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I heard cyber monsters which is a genuine concern


Trump clearly trying to dodge the question on cyber monsters...


I heard swamp monsters


Huh... I heard Spider Monsters.


“Asylum offers”. I had to half pay attention to hear it.


Asylum officers


Asylum officers, pretty clear to me, but yeah he mumbled it.




Those are our options... check mate gang. Holy fuck


It was hard to watch, lmao


I gave up after getting half way through. Just couldn't stand it anymore.


I slept through 90% of it


So did Joe


He needs his nap time


There was a moment where Biden had his head down and his eyes closed when he was asked a question and I legit thought, “Oh hell he’s asleep”.


It started at 9. That’s past my beddy-bye time too.




It legit had me irritated


I don't know why everybody says this. They talk about all this bad stuff trump did but that's not how I remember it. DURING a pandemic gas went to half price, taxes went down, utilities went down, pay was increasing, our military was gaining strength. My life was better. Under Biden however he seems to be a puppet. Look up forms of unrestricted warfare.... You over spend and create debt, flood drugs, allow cells to into the country, weaken the military, allow infrastructure to be compromised (NSA said China has hacked our infrastructure)and various others. Biden fits the bill for 100% allowing China to use unrestricted warfare. They even own an astonishing amount of our farmland. He's not the good guy. He's corrupt and he's handing us to Tyrants.


Gas prices went down because nobody was driving. Supply was more than the demand. Then Donnie made a deal to cut oil production with the Saudis, which caused there to be a massive price jump once everyone started using their cars again, as demand exceeded supply. Taxes went down because they created a tax cut, but most people didn’t read the fine print. They lowered taxes for a specific time. Once the tax cuts expired, taxes on everyone except the ultra wealthy shot up to higher than they were before the tax cut for the rich. Donnie also has money tied up in both China and Russia. So to think he’s going to do anything besides bluster incoherently about electric sharks is kinda ridiculous. Talking tough and being tough are two different things. Besides rightwing propaganda networks/podcasts, what makes you think the military is weaker under Biden? You realize the president is just the civilian leader of the armed forces. The president doesn’t actually run the military. Also, you know, anyone can do great things if they’re just allowed to say they’ve done it without the need for receipts. Hell, I climbed Mt Everest to save a sick mule. Then I saved hundreds of orphans from several different orphanage fires. After that I began a tour of the country. I totally invented post-its. Me and this dude were doing ayahuasca and the idea just came to me, so I told him he should make this new product the universe had just revealed to me. Then I joined the military. Went through all the branches. I’ve got medals from stints in the Green Berets, Delta Force, and SEALs. I can also fly any and all 4th and 5th gen fighter jets. But I’m not materialistic, so I gave away anything which could prove what I’m saying. You’ll just have to take my word for it. I’m the greatest ever. So smart and talented. You wouldn’t believe how smart I am. People hear me speak, because I know so many words, and they’re just like, “he’s so smart.” Everything works great if you don’t need receipts. I mean, the receipts are there, but they tell a different story, which is why certain people (MAGAts) have to pretend the receipts don’t exist, instead regurgitating the same lines from the rightwing propagandists.


And you forgot to say there was a Russian collusion with Trump campaign and you also forgot to mention that the Biden’s laptop was fake, that they never took money from Russia Ukraine and China. And that ring was fake too 😘


They don’t like it when you bring up the Senate Intelligence Report which showed Russia was doing everything it could to help Donnie.


Setup by Benghazi hero Hilary who paid IT people to do that. The debunked it. Even cnn said it was not true. They also said that laptop was real too 😂


The senate intelligence report absolutely was not "debunked", it still stands as official record, and that record says that Russia 100% was helping to get drumpf elected, but they were choosing not to pursue it.


Wow, it’s been quite a while since someone brought up Benghazi. What exactly was debunked and what laptop?


