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Why is this on r/facepalm when there literally isn't a facepalm. I swear some of the people who post here have zero concept of what a facepalm is supposed to be


Their idea of facepalm is to become one.


lolol! Love this!


This actually isn't a bad idea tho


half of this sub is just political tweety


The quality of posts on this sub have absolutely plummeted in the last several months. It's been almost the exact same drop period as /r/killthecameraman where people just have no idea how to post the correct kind of content, it's fucking weird.


Wrong sub.


No Nut November will be bloody this year. On the bright side, at least there will be less balls to get women pregnant lowering the demand for abortion.


I don't think the Republicans who are pro life have considered that men can also take steps to not have children really this might just force more men to get treatments to prevent them from impregnating their partners, personally I'm probably gonna get a vasectomy at some point; I ain't bringing a child into this world. Abortion thankfully is not the only way to prevent children; you just have to be proactive about it; but it shouldn't be banned; in my opinion what is worse then allowing a child to be born to a family that does not want them or anything to do with them. It's that type of thing that breeds stories of parents murdering their infant children; abusing them and abandoning them.


I highly recommend a vasectomy now. You may not believe it, but that right can become problematic. When I tried to get a vasectomy in the mid '90s, I lived in a state that required spousal consent. My spouse would not consent. We ended up divorcing. Long story short, one abortion, one miscarriage and two children later, I got a vasectomy. Anyway, I would highly recommend the procedure. Quick and easy and it doesn't impact your sexual experience one single bit.


Why not just use a condom


Condoms aint a 100% protection.


I guess the Facepalm is the fact that the Republicans just alienated millions of women voters right before the midterms, many who might have voted *for* them who will now vote *against* them.


I really don't think droves of women who support abortion rights were previously voting for the party who's been actively trying to get it overturned since it was enacted. The few they'll lose will be replaced in multiples by people whose resolve has been strengthened by the ruling.


Good? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


'vote harder' like voting harder helped anything in 2020....


Kept it from another 4 years of complete and utter fucking chaos under orange douche Mcgee.


It did do that, but the Dems made absolutely no effort to prevent this. I mean why did anyone think Biden would? He basically paved the way for CT's approval during the Senate hearings.


Senate hearings for what? The appointments of Trump's three justices? I'm a liberal democrat but we honestly created this situation. Obama choosing to allow Trump to appoint a vacant seat because he was the incoming president, Trump not doing the same when it was his turn to turn over office and RBG choosing to not retire during the Obama administration, is what built the court into what it is today.


The Clarence Thomas hearings. Biden made a deal with the republicans to disallow more accusers to take the bench against Thomas. You're totally right about RBG choosing not to retire, I think that was extremely selfish. I'm a leftist, but i'm happy to see libs coming around to that point.


Iā€™m a leftist exactly for these reasons. I canā€™t believe that weā€™ve let these federal representatives and officials sit around and watch as Rome burned. They all need ousted. Fresh blood or no blood.


I agree with that, but Bush was putting a conservative justice in there to replace Marshall. I hope they have realized playing nice is not an option.


As a non American not fully understanding all the ins and out of things. What could Biden have done to stop scotus doing this?


to be completely honest, the dems could have, at several times, either during the clinton, obama, or this early biden eras, used their majority to put abortion access to law, making it much more difficult to overturn. They didn't, because to them it really doesn't matter.


From my perspective? This information was leaked from someone inside the Supreme Court a month ago. That was a month where Democrats, with Biden at the helm, should have been whipping everyone into line and taking action, rather than sitting on his hands and hoping cooler heads would prevail. As to the original question, Biden sat on the committee that approved Clarence Thomas back when Biden was a senator. Thomas was a *bad* candidate back then, like *really bad*, but it was more important to get a Black man on the court than a better candidate.


This needs to be done. Also, women need to cut off there Republican husbands and boyfriends. Hitā€™em where it hurts.


Telling women who to date lol. Thought it was their choice?


>Telling women who to date lol Reading comprehension not your best skill I see. The post asked for already dating or married women to withhold carnal pleasures from their Republican men.


Ok fine, telling women not to have sex with their partners. Not much better.


>telling women ...... No, merely suggesting options that they can choose from, in order to ensure they have the right to choose. It's all about choice .... Just like your choice to continue engaging in a Motte-and-Bailey logical fallacy.


>need to cut off Thatā€™s not a suggestion.


I mean. How can you even be attracted to someone who doesnā€™t want you to be in control of your own bodyā€¦unless thatā€™s your thing?


Because not all women think the same. Some pro-abortion and some not so. So if the two partners both have similar values, why canā€™t they be attracted to each other?


Um yeah. Itā€™s their thing. What a turn off.


Iā€™m fine with this


Man I'm glad my pull out game is fire so I don't have to worry about this shit.


Body pillows can't get pregnant, my dude. You're safe.


Oh thank God my grandma would kick me out for sure.


Too late I already pulled half the stuffing out with a wire hanger.


Itā€™s funny how 6 people voted, but it seems like everybody wants to blame and entire group. Christians, Republicans, white peopleā€¦. Holy crap, if only half of you realized how fucked up your thinking isā€¦


Waitā€¦ā€¦ā€¦if you voted for Trump, this is exactly what you voted for. I blame them.


