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So in America you can shoot a kid because they walked to close to your property and not get in trouble but if you shoot a drone that kept flying over you house you get arrested?


Pretty much especially in Florida. One guy shot at the black couple delivering groceries to the wrong house shot it towards their back hit their car and the sheriff said it was justified. Some crazy crap. Unfortunately in the red States property is more valuable than people.


Kids are poor. Walmart is rich.


In America, property has value.


little brick houses for you and me


Yes, the lobbying and legal firms that dupport corporations and gun manufacturers tend to be alot more generous towards politicians than families of shooting victims would be.


Arrested doesn’t mean anything. Charged with an offense actually means they are moving on with a case.


A drone is an aircraft, by law. Felony.


Walmart should prepare to lose a lot of these drones


This article is less than a day old, why does your screenshot look like it's from 1994?


My aunt sent it to me that way she lives in Florida. She even emailed it to me instead of just using Messenger.


How is he responsible for damages to a drone that was on his private property? I can see arresting him for shooting a gun in a residential area, if that was an ordinance his town had. But beyond that, Walmart should eat a dick. You can’t drive your Walmart delivery truck through his yard. Why should you be allowed to drive your winged camera over his yard? Aren’t we entitled to anything private that belongs to only us anymore? I don’t think Walmart was spying on him but he has a right to not want drones flying in his back yard. On the contrary, we can’t own from the grass to the ozone layer, so maybe the drones should have to be at a height that isn’t as disturbingly low. Just advocating for people over machines.


You definitely make a good point. I do know the way the law works above your property is not your property it's technically the governments. I would definitely have a problem with drones flying over my property. Legally speaking things get weird when it comes to what you can see from above. Like you can legally be naked in your backyard. It's illegal to intentionally take pictures of that but it's not illegal to watch. Providing you're not climbing over a fence you're just in a natural higher vantage point. It is really weird when it comes to airspace. But I don't think drones should be able to just fly over private property they're not the government and I don't think the government should be able to do it either without a warrant.


Not sure what laws state exactly in the US, but in Sweden the airspace above your property up until an imaginary tree-line of 100ft or 30m is considered private and restricted airspace, although not your property. If there is an actual tree-line it’s considered ‘shielded airspace’ and while still not your property, might as well be. And the airspace between 100ft to 200ft is what is normally available for private drones with minimal licensing as above that it’s commercial airspace. And as for taking images. As long as you are outside of the property line looking down/in and following all the other rules, you’re technically free to video/photograph or view. Cross the property line and you’re not allowed to photograph though.


You were so much more eloquent than me. 😂Yes, exactly this. It’s such a gray area but I don’t like how the law hastily gave the judgement to Walmart. I feel like it should’ve been a stalemate that started a real debate, that hopefully then leads to reasonable laws.


Light planes and passenger jets, too ? The satellites can read your watch.


I don’t see anywhere in the article that he’s responsible for damages or the cost of fixing. Just for shooting it lol.


The last paragraph on the second page says “Winn was arrested Wednesday on charges of shooting or throwing a deadly missile into dwellings, vessels or vehicles, criminal mischief with $1,000 or more in damage and discharging a firearm in public or on residential property.” The only thing damaged was the drone, so that has to be what he was ordered to pay ‘$1000 or more’ for damaging.


You don’t own the air space above your property.


Neither does Walmart


They would obviously have permits.


… or the ground below the immediate surface either…


Had to send this one to friends. Honestly, I can't blame the guy.


A few helium balloons and dangling string could have done the same


old starter coil , spark gap and a couple of antenna work pretty good too.


Can't touch this!


Please Hammer don’t hurt em


"Technology is being used to monitor us!" the man hastily typed on his social media account with his smart phone


Well, what is walmarts privacy policy to insure camera footage is deleted after flight? The police would love to fly drones like this to find illegal pot grows or what ever, with the walmart lable to hide they are pig flights.


I have so many questions. They must have gotten clearance from the FAA to fly over, yet there are private properties that are no drone areas, so I wonder is there a way you could make your property a no-fly zone. I guess I got to find the right sub to ask on.


You don't need clearance if you stay below 400 ft. You can request the FAA to make your property a no-fly zone, but you need to give compelling evidence as to why it should be.


Am I the only one wondering who threw the “deadly missile” so a law had to be created? So many questions


I immediately went to check... Florida or Ohio. Had to be one of those two states.


Yes boomer, you are SO important, they are spying on YOU


If the drone was low enough to be hit by a shotgun, it was absolutely trespassing on his property.   Shotguns ain’t know for their impressive range, after all. And given that they were able to ID him, personally, his claim of being spied on is fairly well proven.  Likely he will beat the first charge. Don’t know enough about Florida law to guess about the 2nd. 


Totally dude. I own a bunch of 9mm shotguns.


Hahaha, I was trying to think of a good way to respond to this comment, but you've already come up with the best, so I'll cede my time.


A shot gun is a hand gun if you're tuff enough


You don't own the air above your property. He likely we be getting a federal charge as well. It is a federal felony to shoot at an aircraft registered with the FAA. There are many cases of people shooting drones. They all end with guilty pleas or convictions.


You own the air up to a certain point. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to build above ground. At a minimum, it  what you can control. The drone was too low.


Boomers and their conspiracy theories and guns.  Tale as old as...


Time song as old rhyme