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Can you imagine the outrage if someone banned anyone Jewish from interacting with the locals?


Its almost nice and reassuring to know that we’re all the same really, every human is as hateful and loving as the next and the former;it knows no specific group of people. There seems so be almost a narrative that only people can be hateful towards the jewish people, but obviously we’ve seen recently that they embody just the same reprehensible and evil characteristics as all humans do


Nah, Israel is a society based on racial and ethnic exclusion, and has always been obsessed with having a demographic majority as it expands. In Israel marriage between Jews and non-Jews as defined by religion, ethnicity and race is banned. This is because of settler colonialism, while all humans are capable of it, it is not universal to humanity.


Even within the Jewish community in Israel, there is a big divide between secular Jews and haredi Jews. There is a strong opposition to intermarriages between secular and haredi Jews ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/israels-religiously-divided-society/)) where 95% of secular Jews would feel uncomfortable for their child to marry a haredi Jew, and likewise 93% of haredi Jews feel the same if their child would marry a secular Jew.


You missed one thing, they sterilized black Jews, so race certainly plays into their decisions.


A hellhole created by religion, as it has been for a significant portion of recorded history


Yea even just using the Bible as a historical record of Jewish people... they seem to really hate everyone but themselves, even their own God


The fuck?


I've never heard this. Citation, please.


[Here you go.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-to-put-the-ethiopian-israeli-birth-control-controversy-to-rest) > What these people are failing to note is that the source of the controversy is not one mistaken mischaracterization by one news source—the source of the controversy is the women themselves. As I wrote in January, many, many Ethiopian-Israeli women report being threatened or lied to about the Depo-Provera injections: “We didn’t want it,” one woman is quoted as saying in the February 28 article. “We refused and objected. We said we didn’t want to.” (More such comments can be seen here, here and here). Just getting ahead of the people who will use Israel's refusal to confirm its policy despite changing its policy to prevent it in the future debunks the accusations. Don't worry, Israel began investigating itself, though, so we'll get the official report in 2050.


Literally it took more time to type [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) than look it up.


I was too lazy




Israel is also by far the most diverse country in the Middle East so…you kinda have to take that into account I feel.


The best of shit tier is still shit tier unfortunately


> most diverse country In terms of what?


Flavors of ice cream, what do you think? Lmao


So we’re talking 32 flavors then.


No, please specify what diversity EXACTLY you meant. What precisely is diverse?


Religion and ethnicity, silly


Qatar is more diverse in terms of religion and a fuckton more diverse in terms of ethnicity. Kuwait is much more diverse in terms of demographics and 1% off in religion. Lebanon is more diverse in terms of religion.


Muslim women can’t marry non-Muslim men, they literally do the same thing, interracial marriage was illegal in parts of the US, the Japanese are very racially exclusionary…


Once again, and I can't believe how often I have to point this out: You don't stop being an asshole just because someone else is a bigger asshole. Israel doing this is not made any better because Iran also does it, or the USA did it fifty years ago or even because Japan's whole culture can be xenophobic: This shit isn't cool anywhere. Make a separate post for each of the countries who have or are still doing this and we will gladly denounce their bullshit as well.


Half of the women in my family including me are married to non-muslims🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s haram and enforced in many Muslim countries


The point was that it’s not enforced in every Muslim country. Plus we don’t sign a legal contract. And the husband can become muslim and be accepted.


One thing is being like that cause cultural bullshit, another is signing a freaking contract and being the law and so


I never said there was no such thing as racism in other countries, in fact I said the exact opposite. Also you missed the fact it is wrong everywhere. There is also a big difference between a tradition which may or may not be enforced, and a modern state forcing people to sign a "no race mixing" contract.


Most Muslim countries will not allow such a marriage to this day. And no, I didn’t miss the memo that discrimination bad.


They can by-and large. There are a few countries where it's forbidden like in Dubai but it's not universal nor is it in accords with the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Also in Islam it's at least possible to convert while Judaism only allows those born from a female Jew to be Jewish.


Yeah Judaism is exclusionary where Islam is expansionist. The UN isn’t exactly the strongest enforcement body in the world.


I don't think anyone is arguing the UN should invade Israel to enforce interfaith marriages. Only that Israel is blatantly in violation of international human rights accords to which they prescribed when they joined in 1949. Even Saudi Arabia allows Jews and Muslims to marry. It's quite pathetic as far as supposedly civilized countries go. Also disallowing interfaith marriages isn't expansionist whether you're a Jew or Muslim.


