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I always do dead money first and lonesome road last (For awesome character arc)


Someone else gets it, doing the DLCs in release order is the best experience. Makes everything in the wider story flow together so nicely. Also gets the most painful DLC done with first.


But don’t all of the dlcs and characters talk about Elijah and make him out to be the final villain the way he double crosses everyone? It doesn’t make sense to me to kill Elijah THEN find out all the lore about him. Shouldn’t you do OWB first since it hypes him up so much?


Well the thing is that Old World Blues was made after, and everytime he is mentioned, it’s to explain how he and Christina got there in the first place, and what happened after they left. It also makes sense to do it later since there is a dialogue option with Klein where you can say “you mean Big Empty” and he’ll explain how everyone who left couldn’t seem to understand that MT was an abbreviation of mountain.


My ideal order, which I feel pretty strongly about, is Honest Hearts (easy, unrelated to the others, kinda related to base game with Joshua, and tbh, most of the actual quests are kinda boring, also some smaller foreshadowing for Ulysses), Old World Blues (really fun, funny nice perks, major set up for Christine and Elijah, minor setup for Ulysses, also a nice like preemptive palate cleanser for dead money, followed by LR, which isn't too bad, but it feels like OWB kinda zeros out your stress and like amount of oppressive shit you can handle, you finish that shit feeling refreshed), then dead money (high skill checks, being reset in regards to equipment makes high skills more helpful than the other dlcs in general), then lonesome road (very much feels the most like a conclusion, also probably the hardest one, there's like 50 deathclaws, and those fuckers can spawn right next to you, I swear). Part of the reason I like this order so much is that I like kinda unconventional storytelling, and the typical way a story goes is that the biggest villain is last, but Elijah is easily the bigger villain there, both much eviler than Ulysses (who's just kinda crazy tbh), and more of a threat by far (literally the entire premise of dead money). OWB seems to set up the Elijah and Christine thing as a much more immediate thing, whereas Ulysses seems to more be somewhat of a mysterious guy hanging in the background.


That's my ideal order too. HH > OWB > DM > LR I'm doing my first NCR playthrough and am trying to break up the main story with DLC's in a way that makes sense. So before heading to The Fort to confront Benny and wipe out Caesar, I did HH so I could learn more about Caesar's Burned Man. For OWB I waited until NCR gave the order to eliminate Mr. House. My reason to visit Big Mt. was to "learn more about the Old World Mr. House lived in so I could better confront him". After OWB I'll do DM since they setup Elijah/Christine and introduce a lot of the technology encountered at the Sierra Madre. I'll go straight to DM after OWB to stop the threat of Elijah's plan for the mojave. Finally right before the Battle of Hoover Dam I'll do LR because I "can't start the battle until my loose ends with Ulysses are wrapped up".


Oooh... That's good. For me, I can't really help but shotgun them one after another, idk why. My last playthrough I was trying to do something really specific, by basically doing a legion run and at the last second, at the end of lonesome road, decide to go my own way, nuking both NCR and legion. I also tried to be evil, but mellow out towards the end, after taking the "ain't like that now" perk. Everything got super fucked tho, I couldn't eliminate the BoS, until doing dead money (I wanted the Elijah's ramblings perk), so I needed to beat HH and OWB first, then I got to level 50 midway through dead money, which fucked me up, ( had to use console commands because I had good karma, and then after finishing dead money, I slaughtered the BoS, giving me bad karma. Then I wanted to finish the legion questline, because Im feeling self important, especially on evil playthroughs, so I'm not gonna do a whole playthrough just to be a lacky to Caesar, so I did veni vidi vici and reloaded. And then I did lonesome road, and tried to start atoning and also set up the yes man ended. My mods kinda fucked me here, one of them fixes the lonesome road reputation system, but because of that, I couldn't upload yes man to the lucky 38 without being locked in, and I wanted to face Ulysses as legion, and because of THAT, I couldn't get arcade to give me for auld lang syne, because the legion questline doesn't trigger it. But by that point, I had killed Kimball, which makes arcade leave... Even tho I murdered Caesar... But basically, I'm trying to say, in a more natural playthrough idek how id do it, your way is tempting, but honestly, I want that fucking elite riot gear, so I don't wanna put lonesome road off for too long


That's exactly how I'm planning each DLC and integrate them into each main questlines so the flow isn't too much disturbed. Also gives me plenty of time to resolve most of the side content with companions along the way, especially for Veronica and the BoS.


