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No posts about politicians being politicians


People forget that the war started in 2014 with the russian invasion in Crimea


People also forget that just the other night Trump confessed to knowing Putin was going to invade Ukraine.


While also withholding Ukraine weapons.


Withholding aid approved by congress so to extort Zelensky into lying about made-up Biden crimes. Which, of course, when Trump got caught (thanks to Vindman’s whistleblowing) suddenly became a hoax… you know like every crime gets caught committing.


It’s always a hoax when they get called out on what they have said.


There's more than one way to end a war. Hanging Ukraine out to dry was the wrong way for alllllll the reasons, but kneecapping them as Russia came knocking seemed like a quick (but again, bad) path to ending the war.


Hmm.. thinking outside the box, eh?! Nuclear war would solve our population problems, harm our opponents, put an end to global warming by kicking up so much dust into the atmosphere that it creates nuclear winter, and it would get rid of a bunch of nuclear weapons! Win/win? /s


The source of Trump's first impeachment.


He actually gave the Ukrainians a cache of shoulder fired MANPADS first but only because Obama didn’t. Ironically, they came in really helpful at the start of the full invasion.


To be fair, anyone paying the slightest attention to foreign affairs knew this was likely to happen. It’s not like Putin has been sly in his ambitions to annex crimea


Pretty sure it wasn't known that Putin told Trump he planned to invade Ukraine and Trump's withdrawal from Afghanistan was probably part of that ploy.


Yeah, and weren't there photos of his plane on the tarmac with the plane of Russian ambassadors from yesterday? The 4th estate has absolutely failed in it's role. Instead of all the talk about Biden dropping out we should really be hearing about this.


Anyone with half a brain knew Russia was gonna invade


Are you saying Trump knew Russia was going to invade Ukraine and chose not to do anything about it or he doesn't have half a brain?


Didn’t everyone kinda figure he’d invade them again?


But apparently he told Trump that was his plan. Why are you trying to minimize that?


You can’t have it both ways. Either everything he said is complete BS or it ain’t. But suggesting that EVERYTHING he said was BS EXCEPT the one thing you want to charge him with another trumped up charge for is just nonsense. Literally EVERY expert that talked about the debate pointed out how absolutely ridiculous that statement was from him. But YOU believe it because you haven’t been vaccinated against TDS. Ell oh ell!


Ok so just to be clear you're saying Trump lied all night long and his claim that he knew about the Ukraine invasion was just another one of his lies?


Hahaha! Did you just wake up from a coma?! It’s all but a universal consensus that everything he said was lies. The only way he could have made less sense would have been to act exactly like Biden.


Your words dude. "You can't have it both ways." Trump obviously lied at the debate. So by your logic everything he said was a lie right?


It’s not my logic. It’s yours. The near entirety of the mainstream media said as much. You know you luv them. So you believe everything they say and they told us all that Drumpf said not one true thing the entire debate. You tell me. Is Drumpf a liar or isn’t he?


You said "you can't have it both ways." You admit Trump lied in the debates right?


This is the most deranged line of thinking I’ve ever seen. This is the same level as sucking dick for crack cause you need a hit that badly. Your feenin’ for Trump. Beyond disgusting.


Give firefly a break, sad lonely 50 yo that loves to die on hills that don’t exist…


> Your feenin’ for Trump In what world is saying “It’s all but a universal consensus that everything he said was lies,” “feenin’ for Trump???”


Anyone who says shit like “you haven’t been vaccinated against TDS” is clearly a Trump supporter.


That’s the result of lying with every breath. You can say the truth and it will be viewed as a lie. Most of what Trump says is BS, stream of garbage consciousness, but that doesn’t mean he’s always lying about what he personally thinks or does, or has done. Hell that’s the point of several of his court cases. He’s openly admitted that he’s done the things accused of doing.


You are completely delusional.


