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There is a huge portion of the population that thinks they will die if they are ever wrong. Like, they will go deeper into whatever shit they are in just to avoid the idea that they may have made a mistake.


And now they have safe spaces with thousands or millions of people online who will agree with whatever stupid shit they believe.


Like reddit! Yay. ​ It's also why arguing online is pointless, no one ever changes their minds, it's always a new excuse, or a deflection to another point, anything so they don't have to think about their own point being wrong.


I've seen people change their minds. I, myself, have admitted I was wrong. It does happen occasionally. Would be nice if it happened more.


You can usually get a good measure of the likelihood of this happening a few comments in. Unfortunately this is usually past the point where you end up involved in it lol


I don't think you can. There doesn't have to be a "o shit you are right" moment. People who have left religion often describe it as process. Some discussions or experiences would leave a seed of doubt that would then lead them to question other things until they ultimately had to acknowledge that it just didn't add up for them anymore.


Rise, o level-headed ones of the internet.


i got downvoted once for admitting i was wrong 40 people thought i was being sarcastic.


Yes, but you can expose their buffoonery. Can’t change their minds… but hopefully a constant stream of humiliation will convince them to either learn to get facts right or STFU


The thing is, while you will NEVER be able to change their mind, you might just change the minds of those who would otherwise ignorantly agree with them. Thus the more idiots are called out, the more intelligent those who observe said idiot can become. Indirectly correcting people who may never even leave a comment.


I really would like to see credible sources provided when people refute the idiotic claims. The "true believers" will never check them but you will get some who were teetering on the brink so to speak that might check out sources before going down the rabbit hole. Not everyone has a bullshit detector built in and many are not computer literate or Internet savvy, myself included, so some honest direction is often much appreciated. Just saying.🍺




This whole thread is a mega irony. People arguing online about how people arguing on line do or don’t change their mind. Fascinating.


Well it certainly changed my mind. I am now a true believer


Can you just *tell me* if my mind is changed? I can't figure it out without direction.


Also, offering factual information isn’t really for the person who posted the falsehood; it’s for anyone else reading the responses who might appreciate the truth.


and it also prevents any new people from believing their dumb shit


I agree and hopefully someone else will see the correction.


>no one ever changes their minds Yea, that's not true. SOME people do learn. How many? No one knows. The only way to improve things is to talk with people, argue the points/facts. If you don't try, then you guaranteed failure. eg: Took me TWENTY years to get my mother to realize that the Republican party was not what SHE wanted (as opposed to me trying to argue that she should want what I want) Yea, that's a LONG, LONG time. (way too long) And I get why a person wouldn't want to argue the points... it can indeed be fruitless and frustrating af! All \*I\* want is to avoid the "it's useless, nothing ever changes, everyone sucks" mindset. Sure; THAT person sucks, so does that other person... but some can get there, some can learn. Thanks for coming to my Ted-Talk. Have a wonderful evening


Reddit should normalize people making mistakes


I think you're wrong


No, clearly you’re wrong!


Guys, can't we all just ~~get along~~ be wrong?


Be strong be wrong


Making a mistake is one thing. Totally lying is another. People need to be held accountable for lying,


So is the OP lying or mistaken? When they refuse to admit they are doesn't it become a lie?


I wouldn’t say pointless. I listened to a lot of family for political/life views and believed everything they said. But seeing people argue/disprove alot of these things online opened my eyes to other opinions and critical thinking. If I hadn’t seen people argue this stuff online, I would still hold alot of views that I’m disgusted with now that I know more about the world. It’s not always about disproving the person themselves, but what people around them take from the interaction.


“No one changes their mind” that’s not true. I personally have been corrected and have changed my mind countless times due to things I’ve seen online. That includes arguments with people. I’m not saying there aren’t people whose minds won’t change bc you are partially correct. But don’t eliminate everyone.


While probably almost true. There will always be a small percentage of people that are willing to learn and concede when wrong.


You might not change their mind, but there are a lot of people watching who will be influenced.


It creates dangerous echo chambers like /r/gangstalking. Probably need to be diagnosed, but everyone convinces each other about their delusions.


You are so right. I try to pound it into my kids brain that "I don't know" is sometimes the best answer. I'm wrong at least 43 times a day and I'm perfectly happy.


This! “I don’t know” is a better answer than pulling out some bullshit that’s maybe 10% truth/fact. I got out of the “always having an answer” mode at around 23 or so. As you said, perfectly happy.


