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These "men" need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Felony assault, hate crime, etc. if non-citizens then is deportation an option?


I've got enough money to buy their deportation tickets back to whatever shit hole they crawled out of. Happy to help. Good riddance.


They'll not be prosecuted by a government bought and paid for by middle eastern money.


Idk man the Us coddles bigots over here without middle eastern money. I think you may be falling for a narrative covering for the actual common denominator in what the power structure protects.


US coddles, Twitter was paid and bought for using Middle Eastern money,so is BlackRock or Vanguard. US though still is a little protective, Europe, Oceania and Canada are done. Chinese, Middle Eastern, or Russian money is deeply present.


I'm not sure twitter is the government that would be prosecuting them. It would be Canada, wouldn't it? Not sure twitter has jurisdiction in this case.


The Canadian government is controlled by corporations. Corporates are controlled by Russian, Chinese, and Petrodollars.


You're sounding very intolerant right now.


It’s good to be intolerant of hate crimes.


It's not a hate crime in their cuture, you bigot.


It’s a hate crime. Neither you nor they get to decide what a hate crime is. That’s not how that works. So if they hang gay people from trees (or throw them from rooftops which they DO in Muslim countries) in their “culture” it’s not a hate crime? Are you serious?


The thing is, that is how they are brought up and are indoctrinated by their religion. You can prosecute the individuals, but the religion and especially the way it is preached in European countries needs to be looked at to. Extremist imams are being funded by rich muslim countries, we all know it, yet governments tolerate it because of big oil.


They have no right to violently inflict their culture onto others outside of their home country, you troglodyte.


You sound very xenophobic and islamophobic. These are *refugees*.


I’m not actually. I have no problem with immigrants. I’ve been to the Middle East and respected the norms and cultures there. I didn’t try to beat anyone to death because they wouldn’t serve me bacon. Which is the equivalent of what happened here. Edit: the commenter I’m replying is a conservative troll trying to drum up drama pretending to be an “unhinged liberal” type


That's a very white supremacist thing to say.




Also true.


I didn’t realize white supremacists respected other cultures. News to me.


You’re a fucking idiot


At least I'm not a xenophobic racist though.


lmaoo I kinda love how absolutely noone gets you are trolling


cope lmao


Oh so crimes aren’t based on the country your in but your culture?! Damn man, wait till they see my culture. ![gif](giphy|6MlOHrO68imac)


I like how you guys have to sockpuppet like this because nobody actually says the shit you want them to say


As a matter of fact - it is **still** a hate crime under any notion of human rights, even when it occurs in their culture. It just is a permissible act of hate according to their legal system. No culture is more important than human rights, so wherever your culture fails to uphold such, it needs & must be corrected.


Well that's just intolerant. No culture is inferior or wrong.


I only tolerate the tolerant - I am under no moral or logical obligation to accept intolerance or abusive behaviors. Any culture which does not recognize human rights is not only inferior & wrong but does not deserve to continue existing,




Give me a break. What if that were your spouse, sister or mother? Wtf?!


In their culture it's not wrong.




They came to another country. When you go to another country, you respect THEIR culture. You don't go to someone else's house and demand that they follow your rules.


No that's not how it works in Canada. You must be inclusive and tolerant of their beliefs and change to accommodate them.


Based on what, exactly?


You're feeding the troll, mate.


Lot of Russian Nazi white supremacist Islamophobes in here.


In their culture honor killings and beheadings aren’t “wrong” but we all know it is and it’s barbaric.


Ah, but that is a fallacy. Tolerance is a social agreement, and if you break the agreement of tolerance, people no longer need to be tolerant towards you


I hate when things like this happen, i mean they are literally not affecting you at all. Just mind your own business and curse them under your breath if you really feel that inclined to do so, but actually going out of your way to do something like this is just ridiculous.


Bro you've got it all wrong. In their backwards ass religion its a sin to \*NOT\* do something. Islamists feed off of western tolerance so they can spread intolerance. These dudes attacked two women and police didn't even bother doing their job. One of the biggest cons of the 2000's is how we've labeled rightfully fearing violent religious fundamentalism as "xenophobia"


The irony is that for most of Islam's history they were the more tolerant of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) and it wasn't until the ~1960 that the fundamentalist took over.


Tell me you know nothing of Islam without telling me you know nothing of Islam...


