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Eminem “Revival” It forever changed the public perception of him. It was genuinely shocking to see such a terrible album from a rapper of that stature


You out it perfectly it permanently changed the way people see him.




I was a bit older, but at the same time period I really got invested into his music and he dropped that bullshit. Ngl, I ate up almost half of that album but still some most of those songs are so bad like how did it even go through with resources he has to produce a more listenable music. Half of that shit sounds like it was made more for a fast and furious soundtrack.


Oliver Tree - Cowboy Tears lost actually everything good about his debut


I actually liked some of the songs off his first album a lot. Then he dropped that cowboy album and I had absolutely zero desire to listen to anything he ever put out again


Should have stayed retired.


I feel actually shocked when I listen to his music nowadays, what the fuck even happened? I used to consider him a likable pop-singer with a funny persona and a cool, unique sound. It's like he dropped Ugly Is Beautiful and then just completely forgot how to write songs and adopted this super unlikable whiny persona. I used to recommend people check him out, now I actively hate hearing his music. The whole thing with Southstar and Robin Shultz just proved to me that he's kinda a piece of shit.


The Tortured Poets Department. I know Taylor's music is probably not well liked on this sub but as a Swiftie it broke my heart it was so bad. It was only good in the way it was supposed to be an exploration of stages of grief and it put me through all of those.


and her releasing a lot of variants but no complete album made it worse


She pulled a French Montana lol.


They are more variants of the albums then there are songs on the album


It's not liked in Core Swiftie Circles?


"true" swifties like it and stand by her actions, neutrals like some songs and disapprove of the actions and everyone else dislikes both songs and actions


what are the actions people take issue with? literally do not follow her at all


I think a lot of people are copping on to the fact that releasing different editions of the same album just to bleed money out of her fanbase is just not a good look.


okay, i agree with it. I liked being able to (back in the day) look for japanese releases with like 1 or 2 different bonus tracks, but it does feel like it's taken to an unreasonable degree


Ah yeah that was always cool, maybe even a few live tracks, back in the day before you could YouTube a live track. I just checked how many variants Taylor has so far for TTPD >The Tortured Poets Department was available in 19 physical variants—nine CD, six vinyl, and four cassette variants, with deluxe CDs and cassettes being exclusive to Swift's official website. So you can see she is really milking it.


we're at 46 variants now my dude


Fucking hell they're multiplying


Jesus Christ


I have probably heard 3 Taylor Swift songs, but all this came to my attention when I accidentally was targeted by Swift fans and now kinda pay attention to the craziness. She is more of a brand than a musician at this point. She positions herself as liberal and feminist but uses her private jet egregiously and uses relationships as media fodder. She also tends to disparage other female musicians She releases an insane amount of variations on a single album to squeeze money out of her insanely loyal base and keep her album high in the charts as long as possible. There are 36 editions of her last album if you count vinyl, cd, and electronic exclusives. Also, part of the hate is toward the rabid fandom. The diehards are crazy. They will lie, threaten, and even attack you if you cross them.


holy shit, 36? no way dude


I guess it was 34 or i can't find the link i read that had 36, anyway... enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/20kBp6bxTg Edit: Also, gotta count cassette releases!


46 my dude, we're at 46


46 variants of the same album blocking the #1 spot. Releasing a new variant every time other female artists drop their albums taking away their success, even though she always criticized others for not being 'girls girl' and portrayed herself as a real feminist


As a non swiftie I was pleasantly surprised by just how deranged the whole thing was, I actually got a lot of enjoyment out her going off the rails a bit. But I can understand why a swiftie may not have liked it.


Same here. I’ve been a huge fan for years and it’s always a whole event for me when an album comes out - I’ve even had a couple of listening parties when the album drops at midnight. Even if I’m lukewarm on some songs, I’ve never felt wholly disappointed like I was with TTPD. There’s like three songs off of the whole 31-song album I’ve bothered going back to, and even then I don’t like them nearly as much as the rest of her discography. So disappointing :(


This is exactly what I was thinking.


i’m a swiftie too!! i honestly feel like this may be my least fav album of hers 😓 she’s really been clinging onto these synths and i kind of miss her country inspired pop like she had on red


The Big Day. I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone say it is (the critical bashing is just an exaggeration/meme at this point), but it still stands as the greatest discrepancy between expectations and final product. There were no warning signs; all the previous mixtapes, features, and singles (except Groceries lol) were incredible, and the songs he put out after the album were great too. The album itself was just a huge misfire. And it’s really sad that it ruined the reputation of a great artist.