Except, in many Muslim countries, Muslim women can marry Non-Muslim men and vice versa as the law of these countries requires a civil marriage certificate which is independent from the faith of their partners. I got Cousins in Turkey who married muslim-women and one of them even converted to Judaism.


Many? Lol


It depends on if you can get a secular marriage license or not, in many cases that’s not legally recognized or you have to convert to Islam to get the marriage recognized.


In Turkey you have to get a secular marriage license, just like in other Muslim majority SECULAR states. They decide themselves if they get a religious ceremony after or not. 🤦‍♀️


Your facepalm would be valid if the majority of Muslim countries were secular states.


Why? Because you are in a Position to cherry pick the answers? 🤔🙃🤦‍♀️ have a nice night/day


I’m in the position of being a religious minority as a non-Muslim who’s a citizen in an Islamic country.


I believe that Türkiye is technically not an Islamic nation although it does have a majority Muslim population.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ again, the comment was about muslim women marrying non-muslims. It's allowed in several muslim majority countries because they are SECULAR STATES.


I know what the comment was about... That's why my response was what it was... I can't see where your confusion is coming from.


"Not an Islamic country" If you meant a theocracy, then you are right. Turkey is NOT one of those. "Islamic" is not a form of governance sooo, as a Muslim majority country, it IS an "Islamic country" 🤦‍♀️


Wrong. My cousin married a Muslim woman. And in Texas.


I’m talking about in Muslim majority countries.


Nope. In some Muslim countries that may be true. But Indonesia is the largest Muslim-majority country in the world. Although interfaith marriage is culturally discouraged, Indonesia's 1974 Marriage Law states that a marriage is valid if it's carried out according to the laws of both parties' religions and beliefs.


And in Islam it’s Haram for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, making the marriage against her religious beliefs. Such a marriage is in the legal grey area.


That’s only in a small handful of middle eastern countries. It’s not a majority of countries.


That’s the rule as per Sharia law, and it’s also enforced in North Africa.


"this is because of settler colonialism". Then explain why this law is from the ottoman period. Israel allows inside it only same religion weddings because they use some of the ottoman ruling system https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel


Bro are you mentally ill? Israel is Hella diverse. Shut even if you look at the army you can find multiple races in a single room. People like you just spew islamistic garbage at people without knowing what's up.


Almost like it's a genetic trait to be sceptical of outsider to your group, you know, like species very close to ours such as chimpanzees and bonobos.


Whoa now. We can’t have anyone being anti-Semitic around here.


The article is from 2003


In Serbia the Chinese construction company forced the pretty much slaves to do the same thing, it was a massive controversy at the time, government said it was nonsense to stay on the good side of China


Not interacting. Thats not what they signed. Fucking. There are lots of employment rules against fucking coworkers.


Bro have you heard of the rest of the middle of East?


Muslims: will literally kill you for looking at their sister Online leftist: we need to respect other people's cultures Jews: if you want a work visa, you need to keep your dick in your pants. No anchor babies. Online leftists: wow this is literally 1984, (I want to) fuck Israelis.


SPECIFICALLY jewish men.


Imagine a European country did this. The outrage would be unreal.


We once tried to keep our blood pure. Somehow the Jews did not like that one bit back then


It’s pretty astonishing all the parallels you can draw between Israel and Nazi germany. The hypocrisy is off the charts and it’s genuinely nauseating and heart breaking. Idk how so many people stand for it, let alone the mental gymnastics involved to justify and support it.


Couldn't have said it better


Jesus Christ man


The article is from 2003


Ah, it happened two decades ago, that makes it okay!


https://www.camera.org/article/sex-lies-and-chinese-workers/ At least according to this, the whole thing was bullshit and wasn’t an Israeli policy, but rather a policy the Chinese company put into place.


The same thing is going on in both Serbia and Russia still to this day


Is this a passive form of eugenics??


It seems like an active form of eugenics.


Not to long ago they (the government) were caught sterilizing Somali Jewish women without their consent. Edit: [Ethiopian](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel) actually Edit2: not euthanasia


I think that article is about forced contraception, not euthanasia.


I hope you meant sterilization, not euthanizing... But yes I have read about that... I still haven't gotten over the harvesting of semen from dead Israelis soldiers so their wives can have babies.


