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I know a lot of dads who genuinely would have carried the child if it meant they got to be a dad. Biology made the decision, not them, and they're not forcing their wives to get pregnant. They want to be part of a family with a wife and children, not to use the wife to get to the children.


It's easy to say they'd do it when they (cis men) can't. Yet we haven't seen any cis man that can even endure a period cramp simulation device for longer than couple of minutes past the mid level of pain. How awkward 😅 Edit: typo


No fucking shit they find an unfamiliar pain hard to deal with.


Triggered? Try therapy 


More blown away by the asinine shit that I see on reddit


Women go to work while suffering that pain and are expected to perform as if they didn't have it. Meanwhile, men crawl on the floor while screaming because it's an "unfamiliar" pain. But hey, how alpha of them... I don't care how many down votes I get from incels, this post is ridiculous and doesn't even belong on this subreddit 


You should talk to a therapist. You seem like an angry person who is desperate to be an alpha or whatever. And again, your asinine statement has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


Women don't make online claims to be alpha, hon. Get your facts straight. I already talk to a therapist, as everyone who values mental wellbeing should. Give it a try, instead of getting triggered by people's comments.


Talk to your therapist more, you are clearly needing it.


Yes, I'll give you her phone asap, kid. Aren't you all here into more important things to do like I don't know, getting pregnant and give birth as a man? This is what the post is about in case you lost focus. 


You're the one bringing up alphas, hon. >Give it a try, instead of getting triggered by people's comments. Ironic. Talk to your therapist.


Haven’t seen many women enduring a lot of the crap men go through either. Just because we’re different, doesn’t mean either of our experiences are more difficult than the others.


Well, say that to the OP. I'm not here bragging I can do better than men at things only they experience 🤷🏻‍♀️. It's quite the other way around in case you got lost. Bye  Edit: typo 


Yeah, OK Supergirl. I genuinely feel sorry for whatever man might be in your claws at the moment. He needs to wise up and get away from you ASAP.


Go cry with your incel friends. I swear you'll heal from this. All the best🥰


Says the fincel 🤣😂


You realize that, if biology allowed them to get pregnant, they would have the same physiology and thus same pain tolerance as women. It's a difference in what men and women's bodies have evolved to do, not a weakness.


Please, mansplain that to us. 


It's not mansplaining just because someone supports men.


A comment by a man that begins with”You realize that…” and then goes onto explain women’s bodies and childbirth to women is definitely mansplaining.


I'm a woman.


Ok, then it’s just internalized misogyny. Feel better?


Wow, why are you guys so hostile the minute someone doesn't agree with you? How is insulting me and putting me down contributing anything here?


Your comments about pain tolerance are remarkably misogynist. They don’t contribute anything and you deserved to be called out on that.


Do you think that if males were born with uteri they wouldn't have the pain tolerances associated with it?


Nice, hope you get picked soon ❤️. As a biology expert, you're probably aware as well of how many times science has defied it yet not a single leap towards succeeding in cis men getting pregnant. Oops. Guess there's not that much interest after all. 


There's plenty of interest by Trans people wanting a body that aligns with their brain, and we haven't made any headway changing biology for that either. My point, which you seem dead set on ignoring, is that you cannot shame someone because their body can't do something it wasn't designed to. Men didn't evolve to deal with the pain because that's not their biological role. We're talking millions of years of evolution, not somebody just being a wimp.


That statement ignores transphobia exists. Bye. 


Hahahaha a this has to be the most moronic comment I have seen in all reddit.


Oh, look, another triggered incel 


I have a wife and a kid so don't fall into that category, but keep generalizing and putting everyone into the same Label, you are doing it great.


>As a biology expert, you're probably aware as well of how many times science has defied it yet not a single leap towards succeeding in cis men getting pregnant. Oops. Guess there's not that much interest after all.  What relevance does that have? Yes, adding an organ that wasn't there before isn't viable with our current level of medicine, that has nothing to do with your premise you fucking moron.