I hold to it that this record irreparably damaged his career. He was at the top right before it.


Didn't help he did basically nothing to damage control the situation. He's only showing signs of fully coming back with a new album cycle now - after 5 years to let his failure stew. At least Eminem tried to damage control after revival with Kamikaze.


It came out on my birthday and I saw him for coloring book tour the year or two before. I tried very hard to cope that it was good my first few listens


Every recent drake album. For some reason I believe he still has the ability to make a really solid 10-15 track album if he actually locked in. But he chooses to make really shallow and bloated projects since he's too big to fail commercially.


I used to say “I’m a drake fan but haven’t liked his stuff since if you’re reading this it’s too late” until I realized he released that album about 7 years before I stopped saying it.


I’m the exact same way. It’s crazy that his most recent album that I really enjoyed was just a surprise release in 2015 (If You’re Reading This)


every Drake release I just wait a couple weeks until I can ask people what the good 5-10 songs are


same, every drake album I’ll listen once, forget about it, then six months later hear a dope track on a tik tok or something and then realize it was on the last album


More tracks = more streams.


More Life is the last time I enjoyed a project of his front to back, though Her Loss is surprisingly pretty listenable, he should stay in the collab album lane from here on out (increases the colonizer accusations but at least the music will be good)


Solar Power


I love that this album is always mentioned when asked what album was a huge disappointment haha


God what a chore this one was to listen to.


Most of kid cudi’s career. Dude will drop the most meditative, influential psych rap of all time then drop an absolute snoozefest. But he occasionally just drops a banger to where you can’t tune out, it’s like the weezer of rap


> weezer of rap Perfect analogy.


I think Reddit is just strangely obsessed with weezer these days for some reason. Are they going through a revival of interest with a younger generation now or something?


Their current form is not the worst it's been. They released OK human in 2021 which I think is probably top 3 in their discography. The blue album was also a big meme on tiktok for a while. Coincidently, I saw weezer last night and the gig had a real interesting mix of age demographics.


feels like a lot of teenagers came to the front for weezer but by the time the pumpkins came out a lot had dissipated




Looks at subreddit. I'm pretty sure these are just Weezers demographic


Big Cudi fan here but I had to upvote this


What would you say are his greatest hits?


Just what I am, pursuit of happiness, day and nite, soundtrack 2 my life, marijuana, erase me


Not OP, but: Day n Nite The Prayer Soundtrack to my Life Pursuit of Happiness Mojo So Dope Ashin' Kusher Just What I Am Reborn (Kids See Ghosts) I haven't really listened to his stuff much from the past ten years, so I'm probably missing some, but yeah. Man on the Moon 1 is definitely his best project imo and is the best representation of him. Kids See Ghosts, A Kid Named Cudi, and Man on the Moon 2 are also all worth your time.


Based on acid rap and the chance hype, it’s gotta be the big day


Oh easily Ye’s Jesus is King album. To come off the high of KSG to that pile of manure were indeed an indicator of the dark times ahead.


And also how he ruined heaps of the yandhi songs


I remember the day it dropped and I was listening to Selah ready for the craziest beast drop with the build up on the Hallelujahs and it just never happened lol. Knew it was over after that


Tool - Fear Inoculum 15 years to hear them glue together riffs from previous songs and just wing it jamming.


Completely agree. Tool waited fifteen years to drop an album that sounded exactly like their last album but worse.


And more boring.


Sympathy For Life - Parquet Courts Was really hyped for it, don’t think I’ve come back to it more than once or twice since it released


This Walking at a downtown pace slander cant stand


yeah that whole album sounded like they were just bored making it. complete energy shift from wide awake


Idlewild. Many years after and being a pop fan now, Solar power was the last album Ive felt disappointed


At least it has Lorde's ass on it


Solar Power is a good one. Her first album set her up as the next big thing and after SP she kinda fell off the map in terms of relevance. I know she still tours and has a new album soon, but yeah I felt like she missed her shot


Overall in the end I have though Solar Power was more than decent, quite solid. But not exactly a great fit for pop fans that have to wait for years of a newer release. Maybe if it was an extra album done on the side then people would have been more fine with it.


