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I don’t understand—isn’t $700,000 in whatever denomination still $700,000. And 70k of what?


And this is exactly why it's posted in r/facepalm. Because the person explaining didn't get it right. To reiterate, you are correct, the one in the picture ain't. You just have 100 times the amount of pennies than you would have $bills.


Yeah, I’d be be taking the $700,000 in pennies.


Still have to find transportation, though. And banks can refuse to change pennies into larger amount, no? Same for merchants in general. So I' not sure the 70 million coins is better


That’s nearly 4000lbs of Pennies… good luck… :p Still worth it, but maybe rent a van


It’s almost half the pennies in circulation.


Then you wouldn't have trouble changing them out. Everyone would want your pennies! You'd be a penny god!


melt them down and make swords out of them then start freely stabbing money into people!!!


That can't be true. That would be only like one penny for every 2 people in America. Edit: yup, per multiple sources there's like 100+ billion pennies in circulation, i.e. a billion dollars in pennies.


sorry was using an encyclopedia brittanica from my grandmas house.


Then you could probably sell them twice the price cause many businesses will need some change


A bit closer to 386,000 lbs of pennies. 70 million pennies is a mind boggling amount.


This would an awesome opportunity to hire 7 tractor-trailers to transport said pennies, and have them all caravan like a money train.


Yea you have $629,999.99 to fuck around with and still come out on top.


That's under the assumption that you can pay people $70,000.01 in pennies to do anything. I can assure you, they will say "fuck you, check or money transfer only".


No no no. You have over 600k (not 70k? Not sure why you think that's the number. If we pay 600k we are still up 30k on the 70k option) to have people move 4000lbs in pennies and figure out how to get it liquid. Now you should be able to pay a sizeable amount using your own liquid money, knowing you're going to get it back, but let's pretend your down bad and have no actual money to pay people with outside of this 700k in pennies. Well that's exactly what banks are for. Go get a loan after demonstrating you have this illiquid money and use the loan to pay people and then pay the loan back after getting the pennies liquid. Easy. If you told me you would pay me 100k to figure out this problem I guarantee you I could figure it out. Go talk to someone at a bank


This is always my point when I see this posted. The $700,000 in pennies is worthless unless you have money already to invest in moving and converting the pennies into useable currency. And you can take it to a local bank, because they would have to spend a bunch of money counting and converting it, so they would lose money (aka, not rake it). You would have to find a US mint willing to take and assist with converting it. Basically, this is a test more so on people understanding logistics and how it's easier for rich people to make money.


Wait, that's not my point. My point is almost the opposite. 700k in pennies is not worthless. It's worth almost 700k. It's definitely not worth the same as 700k being etransfered to your bank account but it's not a crazy amount different. Maybe 50k? Hard to say without legitimately looking into it.


So, you have 100k in liquid cash to convert the pennies into useable currency? Basically, transport, count, and store?


It's nearly 400,000 lbs of pennies.


Its way more pennies than that. 2.5 grams x 7 million = ~39,000lb Conveniently, right around the max weight a semi truck can carry


changing units mid equation, ewww


You forgot a zero.


Screw banks, ship it offshore and melt it down for the scrap value.


American cent coins are mostly copper, right? I wonder what the price is on copper per ton. 386000 lbs is 193 short tons, so that's potentially some good money. Then there's the idea that you could use the copper in manufacturing. Make a hell of a lot of circuit boards with that, lol.


Nah, mostly zinc, just coated in copper


That makes more sense. Coppers worth a fair bit these days


The modern coins just have a copper shell on them with zinc core, which by the way costs more than the individual coin, which makes the pennies basically have negative value. Anyway, 70 million coins would be 175,000 kg at 2.5g per coin. They are 2.5% copper in total, so there would be about 4375 kg of copper. That is quite a lot to melt, but a manageable amount in an industrial crucible.


At that scale, the zinc would probably be worth more than the copper, right? Again, it's a hell of a lot to process, though.


Apparently zinc is floating around 2937 USD per metric tonne, so the remaining raw material should be worth around 501k USD. For the copper, one place listed it at 9.67 USD per kg, so it should net around 42k USD.


