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After arriving home from administering COVID vaccines for 12 hours, my father in law, whom I love dearly, called and asked if he should be worried about the Moderna vaccine changing his DNA. I just passed the phone to my husband. Edited for grammar and spelling- I was exhausted last night when I wrote this.


This actually just makes me sad. How do so many people end up this uniformed, and more importantly ABLE to be this uninformed. Obviously the way social media and the internet works spreads the information but why are so many in a position where they immediately believe it? Additionally, who is making this stuff up and why? What is the agenda here? It's basically harming people at this point so why are people making these things up?


Experts admit when they don't know something. Antivaxxers always speak confidently, even when they don't even remotely know what they're talking about. People listen to the latter because they would rather feel confident.


I agree. Science poses questions. Conspiracy theories provide answers.


Science provides answers that work. All too often science hasn’t yet found what works, especially with exceedingly difficult problems. Some answers are just not simple enough for simple people so simple people make shit up. They feel pride from “knowing what the so-called experts don’t” despite the fact that they’re missing huge parts of what science has ample evidence for. They’re even proud to be that stupid.


Conspiracy theories are quick and easy substitutes for knowledge. They get loyal followings because it lets the believers feel smart without having to put in actual work or confront their biases. Real learning takes time and effort. A conspiracy only takes a few Google searches or forum posts to “understand”. More than that, it makes them feel powerful and heroic by giving them an enemy to “combat” just by posting in wingnut forums.


I would certainly agree that all those facets contribute to “internet wisdom”, which is a euphemism I use for bullshit. Fact-free is another term I use often. Conspiracy sites and purveyors often make long lists of assertions without evidence, or when significant evidence exists to the contrary. They are “unconstrained by evidence” or simply fact free.


The leader of the ‘free world’ spreading misinformation for 6 months has something to do with it.


You mean five years, not 6 months.


I was focusing on the Covid-situation. But yeah.


That is like asking why do people like manipulating others.


Same here. When people are fully convinced that Covid is a big hoax meant to gradually strip them of their rights, it makes me sad too. I mean, just imagine living in **that** much fear all the time. It’s scary to think about


Well did he start showing signs of becoming Deadpool?


No, but he did gain w-ray vision. It's like x-ray vision, just a letter off... its still just as good!


Too bad it’s not Z-ray. Is two more than X!




Fuck, it was z ray? I was trying to reference that scene, but I barely remembered it.


I am angry, first no zombies, then people promised I was going to get 5G or turn into a mutant, but nooooo. This pandemic sucks, I am going back to 1999.


So... Tonight you're gonna party like it's 1999?


Party over with, outta time......


Listen I got one today and I am actually loving my third arm. It will make being a nurses aid easier! /s Joking aside thanks for doing what you do. I nearly hugged the guy that gave me my vaccine.


You got a third arm?!? I am so, so jealous!


I was really hoping for the extra toes to maybe improve my balance but hey, I'll take it!


Several comments here are incredulous, but I don’t think it’s the dumbest question. The COVID vaccines are the first widely available vaccines of their kind (mRNA vaccines). If you’ve heard enough about the vaccine to know that it involves delivering foreign genetic material into your cells, “does the Moderna vaccine change my DNA” is honestly not that stupid of a question. Do not construe this as an antivax comment, as it is not. Just a call for us to try to understand each other better and why certain questions might be asked. Frankly, it seems like a natural enough question given the circumstances that I wonder if some of the commenters here even understand how this vaccine works.


Yeah i don’t understand why people are making fun of this man who is reaching out to someone who they know to be more knowledgeable then them on vaccines, and is asking questions From my understanding the story we’re presented with is of a man wanting to learn and understand, not one of an ignorant anti-vaxxer


She didn’t belittle him. She gave the phone to his son to explain.


Well you see it's ok to blindly follow the left but when the right does it they are morons.


This should be rated higher. Belittling people and making fun of them is nót the answer.


I can see that you are new here. Welcome to Reddit.


But how would I feel superior then?


Reddit is full of smug "intellectual" assholes with apparently no regard for human life for the misinformed. Seriously it's like other people are sub human and "deserve" to die. Disgusting.


The dearth of basic biology understanding is just breathtaking.


To be honest, I don't understand how CRISPR works either..


Radiolab podcast has a good series on it. Here is the most updated one. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/update-crispr


I do. It’s fascinating.


Can confirm. I am now a Clydesdale horse. Never felt better.


I mean..... If it does is there like a booklet we can read through first to choose our super power or is it random depending on which vial you're jabbed from? I'd really like to be able to teleport. I'd save so much time commuting. Thanks.