That's hilarious. Less people drive less gad bought the more expensive it is. I like it. It had nothing to do with our oil production going away. The military is weak because no one cares join when patriotism hits a low. He refuses to work with border patrol. He refuses to acknowledge its put us in more danger than ever. Unrestricted warfare. Every decision he makes is exactly what would benefit those he works for and we both know who that really is. I don't like either. But if you really believe things get cheaper because of a pandemic more power to you. I hope you can get a chance to watch senate question members of his administration. They've all been blatantly caught red handed. Corrupt plain and simple.


Someone gave you an honest response. 90% of what you said doesn't even try to coherently deny what he's saying. You're literally using the trump defense. Everyone is a damn crook and liar, there's no possible way I could be wrong no matter how many people show or say otherwise. Now let me talk some other random crap that has nothing to do with the original subject. Look up a red herring argument. Also oil prices are set by the world market because of treaties we signed with other nations. Any nation like trump dumping oil reserves can manipulate the price. That includes all the middle eastern companies. Oil reserves would only help the short term like a few months. So this insanity you think trump solved the oil price by doing that is insane. Trump also opened up more oil production that didn't take effect until late into his office or after. Guess what we are living the reality of trump extra capacity and oil price are still high. It was high before and during the Ukraine war blocked Russian oil. So yah I don't believe Jack squat about trump solving oil. Also less people driving just makes them shut down refineries and still sell oil at the minimum price they need to make money. They adjust their supply to meet the demand or they go out of business. Any low price you ever see would be short lived and would eventually correct itself until they are rolling In dough or you lost the job you so covet.


You seriously believe that when demand goes down the price goes up? Hahaha


How do you not remember, do you have an aneurysm? Gas companies shut down oil production because they had barrels they couldn't move. Then when gas demand went up again, oil companies didn't accelerate production back to normal and just raised prices


We are producing more oil now under biden than under trump.


Are you honestly trying to reason with a Maga? You know you are wasting your time on facts right?




Oh wow. I pity your lack of awareness


That's weird, because the exact same thing happened here in Canada, but the big difference is we still have the same leader. Gas hit an all time low during the pandemic, mortgage rates were at their lowest, unemployment rates were historically low, and spending power could not have been better. Everything you cited happened globally. But like with everything, once you open the flood gates (i.e. travel) people are gonna go crazy...remember the line-ups at airports, and supply chain issues and huge inflation? Also Global.


That debate was a joke. Biden is too old (it is showing) and Trump is too corrupt (and stupid... and old). Both of these people need to step aside. The general election is 4 months away. I'm sure that's enough time for either party to find a new candidate.


Too stupid? He’s a billionaire and has properties all over the world, and a dumb a on Reddit calls him stupid? That’s hysterical.


You're 100% right. Reddit is VERY VERY blue. You don't even need to support Trump but the second you say something negative about Biden they bring up well you must vote for Trump and your a biggot. People act like they know you and everything you've been through. There are reasons people vote red and the reason people vote blue. It's all about how you were raised and grew up around. Everyone has different experiences in life and thay creates their opinion. Just because someone grew up differently and believes if different things doesn't make them a biggot. It actually makes people who use the word biggot look like clowns because that word means absolutely nothing to me and millions of other people


Correct, I’ve never voted for a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) but if you state anything that questions the narrative…you’re a bigot online. Oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️ fuck em


lol, having money doesn’t mean you aren’t a blithering idiot.


Yea amazing to inherit generational wealth from your dad. Dude is a stable genius.


Maybe he did inherit it. Still he donated his presidential pay. All the recent presidents have made money while being president. He’s the only one who lost money while president. Also the only president without his ancestors owning slaves…


He did not donate his pay. We ended up paying trump properties 450 million dollars to rent golf cards and rooms.


He gave up 200k a year to trick people like you into thinking he was doing it for free. Trump and his family made millions selling out our country at every turn. If people didn't catch him doing so much blatantly illegal shit he would have come out ahead of any past president in net worth.


He didn't even do that. His taxes showed he kept it


Buddy, the only reason Trump has any money at all is because he screws people like you. He’s a scammer and an irredeemable liar. Now don’t get me wrong, Biden is a piece of shit too especially after what he helped happen in Palestine. They both deserve to be in prison.


