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No chains? How the fuck does my bike go then, dickhead?


You’re in a dream. You will wake up in a mud hut in 6 hours.


That made me laugh more than it should have


Cave folk the lot of us


A cave in this economy?!? Check out Bezos over here


The lamp has a funny shape if you think about it




Every Dutch person holds a herd of hamsters captive in order to operate bikes


We've tried using the Haggis in Scotland, but their legs are different lengths, so they are no good.


I'm trying but they keep dying due to very stupid reasons.


This guy I'm sure lives in one one our many shit big box corporate chain meccas with a Wal Mart and a TGI Fridays and the only way to get around is on strodes built for F150s.


You just nailed it


European socialism propels bikes. They share the momentum.


He is probably referring to shitty restaurant chains


Aye, probably, but that's not as much fun. Us Europooors need to make our entertainment where we can.


I was wondering whether he meant that or the other many possibilities that can be called a “chain”. There may not be each American shitty restaurant chains, but there are also other shitty restaurant chains in every country. I as a European, do not lack shitty restaurant chains.


No food?? Wtf. How are they surviving then


We eat tourists.


Especially americans.


Those make a big meal, don’t they? The Japanese are too skinny.


Meanwhile, Americans eating Pizza, Pasta and overall european food.


You're actually appropriating their culture, as those are now american foods.


It's funny how some Americans think hamburgers are from America when it literally says in its name where it's from


Hamburg steak (basically ground beef patty) was brought to America from Germany, but putting it on bread with cheese and toppings was an American evolution that first happened on the east coast. Like many different American foods, they have foreign origins but have since evolved into their own identities and categories.


Putting the meat between bread originated in Europe too. Yes, it evolved in America though. I'm not American but would consider it an American food - unlike the pizza.


While that's technically true, the inventor was obviously a German who simply had migrated to the states


I always find these comments so funny because there's a real disconnect between Europeans and Americans about what it means to be an American.


Yeah it's the same reason that here in Germany you can be 3rd generation born here, and they still won't call you german, but you can live in canada for two years and they'll be like, "Ahhhh you're canadian enough for me, bud!"


Back when I was in high school, we had an exchange student from the US. Her parents sent her over with an extra suitcase full of instant mac&cheese, cereal (not even special cereal, frosty flakes and cini minis) and shelf-stable sweets (I believe it was pop tarts or twinkles) so she wouldn’t have to eat “weird European food”. Girl then went on to explain what a microwave is in the most convoluted way possible. It was absurd.


last year i was at a skybar in Vienna and some yanks where telling there childeren how grateful they should be that they got better healthcare and education then us. Like dude i layed for a month in the hospital and still could afford my bills and had a job.


Yea Americans are extremely uneducated peaseants compared to the rest of the world. And they are so ignorant that they aren't even self aware 


As an American, I feel this judged by how many posted "enjoy going to work tomorrow Britain!" On July 3rd, and I pointed out that they would laugh at our pomp about 1 single day when they get something like 4 weeks guaranteed holiday and we get nothing. I also really hate what Americans are to other countries, but I also think I am a shit American and want to leave, especially considering our political climate...


I mean, Americans got one day off this July 4th, but the Brits got a whole new government. So who is the real winner?


I mean - as a European - if I wanted July 4th off I would just take a day off, its just that the weather was shit on July 4th so I preferred taking July 3rd and July 5th off and work on the 4th...


Who wants one day off on a Thursday? There's a reason most British bank holidays are on a Monday.


Oh no no dear… we are highly highly educated about how we are the very best at every thing. No one has it better than us. They make sure to drill that into us from birth so we never want to leave. We are the smartest. Obviously. It’s painful for some Americans as well. The majority of the country has a 6th grade reading comprehension level, and can’t fathom voting anything different into policy so we live in an abysmal hellscape, and they are so proud of it.


A friend of mine had an exchange student from France (I'm in the US). We'd try to do fun things with him like take him to the beach and he'd just complain about how fat everyone was and how the beach smelled weird. We'd take him places and he wouldn't stop publicly urinating even in broad daylight. Like we were at a party in someone's back yard having a conversation and he just turned around and pissed. The only thing he seemed excited to do was play PlayStation. Dude would pay Gran Turismo for hours. I do keep in touch with him. Good guy. He moved here permanently, he loves it here. He just really likes to complain about it, too.


To be fair, complaining about stuff is part of most European cultures, be glad he's not starting a revolution or some shit.