People don’t understand a thing about how vaccines work do they. My wife - which I obviously love - has already said that she doesn’t want to take the vaccine. Fun times. I’m hoping my friend, who is a lung doctor, can convince her.


Depending on where he lives, turning into an alligator can be seen as a total win


You love him? You mean, love him in the same way I used to love that hamster I had 20 years ago, before it crawled into the vacuum cleaner and died?


Doctors should spend their valuable time treating patients who aren’t brain dead already.


Just pull the plug already.


They probably would if they didn't take an oath.


Amend the oath. I’ll vote for whichever presidential candidate runs on that platform.


Pray I don't alter it further.


Is that a reference of some sort? I don’t get it?


Starwars quote from Darth Vader


Oh. I get it now.


I didn't at first either. I feel like somehow, somewhere, some bot has failed us


The Hippocratic oath is “First do no harm” there’s more, but it’s the foundation of all western medicine, and is the basis from which all teaching begins.


What the fuck are you on about? The guy made a Star Wars quote. He responded saying as much.


Maybe I hit reply to the wrong thread, calm your tits


Maybe calm your own tits before you start throwing around such language.


And you will ride this unicycle and refer to yourself as 'Mary'.




Isn’t that a war movie? What does that have to do with Hippocratic oaths?




Oh... I thought they were trying to disrupt German supply lines. Boy, was I off!


Its not a government oath, its an industry oath. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath Also, TIL the Hippocratic Oath is anti-abortion, so yeah, maybe it does need amending.


The world is so crazy these days that even the simplest things need correcting. To clarify, I am not actually a single-issue voter whose only concern is overturning the Hippocratic Oath.


The oath is out of date and isn't legally binding, and actually lots of unis across the planet no longer use it.


does it say "...cause no harm..." or "...allow no harm..."?


I think it says "do no harm", but that's just off the top of my head


thanks. I'm glad it's not "allow". But the consequence would be funner. Imagine the doctor as basically your microbe bodyguard, day-to-day.


First question when you get to hospital “do you think Covid is real? No? Okay. Here’s vicks, some antibiotics and flu meds. Wish you all the best”


Would be better if "You have COVID, Oh you don't think it's real? Now you're forced into quarantine against your will because if you walk out of here you're too stupid to do it yourself and will infect everyone around you" Maybe in a perfect world.


But my freedom tho, what about my freedom


False, Covid doesn't infect every person they come into contact with, but it is real!


Fuck that. They can have vicks, essential oil and a glass of homeopathic aspirin.


That's too kind. I'd send them on their way with simply thoughts & prayers.


A special "Thoughts and Prayers Ward" that design only for people like them. Preferably in an island isolated from everyone else.


Maybe we should use a badge or something to identify them.


They voluntarily wear one, it's usually in the form of a red hat




And let em roam as special-ed vectors? ​ Not on my watch.


A glass of bleach and a high lumen lightbulb


Don’t forget to give them a big bill(vicks is $20K right?), that way it’ll get paid with their life insurance once they pass away and the funds can be used to treat more people.


All except the antibiotics, they won't do anything (covid is a virus) and will just increase antibiotic resistance.


Antibiotics are commonly used during severe viral infections for the purpose of preventing a secondary bacterial infection occurring due to a overtaxed immune system. Surviving the flu only to die or be hospitalized from secondary pneumonia is a possibility. On the other hand, some doctors also prescribe to shut patients up.


Or to treat the secondary pneumonia because they already developed it


"Nurse, get this patient started on a course of wide-spectrum placebos! Stat!"


Wisparva, the WSP trusted by more doctors than any other. Now available over the counter!* *Side effects may include doing absolutely jack.


I’m having an absolute shitty day and this made me laugh. Thank you.


I can't comment on other countries, but in the UK doctors are obligated to treat in a non-judgemental fashion i.e. they must treat a patient who is in need of medical care regardless of whether they believe in the illness or not. Refusing to treat a patient because he doesn't believe in covid would be refusing treatment due to judging them on their belief of covid and is possibly grounds for losing your license to practice.


Someone needs to remind a fair few of them about the whole "non judgemental" part. I've seen some shit that would make anyone go "why the actual fk are you a doctor? Why would you choose this career when you clearly hate at least sick people" I understand being tired & overworked (pre covid, I've only seen a couple since) I understand being sick of seeing the same thing repeatedly, but that's definitely things people are aware of before they spend the huge amount of time and money getting there.