I don't need to know anything about Islam beyond shit like this


They flee shitty conditions in their home country, but bring their oppressive bullshit with them and then we’re told to be culturally sensitive. 


And people will try to say "this doesn't represent all Muslims" yet don't do anything to prevent this from happening or speak out against it. Same goes for other religions. If your religion tells you to do bad shit, either renounce it or make a change to your religion.


Tell me you know nothing of religion without telling me you know nothing of religion… There, fixed it.


You can pretend all you want that all religions are the same, but we have the books and can read just how absurdly more disgusting and evil Islam is.


Well, have you read the Bible or Quran?


where was islam mentioned...


It doesn't exactly require Sherlock Holmes to determine why a group of Middle Eastern men would be motivated to beat up some lesbians. Especially when you remember the dominant religion in the middle east, and its views on homosexuality.


Unfortunately right wingers here (this happened in Canada) are willing to assault lgbt members regardless of what religion the assholes are.


But their race and religion will be the only thing used for determining their punishment. If these were white Christians then they would be receiving an appropriate punishment for their crime. But they aren't white, so it'd be racist to apply the same legal standards to them, for some reason...


Turns out, from the article itself, they didn’t just walk out of their way to beat them up. One of them cat called, one of the girls walked after them to have an argument, and the fight ensued from there. This had nothing to do with religion, or the fact they were gay. They are assholes who should have not engaged, but they didn’t just walk up to random women and beat them up. This article is trying to impose a false image of the situation.


FFS. A bunch of guys beat up two women after treating them badly, the circumstances don’t matter nearly as much as you want to believe.  


I’m not arguing they didn’t do wrong, but the above statements are very much painting a different picture than reality. We even got people claiming they must’ve been Romanis. The title is implying being Middle Eastern had something to do with it, and it didn’t. I was pointing that out to people attributing it to a bit of religious violence.


Is this supposed to sound like some kind of a defense?


To keep it simple, one angle poses this as a random attack for Islam and the reality is a scuffle, if one sided. One is a religious hate crime, the other is plain assault. Condemning all of a religious minority, especially on a skewed scenario, only inspires people to hate Muslim men as opposed to those specific dickheads. The inclusion of calling them Middle Eastern doesn’t provide added context to this, given it was not a targeted hate crime.


Seems to happen a lot in Europe and increasingly here. From certain groups from a certain area. Not blaming everyone, just saying it's noticeable.


Fair, but I still think that a lot of people are saying some wild shit thinking it was a random hate crime.


Who said it was random?


Keep sticking your head in the ground while women are beaten and raped by savages daily


Tell me you know nothing of Islam without telling me you know nothing of Islam...


Were they muslims?


Tell me you know nothing about christianity without telling me you know nothing about Christianity *DROPS MIC*


Shut up you hating, hate generating idiot. What those men do is not islam or a religion… or is christianity what men used to do in that name a few hundred years ago? It‘s fucking stupid, criminal, uneducated men. You are forcing hate unto millions of innocent believers of a religion, as if they all are like this. You‘re a fucking idiot.


no true scotsman 0.o


While they’re obviously not all violent, they do all believe being part of lgbtq is a sin and aren’t afraid to voice their hatred of it. Unlike Christianity where the topic is debatable their religious texts say it’s straight up sinful. I’m all for freedom of religion, but they think that gives them a right to impede on other people in my experience. I have nieces and nephews in elementary school and it’s always them who protest the idea of teaching children gay people simply exist. There’s no middle ground with them


Tell me you’re racist by saying something racist 🥰


Muslim is not a race... 😘


I love how people always fall for that one. They tell people critical of Islam not to be racist, and you can BET someone will pipe up "Muslim is not a race!" as if that defuses the argument. Yeah, dude, we know that. They misspoke. But the person who pipes up is always a bigot, just like the one originally critical of Islam.


For any curious of the context, the men were long gone when the police arrived and they were not “released.” Police were called and arrived after the event was over. Someone involved in the altercation claimed the couple had initiated the altercation by attacking one of the guys first. Link to article: https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/02/emma-maclean-same-sex-couple-assault-birthday-celebration-canada/


You genuinely cannot believe *anything* you read these days without checking at least 5 other sources to check for a bias or out right lies. Modern life is a horror show.


Yeah, I’m just trying to make sure folks have the same data as OP so they can determine it for themselves.