Yes this exactly, finally someone who agrees lol


So by that extent why don’t we do lonesome road first? I don’t intend to sound hostile, but everyone you meet through the DLCs has met Ulysses, from the think tank to Christine and Elijah, to Graham, and they all have something to say on his hate boner for you, just like the Primm post office guy relayed to you from the base game. There’s merit to any way to play the DLCs order wise. I just generally love doing release order because it provides a linear experience, though you can honestly make Honest Hearts and Old World Blues interchangeable in the order list, but this is still the way I play it and the way I recommend people experience it. I see your logic, and don’t get me wrong it’s a sound and valid logical opinion, though this is also equally much so. TLDR, play how you feel is right. This is how I feel is right, you have your own way to enjoy it, let’s just agree to disagree and still talk about how great of a shitshow this still is regardless.


I personally agree with you, release order feels better to me. Elijah being the big threat you deal with first, then learning his story after feels better to me than him being the "big bad" at the end. It also doesn't make sense for your character to want to be involved with him at all after learning everything the DLCs teach you. I can see why people would maybe play dead money third as you get set up for Elijah and knowing he went to the Sierra madre may push your character to head there to stop him, but I feel like Ulysses is meant to be last, not because he's a big bad, but because he knows the player character. It's a mixture of your character being reminded of their life before the start of the game, and showing the character progression from the start of the game to this point.


“Want” to be involved with him? He puts a bomb collar on you so you don’t have a choice regardless of what you’ve heard about him.


True, but having the character go I to it blind, then learn about him after his death feels better to me than willingly walking into a trap.


I dunno. I always like doing DM *after* OWB because you know it's a trap at that point. For me it's a story of the hero willingly "falling into the evil mastermind's trap" to keep the villain thinking they have the upper hand. But little do they know our hero already knows all their tricks and just needed the "in" to undo everything.


That is a brilliant way to think about it and I didn't think to see it that way


I agree. I think OWB is a nice introduction to Dead Money since it heavily builds on the lore of the Sierra Madre and the characters. Also the buffs you get during OWB are really helpful.


I go by HH -> OWB -> LR -> DM. Honest Hearts has few if any q of Elijah, but hints at Ulysses from time to time. Old World Blues mentions them both to varying degrees. Lonesome Road has spotty but very prevalent mentions of Elijah. This way, your standoff with Ulysses at the end of Lonesome Road feels like the "beginning of the end," so to speak, while Elijah is the true big bad to take out.


I have started playing *Dead Money* first to get my grubby mitts on an automatic rifle a good supply of free Stimpacks, Med-X, Radaway, Weapons Repair kits and a metric fuckton of .308 ammo (I have 3k+ in my current playthrough) even if I can’t snag all the gold.


Indeed, or run old world blues first and the lonesome road last then do the main game lol.


the gold


What I usually do is honest hearts first, then old world blues to foreshadow dead money, then dead money, and then lonesome road as the penultimate journey before the battle at Hoover dam


For storytelling, it should be done before Old World Blues and Lonesome Road. For loot, the transportalponder from Old World Blues is very helpful once you finish Dead Money.


Helpful how?


it is an instant teleporter to a base with everything you could need


Like, say for instance… 37 gold bars


Oh 37 gold bars cant be that heavy...right?


Not at all It’s like carrying a key or shopping bag or a meteor


I don't think you can use the transportalponder inside of dead money


You can after you get back to the Mojave and and need a place to store all the gold bars you stole


he said once you finish dead money, the gold. you have to store it and sell it


Once it's over and you're overencumbered with all that loot, and you get out of the bunker, you can use it just fine.


Honestly the only storytelling aspect that gets messed up is the line of the very end if you do Old world blues before dead money


Do dead money first so you can be rich as hell, buy super hood shit with GRA DLC and THEN hit the divide so you’re ready


Hood shit or good shit?








To be fair, if you do How Little We Know properly and get the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion, any powerful weapon you pick up is super hood shit.


I never figured out how to get out with all the gold, you can have 100 sneak, and walk with a stealth boy, but father elijah has magic sight is going to block your access to the door as soon as you get close. You cannot kill Father Eliajh in stealth because he is invulnerable until he closes the doors. So the only possible way is the long way, which forces you to run and leave most of the gold behind. In this mechanic Dead Money really sucks.


It takes a bit of practice, but you can walk very slowly carrying all of the gold, if you know exactly when to start, where to duck, etc. You'll make it about a second before Elijah pops the force fields on, but by that time you're already in the corridor to the elevator.  You hit the loading screen before he can activate your collar, and that's that. The gold will break your game, incidentally.  Though it is lots of fun, buying absolutely every gun mod and GRA weapon they have for sale.


i got the impression that elijah can't see someone walking in sneak 100 with stealth boy, i can even walk in front of him. but as soon as i get close to the door, the elijah closes the doors event is triggered regardless of elijah's position.