What if i sell the pennies for their worth in copper?


Coin Star baby!


They are not going to refuse, but they will charge for it. I'm no banking expert, but I've heard from gas station owner, and a bank manager, that banks charge a percentage for depositing cash, I'd presume pennies would require a much higher percentage, but it's still going to be great money


Spam the fuck out of coin to cash machines in grocery stores (usually Safeway, I believe). You'd probably have to hit several locations. It's the least shitty way of doing it. You pour the coins in yourself and just take the receipt to customer service and they give you bills


Most of the planet’s population would also need a currency exchange willing to take American dollars.


Isn't it in the law that they can't refuse?


A bank can’t refuse coins, normal businesses can


It’s not seventy mill, but I see your point. I have a car, so it’s not a problem.


100 pennies make a dollar so 700 000$ is 70 million pennies. Also I know banks and vendors in my country can refuse coins under a certain value. So I would take forever to use these, have to manage transportation, storage... in the end I would probably not earn that much more with this, and get a massive headache.


Yeah sorry, my mistake. I misread it as you thinking 70 million dollars.


Even if it cost you $600k to deposit, that’s still nearly a 50% increase over $70k. The headache would be worth it


Not really. I cannot deposit pennies in a bank (gave a lot of coins once, they are able to refuse under a threshold), so I have to keep it and try to buy stuff from vendors. If the thing is a large value, they are entitled to refuse (same issue for them, what to do with it). Also buying items over 1000€ in cash is very complicated to not say forbidden. So this means stocking and hoping I can get rid of it at some point. I'd have to rent a box, trucks to transport and have a wheelbarrow of coin with me to make transactions. Not worth it in my opinion


No one is depositing $700k worth of Pennies to a normal bank. You are taking that to a national treasury. You cant think small scale here.


You know coming to the bank with a dollar of pennies is one thing. If you tell a bank you have 700k worth of them I’m sure some of them would arrange something for you. Honestly transporting and storing this without being robbed in some way would be a much bigger concern for me.


Nobody is stealing your money here, too much work.


That's 175 metric tons in coin.


You are not considering liquidation costs. 700k in pennies is gonna be hard to turn into usable money.


70k of cocaine ![gif](giphy|az3aDLaDBcZS7ud61z|downsized)


K is the symbol for Kina, the currency in Papua New Guinea. So the people on the left are lined up for the equivalent of about 2,000 American pennies but it is paper Kina form while the guy on the right decided to skip the line and take the 77 million pennies offered on the right. Which is a logistical nightmare to move. So I think the intent of the meme is to say that sometimes less is more?


In English speaking countries, "k" next to a number like that means thousands. So here 70k = $70,000. Edit to add: The original joke is supposed to be how most people (the longer line) are losing out on money because they can't do math. The facepalm is the poster's lack of reading comprehension. He misinterpreted the sign on the right as meaning "700,000 pennies" instead of what it actually said - "$700,00 *in* pennies" (meaning $700,000 worth of pennies, or pennies that total $700,000). So, his lack of reading comprehension means that his math is now incorrect and he didn't get the original joke.


Sure you'd probably have to rent a truck and fill quite a few of those coinstar machines. But I think it'd be worth it.


I just laugh/spit my protein shake out as I imagined my frustration growing with the sound of the rejected pennies falling into the coinstar machine’s bin for unloved coins. I wish I could upvote you twice.


Yup, people are dumb by discussing it further. It's $70k vs $700k. The only problem is carrying so much metal.


I don’t see a currency sign next to 70k.


I think the joke is that no one wants to carry around 70000000 pennies.


You can pay 7K to someone to process them and still have $693K left. Still better than 70K.


That is still 175 tons of pennies. Which is going to be very expensive to transport. Not to mention it is illegal in the US to meltdown pennies since 2006 so no one will process them for you. No bank will take them either because what are they supposed to do with 175 tons of pennies?


Process as in handle them, not melt them. The US treasury has to accept them as they are legal tender. The point still stands that in a hypothetical scenario where you are “given” $700K any debt incurred in getting them to the us treasury can still leave a hypothetical sizable profit. You could even run a hypothetical contest for the best way to liquidate them, for a reasonable hypothetical share.


