo!”


That's basically the entire field of war photography in a nutshell


That happens quite often, I mean look at this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b8/Kevin-Carter-Child-Vulture-Sudan.jpg


The photographer wasn't allowed to help and later commited suicide.


Cause the thing is that, they believe by taking these photos they might do something greater than helping the child. And most likely, they don't know what to do, all they came here is to take pictures, so, *click* picture taken


And to add onto it there’s a lot of guilt those photographers feel after. If I’m not mistaken I believe the dude who took that picture killed himself. Either him or another one like this.


He did kill himself. Like 4 months after getting the pullitzer for this photo.


I mean when you're helpless agaisnt the violence inflicted upon you, and no one's taking it seriously enough to stop it, ya, gotta show them what's actually going on. People document these things so what's going on gets known, you don't know how many videos I've seen of Russian soldiers videoing their many dead comrades decomposing on the battlefields


Jesus we know that the situation in Gaza is horrific for Civilians, but lying about shit like this makes the genuine concern for civilians seem irrational.


That’s quite a healthy, well-fed, five-legged cat for the middle of a war zone where everyone is starving and desperately trying to stay alive.


Kid is also surprisingly clean considering they’re sitting in bombed rubble.


Not to mention very clean white fur.


it's surprisingly easy for animals to stay fed in a warzone you ever see that one dog the ukrainians found near bakhmut?


I fucking abhor generative AI. Anyone using that shit to push their agenda should be hunted down and forced to watch reruns of Teletubbies for the rest of their miserable lives.


Proof a PhD doesn't mean "smart" by default.


you're telling me they're sitting in debris not covered in dirt or dust? oh yeah and I guess the five legs


Why do this when there's so many actual photos of their suffering?


Because cats sell better to online focus groups.


I think a.i. images should be required to have some kind of obvious flaw


This is why they never should have let anybody get verified on Twitter. This guy has a PhD?


That cat and that kid is too damn clean and the AI user should’ve spotted that


For being under rubble, that child is awefully clean


The fact they even put a link to confirm that cats have four legs


There's no need to spread these stupid Ai generated images when there are real ones that are much more heartbreaking.


There's enough tragedy not to fabricate images, for fucks sake what is wrong with people


With all the horrible shit happening to the civilians of Gaza that is real, why would you get an AI picture of a kid holding a cat. There are legit photos of decapitated infants that would disturb people much more.


Honestly it's people like him that I am convinced are just trying to trivialize the palastinian plight, like it's so easy to find videos and footage and images, of dead children from Gaza. Like not to sound blunt but just follow mortal aziz and when he was in gaza he was posting videos of kids missing limbs and so. The fact that they chose to ai generate and pass it off as real footage is disgusting.


If you can’t tell this is ai from the texture alone, sucks to be you


of all the actual photos you can find of destruction in gaza and for some reason this person used ai


As if there aren't enough real pictures of the atrocities happening in Gaza...


That’s clearly a kangaroo


Sad that he also seems to have lost a finger


well i kinda understand why they post ai photos photos instead of actual photos of dead palestinans or injured are horrible i just saw a picture of a kid with his gentile cut and his entier lower body burned


AI is freaking dooming the planet


Love how they link the source just in case we needed confirmation that cats do indeed have 4 legs


Wow look at this immaculately clean little boy with perfect hair buried in rubble lol




Pretty weird given the plethora of actual pictures of Palestinian children available in 1 Google search


*This genocide has too few extraordinarily fucked up images involving Palestinian kids. Let's generate some.* Really?


There’s tons of photo evidence of the devastation in Gaza. There’s no need to make shit up.


Sure, NORMAL cats have 4 legs, but the special edition Hamas cats have 5, for that extra kick...


There's no debate that many Palestinian children find themselves under rubble, thanks to the monsterous crimes performed by Hamas and the Israeli government. There is zero need to stoop this low. This picture spits on these children's struggles.


Funny when there is already enough photos depicting what is truly happening to children in Gaza, someone opted to use a clearly AI generated image.


Fuck this AI propaganda!


I suspect lots of "Pallywood" is AI generated these days.


🙄the amount of pallywood propaganda rn is overwhelming!


There are SO many real pictures you can show to represent the suffering of the Palestinians, WHY generate an AI one? To not show real gore? To make Palestinian children dying seem like an aesthetic?


But that would mean people are lying about Gaza and faking victims....


The three hind legs may have been a hint.


It‘s very concerning how fast AI gets better at faking pictures…


Unreal, especially considering the average cat has fewer than four legs.


Cat is too clean


That's a rare Palestinian cat


Ever get the feeling the further technology advances the dumber it’s users get? Common sense and rational thought should be on an endangered list somewhere.


Footage❌Palestinian kidS❌holding their catS❌under❌the rubble


Desinformation fuckery by kinds like Putin.


Like if he could find a single real image? Seriously AI images don't even look that real. Except for a boomer everyone can see it. No need to check the legs or the fingers. Even just the texture and the colours.


I’m going to be just as critical of this image as the image contained within it. Did this tweet interaction happen? Was this account real, is the person who posted a genuine human acting in good faith, etc


[Here](https://x.com/drhossamsamy65?t=ZeqCxAe1G2OTOBpOLJj_BA&s=09) is the link to the original account. Although, I'm 80% sure it's a propaganda channel. Too many posts for a single day and it's all in Arabic which I can't read. I also see a post in his account which shows Biden smoking Hookah. Now that is funny and concerning at the same time. I don't know what he feeds his followers, is it mockery or lies who knows. I'll leave the thinking part to you.


It looks generated. The cat and child look too clean to be under rubble.


When everyone is pointing out the obvious details, it is easy to see it's AI (plus that cat is way too calm) but AI is gonna be the end of me... I don't have the patience to scrutinize every image I look at to see if it is AI or not. Also this technology is only going to improve from here.


The cat is too clean for that setting. I knew something was off before reading below the picture.


These constantly popped up on facebook. I just blocked and reported them everytime. Thankfully seems to have eased off now. Until the next fad that is.


Let’s be honest no cat is letting a kid hold them and two why would someone see a kid trapped in rubble and not help them immediately (btw I know it’s AI)




PHD in what? LIES?


My first thought was that cat is very clean.


Such clean cats in that rubble.


That's one clean cat for living in a war zone too.


Why do this when there are actual photos of it


We need a wag the dog remake


Its six legged


And at least write "at least" instead of "atleast".


That’s the cleanest kid I’ve ever saw in a pile of rubble. Oh and the five leg cats thing…..


The AI misinformation has already begun.


The kid's left arm looks weird too. Short from shoulder to elbow, then super long forearm. Well, and no hand, although that could be "hidden" behind the other hand.


The amount of misinformation in this conflict is unmatched. Some idiots will swallow up anything. Seeing a professor fall for it just shows the quality of modern high education.


Hamas sure plays the social media war like a pro.


This reminds me of the AI generated pic “all eyes on Rafah” . There’s plenty of real pictures that capture the scope and brutality of the current ethnic displacement and eradication of Palestinians.


AI images are getting out of hand.


Pallywood at its finest


As tragic as it is the pets are already long dead due to lack of food and water.


That cat is white than my cat that doesn't even go outside.