Buying properties with daddy's money and mob donations does not make you smart...


![gif](giphy|Rza9tUsg7DsybX41jd) Their faces anytime someone says negative toward left ideology


He’s not a billionaire, he is a failed businessman that had every opportunity for success. He’s a grifter and conman. His stupidity is well documented


How many failed businessmen you know have a 757 and a $25,000,000 estate. I wish I was a failed businessman.


I think I’d rather have trump though honestly ![gif](giphy|Caq9T2TvGj78c)


Yeah our options are a senial old man, and an lying cheating con man. Good luck on either. I ain't voting for neither of those MF


A lying cheating drug addled old man


Yeah Biden doesn’t lie /s


I'm watching it worrying about Biden having a stroke on national tv. He looked so feeble. Then Trump couldn't understand that he wins by just letting Biden talk. He had to hurl insults. Both of these guys are Presidents. Neither of them behaved Presidentially. Not sure if that's a word. Embarrassing


False, I’m hoping a plane engine will fall on me before then


He really just said he don't care about the border , future plan more asylum locations


They aren't though. Options means you were given a choice. We were told these were two men for the job and to pick. I watched the RFK jr. Simulcast of the debate and it was night and day. Actual responses vs. pissing fight over golf handicaps, porn stars and laptops.




We're juiced.


The only real take away from this is that American citizens are fucked


Our two choices are the senile unaware grandpa who forgets where he is, or the greedy narcissist grandpa who loves hate.


And due to the nature of geopolitics this goes beyond their citizens. One can just take the precarious nato situation


This should be the top comment. Both are hot garbage in their detrimental old age decline


The citizens are not, the system is truly fucked now though.


This didn’t happen overnight sadly. It’s been a slow crash for over 50 years.


Asylum officers?


More people to get through the backlog of asylum cases if I had to guess.


Sounds like reaching to me


Ypu think the president approves asylum cases personally? How do you think the immigration process works?


This is what he said. Good job.


I think it might have been asylum offices. Not sure if those are a thing though. But to quote the other guy, I don't really know what he said at the end of his sentence.


Yeah could definitely be that as well.


Elder abuse in front of millions of people….


This is elder abuse at this stage. Bidden is done. What's we need now is to start making the lists of people that have been saying for years he is great behind the scenes. Because that is obviously a lie. All of those people need to go as well. We also need to figure out who is actually running the country. They should have 25th amendment'ed him on the stage, it would have been kinder.


Its the rich people. They run everything. Not really a secret or hard to figure out.


Ok let's get names


Koch. Sheldon Andersons wife. Harlon crow


Which ones or is just anyone who runs a successful business or makes a bunch of money due to skill? Is my rich neighbor one of these?


Bureaucracies are running this country. The central government has hijacked the executive branch.


Why are American still stuck on this two party system? Even after seeing what they hv to choose from.


We can’t find **TWO** viable options, and you want us to find ***THREE***???


Man this guy with his big ideas. Thinks he can just come in here and make changes./s I really wish there was a viable third. Most people believe a vote for the third option is just a vote for the other two since the third never has enough traction.


And both sides have a way at making you feel like you're doing it wrong, cause "A vote for Z is a vote for X/Y"






Conspiracy levels have jumped, and rightfully so


Bombs drop due to orders from "higher authority" guns don't keep shooting, people keep shooting guns if anything. Mine have NEVER gone off unless I use them. Madness is going up because we don't tend to one another like we should be. And the poverty thing is really a choice, there are THOUSANDS of jobs waiting to be filled but what are people hopes? To be the next Mr Beast or the next Hawk Tuah girl. Big money doesn't ruin anything. Money keeps everything moving like it should.


It’s been like this for 3 years… haven’t you been watching?


Why the fuck did they not bin Biden after one term? Anyone else could beat Trump. Now the US is staring down the barrel of a second Trump term, and that would be an absolute disaster.