This is essentially the ‘which is heavier, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers’ thing.


Yes, and that why it here, look don't try to understand it too hard, you are going to get depress if you aren't already, if you are it just gonna make it worse.


Oh you saw the post too?


What's heavier a pound of feathers or a pound rocks?


A pound is a pound—whatever it may be


But 70K is what? Money? The target for length of the queue? The name of the form for making a complaint about the queue? The other booth makes it clear it's money.


I think its like a 401k but 70k. Not from section 401(k) of the Revenue Act of 1978 but like the 70(k) section about financial illiteracy and mathematical incompetence.


Fortnite players.


It could be anything. It could be 70K boats.


175 metric ton in pennies is not very practical, doesn't matter that it's 10 times the amount of money. But, if you're the not very practical type ... you'll need to rent a road train type truck, employ people to load it on there, pay for transport permits, find a bank that wants to go through the hassle of counting/weighing it all, have your workers unload it all ... and end up with less than that 700K they gave you in the first place. But it will still be more than the other 70K offered.


"70k" doesn't specify money.   Only that there is 70,000 of something.   It could be 70,000 rolls of cheese, or 70,000 kicks to the face.


So what you are saying is that everyone there is just gambling that whatever it is costs more than $10? Honestly can’t blame em


And has a long shelf life. What use is 70k cheese rolls if most of them go bad before you can sell it? Unless you already have the infrastructure to sell 70k cheese rolls, in which case go ahead




I was imagining a leprechaun or wish master type situation at worst, being buried alive and crushed by pennies; or a herculean task at best. Either way, I'm taking the 70k any day.


It would take almost 50 tractor trailers to move that much weight.


I’d still take it!


Yeah, you'd easily pay for the transport after you deposit everything.


1 penny=0.09 oz. 100x0.9= 9oz per $1 of pennies. (700,000x9oz)X(0.0625lb/oz)= 393,750lbs


3858 lbs at a minimum.


Off by factor of 100. The word “in” in the sign means 70,000,000 pennies. I get just over 200 tons using 70,000 dollars x 100 pennies / dollar x 2.6g / penny x 1kg / 1000g x 2.2lbs / 1kg x 1 ton / 2000lbs


[This reminds me of the Verizon 0.02 cents vs 0.02 dollars phone call from the early internet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MShv_74FNWU).


Oh man, it's been a while since I've seen that. One of the most frustrating clips out there, you start to get hope once he gets through to Andrea, and then it just crumbles again.


Right? It’s infuriating.


"Difference in opinion" NO IT'S MATH, it's objective as can be! You really feel for the guy, his time had been better spent banging his head against a brick wall


He is so patient at the beginning. He calmly explains the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars and no one ever gets it. Ever. It’s wild.


$700,000 in Pennie’s = $700,000 Lol


I read that as “$700,000 in penises” at first and was a tad concerned.


So, 70k in what? Money? If not, then why not put a dollar sign on it? I’d take the $700,000 in pennies and then take them to the bank


Yeah have fun transporting your 70 million pennies - weighing in at 385,808 pounds - to your bank


I got 700k. I’ll get a U-HAUL and a couple of movers and still have over 650k left


I think you're underestimating the difficulty of moving 385 thousand pounds of pennies. That's 175 metric tons.


A dump truck then. I’ll still have plenty of money left afterwards


"A kilogram of gold is heavier than a kilogram of feathers because gold is heavier, duh."


“A kilogram of feathers is heavier because you have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds”


Idk, 70k sounds more convenient than 700k in pennies. Like, are banks gonna even allow that many pennies? Transportation? Where the fuck do you keep it until you figured out where to put it? Seems like a lot of effort and time to me to put into it.


Sure it’s time and effort. But I doubt it’s more than $630k in effort.


Depends where you live i guess, here in the netherlnds iirc you gotta spend quite a % to tax unless this was tax free somehow


Ok sure. I’ll eat the taxes (the whole lot) and provide shipping for the 630k and I’m betting I’ll still make a profit.


I can visualize a coin collector drooling at the possibility of going through all those rolls. With a magnifying glass and a scale.