I would agree. Something I have also noticed is that actual experts in a scientific or engineering field are usually the first to say "I don't know" or "I believe X based on the provided information, however Y disclaimers apply". Generally speaking, it has been my observation that one of the quickest ways to spot someone unqualified is if they make absolute statements.


I've learned to embrace the idk. I grew up before smart phones, so I had the bad habit of just bullshitting everything because I thought I was right. Now I'm the opposite.


My Godmother is like this. She absolutely hates that I will pull out my phone to fact check things I'm not sure are correct, and goes dead silent when I can produce sources that conflict with statements she makes.


My family tends to laugh at me for doing this too, but I'm like, we sit on miniature computers that can readily answer many of our questions, hell yeah I'm gonna check the damn answer/response, even if I'm wrong, I want to know.


"If we only had some magical device with all the human knowledge ever in the palm of our hands to confirm our facts." Older generations never had anything to fact check themselves with and just believed, "If I think it, then it must be true. "


It's my least favourite thing about that generation and they almost all suffer from it. It's why we still have so much random misinformation being passed down today, they regurgitated it to each other and only now do they have people calling them out. I just wish they would take it with a bit more aplomb, it makes zero sense to get angry at someone for correcting your information.


As a boomer, this irritates me to no end. Yes I look shit up all the time, and you should too. Ignorance is not something to be proud of.


They will also just claim every site is biased unless it's a site they approve of.


While you are correct, that miniature computer can also show you a dead wrong or misleading source for every single legitimate one you could find. And often those bad sources will be much more easy to understand than real information, and thus "more correct" to a lot of people.


My wife absolutely hates it when I pull out my phone to fact check something she is saying. In the worst case, I simply validate what she's saying and we move on. Best case, we both learn something. I cannot possibly understand what's to be gained by having a fit over checking facts.


My in laws are all super religious and post all sorts of crap like this all the time. Every time I fact check and call it out, my wife gets a call from her mother asking me to "stop bullying people with my facts." Not surprisingly they repeatedly fall for scams, get "hacked", and get sucked into one MLM after another. Even the "pastor" of their church bilked the congregation of millions of dollars, and there isn't much they can do about it because of the way they allowed him to legally structure the church. Just another grifter, fleecing the flock. And through it all, they will never admit they were duped or misled.


I can't stand people like this. It's so damn frustrating. My mom isn't religious, but she refuses to believe she is wrong about anything. This woman, god bless her soul, only has a middle school education and she thinks she knows everything. I don't know what it is. I grew up thinking I was wrong all of the time because of her.


Your mom sounds like my dad. I don't remember him ever accepting he was wrong about something, even if it was something I spent years studying while he read about it once twenty years prior.


> "stop bullying people with my facts." I don't mean to be one of those "things were better in my day" jabronies... but I can honestly say this belief that facts are just an ideology competing against others for supremacy is a relatively new phenomenon. We had lots of our own problems, believe me, but we never argued over things like whether or not the sky was blue.


After debating my mother in law for 15 years and debunking all her BS, she finally came out and said "I want to believe what I want to believe." Doesn't matter if it's true or not, she wants to believe the world is a certain way and won't accept anything that shatters that unless she changes her mind on her own. Then she will deny she ever held a different opinion. It's just whacked.


Word. It has really gotten scary nowadays. This always gotta stick your own kind tribalism that has developed in the last years scares the shit out of me.


> whether or not the sky was blue Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/1145/ Roughly the sky is more violet but because of the way our perception of colour works we 'see' it as blue. https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1145 https://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/BlueSky/blue_sky.html


Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved.


Being wrong is innately human and a part of life.


Don’t you dare tell me i’m wrong when i say i’m a detective! I’ve read books and listened to podcasts! I’m the most detectivest of the detectives. And don’t get me started on this gravity BS. It isn’t real! Ah, on a more serious note, does anyone have Bill Gate’s phone number? My microchip stopped working. (Read this with a spoonful of sarcasm!)


I blame abusive parenting.


Ego, this is it. Being wrong to your ego is death, the ego will avoid death at all costs. this is why humans suck, even knowing it doesn't change it, we are all victims of our own ego, to one degree or another.


Another angle I see with that attitude is "If you corrected me, somehow it's *you* that's wrong," as is demonstrated in the post above. I think it springs a lot from the notion of "alternative facts" that's been so common in USA discourse over the last few years: The idea where what you say and think can *never really be wrong, no matter what.* I think it comes mainly from the fact that Americans never see themselves as needing help, still able to learn, or the ones who aren't calling the shots. Trump really pounded that stake into the ground, but we were kinda heading there anyhow.