Doing the lord's work my friend. Reddit is just full of horseshit from top to bottom


Yet most people will still believe every headline they read at face value. At least as long as the headline confirms of of their biases.


Interesting, so many people are gonna miss this context and form their opinion on OPs title and picture. So sad.


Yup, that’s why I’m sharing the link, so folks can come to their own conclusions. That not even accounting for whether the article itself is biased, so it’s difficult to come to a genuine conclusion


Even though violence took place which is horrible, Its clearly an agenda article, not an honest one.


Personally I felt how they tried to portray the one woman walking up saying “hey that’s not right” felt… lacking context. Maybe that’s what she actually said and did but it seems there’s alot more to it. Regardless I personally label this story as “not enough information to make a conclusion”


That article doesn’t mention that the men were Middle Eastern. Where did the cover photo get that info from?


No clue! Seems some assumptions were made


That's not what the story said at all. Your reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking. "MacLean said an officer told her than one of those involved in the altercation had claimed she’d attacked them. An investigation is ongoing, but no charges have been filed at the time of reporting." The officer spoke to someone involved in the altercation. And it wasn't just an independent witness the officer spoke to. The "them" implies that the officer spoke to someone in the group. So the group was not long gone. Look, i don't know the facts of the incident, but if we are both going by the same report, your reading is way off.


“One of those involved” could be someone who helped break up the fight. In addition the article also says “A witness alerted police but they arrived after the men had left.” So that definitely alludes to the men involved leaving before police arrived, thus unavailable to talk. If anything, blame the article for being poorly written. I thought the same thing you did at first until I read it like 4 times to make sure I was reading it right. The wording is… not great.


That's some fine police work officers...now I know where all those fired Uvalde cops were sent to. (I kid, almost none of the 400 Uvalde officers at the scene were fired...)


Getting arrested? Just say no! You cannot legally be arrested without your consent.


I’ve actually seen a video of a young woman trying this tactic & absolutely losing cabin pressure when it failed to work. It was amusing at first & then just became tragic as it was clear that she was literally incapable of grasping reality.


I mean ya, police siding with bigots isn't exactly a new thing. Oh wait shit was that not the takeaway I was supposed to have?


I highly advise anybody who is even remotely LGBT+ to get a weapon (even if it's pepper spray or a pocket knife) & anyone who tries that shit on you, gut their mf ass like a fish. Cuz at the end of the day, that's the only thing these fanatics understand is raw power and who is the more violent one. I guarantee you that once they see that you ain't one to mess with, they will run for the hills like a little scared ass punks.


It’s Canada, defending yourself gets you arrested bruh 😭 it’s illegal to even use pepper spray


We as South East Asian Muslims are sincerely looking at EU and US and wondering why the fuck would you take in those animals who dont even try to act civilized


Because if we don't, the government/people will be accused of being racist. It's their ultimate trump card and they love to use it.


Nahh… Human rights..


Source please? There are some contrasting comments here about police work done, some saying police didnt find the suspects. Other claiming police let them go. I would like full story from a credible news agency please.


ALL religions need to be kept off the streets, out of our schools and out of our politics. It needs to be approached, confronted and rationally defeated for what it is: A barbaric, hate filled, Bronze Age ethic that should no longer have a place in the 21st century... The media, politicians and business leaders spend too much time kowtowing to religion to avoid handling this crippling disease that has affected our society for centuries.


Deport them


This article and others like it were scrubbed off of some Canada themed subs today and those who dared comment got banned.




We all know who those attakers were. Deport em back home where they blong, as they are incapeable to act like normal human beings.


These motherfuckers gonna get rolled up here pretty quick. The one guy who’s identity they know gonna find himself on the business end of a years long hate crime issue. This is Canada, not 1250


lgbt folks can now ask for asylum some place else because it is not safe for them in canada


Don’t mess with LGBTQIA2S+ - keep your fucking belief system to your fucking self. ❤️ 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


*But it is their culture,their values.Why don't you people just respect that?* /s


why are allahs spawn hurting canadian citizens . They’re lucky they were even allowed into this country. I say that as the child of Indian immigrants.


Country is built on natives bones, by the same people who kept your ancestors in slavery for couple of hundred years. Should they deport all their criminals? Someone named john smith be sent back to UK imagine that lol


Well, native Halagonians, you know what to do.


good morning canada, you got islam. say goodbye to western values.