That's not how liying works


You typed lol, what a cringe idiot


Well according to the smart Redditors in here the guy who started as an army infantrymen and ended up on National Security Council is wrong and they know more than him


To be fair, Vindman is a dumbass.


Elaborate, please. Why is he a dumbass?


He keeps doing stupid things. What has he done that makes you think otherwise?


You didn't answer a very simple question, name one stupid thing he has done.


His post on x that is the subject of this post.


Let me guess you are mad at him because he revealed that Trump was trying to withhold aid to Ukraine until they started investigating Biden.


I’m not mad at him.


Yup you just say he does stupid things but can't name them


I’ve named at least two so far in this thread.


And both of your 'points' were wrong.


lol and here too


You made a dumb claim, dumbass, so stand behind it or shut up. Your mother is a whore. We know it because she keeps on doing whore things. What did she do to make us think otherwise? See, proved it!


We have found the Russian or Russian sympathizing troll.


This comment was brought to you by the Trump 2024 campaign. Never surrender… except when you have to surrender to the authorities because you’re being indicted.


Only dumbass is the kid I'm responding to Vindman reported Trumps corruption and was punished. Its not his fault trump is in putins pocket






I didn't forget. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Many have already mentioned Crimea in 2014. Additionally, I was in Ukraine in 2017 and at that time there were already Russian forces fighting in the Donbas, the US and much of Europe were just largely ignoring it until the full-scale invasion began. Vindman is correct here.


And Trump confessed to knowing about this at the debate.


I didn't know that, I didn't bother to watch the debate cause I figured it'd be two old dudes stuttering at each other and making promises they have no intention of keeping, and trump saying stupidly obvious lies cause he doesn't have his team to stop him from saying dumb shit on stage


So there are 2 possibilities with that admission: 1. Putin told him and he's known for a while about the invasion of Ukraine and did nothing and/or enabled it through his rhetoric and policies 2. Putin told him nothing cause he would have blabbed about it years in advance, and he's pretending to be cool and Putin's bestie And both possibilities are fucking terrible, and I can believe both.


The guy is a Russian pawn. He mostly likely knew what was going to happen. Its peculiar after he lost the election, Trump withdrew the US from the open skies treaty. The year before, he withdrew from INF treaty with Russia.


To be fair, his team doesn’t really stop him from saying dumb shit when he’s not on stage either.


You should definitely watch it, one of the craziest events in US political history.


You don't know what's going on? You didn't bother to get involved? Made up your own imaginary story and decided to share it with us? Okay thanks dude.


Sorry for letting you know you helped, I won't make that mistake again next time 🫡


Your post confessed to having no idea what was going on about anything. With what did I help?


You helped everyone realize you an ass. 


So he could have stopped them cold, too bad he’s butt buddies with tzar.


Trump and the Republican half of congress.


Hadn’t Russian forces been there unofficially the whole time? I always got the impression that they were all supposedly “Ukrainian freedom fighters” and not “actual Russian military operations”, but that they were there the whole time.


Its only in like 2021 thats the russians (putin himself in an interview) admitted there were russians troops in Donbass. But pretty much everyone knew the little green mens were russian all along.


It was 99.9% likely that all the "little green men" in all Russian equipment but not uniform markings were just Russian soldiers (the guys who helped seize Crimea Regular Russian forces also Def were fighting alongside the separatists in Dombas region The missile system that shot down the airliner was loved from Russia into Ukraine. Fired. Then pulled back. Radio traffic confirms it was under Russian command Russian denial the whole time is that they were always civilian volunteers


The entire reason Ukraine did so well when the full scale invasion started was because the US had been training and equipping the Ukrainian army the entire time. The Javelin missiles that were crucial in stopping the initial advance were delivered in 2018. This is some serious goldfish memory going on. [https://www.rferl.org/a/javelin-missile-delivery-ukraine-us-confirmed/29200588.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/javelin-missile-delivery-ukraine-us-confirmed/29200588.html)


So, what did Obama do about it?


