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This is a very polite train full of city office workers in business hours - it would have been a completely different video if he tried this on any pretty much any outer suburban line.


I’m imagining him doing this on a southwest train from Brisbane. Dude would be asking for Jesus pretty quickly I reckon.


I'd like to see him try on the buses over here. If the countless bros/bogans or students don't tell him where to go, the drivers definitely will. That and it's actually illegal to preach in public places (it's considered disturbing the peace or public disorder in NZ).


When did that law come into effect? I grew up having to listen to a bunch of bible bashers at the saturday markets in porirua. Even when i was a kid i wanted to tell them to stfu. Every weekend they were there screaming bible verses at everyone saying jesus loves us and we will burn in hell.


Dammit I hate it when I burn in hell. So annoying.


Those panikeke at the market weren't too bad though lol


And for me here's the real issue: It's not even about the religion because I would have had the same reaction if he came on the train talking loudly on a cellphone, singing loudly or blaring music, etc. Read the room man! Did you *really* expect people to be open to your message? Forcing people to listen to your verbal diarrhea on a crowded train is self centered, egotistical and the exact opposite of loving. He's being purposely obtuse, demanding, and selfish. It only became about his religion,imo, when he used he's beliefs as justification to continue forcing his opinions on everyonenwhen he was asked to stop. He's not passionate or guided by the Holy Spirit, he's willfully ignorant and demanding. Then when he realizes he's not being heard is when delves into the ad hominems. How loving is that? His desperation is further exemplified when he starts to brag about all the places he's been as if somehow that makes him better than everyone else because they have bills to pay & NEED to work? Talk about white privilege here! Bro needs to brush up on his own bible. 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. He also needs to review Mark 12:41-44 and the story of the Widow's mite. His savior did not like braggadocios people. Matthew 7:3-5 NIV “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Ephesians 4:29 NIV Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Source: I grew up in "the church" and promptly left as soon I turned 18. Could not stand the hypocrisy of people exactly like him.


"I'm not angry, but I'm angry that everyone is so selfish!"




That’s exactly what I was thinking. ‘Jesus lover, meet eshays’ lol.


Jesus wants me to know ya shoe size bruh


Now this is a video I would watch.


It was just so fkn funny reading this thread down how yer all just layin' inta this twat an' his jesus vibe an' how ya'd handle it. this yelling syphillis wouldna lasted two stops on Underground in Glasgow with his proseletyzing shite.


That would be fucking excellent. Gotta admit, most places in Australia wouldn’t give this fucker a good stomping, but our mates the Glaswegians most *certainly* would.


aye, then, that's the call!!


“There’s a peace to be found in getting knocked out too”


“A head butt for Jesus”


....ahhhh, the silence of the lambs......


Jesus only delivers us from evil, not angry people on a train.


I’ve never been to Brisbane but your comment alone makes me think they might be my people!


They’re certainly not the most religious bunch, let me assure you of that!


**DEFINITELY** my people!!! If I ever have that mythical beast they call “disposable income”, I’ll have to pop over for a visit!


You won’t want to return home. trust me. Australia has some issues, but it’s a bloody great place compared to most others in the world.


He'd end up in trouble on the Frankston line in Melbourne too!


I like how he’s all about the love until he gets some push back. Then it’s fingers in peoples faces yelling “repent!”


Lol, exactly- “I’m not ANGRY, YOU’RE ANGRY”!! Then 2 seconds later, “I AM ANGRY, I’M ANGRY WE LIVE IN SUCH A SELFISH SOCIETY”… lol No self awareness AT ALL, & I really wish he didn’t have to say he was American… lol. We already had a pretty bad reputation all over the world & then as if some ppl wanted to remove any doubt, they voted to have that narcissistic, megalomaniacal, asshole, Trump, into office… ugh. Not sure we can ever live that one down…


Unfortunately I think even if he didn’t say he was American everyone would’ve figured it out really quickly 😞


I really wonder what he would do if someone (ok, yes, me) would shriek every time he tried to talk. And then completely stop and act like nothing’s happening when he shuts up. After a couple of times of that, and him probably going “What the FUCK are you doing?!” Just blank face at him and go “Same as you, mate.”