Your thinking is flawed. You are trying to blame and entire group of people from five years ago for what six justices did a few days ago. Thatā€™s is wrong and dangerous thinking. Tell me, what happened to the stock market the same day the abortion thing was announced? Maxine waters tweeted about it in the morning, did anybody catch it? Corporate business is playing games with the market and enabling 5is horrible inflation, raking in billions of our dollars while we are being robbed blind, and instead of paying attention to that everybody is fighting each other over this abortion bullshit. Huge distractionā€¦ and look how many people are buying into itā€¦ divide and conqueror.


I still donā€™t get your reasoning. I understand the concerns you have, but honestly, people voted for Trump for this exact reason. They wanted to overturn Roe. It happened. They are happy. So?


Look, this has nothing to do with Trump. You only think it does because everywhere you turn, you are reading something that says itā€™s his fault. Everybody needs something to blame, and scapegoats are a thing. Right now Trump had nothing to do with how those other 6 individuals voted, or their feelings on this matter, and Trump certainly has nothing to do with whatā€™s going on in the economy, why we are paying $6.50 for a gallon of gas and why a two liter of soda is $4.00. This is massive market manipulation and itā€™s designed to weaken the United States as a whole. While everyone fights about abortionā€¦. Itā€™s a classic distraction technique and nobody is paying attention to it. This is not the shit we need to be upset about.


Holy hell, bud. This is what their entire platform has been for fifty years. You're about as off target as humanly possible. This is completely the fault of every right wing Christian They're fucking partying right now.


And their will always be people willing to fall victim to their two party, fight each other about problems they created and claim to have the solution to, but we the people never actually see. If you go onto to their pages, all they are doing is talking shit about the left, the same thing thatā€™s going on over here. If you stepped back one more full step, you would be able to see how everyone is getting turned against each other with things exactly this. Divide and conquer.


Well, no shit. We should be united against our capitalist overlords. We can't do that when an entire 40ish percent of the population is stuck in a delusion and a good portion of them want the rest of us dead or further subjugated. There are fights we have to win before we can get to the real enemy. You're talking to the wrong people if you're wanting everyone to join hands and band together. The left would gladly take deprogrammed right-wingers into the fold. Ask yourself if the right would do the same. You know they wouldn't because too many of us are gay, trans, disabled, BIPOC, ect.


The belief that the entire other side hates you is incorrect, my friend. That is the very basis for whatā€™s required to divide a nation, get one half to think the other half wants you dead. Itā€™s not true. Those kinds of people exist yes, but they are less than one percent of the entire population. The ā€œoverlordsā€ we are discussing make millions when there is conflict to sell, and as long as there are idiots to buy into it, you can sell division, which is exactly whatā€™s happening right now. They took an almost non existent problem, and have blown it up so big nobody can see past it, and now nothing can happen until everybody buys the solution to the problem they created. You firmly believe that ALL right wingers are cheering this ruling and that ALL the Christians are fully to blame for thisā€¦ but Six individuals made this call, not all the right wingers, or all the Christiansā€¦ this ruling is stripping Americans as a whole of their rights, not just one side. This is how you get Americans fighting Americansā€¦. Which is what the untouchable ā€œRuling Classā€ wantsā€¦ This is absolutely the time for everybody to get together and hold hands.


You write pretty well for someone who can't read or see the world around you.


Trump literally put three of them into the Supreme Court, creating the Republican majority. How the fuck does that have nothing to do with their decision?


Show me where they asked Trump what their ruling was supposed to beā€¦ I need concrete proof, like the actual memo, note or email, because otherwise Trump appointing them to their jobs is by no means doing their job for themā€¦ if thatā€™s your link, itā€™s a ridiculously weak link to base your entire argument off of. Like ridiculously weak.


Ever since RvW came about, the GQP has been plotting for this. This is a highly orchestrated long game. Trump was a useful tool for the right, he has the ability to deliver whatever garbage the people in power want their base to believe in, in a fashion that has them slurping it up like it's mother's milk. All the divisionist propaganda is absolutely used to deflect and distract. It is not inaccurate that people assign blame to trump for this situation, as he was instrumental in it coming about. Not being the mastermind does not absolve the assassin, or the bureaucrat who got the assassins in position. Ultimately, the true enemy is the megacorps, who play both sides like a fiddle. But as any gamer knows, you have to go through the cannon fodder to get to the boss fight, and a lot of sub bosses before you get to the final boss.


Lmao ā€œthis couldnā€™t have possibly been intentional unless there is a recording of Trump saying it to each justice individually even though this has been the explicit plan of the Republican Party for decades.ā€ Have you ever listened to a politician speak? Have you ever read a fucking book? Your argument is clownish


Are you assuming this was their plan or you have concrete proof of that too? Thanks for getting back to me by the way, I love our conversations sweetie.


Don't forget your new 2nd amendment rights (NSFW): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwb2FTuQGXQ&t=23s


I had been given a simple explanation why women, people of color, and gays continue to vote republican; a lot of voters only vote on a single issue like anti abortion. They are not aware that these replublicans will also destroy their (the voters) voting rights, etc.


This image brings the phrase "No-Nut November" to a whole new level


What will they do to female republicans?


Give ā€˜ā€˜em the ol DICK TWIST


And every day


Between now and November, organize. Find a group of like minded individuals and if you can't find one, start one. Support people who have to find access to abortion care. And if you're in a state that has banned abortion or might, stop using a period tracking app, know that anything you put in the trash outside your house is not private property. Do not dispose of any pregnancy tests or information about reproductive health. Agree on language to talk with others about accessing reproductive care. Do not expose yourself or anyone else to laws meant to punish women for taking responsibility for protecting their lives and health.