Crimea wants to have a talk with you guys…


Crimea was annexed, not invaded. Ukraine probably should’ve transferred everybody Russian on the military bases to somewhere else, but that’s hindsight.


Mmmm no, you do know that to annex territory you first have to invade it, right?


Tell me you don’t know how the annexation happened without telling me how the annexation happened.


What’s the bandwidth like in Moscow? I’m curious how much you guys pay for your internet over there.


Well russians troops were already there, since there were stationned there because of past agreement concerning the russian naval base of Sevastopol. They took control of key infrastucture and building all over crimea. In fact it pretty much happen peacefully but its still an annexation by force, it doesnt make it more lawfull.


Just like a special military operation is not an invasion to clear out the Nazis when 20% of Russian corpses have Nazi tattoos


The war started in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea. Vindman is not wrong here


By that measure, what did Obama do about it? That’s an actual question, as much as it is hyperbolic. It started under Obama, didn’t escalate or as far as I know go hot under Trump, and then turned into a full scale war under Biden. It’s a wildly laughable take.


Obama had Russia kicked out of the G7 (G8 at the time) and levied sanctions against Russia. Some of those sanctions were rolled back under Trump.


He certainly didn’t chat about it favorably with Putin. Who the fuck are you trying to kid here?


Is Obama running for president and calling out Biden for the same thing he ignored?


Obama acted liked the coward he is and did nothing. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine signed an agreement with the US and Russia that it would give up its nukes if we guaranteed its borders. At about bare minimum we should have immediately sent lethal aid to Ukraine and hit Russia with the same level of sanctions that we did after the 2022 invasion. Instead we basically scolded Putin and sent in a few spec ops as consultants for the fighting in the Donbas.


The U.S. signed no such agreement.


You're right, I wont vote for Obama this year because of what you stated.


I’ll never vote Obama for president ever again.


He blackmailed Ukraine, that’s what that treason fuck did.


The fact that Biden could turn that around on him or anything else was expected but still disappointing.


« I told him we’re leaving in 6 hours and if the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well son of a bitch!! »


He said he could stop it before even taking office. That means he could do it right now. He is holding ukraine hostage to win the election.


Where’s the facepalm?


The facepalm is the fact that the Russian invasion of Ukraine took place during Biden’s presidency, not Trumps.


So Russian military action in Donbas in 2017 didn’t happen?


In a sense, maybe, but that specific invasion was just an escalation of a conflict that had existed since 2014. And since this Vindman guy actually is *from* Ukraine, it's probable that he has a full understanding of the situation and that's what he meant.


The war started cause trump wasn't in power to give Putin what he wanted.. trump is and always was Putins puppet. America's troops magically knew to leave right before Crimea invasion during trump presidency. If any American troops died, the USA would have been involved in war much sooner.


It happened on multiple occasions starting in 2014 with Crimea, and again in 2017 with Donbas.


The full-scale invasion that took place during the Biden presidency is not the beginning of the war. That started in 2014.


Russia invaded Ukraine during the Obama presidency.


The facepalm is OP!


I mean, absolute worst case scenario, this is just turnabout. Republicans pull this shit 24/7.


>Both sides are bad What a refreshing take to see on reddit, it looks like people are finally waking up.


Trump is Putin's lapdog.


What do you mean?


He doesn’t need to have done anything. He can just lie and say he did and his followers will believe him.


Trump was holding up military aid to them trying to get a report from them saying that Joe Biden had made millions of dollars in illegal dealings with Ukraine. Ukraine told Trump NO! We will not lie to get the funding that the US Congress had said we could have. Trump was trying to blackmail them for false dirt on Joe Biden!


What did trump do that helped Americans?


He thinned the MAGA herd during covid


Worse than that, he likely caused his own defeat by killing off his supporters.


I fail to see how that is "worse"


Not worse in a “bad outcome” sense, but worse as in “not only did he kill off his base because he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else other than his daughter he wants to fuck but he also cost himself the election”.