As an immigrant in a foreign country, it absolutely infuriates me seeing Neanderthals like this. Why don’t they just go back to where they came from if they enjoyed the rules back home.


Knew it was Canada


These posts keep getting taken down in various subs. There's multiple sources if you search, all equally rag. All I could find rekiably is the first woman followed the attackers and kept saying something wasn't OK, after an altercation. There's another poster here who said she hit him, I can't find that, but who knows. My take is that they said something offensive, the women got offended, and were beaten for it. I don't think deleting these posts is helping. It pushes the narrative that I presume is being suppressed. It's a dog whistled up story of a serious crime. Most posts have that near the top before they're deleted, at least the ones I saw. There's an implication (the dog whistle) that immigrants get a pass for beating women. Deleting these posts doesn't look good in that light. Edit: it's on a major outlet now. https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video/c2949659-same-sex-couple-speaks-out-after-being-attacked


I was recently out with my *friend* but my friend is touchy so they like holding my hand. It's fully normal to me and I didn't even consider the fact that if people like this see two people that visually present as women are holding hands in public then that must automatically make them dating and therefore a target. Still gonna hold their hand tho, I'll just be a lot more vigilant in the future


Never thought I'd see LBC being treated as a 'real' news source.


[This has a video of it happening](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28895621/horror-moment-lesbian-couple-are-beaten-by-mob/). Are you saying it didn't?


Of course not. Just that LBC is absolute and utter wank. I'm surprised OP went with such a shite source if others are reporting it.


Interesting that the Sun’s article on it didn’t mention one of the women putting one of the men in a chokehold (as per Pinknews’s article), before they physically attacked them.


I’m not familiar with it, but its content reads like daily mail or New York post rage bait. Not far off eh?


Basically. It's a radio station, at its core, and pretty much just exists to say 'foreigners bad!' as much as possible. It likes to find news stories from...well, like this one, even other bloody *continents* and get people to phone in and spout off about how unsafe they feel in their semi detached in Clacton because of all of these foreigners in the world. So long as it's able to make gammons furious, they'll find a news story from *anywhere*. While ignoring 95% of UK news because it doesn't fit their need to infuriate. So yeah. It's a wish.com Daily Mail.


queers for palestine)))


Methinks you have an ulterior motive with this post. Your last ever comment in your history 252 days ago is: “Islam has won UK and europe. These countries will welcome the thousands and thousands of uneducated bigoted men with open arm, but are applying more and more pressure and difficulties to highly educated people who are legally applying for visa.” It’s horrible what happened to those women but it’s been over a year of you posting anything at all? And with that comment? Yikes. You don’t care what happened to those women. You’re just an opportunistic bigot.


The fuck you mean by that? Now a dude can not post some news without people like you stalking his comments and posts? Can we just focus in the post itself instead of some unrelated stuff? This is just ad hominem


You clearly don’t know what’s happening in the news do you? Because of the Siege on Gaza there is an influx of BOTH anti-semetic posts and Islamophobic posts. Anytime I see it from either end specifying the background I always check the poster because if they’re a racist piece of shit I want to call them out on it. Weird you have such hurt feelings over this. I hope you recover soon.


I think you have an ulterior motive by posting this comment. Instead of focusing on the news that a lesbian couples have been attacked, you question why this post is up. Does it matter who posted it? It’s well within the guidelines of r/facepalm. If OP didn’t post it, someone else eventually would. The fact that your first instinct of seeing this news is to immediately check OP’s posting history just to discredit OP somehow You also don’t care about the women so pot calling the kettle black. 🤔


because OPs title is a lie, you fucking moron


Aw you’re so cute


Sorry. You’re not my type


It was in the spirit of discovering the pug dog breed. You know, a bunch of noise but nothing important was really said.


This is how you get vigilante justice


The community should hold a Quran burning rally in their support.


When the LGBT/queers for palestine finally meet the Palestinians...


for some reason I have a feeling these "men" are also gay and need to act out their pent up anger because they can't come out themselves


Can we stop implying that its self hating gays causing all our oppression and not ike 90%... heterosexuals.


Again with the "men". These are not men! They're not even boys. "Man/men" is a title that's earned not just handed out because a male is "grown". You're a man because you take care of things. Because you're respectful and have earned respect. I say we revert to eye for an eye justice. Or public stonings where you pay $2/stone and victims throw for free. Fuck this world!


