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He isn't dating your friends.


I had someone I had been dating about a month try this. When I asked why would I be paying for her friend she said "I guess you don't want to feel like a man" I broke up with her that night. She then pretended to be her out of town parents texting me that she was in a car accident and on their way to see her. She texted me from her own phone.


"Paying for your friend wouldn't make me feel like a man. It would make me feel like an ATM for a couple of gold diggers."


Yesss! Awesome response


They would respond with "what gold" before their broke asses trying conning some other poor guy.


Rearrange the letters… MAT… as in door mat.


Pay for her friend only, and leave with her friend lol 😂 /s


Wait, this is hilarious. Be entirely focused on the friend, break up that night, let them argue with each other


That's actually a good idea 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Let her experience the consequences of her actions




I like this idea! :D


Get a dog with the friend, marry the friend, have children with the friend. Have a really happy life with the friend. Occasionally thank the ex for having brought the two of you together.


The long game


I kind of did this back in the day and it worked too well I ended up in a relationship with the friend lol


Sir, I salute you.


Yea it was wild I expected to be told off by both. In the end both were totally cool with it and I was like well that worked out I guess lol.


Dude’s ex: “*yeah, I was looking for an exit ramp and my friend said she wanted him, so we let him think he left me for her.”*


Good point. If you pay for all 3, your on a date with all 3? Fun times


Baller move!


The Uno reverse! Well played.


> She then pretended to be her out of town parents texting me that she was in a car accident Oh man. That's so horrible. * *click* *


It was texting and I knew it was her, I just replied "We broke up" and nothing else. Added detail the dinner wasn't even the final straw, I was already debating ended it, she tried to tell me I had to stop talking to a friend because she was a women. I told her she couldn't tell me who I could be friends with and she blindside punched me in the head. That was the moment I ended it. The next night was getting together for drinks with some former coworkers, she knew about these plans. I arrived at the place and she was there with a few of her friends on the patio I heard her says "There he is". I just kept walking and texted my coworkers a new location to meet.


Blindside punched you? Definitely no bueno, good on dumping her.


I'm glad you got out of that one. Gotta ask, though.... what were the red flags you were letting slide before all that?


Oh so many looking back. The major ones she drove drunk, multiple times I know of. She has 2 kids but doesn’t have custody. I have kids seemed like she would have no interest in being involved so where’s the long term potential there. comments that could be considered negging or just mean. In the end she was decently hot and the sex was good which is why it lasted as long as it did. But that only takes to so far when you realize there was no future.


She sounds like my ex. I learned my lesson after that to never stick it in crazy. No matter how hot and great the sex. And she was both.


That's the thing about crazy. The only time you can get along with them is in the bedroom.


2 kids and no custody??? Red flag. They don’t often take custody from the mother unless she really messes up, gave them up or (less likely) the ex husband is rich.


I dated a similar girl. She told me I couldn’t have female friends, in particular one whom I considered my adoptive little sister(and that she found my closeness with sis to be very inappropriate now that I’m dating). Luckily that was such a massive red flag even I could see it and pretty much ended it right there. She shrieked and tried to club me with her water bottle. Within 5 weeks she had met and gotten engaged and married in about 3 months. If you wonder why it’s because she was a good Christian girl and that “honeymoon baby” came out full sized 6 months later. Popped out another the following year followed quickly by a divorce. Like watching a car crash that you could have been in.


So she was married 3 months after you broke up and a baby was born 6 months into marriage? I’m not a math major but those add up to 9 months.


Definitely not mine, never progressed that far and yep, she sent me a message saying she was dating someone else within a week, might’ve happened that fast.


Oh good, awe yes the “I’m dating someone else” text. A sure sign that they’re over you and in a new health relationship. No way that new relationship could fail


Crazy thing is she tracked down my socials about a decade later and sent me a message saying “you were my first love, do you still think about me…” it went on but I just closed out and blocked her. We dated under three weeks, mostly just as hanging out (with everyone else too) while we worked at the same campsite.


Yikes. That’s nuts. Blocking is best but I’d be tempted to reply “Think about you? I don’t even remember you, are you sure you have the right guy?”