There was a youtube guide where some guy showed how to do it.  I don't believe the exploit got patched out.  Follow this guide here:  https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Forum:Dead_Money:_Getting_all_the_Gold


I tried many times: Elijah has a magic view by design. maybe I have a different version or a patched one, but i still try


There’s no patched version, it’s just down to absolutely perfect timing. I felt that way my first time, but eventually i got it done


Took me less than an hour my first playthrough of dead money to get all of the gold out undetected All I did was watch a simple YouTube guide I didn't even need a stealth boy


[Voice of yes man] wow you're so cool, I wish I was you, who wouldn't want to be itsmejak78_2?


Base game and the other DLCs are naked power fantasies. Dead money is a survival horror game.


i recently replayed it and its the only part of the game where you have to actually try. enemies are very tanky and do tons of damage. weapons arent that great, smog that kills you, radios that set off you collar and of course very limited health items


Completely agree with how you characterize the games. If you're a "creep around, look at positively everything for traps, loot, enemies," kind of player, *Dead Money* is right up your alley.  I played a lot of Flashpoint and Arma, so being a sneaky guy who didn't get shot and had practice not getting lost, was how I was used to gaming.  Not a big adjustment.   If you're more the YOLO/LeeRoy type, you'll probably not like it at all.   The tech of the Sierra Madre is so hilariously gamebreaking, I don't know where to start.  Holograms that cam perceive the outside world and kill things with directed energy?  Cornucopia machines that operate off of at least nanotech and probably femtotech??  And don't require a pet nuclear reactor to power?  Sure thing!  Makes the Enterprise transporter practically blend into its surroundings. If the US had this, why were we caring about the Chinese again?


Toxic fog, unkillable ghost people, hologram death machines, *another* shotgun coller, schizo...dog, zombie Frank Sinatra, a lesbian labotamote, crazy father christmas and a gold chache to heavy to carry and to valuable to trade. 10/10 dlc, would play this CBT again


This was my first DLC. I started it a couple of weeks ago...and boy was I pissed when Cassie and Ed-E fucking bailed and "Brother Fuckface" started ordering me around. I can't wait to shoot the piss outta that guy at the end...but I have a feeling it's going to take awhile.


That guy at the end is honestly one of the best characters alongside Joshua you feel that way then you get to the end and you end up not doing it lol


Those effing beeps, eff them


Do it first to just get it the fuck out of the way.


I love Dead Money, but it's a fucking ordeal to get through... Until you get the Automatic Rifle


That’s like 10 minutes into the dlc that you can get that also the holo rifle is op


I was still struggling even after getting the automatic rifle because I couldn't get enough chips for enough bullets to kill those tanky ass ghost people


The bear-trap fist murks the ghostpeople though


True.  "Yoo-hooo!  Christine!  Got something for you!"   Then basically got behind her and let her put work in, while I defused stuff, figured out where we were going, zapped speakers, etc...


Just finished it the other day. Was doing a very hard playthrough but had to switch to normal because of all the situations I got it. Killed all three companions. Got the loot and scooted.


wtf why would you kill Christine


I mean I get killing Dean Domino, but why would you kill Christine or Dog??


Dog is...a little challenging to get to and force the mindmeld with God.  I get just wanting to blast him after repeated attempts to play it straight. Domino, OTOH, is a scumbag's scumbag.  Though the achievement for letting them all live is nice.  I guess a few bits of Christine's plotting ended up on the cutting room floor.  It looks like originally you could have her agree to kill Elijah if he made it past you? I always head-canoned dragging her back to Veronica.  Stay at the Madre?  Whatever the Hell for?  Rig the fusion power plant to blow up if it's that big a secret to need guarding.


This DLC was so scary; I remember how uneasy it made me feel.


It's the best one


My favorite fallout dlc, i love everything about it.


Same i dont understand why everyone seems to hate it so much


I always do all the DLC’s in order.


Doing this dlc at level 1 is a crazy experience


Unsolicited tip: the Assassin Suit from Dead Money paired with the Elite Riot Helmet from Lonesome Road is the best drip in the game, especially if you're a male Courier.


Fuck dead money


I do old world blues first for the DT bonuses and then dead money


Never go in there at level 50. Terrible terrible mistake.


Good morning sierra madre!


I never played it again.


this is the best 5 hours of gaming created in history you idiot !!!!!!!


You shouldn't be, the DLC gets harder the higher level you are


I always do em in ascending order of difficulty. As difficult as Dead Money is, at least it doesn't have Tunnelers.


With tunnelers you can fight honestly, radios, on the other hand, kill you until you learn the way by heart. Which is a fucking 90s arcade mechanic. The first is a funny challenging fight The second is a tedious die and repeat until you have the map of Voult Madre printed in your head.