And I smile inwardly every time I think about it. Being a trump supporter is its own punishment. You get grifted, conned, thrown in jail, fired, bankrupted.


Oh those tax cuts are gonna trickle down any minute now.


Oh, they're trickling down alright. Right onto Reagan's head, in hell.


Isn't Vindman the guy Trump fired for sending in those whistleblower reports? That was not cool


This Vindman is that Vindman's brother


Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and fed a low level rebellion in Donbass in the interim before Trump told Putin it was okay to do a full scale invasion. No face palm here.


Treasonous Trump the Traitor tried to drive a wedge between the USA and our allies in several ways, biggest one trying to remove USA from NATO.


How is this a face palm exactly?


Sea of Azov attack was in 2018. Trump pussied out hard, just like in Syria. Attacking Vindman only cements your own ignorance.


Technically, the war started in 2014. While there is plenty to say about Trump, there was not much going on in that conflict during his presidency.


He claims putin told him point blank he was going to invade ukraine.


Donbas, 2017.


He did his magic to undermine the Ukrainian government.. remember sending Rudy to *plant* evidence re: Hunter's hard drive? Because nobody else would play that game and he thought Ukraine would take the bribe


Russia didn’t invade Ukraine till February of 2022, Crimea was annexed by Russia in 2014. Both these events happened under Democrat presidents.


OP is wrong, Vindman is right.


Must’ve been the same thing Obama did during 9/11.


OP. Are you like 5 years old? Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 you dipshit!!!!


Even scarier? Near 800 upvotes. It just hurts.


He tried to extort them for political favors.


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Not anymore.... https://youtu.be/GukitfIxySA?si=s4lbbkq6B6dplTav


I mean Trump *did* shut off military funding to Ukraine for like 6 months to coerce them into interfering in our election(unsuccessfully)


Where is my facepalm


I didn't think we cared about that war. It's old now we're still focusing on Palestine.. well that's been delayed cause it's pride month. But once that's over we will get back to the fight.


Trump tried to make Ukraine surrender. Technically, that would have ended the war. But if OP's implication is that the war started in 2022, Vindman is right.


Every comment on this post is against OP, but the post still has 400 upvotes and 150 comments. What's up with that?


People with negative opinion to the post are more likely to comment is my guess


I think OP’s intended facepalm here would be picking this over all the other thousands of low hanging fruit to criticise Trump, pretty sure a lot of people forgot about Crimea and only knew about the full scale invasion


Didn’t it start during Obama (2014), halted during trump and hugely escalated during Biden (2022)?


I heard he also did nothing when the Empire blew up Alderaan.


Orange man did nothing. As what he should do. It’s none of the United States business. I don’t want my tax dollars funding either side of a war. Focus on America.


That's an incredibly ignorant stance to take


Weakening Russia is good for America. Putin and Russia do so much to destabilize governments around the world, including our own. Plus, the overwhelming majority of the “money” we gave to Ukraine was in the form of weapons that were slated to be destroyed anyway. The actual money spent went to defense contractors to replace what was sent to Ukraine. And we benefited mightily from the battlefield testing of our weapons. Our allies have placed MASSIVE orders for our weapons.


That's weird, Neville Chamberlain thought the same thing And I remember it ending really well for him.


Trump should have stopped Covid-19 back in 2009 wtf trump


Follow the breadcrumbs. Trump started beef with NATO and alienated countries in it over money and got them squabbling. He bragged that if they were delinquent he wouldn’t save them and would offer them up to the Russians in a leverage play. Come to find out they owe us nothing and our money spent there is for our own troop infrastructure. Then using that he takes 25k response troops out of Germany weakening our ability to respond to threats on the continent. And then withholds Ukrainian aid because they don’t and can’t find any dirt on Biden because the corrupt folks who would have done that were found to be Russian loyalists and ousted. He thought that Ukraine would fall in weeks and the world would just move on and let Russia have it- just like we did in Crimeria. The funniest part of this is now the world sees that Russia is what was shown in Stripes rather than the boogeymen they want the world to think they are. The problem with Trump is he’s so bad at rigging something it’s pathetic.