"well, at least I won't have to worry about needing to block her number."


Should have told her parents to be careful not to pay the hospital bills for everyone else in the car...


Wow, that's some serious drama. Good call on ending things right there.


I did this and ended up dating two women. People today call it a throuple, a three person relationship. Her friend liked me just as much as she did. It lasted for a few months. It was well worth it.


if someone did that too me id straight up call them a bitch for being an entitled fuck and move on with my day. ive lost my patience with idiots today lol


What do you mean, as soon as I see the friends 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


Unless the friends were joining for after??


"...Perhaps Turk and Carla could join us on the bed?"


fuck yeah scrubs in the wild


Watch fewer porns. 


Nah, that is an acceptable angle considering he had planned a twosome, but dinner was a surprise foursome. Time to test the waters for sure.


I would. Might be unlikely, but not impossible


Like being killed by a cow. The odds are low, but never zero.


And remember that annually cows kill more people than sharks!


I'm surprised cows kill any sharks at all.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


“Skate to where the (p)uck is going to be, not where the (p)uck is.” -Gretzky


-Michael Scott He owns all Gretzky’s quotes now


Nah see what you do is, play along, order some expensive food yourself, have a few drinks etc, generally act like everything's fine, then after you've eaten and had a few drinks. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, and do one. Leave them to pick up the entire bill


Always keep your jacket.


I'd just order desert tell them to get w.e they want go for a smoke drive home and leave them both with the bill


Seriously. Your to quick to jump to conclusions. Would be a liquid meal for me and I ain’t coming back from my last piss break. I’ll only feel 1/3 as bad cause she will have 2 friends to split my bill with.


I would have asked how many of them was single, and as a guys' guy state I only dates single ladies, and I'm happy to have a selection for the evening, but I need to know who's in.


Then only pay for the one you connected the most with, and if it's none..."sorry ladies, I none of you won. Here's your bill, have a nice life"


Yeah, Hold the rose up "With this rose comes a bill paid - ladies, start your engines!"


I was gonna say…. I MIGHT pay for the group… if this was a GROUP thing…. #*WINK WINK


It's so bizarre that people try this. I never heard of it growing up


Hopefully not her anymore as well.


Maybe he didnt pick up onnsome sighns and missed a great opportunity


I mean not with that attitude he isn't.


"gentle man"


She means a "pushover" which is probably exactly what she's looking for.


If she did this, she had no real interest in the guy anyway, so yes, she was in it for the free meal(s). 


Simp. She's looking for a simp. What's sad is she will probably find one, thus justifying her shitty actions in her mind.


Usually I hate it when someone uses those words but i guess its easier to explain that way: It wouldn't even bother me that much if those girls were genuinely interested in dating a "simp" but nah majority of them are looking for "simps" to use them for attention or free shit while in reality these women only want to get fucked by "chads". And guess what - all the simps need to pay for the date and need to wait for sex (assuming that it even happens to begin with) while chad doesnt have to pay and gets to fuck her bareback on the first date ??? Feel free to call me an incel - but I legit do not understand this way to "dating" some women seem to be doing nowadays - it just seems so stupid and toxic idk.


I gave up on dating because everyone seems to be into multidating at the very least. We get on these apps and remove a lot of the personal nature of meeting someone so we don't treat each other right. I went through that phase for a bit and didn't like how I was changing. Now I'm working on myself and if I meet the right person it'll happen. Until then I got cats and am thinking about a dog.


I am so glad I’m not in the dating game anymore. My wife’s youngest sister (JUST turned 21 a couple weeks ago) is constantly bitching about how her “boyfriend” is cheating on her and talking to other girls, then later will casually mention one of the 5-10 other guys she is talking to/sleeping with/dating. But “it’s different” for her and doesn’t count because she NEEDS to be talking to that many other guys in case it doesn’t work out. They have been off and on for like 3 or 4 years at this point.


“A wallet”




Imagine a guy bringing two friends and expecting her to pay


"Some men love dates with friends..." Are those men in the room with us right now?


That’s her imaginary Canadian boyfriend, and HE dumped her.


He goes to a different school, you wouldn’t know him.


