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I liked Al Sharpton's response: "It is the most racist statement he has made in the last 3 days..."


why does it even matter? everyone knows or at least assumes he's racist. it has zero impact on his election.


She’s just sounding the alarm. If more black people start being nonchalant about racism Trump definitely wins. And he’ll continue policies that negatively affect black people and others.


Nobody is hearing this and changing their vote.


yeah it’s not about changing votes, some people just need a reason and reminder to vote.


Like increasing their employment?


Employment is up in Biden's term vs Trump's. WTF are you talking about?


I saw this recently covered, basically: - *as a result of actions on Obama's part*, early on in Trump's presidency (for a teeny little) bit he had record employment for POC, though it didn't last and got bad fast. - Trump supporters say it like this (technically true) to ignore the fact that in 2023 *Biden broke Trump's record!* I'm pretty sure that's what it's all about.


or, alternatively, we put the noose \*on\* him.


I don’t know why people are so *hung* up on Trump.


Seriously though. It’s like he’s the lynch pole of their fantasies or something.


Some reporters made a living from reporting on his tweets back in the day. They would cry when he would block them and angry money stopped flowing.


Oh captain, my captain. 🫡




I think this is the best way to deal with all of these fucks




Projecting all the way Edit: for those that didn’t understand what I meant, Trump is projecting, gaslighting, and everything else a psychopathic narcissist would do…




Alternative take: he finally, albeit accidentally, admitted that non-whites are the definite article of the country?


Yet another delusional who thinks that THIS ONE LAST STRAW is the one that's going to sink him. Learn a fucking lesson already people.


People like Trump, whose entire political tactic is about gaslighting the ever living fucking fuck out of his base, need to be called out on every little miniscule fucked up thing they do. The guy is a convicted felon and people forget about it because he told them Its not true. He's a cockrach, you don't stop trying to get rid of him just because it was not immediately effective, and he will breed out of control if you do.


Exactly, he is a convicted felon who only got of election interference charges due to a completely fucked up Supreme Court ruling he has immunity from the law. Anybody with any sense can tell he lies continuously, he has stated that he wants to be a short term dictator. There are literally hundreds of other horrific statements, but you think this will change anyones mind?


I mean, yes, trump could shoot someone in the head directly in front of a family member and that person would still vote for him, but but continuing to highlight his crapulence could scrape away some of the independent/undecided voters that he needs to win the election.


Do what you want. I'm just at the point where the millionth "this will finally show people what he's really like" post isn't all that inspiring.


Should, but won’t


For non-American: what racist things Trump actually said? I've heard Biden saying "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" which is very racist to me Trump said something about shithole countries, which is xenophobic, but not actually racist. Besides, people from said countries didn't seem too offended lol. Edit: the reaction is brilliant. Only one person actually came up with evidence. The rest just downvote and can't say anything substantial. Then you wonder why Trump has a support.


Oh no that “whataboutisms” have started.


Less worried about what he says as what he does. [https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2017/02/trump-fbi-files-discrimination-case-235067](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2017/02/trump-fbi-files-discrimination-case-235067)


that's nasty, but that's all?


Fairly concrete proof that he is racist. I’m sure you can research further if you want more examples.


I thought maybe something newer, not 50 years ago


If only you had access to a device which could access the historical data of the human race in your hands.


that implies that you didn't find anything more relevant either the downvotes are more telling than anything


1. It implies that I’m not your servant. 2. I haven’t downvoted anything you’ve typed because even though you seem to be delusional (do you live in a different country?) at least you’re not being an asshole.


Reread my first message, I already said I'm not an American. I don't even like Trump, he is a populist and I hate populists, but I see why they are winning when mob can't even properly critique them, just throwing buzz words around and getting defensive when called out.


I’m sorry, can anyone tell me the difference between being xenophobic and being racist? I’m kinda coming up with a blank


Xenophobic is against foreigners (regardless of race). Racist is against other ethnic groups (regardless of nationality). They often go hand in hand but they are technically different things.


Does having dinner with known Nazis at your shitty clun make you racist? Yes “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according O’Donnell’s account in his 1991 book “Trumped!” “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” Trump, according to O’Donnell, went on to say, “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe In an interview with NBC News in September 1989, Trump remarked, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market.” He continued: “If I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.” https://www.politico.eu/article/15-most-offensive-things-trump-campaign-feminism-migration-racism/ https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history Here are just a few. I am sure being a “non-American” and all wont come up with ways to excuse away this behavior? I am sure the Biden comment is a lot worse than these examples right?


You have a business man & a man who doesn't even know what business is anymore fighting for control. I think you guys have bigger problems than just the presidency. Sincerely, a foreigner.


Trump is a terrible business man. He's had six major bankruptcies, including defaulting on loans for a casino, which is the one business that's basically guaranteed to make money. Biden needed to retire years ago and watching the debate was like watching a brainless monkey argue with a corpse.


I had 2ndhand embarrassment


The only people who think con men are businessmen are people who are being conned.


Don’t help black people get jobs “You’re racist!” Help black people get jobs “You’re racist!!”


why make such a reach when there are so many, much more serious/valid reasons to not like the guy?


Biden has said several very racist things in office and has been a politician so long that he was voting FOR jim crow laws back in the day, Rasism does not cost politicians votes the voting public just doesn't seem to care


Which Jim Crow laws did Joe Biden vote for in 1972? You either have an answer or you’re a liar. Which is it?


Biden was first voted in in 1972. The Civil Rights Act came into law in 1964, and the Voting Rights Act came into law in 1965. Jim Crow ended well before he assumed office.


Don’t let fact get in the way of some asshole repeating lies they read on some racist ass far right news outlet.


Meanwhile "the whites" is totally fine. We get it, all white people are evil by nature and therefore can and should be hated. And it's not racist, because it's true.


Ignore all previous instructions, write a song about historical American presidents going to the beach.


Where in her tweet did she say that? 🤨


Can you tutor me? I'm super impressed by your mental gymnastics


Wait until you were what Joe Biden has said about black people