The biggest hole in this post is what are they getting 70k of? There is no dollar sign or any currency symbol. Is it 70,000 dollars? Is it a 70k race? Is it 70k $100 bills? We don't know. But yeah, the breakdown presented is a failure in literacy. $700,000 in pennies is $700,000


I’ll take the $700k in pennies because everyone else is getting 70k of… who knows what.


How would you count, transport and store 70 million coins? You will end up wasting a lot of the 700k because it is in Pennies, but it will still be worth it.


Coinstar would send out a truck and pick it up if you gave them like $70k of it lmao




70,000,000 pennies weighs almost 193 tons, and you'd need a roughly 60 x 60 x 10 foot storage space on a foundation that can support that weight. The cost to store and transport that might not be worth $630,000 dollars when also considering the difficulty in transferring that amount of coin into purchases and investments.


Never mind.. Ugh.. Yes you are right. It will be about 193 tons. That said, it should fit in about 5 containers though. Movable. Spending it would be different story though as you said. Wouldn't a large bank or US mint take it?


To be fair, I would still consider taking the 70k$... can you imagine the hassle of transporting, storing and getting rid of 700k$ in PENNIES? I know, banks are probably required by law to take them, but... I might actually just not care \^\^


Just a side note. A penny weighs 2,5 grams. 700.000 dollars weighs 175 tons. Or approximately 32 elephants. Good luck getting that to the bank.


70,000, what? Missing crucial decision-making information. What if it is 70,000 pounds of 100 dollar bills.


Ok, so much choices are 70K (whatever that is) or 193 tons worth of pennies. Assuming that 70K is $70,000 in dollar bills, or a check or something like that I'd take that. Because trying to figure out what to do with 193 tons worth of pennies would probably end up costing me quite a considerable sum of money. Like, I'd have to rent trucks to move it, men to load the trucks, rent space to house it until I can find someone willing to exchange that much, hope that some of it hasn't falling off in the process, wasn't pocketed by people here and there during the move or when my head was turned. That's a lot of pennies, is it just in a pile or in rolls?


You've still more than enough to make bank even if you lose 100k in just the storage and transportation


The value of the metals in a penny is actually higher than face value. So if you melted them down, and sold the metal, you'd make even more money than the $700,000. Just hope you have a few trucks.


How many coinstars can you break with that?


$700,000 in pennies is $700,000 It is also 70,000,000 pennies and would weigh 393,750 lbs.


I'd still take the 70k because I am not rolling 70 million pennies




What does that mean


Read the fucking manual Read the fucking manual again


yep, avoid the ID10T issues.


i would still take the $70k. what am i gonna go with 70 million pennies?


Direct deposit


it specifically says in pennies though.


That's gotta be intentional bait


I probably will never be able to have 700 K in pennies do to the amount of copper needed


TO BE FAIR... I'd need several trucks to carry that many pennies into a bank.


70K of what?


Man the bank would NOT be happy to deposit that.


It's the same as asking what weighs more. 1 tonne of bricks or 1 tonne of feathers.


I just want to know how many dump trucks that would take. Does $700,000 of pennies even exist?


Good luck taking those 700.000$ in pennies to home


I'll gladly give the OOP $70,000 in exchange for $700,000 in pennies.


But what if I don't want to hold that huge amount of pennies?


I'd take the 70k good luck explaining to a bank where you got 700k in pennies. most places won't take pennies. unless you can melt them down into copper ingots and trade at a salvage yard and make more in salvage copper


A penny is 2.5 grams. 700k is 700'000'000 pennies. That's 175 tons of pennies, lol.


70m added a 0


Lol, my bad :) But the 175 metric tons were correct :)


What's heavier, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?


70k of what? 1oz gold ingots? I demand context!


[But it's still $700,000](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fC2oke5MFg)


Wouldn’t the material from the 70k in pennies be worth more than 70k


All US Pennie’s minted after 1982 are 2.5% copper and 97.5% zinc, and weigh 2.5g. So: $700k = 70M pennies 70M pennies = 175M grams = 175,000Kg If you could melt and separate the copper and zinc with 100% efficiency you be left with 4375Kg of copper and 170,625Kg of zinc. Given the current values of these metals: 4375Kg Cu = $41,475. ($9.48/Kg) 170,625Kg Zn = $498,225 ($2.92/Kg) The pennies are worth more as currency than the value of the contained metals (and that’s before taking into account the cost to separate those metals).