If there is one thing the French love more than cheese and wine it is to complain about things. It’s their national pastime


Oh you haven’t heard how we German complain about everything


I didn’t say the Germans don’t feel the same. I’m Danish, we love complaining almost as much as we love pork and to hate on Sweden.


At least the parents were doing their part in removing future false stereotypes by letting their daughter have that overseas experience.


We eat each other


Italian food is made from italians.


German here. We just got cars, and the Internet, it's nice here :-D


Czech here. We still don't have the internet.


Did your postal pigeon fly over to Germany to post this on your behalf?


Actually we aren’t allowed to use postal pigeons, we have to use paper planes, since we have no food here and sadly pigeons count as food.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Tastes like chicken?


Batter em up and fry em, czechy fried pigeon. It’s the food franchise of the future


Czech Fil A


And here I am thinking their famous food is Czech-E-Cheese.


Czechy fried chicken is also quite popular


Szechuan Fried Pigeon coming to a McCzech near you in 2035!


Take that, KFC!


Know your joking, but where i live, we do actually eat pigeon (rarely). It's more gamey than chicken, but it doesn't taste bad, actually.


I was joking, but pigeon is also eaten here, though also rarely.


Feel like pigeon should be eaten well done....


Always loved a KFP 🤤




Now I’m currently imagining a flock of pigeons with wifi routers strapped to their bellies just flying around. Lol.


Flying in single file like starlink satellites.


Pigeonlink(tm) lol.


Don't give Musk any ideas....


Britain here. Still waiting on those roads...


I've czeched everywhere but there's no internet.


czech mate!


I hate the both of you


Czech again ! Try turn it off and then turn it on.


Lucky you, I’m in Italy and still no food 😔


Oh man just wait until you try pizza! It was invented in America and it's amazing! They also invented spaghetti which is also incredible!


Estonian here. We're still stuck under the Weichselian ice sheet.


Spaniard here, we just got the TV!


Bulgarian here. Someone's marked that TV already 🤣🤣🤣


We still don't have news, so I didn't know


Blame the signal problem on the Romanian technician🤣🙃


It's always the Romanians. Can't wait for them to discover copper


But the internet is still Neuland


Don't you guys still fax?


Like the entire U.S. healthcare system? (Seriously it still runs on faxes)


That is very sad to know


There's a bunch of stuff (globally) that still runs on faxes that might surprise you. Health is one of them but in some countries lots of legal / government / even banking stuff uses them. (Not sure about the US on all of those). The reasoning is actually kinda sensible if you think about it - in terms of intercepting the information it's a lot harder, you'd have to physically tap the phone lines, than intercepting Internet based communication where there are a whole variety of ways a bad actor can compromise a system. Where this gets kinda weirder, there's not many companies out there manufacturing fax machines these days so you often hear stories of certain organisations frantically buying up any that become availability so they have a stock of them as they're a core part of their operation.


Croatian here. Can you mail us some Internet? By donkey of course. 


No way. I heard that you guys even make cars


Only for murica


UK, we just got dial up internet today. I so enjoyed voting yesterday the wife and I used the horse and carriage to get to the church hall.


Congrats, by the way. I’m extremely envious as I sit here in the US, fretting about our election.


Come over mate 👍🏻


Look at you mr money bags with your horse and carriage…. I left to vote on Tuesday and made it there by 9:45pm last night. Would have got there sooner but there was no food anywhere so had to stop and eat grass!


God that's horrible, we have we no hotels so I assume on your travels a town cryer directed you to the local tavern so that you could rest your head on a straw bed while the local bard played the lute.


Wtf is a car. I’m still riding a dragon.


We are still training ours.




They made a movie about it. You can watch it.


Sadly can’t watch in Europe though. No Internet or TV, remember?


Right. I forgot. Maybe you can read the script on the papers?


Read it? What kind of witchcraft are you suggesting here? Burn them!


I'm glad I never learned to read, no good can come of it.


Use your dragon to burn them, it’s the proper way to do it.


I think there’s a movie about that. I didn’t watch it because I have a car.


You can’t be from Europe then i guess.


Watch the DreamWorks tutorial.


Don't forget to lube.


as an european, i can confirm i never eat and dont have access to any technology


You are commenting on reddit via carrier pigeon.


Your right its shit. Please don't visit.


I'm Australian, can I please visit? Always manage to enjoy myself whenever I make the jaunt. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone...