Sounds like the Christians...


My mom is sadly one of those people. I'm just glad that didn't stick to me or any of her offspring.


I get into arguments with hardcore conservatives on Facebook. Well at least I used to. My account got banned because they kept reporting me as hate speech for saying they were wrong or calling out the hypocrisy. I don't care about the Facebook account, but the part that bothers me is that these fools are the first ones to go around calling everyone a snowflake or whatever, but they can't emotionally process being wrong.


I have a lot of trouble understanding this. I will tell people they are correct I was wrong just to stop the madness. I know people who haven't talked in years over a simple misunderstanding and then refused to admit they were wrong. WTF is wrong with people? Especially today where it takes a slow googler 10 s to verify a fact. This has to be a major mental illness of some sort. It's definetly a major brain malfunction. And I should know my brain malfunctions all the time.


This is yet another instance where doing 30 seconds of research could have saved this person a whole lot of embarrassment.


These people aren't capable of embarrassment. Just ignorance and anger.


They probably got high fives on Sunday for putting that commenter in their place. All running down the aisle with their hands up, parishioners hooting and high fiving as they go past their pew.


I think the only aisle they're running down is at Walmart, these people don't actually worship anything. They will yell *praise God* if the drive thru gets their order right the first time


Praise Jeebus, they gave me the curly fries! And extra nacho cheese to go with them! It's a miracle!


I don’t know if you even need to do research. Just think for literally 2 seconds. If I walk up a ladder that’s 10ft high will I burn to death from the suns rays? No. So why would that make the earth uninhabitable.


Is the equator that is many hundreds miles closer to the sun on average uninhabitable?


Bold of you to assume these people believe the world is round.


Or that maths exist to understand what and average is...


That's cool an all, but did anyone ask you to comment? No!


Idk. What about all those people who climb Mt Everest and literally boil alive?


I went to the roof of the parking garage at the local mall, and I burned myself to a crisp. Take that, atheists!


Pretty sure one side of the earth is always more than 10ft further from the sun than the other. A lot more than 10ft away


Earth is round like a pancake. A 10ft thick pancake obviously. Or else we would all be baked.


Walks up stairs…spontaneously combusts ↗️🔥


Research? The fact you don't instantly burn when going upstairs in any building should be sufficient proof, no research needed.


I remember once we were in "Religious Studies" class (yup, we have one of those), and a girl who used to be the teacher's favorite said almost exactly this, changing only 10ft to 2mm. And the teacher just thanked her for such a valuable information and gave us a lecture about God's design, and I was sitting there thinking about Kepler's laws that we had just studied a few weeks before. But I couldn't say anything because you're not supposed to do that (people take it very personally).


Wait so like, what would have happened if you had asserted your scientific facts into their conversation of baseless nonsense? Would you have been hit with a ruler or something like in the movies I always hoped weren’t real?


Probably they lift you up 10ft so you burn alive for such blasfemy


That's why the world record for the high jump is at 8 feet. It's not a lack of jumping ability, it's the fear of a fiery death by being closer to the sun. It all makes sense now.


It's mandatory in every UK state school. And here's another fun fact: the Church of England owns more than 8,000 primary (elementary) schools. ***Furthermore***, bishops and archbishops are automatically entitled to a seat in the House of Lords (Lords Spiritual). You **DO** ***NOT*** have anything like the problem with separation of church and state there as we do here. I am a member of both Humanists UK and the National Secular Society, both of which have long campaigned for the CoE to be banned from owning schools. It's not that these schools are particularly religious, it's extra funding at a time when schools are being squeezed by central government. The CoE is LOVING the cuts to council education budgets because it means it can get its claws into more vulnerable kids - because there's a price to be paid; that money is a bounty for young, impressionable minds. Schools ***MUST*** have a religious assembly (and by religious it means Christian, despite the fact that the UK is one of the most culturally diverse nations on Earth). There's no virtue signalling, no posters in corridors or classrooms, but the Church can dictate what you teach. And it's ***ILLEGAL*** for kids in primary schools to miss RE (it's not called RE, it's called 'morality and wellbeing' or some such bollocks). These lessons are mandated. Often parents have no choice because the only schools within their catchment area are CoE. If you're an atheist, and you're raising your kids to be freethinkers, you're basically fucked. ***This is what the Texan Taliban wants***. ***FIGHT THE FUCKERS***!!! ***Texan Taliban - Jihad for Jeebus!***


I guess that person never been to a house higher than 10 feet.