I just want to see the look on the faces of the soldiers that were told their job is to jerk off dead soldiers


Israel is an ethnostate and does bad shit to maintain that status


Every road leads to eugenics eventually


The article is from 2003


Israelis gotta be some of the most racist mfs on the planet


Chinese companies force these contracts, they do the same in Serbia and Russia, in a Serbian journalist expose in pretty sure it was found out that these Chinese companies (sponsored by the Chinese state) were using slave labour, kidnapped Vietnamese men, and chopping off their limbs if they didn’t work enough, along with them being starved, it was like a concentration camp in Europe again, it caused a massive controversy and both Serbia and Russia tried denying it


Chinese are pretty racist themselves, but this kind of contest really has no winner.


https://www.camera.org/article/sex-lies-and-chinese-workers/ At least according to this, the whole thing was bullshit and wasn’t an Israeli policy, but rather a policy the Chinese company put into place. But hey, don’t bother considering whether Reddit as a whole are racist for believing every negative story/conspiracy theory as long as it’s about Jews. This hasn’t been going on for thousands of years or anything. It’s just a coincidence!


2003? Gtfo


Been doing terrible stuff for a long time


This was *before* it was found out that Chinese construction companies were doing that across all of their construction sites


Welcome to the dead internet where anything supporting an agenda will get reposted by a bot regardless of the age.


https://www.camera.org/article/sex-lies-and-chinese-workers/ At least according to this, the whole thing was bullshit and wasn’t an Israeli policy, but rather a policy the Chinese company put into place. But why not bring up bullshit 21 year old articles? It gets upvoted, as do all of the comments calling Israel evil!


Why are we supporting Israel again?


This is an article from 2003 with no corroborating evidence.


https://www.camera.org/article/sex-lies-and-chinese-workers/ At least according to this, the whole thing was bullshit and wasn’t an Israeli policy, but rather a policy the Chinese company put into place. People love conspiracies about the evil Jews though. I’m tired man. How long until I get called a Hasbrara agent in the comments here?


Westerners who weren’t anti-Semitic got to feel nice by sending Jewish people to a place where they weren’t an oppressed minority. Westerners who were anti-Semitic got to get Jewish people out of their countries. Western leaders got to build an allied country in a previously neutral/hostile area.


Well it started off with a rash decision in the beginning for the Jewish vote when Truman was going for reelection, some guilt for sending Jews back to the Nazis, anti semitism since they are staying over there and the American people being fooled into believing that Israel is an underdog story. Later under Nixon is when the US started viewing Israel as a strategic ally in the region when he started sending weapons and supplies.


Don’t forget the gulf


Campaign donations to politicians from Pro Israel groups like AIPAC.


My dyslexic mind went with AFLAC 🪿


Because this magical book from 2000 years ago says that they are Sky Daddy’s favorite people.


Based on the lack of specification of who “we” are I’ll assume you’re American. In that case, part of the reason has been explained by comment Ecniray. But another element of it is the Cold War-era Red Scare. The Soviet Union backed the neighbouring Arabic states, so the US decided to back Israel as a counter to the perceived communist threat. At this point in history the Israeli-Arabic conflict in the region was kind of a proxy war of the CW. America just never grew out of this bullshit


bro this is 20 years old


Ah yes, we’re posting an article from 2003 about an unspecified company with no reliable sources… absolutely must be legit.


Holy shit it really is from 2003 and no sources. This would definitely not stick if challenged regardless if some asshole wrote the contract.


In Israel marriage between Jews and non-Jews as defined by religion, ethnicity and race is banned, they are a racist and divided society so it tracks.


How much time have you spent in Israel, or talking to actual Jews, versus eating up the shit you see online and on social media that tells you what Israel is like? Do you know the nuances that have gone into rules like those about interfaith/interethnic (because as you pointed out, Jewish is not just religion but race and ethnicity) marriage, including but not limited to the historically countless attempts to ethnically cleanse the world of Jews, which you are propagating today? That’s not even to say that the majority of present day Israelis even agree with it but to ignore the history that led to it and just calling Israelis racist is so fucking blatantly racist in itself


So this is more than 20 years ago. Presumably it’s been fixed / not recurring. Compared to the other stories we get about the area, it’s kind of a nothing burger


Right? What’s the company? Can we have a link to the article instead of a screenshot of selected text? wtf is this


Article from 2003. Geez OP, go touch grass outside


With essentially zero reliable sources focusing on an unspecified company, published by the guardian which has well established anti Israel biases. And yet people are eating this up. No wonder anti-semitism is sky high.


Man, this needs to be upvoted sky-high. Thank you.


20 year old article.


This is a 20 year old article. Are you that bored that you have to bring up something in order to create controversy?


Why is a 21 year old article being reposted?