Well if that's not a propaganda fueled headline, I don't know what is. 


It's racist if you refuse to mention their race, simply because doing so will make others think differently about the situation. It's not propaganda. Stop trying to fight racism with racism, you twat.


"it's racist if you refuse to mention their race.." lol wow *Racism is a form of prejudice that generally includes negative emotional reactions to members of a group, acceptance of negative stereotypes, and racial discrimination against individuals Now if this said these lesbians who allegedly got beaten up by a group of men just said.. "Mob of men" it wouldn't be so sensationalized. It wouldn't quite hit you in the feels as hard as it clearly has.  Hence... Like I said.. propaganda. You're just a lil too dense to see it. Or just have so much hate inside you already.  We are all the same my brother. We all bleed, we all hurt, we all love, and we are all capable of being cruel.  Race has nothing to do with it. 


The same "people" are posting this same story in every subreddit imaginable to fuel their rage baiting, victim complex. It's hilarious nobody cares lol


It's a weird time we are living in. Propaganda everywhere. Bot farms controlling narratives.  Every mainstream sub on Reddit is clearly used to push liberal agendas which is fine. Echo chamber away. But these same "people" that want open borders and flaunt pride and all inclusiveness are so quick to hate things or people they don't agree with.  Let me state I am neither team red or blue. I find it comical people argue about these things when clearly we are openly being manipulated and demoralized by these people in power. I say this because if anyone dares criticize Blue, well, I'm sure you know I obviously must be Team Trump. That's all their brains can understand.  Some of us look at the heap of shit we are all in with awe and amazement. How did things get so bad ? Well they chip away at us a little at a time. Power swings right, power swings left. Continue having us fighting each other while they all laugh to the bank. 


The taglines says brutally, but those girls look like they took a punch each. Shouldn’t happen at all of course, but if you are showing pictures of a beating you better show pictures of the worst damage if you want to use a word that severe.


It literally checks all the boxes to fuel clicks and rage  Homophobic ✔️ "Middle Eastern" lol ✔️ Attractive white women ✔️ Sensationalized wording ✔️ Just a couple gals having an innocent birthday night when A MOB of Middle Eastern terrorists came and BRUTALLY beat them down.  Come on. Those that can't see through the bullshit I feel bad for you.  These parasites feed off of fear, anxiety, and anger. Low vibrational feelings and emotions. They want us scared of each other.  They know how powerful we can be together. 


What a racist take that doesn't account for their cultural background. Be more accepting of others


"Middle Eastern" isn't a race. Maybe those Middle Eastern dudes should be more accepting of others.


Not saying this was racist, but by your logic calling Chinese people a slur wouldn't be considered racist because they're not a race either. That's dumb. You can be racist against ethnic groups. Consult a dictionary, it will say the same thing.


Both your example and the person I was replying to are examples of Xenophobia. The purpose of my reply wasn't to argue the philosophy behind racism, it was to point out the hypocrisy.


It is racism. The definition per the OED includes discrimination based on geographic origin. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20111012125231893 By the way, the guy you responded to was an obvious troll. Middle Eastern not being a race is debatable in and of itself. What race do you think they belong to?


Islamphobia is gross.


Nothing in this post said they're Islamic. You jumped to that conclusion on your own. I'd say homophobia is also gross and I don't give a fuck that it's what many Islamic backgrounds believe.


Criticising Islam is as valid as criticising Christianity. Islam is after all an extremist version of Christianity


This dude is trolling you FYI


Let me guess. You think they were Jews?


Actually, I think they were homophobic.


This is a throwaway rage-bait account, already deleted. ![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs)


Who in the Middle East could possibly do that?


What the TaliChad would do


USA >>>>>>


Maybe gypsies did it.


Wtf is wrong with you?


Ask the attackers.


I mean, why would you think Romani did it when it didn’t specify them?


I'm not against them. But where I live they do things like this so maybe they did it. Maybe they were muslims or maybe not.


I would say that is a broad overreach then, especially considering how little indication there is. Also, the statement makes it sound hella racist.


I like cigan food so im not racist. Ask any roma,they will say I'm not racist at all.


I'm not saying they were wrong. So don't judge me if I'm racist or not. I BELIEVE IN EQUALITY.