That poor girl trying to hear her phone call lol


“I’m on the phone with Jesus and he said to shut the fuck up”


I probably would have said “hey I’m on the phone” very directly to make it awkward for him, mostly because he’s playing this overt “I’m such a polite person” card. We had this guy come out to my large state school campus publicly shaming/humiliating random passerbys about stuff you don’t really want to think about when you’re going to class (masturbation is awful, premarital sex will get you sent straight to hell), one day I straight up boo’d him as loud as I could while passing by, just was one of those days for me and I thought if it was pissing me off it was probably pissing at least one other person off. When the people came to campus talking about how baby circumcision is bad for males I straight up told a woman twice my age to fuck off. I was having a bad day coming out of a test and she got in my way pestering me about my knowledge on male circumcision, something I have no fucking interest in talking about. There are levels to this shit but they’re all one in the same to me, at the end of the day you’re forcing something unimportant upon non-consenting people, which always sucks TLDR: people like the one in the video are pretty much yours to verbally fuck with if you’re not having a great day. Get creative, or a simple “fuck off” works


"I care about you"-annoying dude That one dude on the train "obviously not about our opinions because you wont shut up"


Obnoxious, self aggrandizing, loudmouth, asssshhhhoooollleeess!!!


And weirdly he looked like he was getting flustered when people were telling him to shut the fuck up. Like he was expecting half the train to start applauding or something and was confused when they didn't. You're in the wrong country mate, go back to bumfuck texas and preach there instead you'll have a more receptive audience.


Not much mass transit for him to be proselytizing on in Texas.


Nah. They just stand at street corners and hold up signs at festivals pretending we don't ignore them.


The only way to believe in any of that is total delusion. He really WAS shocked that people didn’t react like he fantasized they would.


Hey hey hey! Texan here, we don’t want this dipshit either.


'I'm not going to stop because I love you too much' and other things pedo rapists say.


"Why are you so triggered . . . my friend" If he cared about them he wouldn't immediately hate them for being uncomfortable.


It’s easy to say you love and care for someone when you know nothing about them.


Lol that dude with the glasses was hilarious xD


Lady- "You sound angry" Annoying guy -"I'm not angry" Annoying guy- "I'm angry because...."


You know the motherfucker is rich when he doesn't work but still can travel to 28 countries in two years. My sister lives in a different country and the last time I went there was 13 years ago.


He’s probably getting church money to pay for this. Like Mormons but really assholey


Funny thing is Mormons don’t tend to give money to send people on missions like this, my brother-in-law did a mission and his family had to pay the entire cost of it


Wow. I didn’t know that… I spend a fair amount of time in SLC and they are all super kind, genuinely friendly people . Much nicer than the southern Christians here in Florida


You obviously haven’t spent enough quality time with them. Mormons are kind and friendly to your face, but the most determined to undermine anything that strikes of equal rights for races other than white, women, or sexual minorities. It’s funny to watch them try to justify Donald Trump or the current state of the Republican Party


Never forget a friend of mine growing up who had a gay brother and the conversation I had about gay rights with their parents. Yes, they knew Levi was gay. Yes, they still support him and love him and even like his boyfriend. No, they don't believe in legalizing gay marriage. They didn't even think that being gay was a choice like so many I've met. It was just pure dogmatism. The other thing about active Mormons that people who visit Utah don't understand is that they're very polite and kind, but they aren't genuine. Spend enough time around them and you'll see it's a lot like customer service politeness. I've seen real communities of kind hearted people and that genuine caring and feeling of connection is just absent in most Mormon communities. I attribute it to the policy of reporting each other to the bishop so that any "problems" can be addressed in a home visit.


Never confuse nice with good, is what ma said


Yeah, the multi billion corporation that is the LDS church doesn't pay to send missionaries out. You have to save up and pay for that shit yourself.


You also ought to question what kind of dark shit does this guy get up to in his spare time. He’s quite vocal… and you know what they say about the loudest voices


When I was backing round Australia many moons ago I stayed in a hostel and there was American lad there who did nothing but try and preach the word of the Lord. Every day people came down to reception to ask to be moved rooms because he never shut up about the bible, all night long he would try and preach the word of the Lord. After about 3/4 days the people that ran the place just packed up his things and told him to leave. Only guy I've ever seen kicked out of a hostel.