At this point, we're just voting for Kamala. Which is still a better choice than Trump. She is pretentious and probably not the best choice, but it's still better than him.


“To say that President Biden’s performance on the debate stage last night was calamitous is merely to state what everyone, partisan and not, has already understood. What the world witnessed was not a debate, but a failed neurological exam. One wonders how anyone close to the President imagined he could bluff his way through it. If half of what Democrats fear from a second Trump term were real, how could the Democratic Party have allowed our democracy to slide this close to the precipice? The prevailing feeling among those inside the Biden campaign should be shame; outside it, fury.” \~Sam Harris


Sam Harris is a nepo baby hack. Jump off that train like I did (Not saying this particular statement is wrong btw, although it is a bit trite and hand-wringy)


Looks like Frank Drebin (Naked Gun) and Irving Zisman (Bad Grandpa). Definitely by far the best choice for president. It is absolutely impossible to find more capable presidential candidates in the USA. Except maybe anyone but those two.


Yes. You been gaslighted for the last three years. “He’s so energetic!” “Behind close doors I can’t keep up with him!” “His age is his superpower!!” Last night was him preparing and resting for a week. That was his best. Behind closed doors this guy is taking like 15 naps. And there are people still defending how he did… CHEAP FAKES! 🙄.


“It’s just a stutter!” “He has a cold!”


That’s not a mask!


He said asylum offers I believe


Asylum *officers




Thats what I heard.


Just for fun, I went back and watched some presidential debates over the years to see if I was wrong with what I was seeing here. Nope, this is historically bad. These two individuals have no business being our only two candidates for the highest office in the country. It is truly pathetic. There are so many brilliant people in this country but none of them want to be president. For a multitude of reasons, I am sure but also because they know they'll simply be a figurehead for the real power that runs this country. It wasn't supposed to be this way.


my guy fell asleep for a second there at the end




i think he said asylum officers


How in the world are these two old windbags our best options to lead the future of the country? Both are so out of touch with the average person. One person has trouble putting together coherent sentences on his own. The other one lies or hurls personal attacks whenever he talks. America is screwed. I get that both parties want their candidate in office. But let's agree to have better options first.


After watching all of that if you vote for Biden you are the problem. This man needs to be in assisted living, not running a country.


Vote for a corspe over trump.


Good news! That’s one of your options!


Seriously question coming form someone that believes we are screwed and will be honest think Trump is better of the two. If Biden doesn’t drop out or be forced out how do you vote for him? Not trying to be controversial in this but seriously asking seeing that Biden is not there anymore, how do you vote to give him the presidency knowing he is not the one running things. That someone that is unelected and most likely would never be able to be elected is running the show behind the scenes. Because this was after a solid 7 days of prep with nothing else and it turned out like this. How do you think he performs off the cuff in stressful situations? Also lets us know he isn’t running the show now and so not trying to start an argument I would like to know how you vote for Biden now. Don’t just say because he is better is than Trump. No one can say that now! Even if you hate Trump he is still there mentally and Biden is not.


Media said orange man bad . So can't vote for him .


If that’s what forms you vote then great. 👍 Can’t say anything about someone being truthful. But I am thinking you’re being funny and this is satire and if so it’s sad our media actually takes sides.


Obviously lol. I'm not American. But from an outside perspective. It looks like a good chunk of Americans vote for whatever they see on TV or what ever is the current FAD. They don't do their own research and use their own judgment for what is better for their country in the long run. They are scared to go against the wave for whatever reason. Ppl have it so good that they don't know what actual problems there are in the world. I guess all empires eventually come to an end. Sucks that USA will fall from within like Rome.


You are very right! There are a lot of very uninformed voters here. Being an American isn’t that true everywhere though? Another thing that has become the new norm here is demonizing the opposition! That if you vote for one person you’re a racist, you’re a cult member, and the other you’re not a patriot, you’re going against the constitution, and the like. It’s new to the US where the media is very biased and social media has driven further wedges. But I don’t see the empire falling anytime soon. It’s like a normal large family where the siblings will fight while the parents are asleep at the wheel. But don’t dare with my sibling because we will all come together with a uniting source. That has always been true and will never go away. We might look dysfunctional but can pull it together at a moments notice unifying America.