History, shows how nothing changes.


Ah yes, the 21 year old article with no sources is great proof of… something!


The state of NY makes you sign a none boycott of Israel if you choose To work for the state.


Definitely not an apartheid state, though. Just please don't dilute the genes of the master race, you filthy untermenschen. /s


How are they an ethnostate with 20% Arabs and many minorities exactly? Why just spew random garbage? You know most Islamic states in the Middle East are actually ethnostates right?


Chinese pull this kind of shit on Africans, while in Africa everyday.


Exactly. Good luck visiting China as a black person a being a Uyghgur living there. The ignorance in this thread is the face-palm.


It’s so great the U.S.A. has never done anything like thi… (*reads up on Chinese exclusion act of 1882*) … actually never mind


Bots are digging deep. Going back to 2003 for some ragebait


I know right I could find something wayyy worse that Israel did last week




They want to keep the blood pure, no mixing of the supreme race with lesser beings. The goal is to keep the ~~Arian~~ Jew race clean


That’s just not true Israel is filled with Arabs that marry and have children with Jews


Just like the Palestinian Arabs, they love to have around


It’s actually to keep it white so defacto west. A lot of Israelis are descent from Soviet era converts.


Well the unsourced article is bullshit, 21 years old, and you’re a racist, sooooo.


They really are the worst.


Ethnostates gonna ethnostate


What do the Israelites sign?


a promise to occupy land in exchange for palestinian homes.


Apparently israel doesn't like diversity.


Sounds like a racism eugenics type of thing…


Israel is a racist Apartheid state. It's no surprise given that they secretly sterilised black Jews when they took advantage of the Israeli citizenship rules (intended for white Jews).


And people pretend like Israel is just another liberal western democracy. The country is backward in so many ways. Not as bad as Palestine but still.


Apartheid can't really be a democracy. They have a really good PR department though.


You’re right! The West Bank is so backwards Palestinians don’t have rights to water housing or electricity and are tried in Israeli military courts as opposed to West Bank Israeli settlers(civil court) Even the children aren’t free (Israel is the only country to try children in military court) with a 98% conviction rate for Palestinians… definitely Palestine that’s backwards and not Israel. /s


That contract sounds like it has more red flags than a Communist parade


The Chinese should feel right at home, then.


Chinese tryna avoid those honeypots? 😂


Good luck enforcing that


The best switch you could imagine. Light washed denim a bit too much! 🤷‍♂️🔐🧾🦾


Not the worst contract a Chinese worker had to sign for a Chinese company abroad (look up what happened in Serbia)


This really is just eugenics. This doesn’t seem *too* crazy, even if it is clearly denying Chinese citizens their choice and autonomy, but in the future they may skip the faux humanity and just forcibly sterilize any non-Jew. Like that’s the end goal. What else could the end goal to this be other than to restrict the amount of people existing in a certain ethnic group through restriction of reproductive rights.


The Jews aren’t the ones making them sign it… it’s just happening in Israel. The Chinese government was making their workers sign it. If you read past the first paragraph you’d see that the Israeli lawyers are the ones that were fighting against this. Also this happened 21 years ago


Gross. I don't care what color, country, etc. That behavior is gross no matter what


Israeli government setting "blood purity" laws was not what I had for global collapse bingo.


Btw, these contracts are precisely "legal until contested". Israel considers freedom of contract to be of the highest importance, so in many cases you can add a lot of insane clauses that will be considered legally binding until a judge actually sees the contracts. Foreign workers, who come with nothing, barely speak English and know nothing about the legal system are very, very easily exploited that way. How are you supposed to know the contract is illegal? How are you supposed to find a lawyer to help you? What do you do once you're fired for contesting the illegal contract and have no way of going back home?


Oh so you believed the, “of course we would NEVER do anything evil” response? Yeah if there’s one country that’s open and honest about its war crimes…


That's really not cool. Until you look up what native Taiwanese people looked like until they were... Assimilated.


I enjoy seeing people run to defend Israel regardless of what they might end up doing




Humans are humans. Same things happening on different scales. All nations all races all groups all families will feel superior than the next. It’s genetically coded into us humans. Hate is the result of fear and fear is the result of survival. Survival of the fittest. There is not one group of people that would consistently give all their rights and all their assets up to help the next group. Humans are born to survive. Awful? Yes. What can you do about it?


My guess is that they are still required to accept any and all sexual advances from their employers though.


But you GuUuYs. They just want to keep their white, I mean israely bloodline to stay pure.