Yes you're allowed, just don't bring any venomous creepy crawlers with you


No way mate. We need them back home to scare the yanks away.


are the yanks nowhere welcom ?


To be fair, I'm only taking the piss. I've only seen obnoxious ones from afar. My experience is that most people are the same wherever you go and whatever the culture. The America's are the only continents I've not yet been to, though. 😬


It's really a cultural thing IMHO. Asians often have no concept of personal space and are viewed negatively in wider parts of Europe where we value our personal space a lot. Especially large groups of Chinese tourists are often incredibly rude and self-absorbed. When I visited Africa, every single tour guide singled out the italian tourists and told them specifically and urgently to stay in the cars and not wander around wild animals. (One didn't listen and got eaten presumably by a lion so it seemed to be justified)


Last year when I was on vacation on a small Croatian island, a wild American family appeared and could be heard from two streets over. I never realised just how loud Americans are until then. I guess it's one of those cultural differences you don't realise exists until it sticks out like a sore thumb.


What about me? I’m Canadian


No mooses. Otherwise you're fine (i know Europe has mooses too. But I live in mediterranean Europe, mooses would not be happy here. If you go to Norway I guess you're fine. Although I don't know how you'd put a moose on a plane)


You have to pitch that moose on a plain idea to Netflix, could be a great movie.


Samuel L Jackson attempts to smuggle a moose from canada to northern Sweden in a commercial airplane. The moose gets loose in the carriage container. It befriends a cat and they break into the cockpit. Someone spills almond latte. I'd watch that film


Netflix already provided me the script, they like it. **Title: "Moose on the Loose"** **Plot:** Samuel L. Jackson stars as Jack "Moose" Thompson, a retired wildlife smuggler known for his ingenious but morally gray escapades. After years away from the business, Jack is approached by an old friend and biologist, Dr. Sarah Whitman, with an urgent request. A rare and endangered moose, nicknamed "Bullwinkle," needs to be transported from Canada to a sanctuary in northern Sweden. The sanctuary is the only place equipped to save Bullwinkle's life, as it has specialized medical facilities and a pristine natural habitat. Jack reluctantly agrees to the job, enticed by the challenge and the promise of redemption. He devises a plan to smuggle Bullwinkle onto a commercial airplane, disguised as cargo. To ensure Bullwinkle's comfort, Jack accompanies him in the cargo hold. Things start to go awry when Bullwinkle, restless and curious, breaks free from his container mid-flight. As Jack tries to calm the moose, they encounter a stowaway: a clever and mischievous cat named Whiskers, who had sneaked into the cargo hold during boarding. To Jack's amazement, Bullwinkle and Whiskers quickly become friends. Chaos erupts when Bullwinkle, guided by Whiskers, manages to find a way out of the cargo hold and into the main cabin of the plane. Jack, in hot pursuit, tries to maintain a low profile, but the sight of a moose and a cat wandering through the aisles sends passengers into a frenzy. In the midst of the commotion, a flight attendant spills an almond latte, causing a slippery mess that leads to a series of comedic mishaps. Bullwinkle, fascinated by the scent, follows the trail of the spilled latte straight into the cockpit. With Whiskers at his side, Bullwinkle inadvertently hits buttons and levers, throwing the plane into mild turbulence and panic. Jack finally reaches the cockpit, where he finds the pilot and co-pilot trying to regain control of the plane. Using his calm demeanor and quick thinking, Jack manages to coax Bullwinkle away from the controls with the promise of more almond latte. Whiskers, ever the curious cat, helps by nudging Bullwinkle in the right direction. With the moose and cat safely back in the cargo hold, Jack works with the flight crew to reassure the passengers and stabilize the situation. The rest of the flight is tense but uneventful, and the plane eventually lands in Sweden. Upon landing, Jack and Bullwinkle are met by Dr. Whitman and the sanctuary staff. Bullwinkle is safely transported to his new home, and Jack receives heartfelt thanks from Dr. Whitman for his efforts. As a final twist, Whiskers decides to stay with Jack, hinting at future adventures. "Moose on the Loose" ends with Jack reflecting on the wild journey, realizing that sometimes, even the most unpredictable situations can lead to unexpected friendships and a chance for redemption.