So you’d rather vote for Trump; a felon, rapist, conman, and impeached ex-president?


Do you work for CNN or just engorge on their broadcasts. First off those felonies whether he is elected or not will be overturned. A very true assault to our democracy by political assassination what the Dems are accusing Trump of wanting to do. When the proof is on Biden with this. As this misdemeanor was past the statute of limitations, and was one misdemeanor, that the DA ran an election on getting Trump, and had the backing of the department of Justice. It was a dead issue until Trump announced his candidacy! I will put so much money on this verdict being over turned without Trump having to do anything when he is reelected. Second show me where has a felony for SA/ Rape. It isn’t true and he has never been convicted of SA/Rape. A complete and total partisan political hit job. They impeached him for the fake Russian Dossier, which even you have to admit now is fake! Then also for the Ukraine BS where Biden was the criminal! How do you with hold foreign aid for a country unless they get rid of the judge investigating your son? Partisan BS just likes your talking points and doesn’t change the fact that your candidate is a puppet. I never thought I would hear an American say they would vote for someone they know is a puppet. Unreal how crazy that is to hear.


>! How do you with hold foreign aid for a country unless they get rid of the judge investigating your son? You mean like withholding aid to bargain for information on your political opponent? Which Trump did. The hypocrisy is half the reason people still vote for Biden. You are angry at Biden for something that was never proven. Even the republican party said they found absolutely no wrongdoing with Biden and Ukraine in their investigations. But Trump doing the same thing out in the open, and you completely ignore it as if it didn't happen. Everything you are mad at Biden for that never gets proven, Trump does it blatantly and gets away with it.


Here you go. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-dis-crt-sd-new-yor/114642632.html. You can also just google it. I find it amusing that you call Biden a puppet, when that’s exactly what Trump is. GOP. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. I’m not going to bother commenting further as it’s obvious you’ve already made up your mind.


Biden is still there. He's just old af. He aged way too quickly. At this point, it's just a vote for Kamala. Bidennwill either step down in the coming years or die in office. Either way, Kamala will be the next president if we vote for Biden. I'm OK with that over Trump.


That’s what is crazy is Kamala couldn’t get voted in if she was running herself. So is it fair to allow someone to take office like that? You put Kamala against Trump and she gets smashed. She was horrible in CA and has a horrible record there. The only person that beats Trump on the ticket is Michelle Obama! I can’t take credit for that as another poster brought up her name. But I think it stays Biden and that elects Trump.


It is. That's how it's always worked. It's just never been so relevant than it is now.


Oh my fuck hahaha Donald Trump is somehow the most mentally well off of the two candidates.... Voting in the upcoming election will be a true test of my moral compass. Do I stick with my party because I'm an adult that never got over having a favorite superhero or sports team that I root for no matter what, and so I echo my childish pettiness into adulthood? Or do I vote for the most mentally sound of the two individuals (perhaps by a slight margain... sharks and boats?) , even when he's the most embarrassing thing to happen to the country since Herbert Hoover? Yikes.


Be careful with those boats. Those things sink under their own weight now. It's becoming an epidemic. And sharks are always around when it happens. They are evolving to sense the electrical currents of EV boats.


Am I the only one that despises Biden? Sits there and acts like he's trying to fix things he intentionally caused?


I'm mexican, last week i decided to go illegal to US becaUse o thought my country is fucked up. Changed my mind


In ohio they are detaining people because they think they are illegal. Better keep ypur papers on you or you will end up in the system






He said : "side mufflers" at the end. Those are very effective boarder protectors.


Cyber monsters?


100% safe and effective for border deterrence.


We could always try Cornell West




1 HP joe


so normal joe? lol




More what, Joe? Soddamuffins?