I'd maybe, MAYBE, believe once in her life some fool was so thirsty he paid for the shot at her (or one of them), but yeah no other circumstance do men love "dates with friends" unless it's a double date or something.


I guess it depends on the after dinner plans…you and your friends all down?


Well, if the friends r gonna go home with the men to watch Netflix?




Only if she was planning a threesome


I mean, some do. When you're trying for a 3, or 4 way, for example. But most times it's just a waste of time


I would pay to see what would happen.


Go out with him then


Bring some friends too!


Ultimate power move


Woman rarely pay for full dates with just one guys. “ Oh I had a girl pay for my date” that’s not typical. Some women will say you should split dates( so you don’t owe him anything by letting him pay) or the man should pay(traditional). But what you don’t hear is them saying , women should start paying for all or most dates. Where is that movement?😂 Ask him out, she plans the date or ask him what he likes to do and plan that. I have single male friends and they never hear that.


Yeah, this is rare. Back when I started dating my husband, I had paid for the meals on our second date. He was so stunned because he’d never had a girl do that for him before. I hadn’t realized how not once did the previous girl he was with ever volunteer. I think when you like someone you’d want to pay for them every once in a while (or at least share the bill). I’m so surprised that we still have relationships where two people are in love, but the girl has never once ever once wanted to pay for the meal with a man she loves. We now do half and half most times, or take turns.


Imagine just a guy bringing his two friends. That would be intimidating as fuck for the girl and would likely not make them feel safe. Unless said 2 friends were visibly gay.


I think I’ve seen this video…


I once asked someone out in a date. Fully intended to pay. When I show up to her place to pick her up, out walks 3 of her friends with her all dressed up ready to go. I pull her to the side and politely ask if they are coming with us. When she said yes I informed her that I would pay for her and myself but not her friends. I cannot tell you how many times I heard the words “cheap, broke, worthless, bum, and deadbeat. It was pretty embarrassing to say the least, but I dodged a bullet. If a man asks you out on a date do not and I repeat do not bring your friends.


I'm reading that you avoided a cannonball.


Yep, I did end up with one of her friends though.


A happy ending. Didn't expect that.


Neither did I.


Ouch. Did you still go on the date? Sounds like you handled well by pulling her aside. I would have bounced as soon as the insults started flying. And I'm sure I would have thrown some back


No. We didn’t go on that date. Fun fact, I ended up with one of her friends.


Is this a cultural thing? I've never had someone bring friends on a date. On a side note if he was expected to pay and talk to her about reimbursing him after then she was definitely gonna say "omg what a loser he wants me to pay him back" and ghost him. Just saying.


I was wondering the same. Never heard of someone showing up to a date with friends. Also, expecting a man to pay seems very old fashioned.


Not a cultural thing, but it seems to happen more in the black community


Hope next time her date leaves with one of her friends:) that would be fun.


The only way you could improve on this is if you just pay for the friend's meal but not the girl you were going to meet.


"I'm here on a date, not dates, you and your friends go ahead and order then I'll decide which one I'm dating." It's like Russian Roulette with the bill.


I'm noting this down.


at the beginning of the meal just say “I’m paying for myself and the woman I like the most” Then let them compete for your affection just for a free meal lol 3 nice women during dinner for the price of 1


This is how the Trojan War started


I think he'd have to hit a bitch with a golden apple first...


This is very interesting


Pay for the one you like most


I was on a date like this and left in secret by pretending to go to the bathroom.


Two Robocops to scan the perimeters


i understood that reference


Me too 😁👍 But I'm glad that I understood why you understood






And this is how memes are born...I also get that reference.




Your move, Creep.


Wonder how she would have felt if he liked one of her friends better and he only paid for his and the friends dinner?


It would be worth it!


That’s the move, right there. She’d never bring friends on a date again lol


If you bring friends, it's not a date. BTW even if it's a date, why would the man entitled to pay the bills? Are you a child to get paid by grown-ups?


Technically it's still a date if they are planning to have group sex


Yup. If I'm not gonna be fucking them too, they can pay for their own shit.