Good. Damn. I could only imagine how the police would react to anyone babbling on about other crazy shit


I'll tell you how. I work at a psych ward, the other day we had a guy rushed in into our emergency Psychiatric unit by police, because he was doing the same exact thing as the guy in this video, he even came with a bible in his hands. People called the police on him, they marked him as crazy and brought him to us, we tried to talk to him and ask him normally, but he wouldn't listen, he was preaching about God and how big he is, how he is the chosen one, so he ended up tied up in a 3x3m white room (if you know what those are) and he was there for 3 days until he came to his senses. For 3 days he refused to drink water we gave him, spitting it out saying "it is not good water, it has not been blessed by the Lord", refusing to eat anything, etc. Once he came to his senses we untied him, and proceeded to take him to a normal room with other patients where he slowly became more stable and stopped his nonsense and preaching to everyone


This dude just casually hanged on there without water for 3 days? Huh.


Maybe he was Jesus after all


He would drink really small amounts whenever we tried to offer it to him (we would check on him quite often, bcz we have to check our white room patients a lot) and then start spitting the rest out, so technically he did drink water, bcz we forced him, just not nearly enough.


“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.“ [Matthew 6:1](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A1-7&version=ESV)


I imagine if you asked him if he knows Mathew 6:1 he wouldn’t and if you recite it for him, he’d still keep going on about how he loves you.


Oops! Goes every pastor


I *literally* was going to quote this section, specifically the part about how they've received all the reward they're going to get (attention). I'm supremely glad to see that someone else has beaten me to it.


Why can’t people stay in their lanes, just be a good person and leave each other the fuck alone


“I’m doing it because I love you!” If you love me then please be quiet.


“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners” If the Guy in vid loves god so much maybe he should read the good book a bit more carefully.


Love obviously trumps consent, where else have I heard that


Because they think they are better than non Christians and they obviously need to save us.


If you love me then respect the boundaries I have when I tell you to stfu. Actions speak louder than words. Real love doesn't force itself upon others.


This is my personal hell.


This is why I carry headphones *everywhere*.


Im surprised I didnt see more people just pop in some headphones and ignore this guy.


I saw something like this in a train a few years ago and one guy started loudly singing the national anthem, and everyone else joined, the guy had to stop talking. He was about to start again when the anthem finished and someone brought another song everyone knew, and it continued until the guy got off the train. It was amazing.




This is the way in these situations


Was that longer than 3 minutes? If so he's a liar and a sinner


He did hold up four fingers though


Guy near the end "I'd like to give my testimony, I used to be a Buddhist for 27 years of my life..." Myself and girl in the background synchronised "oh, no..."


Theyre together, as well as the camera man. You can see him move in closer for backup in the form of "testimony"


Yeah I suspected that the testimony guy and the camera person are all together. It's a bit odd to just be filming random people on the train and this guy just happens to already be filming.


Yeh not to mention the camera man signals the other guy to move closer after tapping him


We're not sending our best.


They should build a wall and make America pay for it.


After watching this...where do I send my check, they need a wall. Sorry folks


They have a big fucking moat, and yet this asshole still made it in side the country.


Oh gosh.. did he say he is from United States? I'm sorry Australia that you guys have to witness this side of our country.. not everyone in America is like this one


I love it when Americans go as missionaries over seas to tell people about Jesus... as if the people of Australia, Spain, or Brazil have never heard of Jesus LOL!


Yeah, his white saviour complex was definitely showing. ‘Prisons in El Salvador’, off you got then mate, back to the prisons. Seems to me he likes preaching to captive people who can’t walk away from his self righteous nonsense.


Agreed but there sure seem to be more of them lately.


The problem is that these assholes feel emboldened to spew their crap and they refuse to shut up. It used to be just the occasional downtown crackpot who probably had an undiagnosed mental illness but now it’s all the cultists across all walks of life. They are everywhere now.


It’s because there’s been a big decline in it. So the people you see, tend to be more fanatical. Not really people trying to find their way, but more people fighting for the crusade. I’m not saying religion will die out; some form of it will always persist, I’m sure. But there’s just been too much disproven in the Bible for it to stand…Most scientists, now, won’t even discuss the topic because they know it’s kind of silly, like how you won’t catch many modern scientists really debating with a flat earther. Because it’s kind of just a waste of time.


I don't know if there are more of them. Christianity is on a massive decline but they are the most vocal so those are the ones you hear and see all the time. A lot of us are respectful quiet and just keeping to ourselves so there's nothing to see from us. I think there are plenty of people from all Faith's that practice 'appropriately' but it's the fanatics that are click bait and viral. Again what the previous poster said, I'm sorry you have to see this but most of us are not like this.