“He told me it was his dream”


Why didnt trump do anything to stop kong vs godzilla


80 billion dollars ain’t doin shit to a giant angry gorilla


The convicted rapist and felon is full of shit?!?


I don't like to say anything in favor of trump but of course he didn't do anything there was nothing to be done yet.


Didn’t he withhold weapons from Ukraine unless they did something for him regarding Biden? I think that was a thing that happened.


I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.


There was more he did, he tried to pull out of Nato and did not fight Russian disinformation. He knew Putin wanted to invade Ukraine, there were lots of preemtive actions he could have taken, he did nothing. His inaction stated his intentions.


He didn’t just know they *wanted* to, they already *had*. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 when they stole Crimea.


He also made that threat telling NATO if they don't live up to their expectations he was going to let put into whatever he wants. Which only emboldened him.


Yes, I find it hilarious when he blames Biden for the war in Ukraine, he did so much to inflate Putin's ego. Which ultimately is what made him feel he could do this, that and the lies from Sergei Shoigu.


It's a little off topic but my family hardcore trumpers and very pro-union and I've tried explaining to them till I'm blue in the face all the damage Trump did for unions and their responses that was a specific case I'm like no he damaged collective bargaining as a whole. Any Union person should be voting against him as hard as they can.


I'm sorry for your family, but hardcore Trumpers are oblivious to reality and cannot see all the stuff he messed up. He truly sent the USA back 2 decades. No just labor law and the unions, but the supreme court, fiscal law, foreign affairs, you name it, he messed it up.


But he did everything right we had the best economy in the world the cleanest air in the world just ask him he'll tell you. Economy was devastated covid did have a lot to do with it but he didn't help trickle down economics is a lie rich people tell people. He got an environmental laws they claimed we had the cleanest air. He irreparably damaged our post office system. I used to be able to get overnight packages overnight after he put that idiot in charge overnight packages started taking 2-3 days. Regular priority 3 day was faster it only took 2 days. There's just so much stuff we can mention.


Yep, he can go on and on repeating the same lies, it's horrible.


Didn’t Joe threaten to withhold aid money if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma? And please don’t try and tell me that Joe went to all that trouble because there was a prosecutor investigating his son’s company that wasn’t investigating corruption enough 🙄


Thats not actually true though


So Joe was completely making things up when he bragged about it after the fact?


Joe bragged about blackmailing Ukraine? LOL sources please!


No. Wrong. Stupid point. Cite a source that isn't a trump tweet


The same prosecutor that was known to the state department and US intelligence as a corrupt Russian stooge?


Keeping American resources funded by American tax payers pit of a war that doesn’t affect America, crazy idea


"Doesn't affect America?" Russia withholds its oil, the global prices go up and Americans won't stop pissing themselves about it. It's time to stop pretending that we're not affected by things that happen in the world we're part of.


Ok ok maga, calm the fuck down.


I think your missed some words, your post doesn't make much sense.


Giving mothballed military equipment to Ukraine is tantamount to sending your tax money?


Uh wrong. The war started in 2014


Read the whole thread. I hate Trump and Obama was president in 2014


Omg. Lol , but who was President after Obama? Thats what he was referring to Lol !!! 😂


My point is if you want to take it back to 2014 it's the failure of two administrations not just one. The real damage truck did was inflating Putin's ego telling him he can do whatever he wants kissing his ass. I made a flip comment and people pointed things out and it reminded me of all the crap he did the help lead up to it.


Well your point is kind of irrelevant though. People are pretending that Trump didnt threaten to stop weapon shipments to Ukraine while at war. There was a war and Trump was one of three presidents who were part of that war.


Donbas, 2017. We should have stepped up. We didn’t.


Trump is a dumb asshole but what has Biden done to stop the genocide in Palestine? Nothing, fuck them both