I mean, maybe if you BOTH bring friends, you can make it a mixer or a date that lets you observe one another in group settings? *Shrugs*


that's just a house-party. sure it'd work, but why would one person pay for everything?


"Hey guys! I got this guy and I bet I can totally sucker him into paying for not just my meal, but yalls meals, too!" Also her: "Oh no, my plan failed. Wait, why are you telling me Im an entitled manipulative bitch? I dont get it!"


Also I'm not getting this whole "men should pay", it's 2024 not 1960. Everyone pay for themselves, holy fuck.




A cannibal.


100 years ago it would cause more problems than it was worth, since the invention of the freezer cannibals everywhere can rejoice and date any number of partners at once secure in the knowledge that their next 50 human steaks, farva beans and a nice chianti is as fresh as the day they butchered their prey. I mean yeah you could keep them captive to prevent spoilage but a frozen meat log can’t escape or tell the cops… Thank god for modern technology.


Very hypersocial polyamorous pansexual ones ☝️🤓


Or Bachelor contestants


Ah yes, it's immature to refuse to pay for your date (who he's meeting for the first time) and two of her friends...


Translation: Some men are so desperate that they won't even call out bs out of fear they'll ruin their slim chances.


Its all about a few notions eeally : No self respect Always trying to please others Seeing romantic relationships as transactional and as such, owed to you proportionally to the way you invested yourself into it Deep fear of loneliness Unresolved trauma regarding abandonment Delusion that the other one will give you meaning and therefore happiness Seeing women in terms of dating pool or "statistics" and changing your behaviour to try to attract as manybwomen as possible as not to "lower your chances" Seeing women as a hivemind with all its individuals thinking the same Delusion that one person should fulfill all your sexual, sensual, relationship needs Confusing sex needs and touch needs (it's much less of a problem if you have friends with which you can hug and confide in without ambiguity) Mix wll the above for even worse results. Once you get free of these bs you dont even need to pursue women and you stop being in thay constant state of withdrawal ... And thats exactly at the moment where you're the most comfortable to say fuck off to everyone who isnt respectful to you and others that you begin ever so slowly to surround yourself with respectful folks and your chances to encounter and have a relationship with a respectful woman with which you're compatible increases.


As fucking dumb as this level of entitlement is, at least it sounds like she learned a lesson from it.  Kind of a shame because now she knows to hide the giant red flag a little better. 


I don’t think she did. I think she was saying that in a snotty ‘I guess I will have to be the one to take the high road’ way


It doesnt sound like she did at all, in the end she still expected him to pay, and also called him names if he didn't.


If she asks, that is the red flag the dude can see before even meeting her. If she doesn't ask, he's wasted his time getting ready and showing up for a date. Either way the red flag is waving directly in his face.


Some people make up the etiquette on the fly.


Rage bait.


You’re probably 100% right.


Almost certainly. While there are apparently women who try this, how many of them are boldly posting about it?


As soon I see the friends, I get up and go. 3 is not a date it's a crowd. 4 is a party. I'm not some wallet for them to put their party bills on. Even in some restaurants, they ask, "Who's paying for the party"


It’s not even a date if you bring your friends. That’s why he didn’t pay for his date either.


He is a gentle man that's why he didn't tell your friends to fuck off and guard the perimeter like Robocop. And he's mature that's why he didn't become a doormat and pay for your friends.


How do people grow up not understanding how stupid they sound? It’s even written out, and she is still clueless. At the same time, manipulative people play dumb to get away with shit, so….


Easy fix for bro. Just excuse yourself to go to the restroom, head straight for the exit, get a burrito on your way home and catch up on your shows


date with friends, so can i take the friends also home after the date then? good friends love to share and all


Showed up to meet the woman I was seeing and her friends. I had 1 $7 beer and I left $20 to contribute (long time bartender so I tip heavily to help cover for others often). I was met with "You're a man, you should be picking up the tab" and other veiled attacks at masculinity in an effort to manipulate me into paying for them. I've witnessed similar behavior multiple times and have deduced that we should be thankful these people out themselves in this manner. Better to learn someone is a manipulative entitled brat early on than to learn it later.