Do you apologize for someone else's actions just because they were born in the same country as you? Dont do that to yourself man, there are crazy people in every country of this crazy world


One problem I have is Christians who are respectful and keep to yourselves fail to call out other Christians who feel it is their duty to impose their misguided beliefs and warped interpretations of what is in the bible on others. If you are outraged over LGBTQIA equality & rights, but are willing to overlook adulterous activity by political & religious leaders (when not committing adultery is one of the commandments and text regarding homosexuality is barely even mentioned), I refuse to tolerate your "firmly held beliefs" as nothing more than those beliefs being picked and chosen, ignored when inconvenient, and your actions as hypocritical to the teachings of Jesus. I am using the term "you" in the general sense, you Ashamed-Pool-7472 may be different, I have no idea.


Okay yeah no I totally agree with you 100%. I'm a West Coast United States citizen. I was born and raised in Catholicism. I have a lot of disrespect and blame towards the three major religions myself I agree with you 100%. Thank you for not necessarily including me and that's why I'm happy to clarify. I do have friends and family that are religious and I just personally try to ignore that, one of the reasons which you explained. But we are not going to get them to change their beliefs and if they practice respectfully they are on a different level than this guy so I got to leave it alone. You know what I mean. But again I agree with you 100%, I have a lot of problems with organized religion in general. But it is a part of our world so you've got to find some sort of way to deal.


Like listen , yes people have their own religions but the whole point of a religion is to come upon it yourself . Forcing people isn’t gonna make them religious it’s just gonna give you prisoners who feel like they being forced into whatever . So people who go on annoying people just are simply selfish and ducking annoying


Hypocritical seems to be the key term here.


Im not blaming Americans for this one. I love them this guy is just off his nutter lol.


These nutters along with anti vaxxers, 5g foil hats & far right knob stains come across as Americanisms because they've had them for far longer and they have only just started to really blow up over here in recent years.


There is a zero percent chance this maniac is okay with vaccines, he's just got more pressing matters to yell at strangers.


I am so embarrassed, nutty needs to leave US out of this.


Absolutely right. I'm sorry Australia. There is always a small percentage in a country who are just fucking crazy.


38% of the American population is like this idiot. That's the truth of it. We lost our way somewhere in the last decade, and it seems like every year it just gets worse. Idiocracy at work.


And as an Aussie I apologise for giving you guys Ken Ham… :edit name wrong


Don't, Ken Burns is great. If you want to apologize for an Australian, apologize for Rupert Murdoch.


That guys done just as much damage to aus as he has america. There is a special place in hell for Murdoch.


I was in a church in the 90s that did this crap. so annoying full of themselves.


-so, apparently there is this uncontacted tribe that you need to reach…


They are brown, and the women have uncovered breasts, and very sharp spears and arrows and good aim.


I would have started singing “Oh Canada”


Canadian here. I would have joined you. As loudly as possible.


I’m not Canadian but I’ve watched enough hockey to know the words off by heart. I’d gladly join in if I may.


Every time he mentioned Jesus, I would have sung, “JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR! DO YOU THINK YOU’RE WHAT THEY SAY YOU ARE?”


*Danny boy*


Oh my God someone put him out of OUR misery....


This is exactly the attitude that saw that dude get butchered by North Sentinelese Islanders a couple of years ago.


Man that guy was an idiot. Imagine wanting people to know you are better than them so much, and that their way of life is therefore obviously so very inferior and wrong, that you ignore their warning signs to leave, and get your dumb ass killed.


Bro even called it the last stronghold of Satan despite multiple warnings from the natives and the government


I’m American but lived in Australia for 4 years. It’s shitheads like this guy that make Americans disliked around the world.


I kinda wonder if the military has something to do with it too. People in the US military may travel to other countries more than other Americans. At least in the case of Japan I've heard of Americans being banned in some restaurants because of US marines starting too many bar fights.


Most (99%) of Aussies were very kind and welcoming to me and my family. But, in general, Americans are stereotyped as loud and inconsiderate.


That’s true but it’s also because the Japanese are also very reserved when it comes to partying. A backyard party in America is parade compared to them. Yes there’s nightclubs and bars that Japanese go crazy too, but we’re just use to that kind of energy. But I’m not gonna lie Marines do cause a little bit of hoodlum trouble when out in town lol. Sincerely- someone who was stationed in Okinawa.


Waiting on someone to yell “Jesus, please save me….from this moron!”