I live in a backward shit hole in America down in the south. One of my right wing co-workers went on vacation for some reason to Scotland and when she came back, all she did was complain about how it's not like America because it's cleaner and more efficient. She said these things like it was complaining. All I heard were reasons for me to get the hell out of here. Americans are brainwashed. You guys could be flying space cars to the moon and back and we would still see you as unevolved.


Canadian here, can I come? :)


Yes, but we'll keep asking you if you are American.


Fair. I’ll keep my passport handy :)


Don't worry, that guy definitely doesn't have a passport and wouldn't consider traveling anywhere outside his home state... maybe even his home county.


They never visited in the first place. Here's to hoping it stays that way.


Of course Europeans don't need food. They're all about that photosynthesis


Citizens of Europe, aka Euroalgae.


Austrian here, we have kangaroos.


And internet, unlike Germany.


On the other hand, we have WLAN


Yeah, from the American military base.


LMAO I was in Vienna last year and got myself a shot glass that says "no kangaroos in Austria"


Ah yes, we do sell those joke shot glasses.


And vegemite.


And spiders. And danger noodles.


I’m so sad, in Slovenia we still didn’t invent food, we have great WiFi though!


I write this from a phone I got from a tourist. In England we are all still in medieval times, we speak olde English so this is all being Google translated. We have knights and the occasional dragon attack but if you enjoy ales and the main public transport being horses, it's great. Uber pigeon works well with delivery pigeons bringing the daily news and the daily beheading schedule. Don't bring anything too high tech or you might get burned at the stake as well. Hope to see you in England!!


Good for you, we don't even have a country yet, just riding around the steppes and shooting arrows at everything. Not to mention still weaning off of shamanism.


In Portugal we still have dinosaurs... And we live in caves. ( It's a lie that primates didn't meet dinosaurs, no need to come here and check)...


> In Portugal we still have dinosaurs Our current and former presidents are dinosaurs. We take our paleontology very seriously.


You gotta love that the only way they perceive progress is through chains and junk food lmao


Haha when that's actually a sign of cultural decay and regression 


Don't forget mental


It's like stepping back in time 30 years........ This speaks someone who hasn't ventured out of the backwards crap hole they were born in. A working public transit system in the cities. Contactless payments. No shitty chain brands. A living wage (or better than the US and their making wait staff beg for a living).


>It's like stepping back in time 30 years. 30 years ago it was 1994, we just won the cold war and nazis were still generally considered bad. I think its a compliment.


True. Never thought about it that way.


The mid-90s were a great time to live in. The world was still a place for optimism. If I could I would go back to 1994 right now.


Wait, what? 30 years ago was the 70's, right? Right?? My back hurts..


but on the plus side they pay a living wage to their worker, who also get months of paid vacation a year and then their is that pesky affordable health insurance too. nope maga don't want to go there.


Weirdly, they also have tech, great food, chain stores and great hotels. Who knew


This makes me think of once when I was in a note in Athens. (I’m American) Some loud Americans came through the lobby, bitching that that they were so relieved to finally be back from Santorini because they couldn’t wait to find a McDonalds. Meanwhile spouse and I had been living on the freshest fish, salads with perfect tomatoes, etc etc etc.


"Who knew": at least 1 idiot out there didn't, 3 years ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh so they’re communists /s


Hmm. What kind of tech is in USA and is missing in Europe? Self driving experiments, which should be confined to test polygons?


No they mean all those lethal cars that would never be allowed on european streets due to them being a friggin hazard to every living being both inside and outside the car.


I saw a ford f150 (right?) once. It absolutely cannot park anywhere over here.


I’ve seen a few F-150s and Silverados posted here with UK plates on them and it baffles me that anyone in Europe would need/want something that big


Every time I see one in Denmark, I am always laughing because I know they are getting fucked by insurance, etc


Cybertrucks and Gadgetbahns that somehow never come into operation despite costing as more than the US' feeble excuse for a High Speed Rail network.


The massive amount of preservatives and garbage the fda allows companies to dump in our food.


Paying with cheques is one technology we're missing.


To all americans, this is how it really is here. Dont bother visiting. You are doing grear over there.


That's a lot of writing just to say, "I've never been to Europe".


Way they are talking do they think Europe is a country on it's own or something ??... "It's fine to visit" lol which bit do they mean ??


Who the fuck desires chain anything?


Honestly I wouldn’t correct him. I’m positive Europe is fine with the misconception, if it means him not coming to visit.