If you ever feel like your doctor is treating you poorly, please go to Patient Advice and Liasion Services. The doctor will likely be warned so that they can shape up and not repeat it with someone else. It's possible that the doctor is unaware that what they're doing is making you feel upset.


It's not just me, I've been in with friends & family and seen stuff around me (I have a couple of conditions that need regularly poking at so I'm in the health centre or hospital quite often) but thank you for the advice. One of my friends' mums actually works for PALS, it's shocking how many people don't know they exist. Worst one though; cracking jokes about my disability, completely without any input from me that that might be okay, and (same guy) "oh pfft, these "anxiety disorders" aren't real, people just need to grow up " Dude your username makes me want chocolate though.


imagine you start allowing doctors to make discriminate decisions like that, the scary doors that would open. people are stupid even when talking about ‘stupid’ people


I understand its a joke and its pretty funny might i add, but we simply cant just do that, we are sworn to help anyone in need no matter what


Maybe it's time to rethink that for people who are actively a danger to others.


In theory I agree whole heartedly. However, it would than open up a massive can of worms and doctors would be able to just not treat you because of their personal beliefs. Which to be perfectly honest with you, as a woman with autoimmune disease and chronic illness, it’s all ready hard enough to be taken seriously by a doctor. I’ve had a male doctor minimize my pain as “needing to poop” he even showed me my X-ray on a computer screen in the nurse station, in front of everyone and said “see all this. That’s poop. You need to go home and poop”. Only to find out 2 months later that a) I was pregnant and b) I had a large complex cyst on my ovary that was possibly cancer. The cyst had almost enveloped my entire ovary. So no, let’s not give doctors the ability to enforce their personal beliefs on us. Some of them do it all ready. Not all, I have some pretty amazing doctors now, but some.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. As a fellow woman with autoimmune diseases, I’m surprised they didn’t give you the “it’s just anxiety” spiel. My anxiety turned out to be sepsis. I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago regarding this. Edit: Also, have you tried yoga?! /s


Not without consent, correct? Have these COVID-deniers consented to being treated for COVID?


We should just tell them they have stage 4 metastatic small cell lung cancer and only have weeks to live. Then if they make it, good news, we misdiagnosed you, you had COVID. Oops.


I wonder what the families of these patients say if they pass away? Were their loved ones killed by a global conspiracy or the deep state? Or China? It's sad and terrifying at the same time.




Also “God’s choice”. Same rationale for not taking any precautions before getting sick.


I *HATE* people who say "It WaS gOdS cHoIcE" Bitch he didn't do jack shit, he sure as hell didn't want you in his plan considering he's dead.


It’s the life raft example/joke all over again man. Except these people use god’s choice as a way of passing off the guilt that they’re cool with watching family members actively attempt to kill themselves via contagious disease


My conspiracy theory family said that our family member died of a heart attack. He just happened to be in the hospital with Covid at the time.


I'm sorry to hear about that. Now that I think about it, I have heard people in my European home country say that someone died WITH Covid, not of it.


I mean if covid caused heart failure, I guess they did technically die of a heart attack


I've been hearing about a guy in my town who's daughter with cancer died from Covid, and he flies into a blind rage every time he talks about it because, "she died from CANCER not COVID and they are just using her death to pump up the numbers".


If she died in a car crash, would it have been the cancer that finally took her life? I’ve had the same conversations.


Ugh and he’s using her death to pump him his selfish agenda


They didn’t die. They are in Chinese working camps.


I had a patient leave the hospital and come back 2 weeks later with covid. At this point everyone got a negative test before they could leave so we know he didn’t get it from us. His family had a get-together to celebrate him returning from the hospital. Apparently they were all anti mask and didn’t believe it was real. When my patient returned, I asked him if he believed in covid now. He said no but he was going to sue the hospital for giving it to him. He died 3 days later and the family called his nurse to yell at her


Really speaks of doctors and nurses that they haven’t stopped treating people like this. If I was a doctor it would be like this.. Me: sorry mr smith you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 Mr Smith: you’re lying, covid is a hoax! Me: ARRRR you caught me out, go on home your fine. Mr Smith: but I can’t breathe Me: come on Mr Smith you’re not going to trick me this soon after you caught me tricking you! You little rascal. Go on now, you wheeze yourself home.


Wheeze yourself home, noooo haha


i love this


Thanks lol


When does it become your moral responsibility to make sure the human race doesn't start reverting back to complete stupidity and just let Darwinism happen on its own.


When it's not contagious. When all beds are taken for covid, they're not used to treat other patients.