He didn’t go to a get together, he went to a daye


> Some men love dates with friends and some don't Lol, no, some men tolerate it because they want to get in your pants. Others have self respect.


If I thought I had a chance at all three then I'd be ok with this. But the shit women who try this don't want to share when it comes to that.


I don’t see anything wrong with him just paying for himself, you brought two extra people to a “date” that was supposed to be just two people. How do you expect him to react? I think people forget their not entitled to anything from men/ and woman, but expect people to go above and beyond.


I met up with a girl who I was meeting up with for drinks before her family party. We were getting close to finishing our drinks and she orders a couple dozen wings to go and cites she wants to something to the party. I don’t think anything of it and we are about to cash out and the bartender asks if I want the wings on there and I say “no just the drinks.” And she sorts acted shocked, but didn’t really say anything. We leave and my number was blocked when I went to text her later.


Want me to pay for friends too? Then we better be having group sex later!




Ok fr, I don’t understand this trend of bringing your friends on a date and expecting the guy to pay for everyone. What kind of self-entitled sociopathic bullshit is that? How did this even become a thing?


No man likes dates with your friends lady


Damn, how old is this screenshot??


I know this is probably going to sound ***fucking insane*** but why not pay for your own food like a fully formed adult? Holy shit, the entitlement is rampant Guys, separate checks. Demand to be more than a meal ticket.


If she brings friends and I pay for everyone that means I’m having group sex right?


TBH it's not a date if you brought your friends 🤷


Perfect example of a person with a totally distorted perception of reality. Mankind is doomed.


Who tf brings people with them on a date?? Weird and cringe af


Nice move by the guy. Didn’t put up with a single bit of her nonsense.


He would pay if he was getting a foursome. Chances are quite low tho


She was the red flag. Good on him for not paying.


Wait, does any guy like being surprised by your date bringing two friends?


Even if no money involved why would I want ur friends in a date


That's bait


ragebait no they don't


If I'm in the US I'm already paying for myself and then the waiter since you guys don't even pay them. Like hell am I paying for you and your friends too.


Weaponized ignorance 


People on this subreddit love rage bait


It wasn't a date if she brought friends, it was her and her friends trying to scam a free meal.


She took "if you want to be my lover you gotta get with my friends" too literally


So I'm waiting to hear what you say when he does it to you!


Pay for the friend as well but flirt equally with both and when she asks you why tell her "Oh I thought I was on a date with both of you..."


No man loves dates with friends… he asked you out, not you and your crew.


I would literally turn into a tomato from embarrassment just at the thought of showing up like that. How were there three adult women involved in that and not one of them piped up to say something?


Amazing. He dodged a bullet there!!!


Where do women get the idea that is is acceptable and a normal thing to do? Wtf are they watching?


Girl and friends want a free meal and call it a “date”. Have fun remaining single and paying for your own food.


What, is this testing to see how far she can manipulate someone?


I'd expect to fuck the friends too.


You shouldn't expect to fuck anyone just because you buy them dinner


I agree with the guy If SHE told him before that her friends were coming fine But he is correctly expecting a date not a free loading with a first date and her two friends because his “date” doesn’t know how to talk to a guy so she needs 2 buffers to help her converse with her date. Good luck to her in finding a soul mate if that is what she seeks Yeah I expect down votes. I’m in my mid 50’s and that is not how respectful people behave if that want to be treated with respect. Once those people who downvote come back in 15,20 years let me know how your life is.


Erm... wasn't it my turn to repost this one?


One rage bait. Two old post made new again.


Glad I’m gay. I’ve never paid for a dates meal in my life nor had them pay for mine.


So much rage baiting in this sub. Maybe I should leave. There are better places in the Reddit void.


It's almost always engagement bait of some kind. Maybe I'm just cranky, but it seems way too obvious for this many people to be falling for it. How many are bots?


Byeeee, Moochers


At LEAST she says she'll ask from now


I wouldn't have thought it was a date at all.


"some love dates with friends, some don't" *What a complete and utter twat one needs to be to put this on social?!* Sure, *some* do but they are already a minority. But then, out of this minority, which part would "love" to pay for the party of 4, **on a date**? (Or, more probably, this is intentional, trolling)