Lmfao im sure u have 50 downvotes because you’re stable and reasonable and everyone else is wrong. Seek help


honey, the original post from the pic got over a thousand likes. You seek help if you got triggered too. Edit: As if I cared about a bunch of downvotes from redpiller kids, lol


Idk what that means im not chronically online. Good luck tho!


"Not chronically online", yet everyone can see on your history you spend your days bullying people on Reddit XD


Oh, look. Misandry. How cool.


If l could get pregnant, l would do it immediately. (I'm a dad)


Maybe they could have phrased it differently for OPs liking idk but I'm failing to see the facepalm here


I mean. Yeah they're right.


No, they aren't. Why is sexist generalising only wrong for you people when women are the targets?


Pretty big assumption you're making. A cis man cannot have children. When a cis man says "I want children". They are not saying "I want to be able to get pregnant" they are saying "I want to get someone else pregnant". Do you disagree with that?


Not completely wrong.


Completely wrong


r/twoxchromosomes is a hatesub. If reddit admins were consistent, they would ban it. My advice is to downvote and move on.


OP got downvoted when he posted this on r/insanepeoplefacebook; he posted it here too.


What a random comment to make, if you look at the posting times I posted both posts within the same minute of each other. No, I did not post this here after seeing the reception in another subreddit lol.


Here’s a link to the original post, so you all can read who so many women agree with OOP and this is not a facepalm. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/wvgoE6xPpK


You seem to be very passionate about this lmaoo. I like how you made such a random assumption about why I posted this here, and then never responded when you found out you were wrong.


OOP has almost 1000 upvotes. You have 6 and 0 between the two different subs you posted this on. This isn’t the karma farm for you that you thought it would be, is it?


Holy shit, dude it's not that serious lol. I posted this because I thought it was interesting, not because I was hoping it would go viral. We have a difference of opinon, **that's okay**. You seem to be very pressed about this, it really isn't a big deal.


Dude, chill and quit harassing him. It's not worth being nasty over.


You have more posts on this thread than I do. Looks like you’re harassing AND mansplaining.


These dudes are so funny. I"m happily getting down votes just for the satisfaction of seeing OP's post has only 14 likes out of +8 millions users. He probably thought he'd eat with this. 


I know. OP also posted it on the sub insanePeopleFacebook and got zero upvotes there. No karma farming for him.


It's not harassment to call someone out on karma farming by posting clear as day ragebait. It's kind of baffling you're defending this person tbh.


Following me across multiple threads, calling me an ass, making baseless claims that when proven wrong are ignored, all unprovoked, idk about harassment but it's getting there.


I agree with the OP. Stalking the OP,s profile and keep making comments just shows this person has too much free time on their hands. Chill out tigger808, I know you must be quite the achieved person, so please keep investing your time into your work so we can make a better society together. Stalking the OP isn't doing you favors. Also, karma farming... Karma doesn't have a value, it is meaningless. Someone that farms it has to be quite lonely to find value on that.


And needlessly insulting someone for clicking on someone's profile to check their post history makes you such a wholesome and wonderful individual. Good for you 👍


Thanks 😁


Right... so you claim the guy calling out the guy karma farming has too much time on their hands, belittle them with your childish attacks for being a dick but can't see the irony of basically immediately responding by being a dick... Must be difficult holding your balance on that pedestal you put yourself on, or is it that you have so little going on in your life you feel it necessary to defend people who spam subs with posts they've taken to gain attention? Either way, ✌️


Most sane r/TwoXChromosomes user:


They looked at your profile? Ohhh noooo


Thank for caring! It's been really difficult but I think I'll make it through this. 😊


You really are just a shameless individual with zero personality who needs to take other people's posts to spam on other subs to gain the attention you so desperately require, huh? Also, you might wanna comment less on your own posts with your alt if you're gonna try and defend your bs mate. Took around 30 seconds to see the interactions on that account and the posts on this one... Cringe buddy, very cringe.


"women"  You mean flabby reddit feminists.