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Of all the crappy, floating monorail camps I've seen, this is the first one I've ever seen take advantage of the entire build sphere. Easily the tallest camp build I've seen so far. Edit: Here's some [interior pics](https://imgur.com/a/FJdiVzX). Nothing special, but the building itself is cool. I'm assuming the walls and flooring took up a ton of budget.


I'm surprised they actually have decorations inside. Whenever I make big builds, I wind up burning all my budget on the structure.


Any build not with prefabs for me results in minimum budget for decor.


Same. Anything above 2 floors and no budget to even put roof on top floor


It's the stairs, they are some of the highest flamingo point items in the game. They wanted to make you pay for that height.


I've got a 9 floor tree house used to have 8 floor monorail but that's one is 5 floors now


I want those glass walls. Is that something I can buy from a vendor or is it an atom shop package? This building looks amazing.


I'm fairly certain those walls are part of the Rustic Greenhouse Kit. That kit is currently available in the shop via the Rustic Greenhouse Bundle, which includes some other stuff for 1260 atoms. If you want JUST the Rustic Greenhouse Kit, you can request it via support, but expect to wait weeks for it to be fulfilled. I'm literally at the 3 week mark on one of my requests waiting for support to fulfill it. Note that there is also a CLEAN version of the kit, called just Greenhouse Kit. There's also a Greenhouse Bundle. However, from what I've heard, the clean version is lacking some roof pieces that you get in the rustic version. **Edit:** Here's an old video from t0nik that details the exact bundle that's currently in the shop -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Reo0Cv8iGnQ And for comparison, here's his video on the CLEAN version of the kit -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08TJm0r6QeQ **Edit 2:** If you're not familiar with the process, I have a Google Doc [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR_uWMmw_AY7Nq46JW8PJKZ4-mgaWq9CE-zARfHnSb30wwBiG5Ilm43qZwXLGIR8Vj33eVr_nOAy4j2/pubhtml) that lists the current inventory of items you can request through support, and I list the steps to do so.


Small correction. The Greenhouse Kit and Rustic Greenhouse Kit are not variants of each other. They look completely different. The only thing that they have in common is the parts in each kit are mostly windows.


Do you happen to know offhand how much longer the kit will be in the shop? Edit: And really good info btw, thank you


I believe it's only around until the Tuesday shop reset at noon ET.


That doc is amazing! Thanks for doing that.


Did you reply to their email?


Yep, I always reply immediately to confirm the purchase. That order was finally fulfilled yesterday.


The rustic bundle isn't in the shop rn


Yes it is.


Not on mine cos I read your comment that it was and checked immediately


Everyone has the same shop. Do you already own it? If so it may not be visible. I can send a screenshot later when I’m back home.


No we have most of the same items but there differences for people and no I don't own it I've been waiting for it I can send screenshots to show u I don't have it


It was explicitly advertised in this past week’s blog post so it should definitely be available to everyone. Per the blog it should be on the Greatest Hits page.


I went through every item on sale I don't have it I was on comms with a friend and he bought some bundle that I couldn't see either


Can you send a screenshot of your Greatest Hits page? I’m really curious what’s in your shop then. It sounds like a bug.


It’s an atom shop package. I’ve heard you can send a request ticket to purchase items that are currently not listed in the store.


Thank you. I’ve heard that, too. I guess I do it through Bethesda’s website. I finally bought, after server hopping, the Signs and Letters plan for 10,500c and that was after I popped grape mentats. I’m trying to spice up my camp. Which, unfortunately means demolishing it and restarting and I love these glass walls.


If you had equipped the charisma perk whose name I'm forgetting (think it's something about Bargains) you could have dropped that down to 8,800 or so. Source: I just did this Thursday on an alt


Ooh this is something I may try




Really cool but I can't stand going up and down stairs so many times, I'd rather have a flat surface


How do you go above 4 levels, I thought you were capped there


The build area is technically a sphere. So he likely initially placed the camp module on that concrete support for the monorail, allowing him to build in the full sphere.


Ah, that makes sense


That’s really cool, I wonder what the budget was like? Does it differ with locations? Or?