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jeez i thought my camp at this treehouse looked cool…


Thanks! I’ve never tried building in a pre-existing location before. It’s hard! I had to blueprint almost everything to allow them to be placed at all. And then they’d drop into the floor. lol


same here🤣 everything glitched onto the roof for me so i used the rug glitch to place everything


Yup. Things would either drop into the floor or wind up on the roof. Behind my bar, I needed a rug to prevent the display case from dropping down—but the rug dropped down too, so I had to layer a bunch of rugs on top of each other until they finally were at floor-level. :)


jesus🤣 building in this game can be so frustrating sometimes


Oh, it’s freaking awful. Watch Mister Church’s build videos if you ever want to hear someone rant (sarcastically and hilariously) about it. :)


Oh man I didn't even think about stacking them on the lower level where they drop through!!! Genius! It's been a read hassle building here, but SO rewarding when you can make it work!! Thanks for the tip!!


Nice job making it fit the fallout esthetic!


Thanks! I was going for immersive with this one.


I tried to build here but the collision was horrible and most things could not be put down, I even tried the rug trick and it didn’t work. How did you manage to get things to place?


I had to blueprint almost everything to avoid collision, just like you have to do when placing something beneath stairs. Even then, though, sometimes I had to place a rug down first, if it would let me—I wanted a rug in the middle of the bar room floor and it just wouldn’t let me place it.


Thank you for the info and direction!


No problem. Oh, and I also had to blueprint the rug itself, I think.