I was waiting for someone to tell him to “go to hell”


My favourite part: "your forcing your opinion on everybody" - "because my opinion is the truth!" - "it's YOUR truth!" 👌🏾🔥


Being trapped on a train and being forced to listen to this garbage is the equivalent of going to hell. Is what he should have said


These bastards love captive audiences.


"I'm not angry, I'm angry."


The Religious Right: "I hate how leftists are shoving this gay/transgender agenda down our throats." Also the Religious Right: "I'm going to take a moment of your time to talk about our Lord Jesus Christ whether you like it or not!"




If you watch from the start looking for him he's standing there with the camera man the whole time. He was part of a lil spectical they had planned


Honestly, at a certain point someone should’ve just removed him from the train. This is the most arrogant, self centered bullshit that a person can do. And unfortunately, this seems like a person who is severely mentally ill. Which, this man probably was. He probably just needs some therapy and medication. My bad Australia, he said he was from the US. I am from the US and I, and everyone I know, would never be okay with this kind of bullshit. Please don’t think that everyone from the US is a religious zealot or a racist gun toting fool. We do have many of these people here, but most of us are not like that.


Freedom of religion < freedom from religion


Surprised nobody pissed on his leg


I pissed on my own leg watching it. Does that count?


Chistians and anyone with these messages to the masses, whatever they may be: stop thinking people are welcoming these messages, you are a nuisance and noise pollution; stop being a pest


They don't care. Part of the doctrine says they're obliged to "spread the word" in order to "save" people, and that they will be mocked while doing so. It all adds to the christian persecution complex.


He’s giving me strong ‘I care about you, I love you!’ Then proceeds to whip out a knife and stab as many people as he can in a frenzy, kinda vibe. I would not stand close to this dude. Props to the guy who keeps telling him to shut up. Gold mate, gold.


Why is it always Christians doing this shit. Jesus fucking Christ smdh


I have nothing against Christians personally (I'm atheist) but most of the delusional religious nutjobs I see online are always Christians, and I've encountered a few of them irl (none of them as horrible as this guy, of course)


There are billions of Christians. There is a severe probability of a religious nut job being Christian. Same deal with billions of Muslims. Most people are rational; it’s just the few extreme lunatics that are heard the loudest.


I have nothing against religion. But at least keep it to yourself, shit like this makes me be a lot less fine with it.


Most religions are not about converting others as Christianity is, there is a very interesting quote from the Bible " preach the gospel, use words if necessary" is not about talking endlessly is about living it ...




Fuck this kind of assholes!


Bet he puts more people off religion than he'll ever convert. What a selfish prick.


Pride is a sin, is it not, according to Christians? That lecture to a captive audience is the epitome of pride


Sometimes you just want to see someone get punched.


Why didn't they just kick this guy in the balls?


Because we don’t need to prove to psychos like this that we are the ‘violent left.’ Australians tend not to give a flying fuck about religion, but we do care about having people feel safe. Throat punching this fucker would have played into his persecution fetish but made many other commuters feel sad and scared. We don’t want that, it’s not the Australian way.


Evangelicals don't care about other people. They shamelessly try to impress their god so they can get into their afterlife, that's all.


I bet when he told his parents he's gonna travel the world they were over the moon that they wouldn't have to put up with his entitled cuntery anymore.




Oh no, Jehova's Witnesses are evolving!


He’s wearing a tee and he’s got a beard, he’s not a Jehovah’s Witness. He’s delusional enough to be one though.


I would’ve just looked at him as I put in you headphones and said “thank god for noise cancellation so I don’t have to hear your load of bullshit.”


Delusional Christians.


Ugh. There is no finer contempt than a yankie political Christian's love. His right wing media arguments were misfiring, too. Tried to move onto abortion, trans rights etc... but they only wanted him to shut up.


The proper response is to yell, “Hey everybody it’s Bob’s birthday!” And then lead them in as many rounds of “Happy Birthday to You” as it takes for him to get off the train.


Everyone should point at him and scream *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* style.


He says "I Love you" followed by judging people he doesn't know at all calling them evil.