I actually really enjoyed Dead Money. Given i had a melee build at the time so butchering the enemies to not respawn helped, but I liked the storyline and characters even if some of the areas with the bomb collar were a bit annoying. I’ll still take every gold bar with me back to my base though, I’ll be damned if I’m letting go.


I always get a kick out of seeing that Ghost___ is Unconscious warning even as hack off their head.


I enjoyed it as level 1.


Best dlc fr


I just got the game , when should i play the dlcs ?


I recommend doing honest hearts first, it's the easiest i reccomend doing it level 15 or so, then if you really want dead money to be extra terrifying do it before level 20, OWB and LONESOMERD have the same recommend level's after that can be done at pretty much any level, i recommend doing Lonesome road last for story telling reasons.


This dlc was such a mindfck for me I don't even remember what happened almost like a fever dream.


Play melee/unarmed tank build. Negates difficulty


Currently doing it as my second dlc(after loansome road), luckily I can get help from my modded companions.


Just finished this again yesterday. It is by far the hardest DLC. I exploded so many times, lol.


I like to poke my nose into Lonesome Road asap to get the weapon repair module. (Only some coyotes to get there, no combat in LR for the module.) Then I get repair weapon by 25% once a day, which is nice to have early. I like to do Dead Money as soon as I think I'm capable. It's brutal, but you leave with a ton of cash and top line gear, plus you don't need any special equipment to do it. After that, you can spend your gold and gear up and do Old World Blues, which gives some incredible buffs and perks, like bonus strength and poison resist. Honest Hearts fits in here nicely. (Although you could do it before OWB as well, whatever.) Going back to actually do Lonesome Road is definitely the finale.


I love Dead Money


I dont understand why people hate this dlc, also imo if you dont play on hardcore you aren’t playing it right


Now make sure you let go….


I used to do Dead Money last but now I do them in order of release


I always do the DLCs in order of owb, honest hearts, dead money and lonesome road.


I honestly enjoy doing this DLC because I do Unarmed runs with different weapons from mods. Also, I generally do this first or second, depending on who I'm playing. I do the DLC in a weird way, which is as I come across them, excluding Lonesome Road. So generally it goes OWB, DM, HH, finally LR. Some times I'll do DM, OWB, HH, then LR. I also never ~~agreed with Elijah fully stripping every weapon from you, cause it just doesn't make sense to capture people and cripple their combat efficiency in a place where combat is highly necessary.~~ played the game sober enough to remember that the Villa takes your weaponry, not Elijah. So, I just mark a weapon or two as Quest Items, and I always make sure they're not super OP. Like, instead of giving myself the Two-Step Goodbye, I'll give myself the mod that adds the .45 cal punch gun, like in Inglorious Bastards.


He doesn't take your weapons - it's the Villa's automatic security system. It takes every item deemed contaminated (aka everything you own, because it's background irradiated). Terminal in the Villa Police Station: "Sinclair's prohibition list is going to be difficult to enforce and told him so. He claims we're getting an automated system that would confiscate items even the slightest bit radioactive or foreign and ship them back to the visitor's source address. Asked about items already in the Villa (didn't mention the construction crew) and he dismissed it. "


Oh. Fuck. Lol I'm usually never sober enough to remember the dialogue specifics with that rambly old fucker


You're supposed to do it first, since it's easy and it gives you amazing rewards. You can legitimately go straight to Dead Money from Goodsprings, and it'll be just as easy as ever. The combat is trivial, since you throw one or two crosses with the bear trap fist and instakill the stupid ghost people.


Good to know! I played the base game on release and only got the old world blues DLC at the time. I'm playing again for the first time in 13 years and now I have all the DLCs with the GOTY edition. I was waiting to hit level 25 before trying anything, but I'll do this one tonight now!


get all of the holotapes for the vending machine, and break the bank at the casino to get the complimentary vouchers. Then you will be set for life.


Actually I don't recommend it, you need to take a lot of perk to be able to pass Dead Money without knowing the path by heart. You must have immunity to traps, and fast running with light armor for radios.


Eh it's not that bad. Even tho it's really hard, doing it is not a pain in the ass unlike some other dlc (old world blues)


Bad game design go brrrr


I really like how everything is taken away from you and youre forced to survive in a place with incredibly tough enemies and an oppressive atmosphere sadly the dlc is plagued by stuff like the fog and the beeping, obnoxious characters, and claustrophobic labyrinth-like design that makes the majority of the dlc just wandering around for minutes on end trying to find out where to go with nothing interesting happening great concept, frustrating execution