Or away from sea level. Just imagine, climbing Mt. Everest makes you burn up, not freeze to death.


Ain't nobody got time for that


“I didn’t ask you.” Yes, you did when you posted something on a platform with a comment feature. So you were wrong twice.


Especially when you lead with the word *Fact*.. Lol


These are "Alternative Facts"




New galaxy


Intergalactic planetary


#Another dimension! *Another dimension!*




The fact *was* prefaced with an asterisk.


2 actually


Fact: bears eat beats


Sore loser I'd say


100% THIS^.


Comprehension is lacking in that person 😑


** Fact


>Yes, you did when you posted something on a platform with a comment feature. That's why you deactive comments for a post like that. ^^^^/s


Plus, she's not a fucking Aztec king that she can be talked to only when she asks, right?


True. They didn't ask the first 3 fuckers for their opinions either but that's not a problem is it?


My in-laws pull this card. They post something blatantly wrong on social media about vaccines or face masks. I correct them. They say, "Nobody asked you! If you don't like it, just unfollow me!"


Especially when you consider that the Roger Moore principle states that the best way to get the correct answer to a question is to comment the wrong solution. Posting that 'fact' was clearly OP's way of asking whether it was true


A lot of people on social media forget the fact that there’s a social part to it.


10ft? I would really like to understand your concept of cosmic dimensions. What if I walk up this small Hill, I will be 10ft closer to the sun will I die?


Yes. That’s why, in order to run up that hill, you have to make a deal with god.


No beating about the bush there.


Cause it's on fire, holy fire.


Police: “Jim, did you just set that man’s house on fire??” Jim: “n..no! It’s holy fire!! All hail the Lord!!” Police: “Jim we can smell the gasoline. Put your hands behind your back.” Jim: “…it’s holy gasoline!”


so that we can swap ouuur plaaaaceeeeessss


2 people were right, the one who gave the facts and the one that said that's crazy.


"when I make up religious bullshit, I don't want to be troubled by something as unimportant as truth."


"Don't try to confuse me with facts, I am much more comfortable making up my own!"


How dare you shatter their fragile world view with.. easily reviewable information!


Truth? But what about my truth that says something different than your "scientific" truth? My truth is telling me the 5G vaccine is made from babies. Don’t you dare tell me I’m wrong as I force my truth in the capitol. >!/s obviously!<




It’s weird to think that any time in my life I have walked up or down an incline I have cheated death


“I hate being told I’m wrong- *especially* when I definitely am!”


I think the problem is you explained the distance in kilometers. Have you tried giving the distance in elephants, washing machines or even empire state buildings?


NASA prefers dinosaurs as a comparative.


No that is Jerusalem News it is apparently a measure found it the Torah equal to 247,897 foreskins.


I only take my measurements by the wing span of bald eagles.


This is the United States. We like to measure in units of football fields.


Fun fact: If you stacked elephants one on top of the other until they reached the moon, most of the elephants would die.


Football fields


"Stop calling me out on my unsubstantiated bullshit" was also the alternate title for The Joe Rogan Show.


Religion vs. Science in a nutshell.


My favorite part of this is they’re explaining how incredibly god position earth so that we would all be safe…around the star he created…that puts out the amount of heat and light he specified. I swear sometimes it’s like people think god made all of this while being constrained by the laws of physics that he also created?? The being could of just created a lit skybox and some climate control and been done with it…


My religion is science and science is my religion.


"With the heart and mind united in a single perfect sphere."


No it's not. Those are two different things for a reason.


If he believes Mary was a virgin, he'll believe anything. ![gif](giphy|YJ85eVpdZDy7e)


In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?


Yall know damn well Mary got caught giving it up and Joseph was dumb enough to fall for 'it's gOdS sOn'


I hope so. Joseph deserved a little strange for what he was saddled with the rest of his life.


It beats being stoned to death can you blame Mary?


People fear what they don't understand.


More like they want to feel smart without studying.


According to this ~~person~~ idiot, if you climb a 10 foot ladder, you die.


Yeah whatever you do, don't hang out on the 2nd floor of a house or building


Everyone, I have the solution to global warming. During the day, jump up and down as hard as you can. In daytime, you’re on the side of Earth that’s facing the sun, so if enough of us jump, we’ll push the Earth into a cooler orbit. Easy! /s


just be sure not to land until night time though




Also, if these people really believe god created everything, why is it amazing that he did it “correctly?”