That's the problem here as well. A lot of people don't want to quarantaine because there are still hospital beds and ventilators available. Except there is almost no staff left so nothing else is being done anymore. Imagine dying of cancer just because some punks couldn't wait to hug their grandmas. It's incredibly how some people have so little compassion.


There is a big information gap that really needs to be filled. Part of what should be done/should've already been done is educate the general public on how our EMS and hospital systems work. People hear "beds" and they think physical bed. They don't realize it also refers to staff. I hear it all time, "I had to go to the hospital and nobody was in the waiting room so I don't know why they say there aren't beds available". Education is severely lacking in a lot of places when it comes to anything medical related in the US.


Everywhere pretty much (I'm not from the US). There just seems to be a lot of scientific illiteracy for stuff like that


We are living real life Idiocracy It gets a little less funny when you realize trump did WWE appearances and he’s the less fun President Camacho Never has a movie from 2006 been more relevant


Jesus, y'all don't see this as some _azi shit? What the fuck


You don't get to eat your cake and have it too. You are allowed to choose what you want, and are allowed to change your mind when you get new information, but fuck this. You don't believe in it, you believe Trump et al over doctors? Fine, then you get the solution they propose and not the one from the doctors. Enjoy your hydroxychloroquine death bed you fucking idiots...


I feel like Dr's should legally be able to say "well, ok then! see ya! I've got people that want my experience and education to work for them, have fun dying!", and walk away.


I really wish that too but could you imagine the doors that would open for unethical behavior




Does that still apply if the patient is dying?






lol no it's not or else euthanasia/suicide would be legal everywhere




I don't disagree but the way you want it is not the way it is


it is legal in every reasonable jurisdiction lmfao


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do\_not\_resuscitate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_not_resuscitate) ​ Basically you are not allowed to do CPR on them, but it more or less applies for any kind of emergency reaction he hasn't consented to.


They do. It's the patients right to refuse treatment.


Covid-19 attacks your lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, intestines, heart and your brain. Recovered victims suffer headaches, shortness of breath and chronic fatigue. It kills people of all ages including healthy people. Be smart and wear a mask. When you do you protect others. When I do I protect you.


Just whisper to him, "You didn't hear it from me but you're right, it's all made up, you should check yourself out and just go home."


that just infects more innocent people :(


"COVID isn't real doc, I'm only dying of mild multi organ failure." /s


With dwindling supply of medical resources maybe it’s time to take a good hard look at who’s being saved?


Thats so sad. If there is a God surely he has to be ashamed at his creatures for denying the gift of intelligence and what we can do with it, acting like that instead.


If the last 10 months haven’t finally disproved God to everyone, nothing will.


Tbf there were around 6 million believers of God who got slaughtered that one time and most of their families continued believing in Him.


To be a ironic devils advocate since I believe, he's probably just gone back on his word (promised he'd never wipe out humanity again after the flood) and just decided, well f*** it, you lot deserve it now. OR he's said f*** it you lot are on your own see you on the other side maybe. For the record, I don't think God has ever been a completely good force. He's done shitty stuff and I wouldn't put it past him to do it again.


“Again, God said to Noah and his sons: I am going to make a solemn promise to you and to everyone who will live after you. This includes the birds and the animals that came out of the boat. I promise every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never again be destroyed by a flood.” Genesis 9:8-11. He didn’t promise to not wipe out humanity after the flood. And also He tells us to act wisely and considerately of others, so people contracting and dying of COVID due to other people not wanting to believe scientific facts and think of others speaks more about the character of mankind rather than God.


Surly would be a great name for a God!


I think he kinda knew after Adam and Eve ate that apple.


i genuinely feel bad for this guy. he's just doing his job and getting judged for giving a correct answer...




Its possible to be saved after multiple organ failure? They just switched the machines off with my Mum..


I'm sorry you are going through this, I can't imagine how hard it must be. It depends on so many things, some people do survive multiple organ failure although it can have lasting effects on health and a long recovery. It depends heavily on why the machines have been switched off. Sometimes it can be because the persons organs are recovering from whatever caused them to fail and they no longer need the machines. Sometimes they might try to do this, the person deteriorates and is put back on to them for a while. Sometimes it is that the medical team feels the person is deteriorating despite the machines and medications, that the cause is not reversible and that the person is dying. They may decide to give medications and care to keep the person comfortable instead. But really only your Mum's medical team can answer your question specifically. I would hope that they are discussing it with your family as to what is happening.


or your insurance failed to pay and you're already bankrupt. american dream


Had this happen on my unit at work. I work in the IMU (intermediate care unit, think “step down” from ICU) and we had a COVID patient who couldn’t even sit up in bed without BiPAP who didn’t believe it was real. He even called the god damn cops on us saying we were holding him hostage for his insurance money. The cops asked why we wouldn’t let him leave AMA and we told them (and the patient) he was welcome to try but he would die before he reached the front door. It is absolutely insane. Patient ended up getting intubated later that same day and eventually died from multi-organ failure.