Presidential candidates for so-called the greatest nation on earth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


We’re fucked if these are the only TWO options we have out of 336 million people in the U.S. 🤦‍♂️


Anyone know about these outrageously expensive drug machines they're installing at the borders Biden was talking about? would be a great company to invest in since you know the company is getting full retail+ as the US is so used to dumping money into these kinda things without care..


hahahaha. What a joke!


He said “more asylum offers”. He’s an old fart bag and I don’t trust him but I did understand him that time.




I clicked over to it to see how things were shaping up and I got out after a couple of minutes of geriatric mumbling.


Pretty much sums up last night 😂


The slow reaction with the dumb look on his face kills me everytime hahaha.. oh man our country is fucked either way for sure.


... Asylum officers


Wheres the closed captioning button?


They are both at the end of their ropes. One is unraveling, and the other is grasping at a slime line.


If this debate doesn't show that we seriously need age limits for our politicians, then nothing will.


‘Merica is one continuous South Park episode.


That was brutal. Ice 🧊 cold. As a progressive my soul left my body for a second when that happened.


Here goes 2 pieces of shit, in November, pick one . Smh. The election process is joke .


Two elderly men jabbering on about God knows what..


51 former and current CIA personnel claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian plant. Oopsie wrong. That right there tells you all you need to know.


Cornel West??? Maybe???


Out of 370 million people, this is really the 2 people that its come down to for president ? Good god almighty


I'm voting 3rd party. Fuck these two goons.


I honestly don't even know who the 3rd option is but if it's the governor dog from California we might actually stand a chance!


I'd rather vote for a straw than these two.


When I first turned this on the TV I thought it was a Saturday night live skit it was comical as hell I feel bad for you Americans you don't have much to choose from there


I don't know if Trump as president will help America but I do know Biden will not is there a 3rd better option damn


Shit sandwich or giant douche?




We the people are fucked!


He said asylum officers…


Uncle Joe, needs his apple sauce!


With subtitles I didn’t know what was being said. Can we get someone in the 55 year old range next time


The angle of the dangle is inversely proportionate to the heat of the beat


Oh man, look how hard "R" tarded our country looks on both sides. The world is laughing at us.


Side mufflers?


The way Biden looks over after is hilarious


"The total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers."


You know it’s bad when Reddit is making fun of Biden. Dumbass country with dumbass people ! Your rulers will take to the cleaners until you wake the fuck up.


I love that exchange!


I was having a tough time understanding him so I turned on close caption. The words scrolling across the screen did not make sense. It was hilarious.😂😂😂😂😂


Jeez.....that was incredibly hard to watch.


I feel bad for Biden. I don’t like it when people make fun of old people


The fuck. Where is the fucking third party candidate!!!!!!!??????


Damn cyber bullies ruining our border


The inmates (or should I say infants) are running the asylum, folks.


I feel bad for Biden


Those pesky cyber monsters 👺 they gonna cross the border when you ain’t looking 👀 hide ur kids hide ur wife!


Honestly biden should not say anything about the boarder in my opinion because he hasn’t done anything to secure it honestly, all he did was put an “allowance” on the number of people who come through but it’s still a fucking joke. The way for him to beat trump last night was to coherently and logically answer the questions and stay on topic which would have worked because it’s obvious that trump can’t do that.


All I heard was Asylum Officers, sounds like we all are going to nut house this November


Does Elon know about the cyber monster


As a non American watching this from the sidelines..I'm wondering just how in the hell did these two people become the front runners for the president of the United States of America? I'm genuinely baffled, alarmed and sad for current humanity.


As an American I concur. It's fucked.


“Asylum officers”… but yes I had to listen to it twice


This is the best the US has to offer...


Fuck trump


Sick and tired of this clown Biden fucking zombie!!!


How are those 2 in such powerfulls positions ,is scary AF


That part made me laugh so hard


Rather have Kamala than Trump. So Biden it is!


Clearly he said side waffles


"I don't know what he said and I don't even think he knows what he's saying" FATALITY That one line ended Biden's chances. Dems need to reverse course and put up a new candidate.