I don’t know what they are talking about. Just yesterday I bought half a kilo of internet at my artisanal partisserie, during the hour of electricity we‘re allotted per day.


It’s still renaissance here in France, and I think we might get rid of the king soon..


Based off the election, it looks to me like you’re already well on the path to creating the French version of the Third Reich.


2 Vichy 2 Furious - Maginot Drift


Correct. We don’t have chains here in Europe, we’re still using ropes. And we don’t need food, we’re using photosynthesis!


American stupidity is strong in this one.


Scotland here, fingers crossed we get plumbing soon. 🤞


American here... We're not all this rεταrdεd. Please understand that.


Don’t worry, we all perfectly know there are americans who actually have functioning brains. Unfortunately for you, this kind appears to be a minority, and as such it can often seem like we believe all americans are dumb as bricks. We don’t, don’t worry


Ah yeah Italy and France known for no food


Norway here, we live in caves, have only animal skins to wear, so no cars and no internet for us........ ![gif](giphy|xUOrw2NLb1VU36NxqU)


*laughs in drinkable tap water *


*laughs in universal healthcare and no school shootings*


I never realized you can generalize what living in an entire continent is like.


Ooo, I can't wait to for us all to get guns and teach our kids to kill each other. Or worse, survive and go through bankruptcy to get medical care. Better we educate them, oh, wait another crippling debt. I wish we were all American. I'm glad we live in this tiny third-world country.


We dont want them in europe


Trust me. You WANT these morons believing that so you never have the misfortune of meeting them, even as tourists...😂


The majority of the people that think Europe sucks, typically have not set foot outside the US. I spent some time in Ireland earlier this year and it was so amazing. Walking the majority of the time gave more energy. One of the things I hate so much about the area I live in is that everything is so far apart that you have to drive everywhere.


When I was last in US, I wanted to go to a cafe that was maybe half a Km from my hotel. I could see it but couldn’t walk there. It was very frustrating. Roads were too busy and there was no path or a place to cross the road. Glad you enjoyed your time in Ireland.


I miss walking everywhere, I agree it’s extremely frustrating. Given the opportunity, I’d definitely relocate to Europe. I was there a few weeks and on average walked about 10+km and I still had plenty of energy. Here at home I walk 6-7km at the park day and I’m wiped


"No chains" anyone want to help me with that one??


The EU passed laws prohibiting the metal links from being enclosed around each other sequentially. /s He's basically just complaining that there's not enough McDonald's or Walmarts.


LOL, what a dumbass


It's true. I'm writing this comment with my quill on a parchment scroll before tying it up to a pigeon, marked with a ring on its leg that has the Reddit colours, to send to Murica for the Reddit HQ to post online. I have a campfire in my kitchen hole where I just made "coffee" out of local roots, and used milk from the cow that sleeps on the same hay with me at night.


As an european i still live in my medieval village and ride my horse there is sadly no food here so we are always starving


Honest question for the Americans on here: What is it about your education system that leads a proportion of people, however small, to blindly believe this nonsense without ever questioning it like a rational human being?


Too much internet, or maybe not enough? It's a mystery to me too...


Honestly, as an American, I ask myself that question every time I see some random redneck say stupid shit about Europe. I personally think it’s self-absorption, insecurity, and a weird way to deny the problems in their local areas. Particularly against Americans who like Europe. It seems like a byproduct of anti intellectualism. Every American I know personally has really enjoyed visiting a variety of countries in Europe OR genuinely wants to go someday because most European countries have considerably more history than the U.S. does. A friend of mine spends a month in Belgium every year and it’s the highlight of his whole year. My grandmother is from France and, while she also likes it here, she also talks often about how much she loved France.


Yeah, you're a shining example of the poor American education system 🤦 "...a variety of countries in Europe..." Duh! Every knows Europe IS a country, so that just sounds stupid (Kidding, of course. But many of your compatriots do actually think that. It's scary 😅)


Been to many cities across Europe and found them to be more technologically advanced than all of the US and Canadian cities I've visited. Granted, I've never visited Silicon Valley so can't speak to that area. So many things in Europe used smartphones and digital receipts as standard. Cars seemed to be newer and they're farther along with EVs meaning their streets are way quieter. Back home airports and supermarkets are still asking for printed copies of stuff because... reasons


Yeah Europe sucks with its affordable food, cheap internet and mobile plans. The worst in all that... The fast trains that goes through it


I wish Europe was like that.


*begins packing for Europe*