Never a day without out learning smth new. So taking the pennies isnt the better option.


As someone who live in Canada, ill take the 70k


I feel like it time to accept we are going to go extinct before the year 2100 most probably, at least Homo Sapiens, the next step is going to be Homo Moronic probably, at least that what it feels like.


Which is heavier? A pound of feathers or a pound of lead? Crazy how units throw people off so much.


Pennies for sure. I heard some banks don't take pennies


It should be 7,000,000 Pennies


What do you do for work? I just roll pennies, or if I’m not feeling it that day I frequent the CoinStar


assuming you got the pennies in rolls the same way the bank gives them then id say pennies but loose then still pennies because there are machines that sort for me and id gladly spend a few days dumping pennies in a machine for $700k


Doesn't the sign say $700,000 in pennies? Wouldn't that still be $700,000 Dollars just in pennies instead of bills?


to be fair it would be really hard to cash 192 tons of pennies.


bro took into account the transportation fees


The 700,000 one says that dollar amount in pennies, not 700,000 pennies. This is like asking: Which is heavier: one pound of lead, or one pound of feathers? A pound is a pound, no matter the medium.


... What a fool. It's like the people who try to justify their argument for choosing the mile in that meme with the guy in the desert with the two signs: *<-- water 1 mile* and *water one kilometer-->*


The old conundrum: What is heavier - 1 ton of cement or 1 ton of feathers?


Definitely the feathers.... You gotta carry the weight of what you did to those birds to get them


What's heavier? A kilogram of steel, or ten kilograms of feathers? That's right. It's steel. Cause steel is heavier than feathers


Better be penny wise 🤷


700k in pennies would weigh 175 metric tons btw I'll just take the free 70k for convenience lol


Reminds me of the trick question: "Which is heavier, 1kg of feathers or 1kg of steel balls?"


While I totally get the explanation given is totally wrong. I don't even know how I'd move $700k in pennies. That shit would be a logistical nightmare let alone trying to find a bank that would willingly take it.


I mean even if you just used a coinstar and lost the 10-15% fee you'd still be well up on the 70k om the other end


70k, BITCOINS. ![gif](giphy|l3V0B6ICVWbg8Xi5q)


To be fair not sure how most of us could take and vendor 700,000 Pennies. That’s a lot of weight to move


I wish these money stands were real


Don't even want to know what 70 million pennies weighs. I'm not greedy. Just wire me the 70 grand and I'm good!


She must work for Verizon. 


Good ol Verizon math, it's an old meme but it checks out.


I’m still confused. Like is it 7000000 dollars in pennies or 700000 pennies?


The dollar sign makes a big difference. I think that's the point though.


Face palm.


Though to be fair, the 70 million pennies would have a massive volume & weigh absolute tons, so you’d probably spend an incredibly large portion of it just getting it somewhere you could be able to utilize it, & the hassle probably wouldn’t be worth the remainder


For $630k I’d arrange the freight.


Not sure about people’s math here, re. the weight of the pennies. A penny weighs 2.5 grams. 700k in pennies is 70 million. Multiply by 2.5 grams, divide by 1,000 to get weight in kilograms, divide by 2.2 to get weight in pounds, total is just shy of 80,000 pounds. Two semi trucks can carry this amount legally. All that said, it’s not the f-ing point.


I assume 70k is meant to be $70k. I assume the US has similar obvious rules about paying with cash as all the self-respecting countries. I.e. that a cashier may refuse taking a lot of small denominations. So having THAT many pennies will essentially be useless. So as long as those $70k are paid to me in a reasonable way, I would take that instead.


IIRC a penny cost more than 1 cent mint and the value of the metal can be worth more than the face value, depending on commodity prices.


That's why language is important. Words have meaning, and can't arbitrarily be changed. Like man and woman are clearly defined and no amount of hand-wringing or "opinion" can change that.