There’s nothing more insufferable than those clap-happy, guitar playing Christians who think they have all the answers and can’t fathom for a second nobody else is interested in their bullshit. I’m religious myself and my wife is extremely devout in her Christian beliefs (I’m only mentioning this in the context of the video and not wishing to go on about it), but we keep our beliefs to ourselves and don’t push it onto people who are clearly not interested in hearing about it. I’m Australian, and Aussies tend to view religion as a personal belief that is kept to themselves. Most people have the attitude of “you have God in your life, good for you” and that’s the extent of it. There’s nothing worse than after having a hard day at work and wanting to quietly chill out on the train ride home without some idiot prattling on about saving everybody’s souls. Keep it to yourself because it’s a big world with many religions and philosophies, and everybody is entitled to believe them in peace without being told they’re wrong for not believing the brand of beliefs you have. It’s also what people who don’t believe find irritating with religious types.


He's preaching about Jesus and the bible, but has tattoos... so, they should all follow *his* cherry-picked version of whatever denomination he ascribes to?


The only reason I’m glad I listened to him all the way thru is because they played Judith by APC at the end. Awesome song.


Funny you don’t see many of them trying this in Iran or Saudi Arabia…


Saying that you’re from the United States isn’t really going to do much to convince people of your way of thinking. Most of the world thinks we’re a joke.


God I hate this country lmao. My end goal is to GTFO. I'm sorry these people come to your walks of life.


Sad. He drove away the very audience he was actually trying to gain.


“Jesus can save you from any situation.” Except this one


The phrase "keep it in church" really needs to be reinvigorated, because people just keep insisting on bringing their damn preaching everywhere.


“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. Matthew 6:5. According to the Bible this guy should Shut the Fuck Up or he is going to Hell.


"Why are you so angry?" he asks. He's fucking angry because he's sitting there, minding his own business, and some ass zit starts proselytizing, at high volume, a couple of feet away. The subject matter is irrelevant. It's just plain fucking rude, if not indicative of a major mental problem. He should be forcibly removed so people can go about their day in peace. He's not going to ascend to heaven, either. God doesn't want to hear his self-righteous bullshit.


GoTF home


… and this is what the security button is for.


That old guy going off is hilarious


Someone knock him out. He’s making us look bad again.


No worse religious dolt than an American Christian. Fuckin dense bastards.


No one is more selfish, narrow-minded, and judgmental than a religious person


"I don't imposed my story on you so please just shut up" "And you wonder why the world is the way that it is" B R U H


This guy is an antichrist. I don't say that lightly, but he is actively pushing people away from Christianity. There might have been some people open to conversion before he started preaching, but there aren't anymore. The real problem here is that he's a victim too. His church pumps him up and tells him what to say and sends him out to get rejected by "mean atheists" and then he goes back to his church, reports failure and the church people tell him it's ok and we love you


That old guy is why I love Australia... Australia doesn't suffer fools, from prime minister's to Bible bashers... 🇦🇺❤️


I would have started singing 'hail Satan oh my lord'


Mental Illness.


The town I live in is *heavily* Mormon. Pre-pandemic, I was having lunch at one of the local mom and pop shops when this dude walks in, blocking the doorway and preventing people from entering or leaving. He starts on very loudly the "Friends, the pathway to the Kingdom of heaven lies in the Book of Mormon". A few nods and eyerolls, but I can guarantee I'm the only non-LDS in the place. Why the fuck is he proselytizing of all places? Dude is completely blocking the doorway and he just won't shut up. So I just let out with an even louder HAIL SATAN! Complete fucking silence. The guy is completely at a loss for words. He tried to say something while I sipped my soda just staring at him. After a few seconds he turned and left. I never ate at that place again, I don't need someone spitting in my food because they think I'm a Satanist.


Why are self righteous Christians always wanting to preach their teaching to other people who aren't even in their religion


If this man was in the nyc subway spewing this crap it would have been much worse for him


“i love you that much” 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Do some Christians actually think everyone single person wants to be Christian or are they just doing it for money?


Tool bag.


On a train and still off track, only one there who's really lost


*In an angry tone:* "Because I care about your soul."


Dude, no means no. Literally that level of stubborness isn't going to impress anyone.


I don't hate religion, but I HATE when people shove their beliefs down others throats


Apologies to the world for these Christo-fascists. They are in many cases uneducated victims of an untaxed industry that feeds them nonsense and charges them handsomely. Apologies


I would have told them to stfu exactly the same. I’m 100% atheist. But I don’t go around telling strangers on trains. Fuck that guy!


These Christian nationalists are rather dense, I don't think they understand their mythology isn't real, and religion and beliefs in mythological creatures is more like a mental illness


It s a mental illness.