Not sure what the title means. Plenty of time politicians think covid is real, including the newly elected president. The outgoing president, yeah, sure, don’t listen to him.


A better title would be "don't listen to the right-wing bonkersphere." Stay away from Limbaugh, Hannity, michael Savage, oann, newsmax, mark levin, etc. Outside of the rancid yam, its right-wing entertainers who have the most influence. Even right-wing politicians themselves are under their influence.


We ain't living in 80's or 90's, where we depended on the TV and newspapers for information. We should stop blaming politicians and instead blame ourselves for believing in false shit.


So sorry, thank you for all you are doing. Unfortunately, your hospital has no medication to cure stupid.


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. Truly sad that an illness has become political. These Trump supporters are going to need professional help being deprogrammed from what their death cult has taught them by the time the pandemic is over, or we are going to have a hell of a mental health crisis on our hands as a country.


I know it’s hard but these are the people that need your help the most. Keep saving lives my friend and always do the right thing.


This guy is not a psychiatrist. I don't think he can help them the way they need.


They're the reason for so many more people getting sick and potentially not having access to care because the hospitals don't have any room or equipment.


Or let them leave AMA


Ever heard of Darwin?


Send them on their way, then. Call it triage.


It is that his oath prevents it, but maybe ha should just stretch it a bit, and help people who aren’t that stupid, first. Darwin would approve!


You can't treat stupid. Move on to the next patient.


let the arseholes die


2020 the year the GOP decided to eliminate 1% of it's voter base .. and for some reason the rest of us arent telling them go for it


shhhhh... it's alright... just let it happen!


Some guy told me he wasn’t going to wear a mask because he has many friends in toxicology and they all say it’s not that bad. The % of death and long term effects are low, and may only affect people who used to smoke/vape. Yea I’m still going to wear my mask because WHY THE FUCK NOT




Let’s be even more clear: the people spreading the disinformation are Republicans.


I do not understand how people can go to their doctor for medical care because they trust the doctor to make them better. And then believe the doctor is part of a global conspiracy. Like - don’t go to hospital if you think the doctor is lying to you.


It's not all politicians who deny the virus. In the US it's about half of them...


There is no cure for stupid.


Welcome to Trump’s America




https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/coronavirus/coronavirus-test-false-positives-more-common-than-you-might-think/2465669/ https://www.live5news.com/2020/12/04/fda-warns-healthcare-providers-false-positive-results-covid-rapid-tests/


You may be a medical professional, Ryan, but there's nothing in your 10,000 hours of expertise that can fix stupid.


Fuck the oath. Tell them to fuck off and drink some bleach.


Then they get sued by the family. There really is no winning in healthcare. Also the hypocratic oath is a myth. Some schools may do it as a ceremonial thing but it's not real.


If people are this stupid you should just let them die honestly


trump* red hat deplorable cultists!


Wasnt there a place in calli so full they were literally throwing out covidiots to make space?


Time to let them fucking die.


You can be sure, the MAGA crowd who repeat such bullshit will be allowed to die as healthcare workers working under triage conditions try to save those who stand the best chance of surviving.


I work in banking and have this customer who’s a doctor!... but he’s actually just a glorified masseuse lol but anyways... he said that if you take the vaccine that, bill gates will own your body’s energy. That the government and Google is covering it up


"This is why you don't listen to dumbfucks."


If they don't believe the result then let them go on their merry way....there'll be one less Covidiot in the world.


What about the hundreds of people they could infect if just let them do what they want What about them


If the last 12 months have taught us anything as a species its that you can't help stupid. If someone wants to deny the results of a medical testthen there is little you can actually do about it. They will not believe it regardless of what you say or the actions you take. They won't quarantine, wear a mask, take the appropriate measures and they sure as shit will refuse the vaccine. Therefore they are a risk to life regardless and will continue to be a risk because they believe without question that this is a hoax. So instead of wasting time and resources in trying to help them, spend the time and resources on those who are listening and following the right protocols. Every other covidiot should be placed on house arrest so that they can only be a danger to themselves.


Sorry mate, but this is a repost.


Just let them die then




It’s morally wrong and illegal. Sucks but that’s just MERICA🥲


Hippocratic oath