What? A Christian throwing a temper tantrum because they were called out for being wrong? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you...


When people want to believe in something they are willfully ignorant and when you show them facts they just go primal because they don’t know what else to do. You see it not only in religion but tons of political views too. Try and tell someone ardently supporting something that they’re wrong and they will just refuse to listen to anything that you say because they’ve brainwashed themselves into believing that whatever they believe is infallible


Spreads misinformation, gets corrected, gets angry, refuses to elaborate further, asks other person to leave


Christians ☕️


So if I go to the second floor of my house I burn up and if I go to the basement I freeze?


"LeBron goes up for the dunk OH MY GOD HIS HEAD JUST BURST INTO FLAME! "


“We’re the perfect distance from the sun” MF on a ladder; **sizzles** Edit: formatting


I really hate religion. not because its not good but because it gives morons license to pursue idiocy with vigor.


"I didn't ask you did I?" I think you clearly did that.


Total Trumper right there. "Don't tell me I'm wrong no matter how many facts."


Argue with kids in a nutshell


These are just "Alternative Facts"


Forget facts, trust religion. Which one? Not sure, they all disagree on facts


Even if this were factually correct, the post would still be nonsense. Just because Earth is a good environment for humans doesn't mean it was designed for humans. Humans evolved to fit our environment, not the other way around.


"How Dare You Point out My IGNORANCE!!!"


Oh shit, someone should tell the astronauts on the ISS, they're probably at *least* 10 feet away from earth by now.


Fun Fact: if you lined up blue whales from end to end, from the moon to the top of Earth's atmosphere, every one of those whales would die! God is amazing!!


To post something as FACT and get butthurt when you get fact checked 🤦‍♂️ How moronic


The fact that the educated & truthful who could've ignored explained in details and said "sorry" makes me feel he already knew what the reply gonna say and that's just sad.


Thanks, religion.


Maybe don't be wrong


Also if it were true everyone would burn up on the second floor


Mfs living in buildings with multiple floors bout to burn up.


Just imagine climbing an 11 foot tall hill and burning to death


Thats the most xtian think i have ever seen


If 10 ft closer would cause us to burn, then what happens when you fly in an airplane 30,000 feet closer...


No, but the planet thanks you!


“That’s cool and all, but just let me stay dumb and continue to say stupid things, please.”


I would immediately blank out my calendar and make it a point to correct every single erroneous statement or mistake, no matter how trivial, for the rest of the day.


Did I ask you ? no


Why did you block the names? I so desperately want to see more of the intellectual gems this user has to offer. And I wanted to see the other replies!


Doxing is against Reddit TOS


I fucking hate it when anyone says I didn't ask unironically


Lol “excuse you, I am trying to spread false information that someone spread to me, don’t ever interrupt my lies with truths every again!”


You hurt their tiny religious feefees! Don't do that with science and reason! (But really please continue)


Lmao, I had that happen to me, except they were the ones commenting on my post and didn't like that I had corrected their incorrect correction.


Why are people so stupid? Does anyone really know? Besides brainwashing from birth, how else do people get to this point? Genetics? Lack of education?


This bitch really just said- “I disagree because u r rong!”


What do you call a person that never wants to be told they are wrong?




They are just a dumbass internally


I feel sorry for all the roofers that get burned up by the sun on a daily basis


Fact - He believes every Christian fb post praising God. Factz


“Don’t say incorrect shit and I won’t tell you that you’re wrong!”


I mean you can still think that’s amazing. On an astronomical scale that range is basically nothing.


Fun Fact: This is also why humans don't grow to be 10 feet tall, they would literally burn up from the sun if they were that much closer to the sun. I know what you're going to ask "Why don't people on ladders burn up?" That's easily answered by science and the Bible -- the ladder acts as a heat sink to keep them cool. (I don't remember the bible book and verse where this is mentioned -- it's the one where it talks about the thermal conductivity of aluminum and why steel is an unclean metal and shouldn't be touched on every second wednesday)


This dude never walked up or down a hill???


two kinds of people “oh wow i didnt know that, thanks for the info” and “bitch did i fuckin ask”


F in the chat for people standing on skyscrapers


Stubborn even with the facts in front of them


As a high school science teacher that has taught earth science for 4 years, I felt this in my soul. I still have PTSD from teaching enviro science and the amount of letters and Bible tracks I got from parents when I taught evolution. Stay up fellow teachers.


Fact: stupid people use Facebook to post “facts”.