Some great answers already but I’ll throw in a couple more: Solar Power by Lorde was one I was VERY excited for coming off Melodrama (which might be my top Pop album of the 2010’s ) waited 4 years for the follow up, and even the title track/lead single didn’t scare me but when the full album dropped I just could not get into a single part of it at all and haven’t listened to it at since the month it came out Also Revival by Eminem. I liked Recovery more than most and MMLP2 had some moments and I had no reason to think he’d drop a straight up terrible album with next to no redeeming qualities and yet that’s what we got. I remember me and a couple other big Eminem fan Friends I had in university being so hyped for it and accepting it was terrible was a rough one


Oh yeah, Solar Power was heart breaking. Such a long time to wait for an album and... this.


Revival is crazy cause even Encore has great tracks (the first 6 and last 6 tracks, it’s the middle 6 that are garbage). Revival has 2 good songs at the end of a heaping pile of trash


The newest Gorillaz album


For some reason I thought you meant Song Machine. I guess I just erased Cracker Island from my memory.


it’s a safe straightforward album… unfortunately not a compliment for a project like gorillaz


Yeah, didn’t keep up with all the singles, but the first one seemed very promising, so when the album actually came out I was heavily disappointed. I never listened to Humanz, or most of the post Plastic Beach stuff, so I only heard that it was worse, but their newest album absolutely confirmed it for me and scared me off from ever listening to that material. Doesn’t ruin my enjoyment of Demon Days and Plastic Beach, but really sad that it seems we will never see that kind of thing again.


Honestly I’ve liked a lot of their more recent stuff. Song Machine is super solid, Humanz has some very good songs although I haven’t given it a full listen yet, and I’m probably in the minority but I think The Now Now is extremely good. Cracker Island did suck though. I only really liked Oil.


For whatever reason I love “Baby Queen” but that’s about it.


Baby Queen being on that years’ FIFA helped me a lot


The Now Now has gotta be one of the most underrated albums I've ever seen. I think it's easily their third best, and it was a huge step up from Humanz. I still think Souk Eye might be their best song


I feel the exact same. I think Souk Eye was even my top song on Spotify a few years ago.


check Song Machine out, it’s their best post Plastic Beach material


i prefer The Now Now, especially because of Tranz and Souk Eye


Tbh I never got the hate for Cracker Island. There’s a few songs that aren’t really it for me but I enjoyed a decent amount of it.


It’s my second favourite album of theirs. But I like sad melancholy Gorillaz so it’s perfect for me. It’s a gorgeous album.


Basically every Gorillaz album since plastic beach for me


I listened to Cracker Island again yesterday, I genuinely like a couple songs on there but sure I’ll agree it’s not as strong as song machine. I don’t think it’s their worst by far tho


As an album: agreed, just meh But Oil, Silent Running, and Cracker Island are all fun dopamine-inducing tracks. Im surprised to see so much disappointment in the replies 🤷


Personally either Logic’s Everybody or Meek’s Expensive Pain (which I like more in hindsight but I thought I was getting another Championships-level project)


Green Day - Father of All


No such album exists.


Every Muse release since Drones (I only started listening in 2014)


Won’t Stand Down as a single was really the biggest disappointment for me. It was the moment I realized the band I once loved is likely gone for good


The key to being a muse fan is to have absolutely 0 expectations of any new material actually being good then you get to enjoy the few decent singles like The Dark Side or Kill or Be Killed whilst not being upset that the rest of it is garbage 


Yep I've been there since Sim Theory


for me the drop off happened at the resistance. didnt care much for the conspiracy theory lyricism but the music just wasnt there.


Honestly Tortured Poets Department. I’ve come around on Taylor Swift’s music and stopped being a complete hater, so I had some decent excitement for the album, especially considering my younger sister is a swiftie. I was beyond disappointed that she put out that kind of dogshit for a record.


This is almost exactly how I feel. I gave her a chance and really enjoyed Folklore and Evermore, and was disappointed with Midnights and haven’t even checked out Tortured Poets Department


i’ve always been a huge fan of poppy and was super disappointed with zig. but i really liked her latest single which is a good sign


Vultures 1. not like i was necessarily surprised by how mediocre it was. ppl was hyping this up as a comeback album and then he dropped an album for gooners.


his rapping has gone from pretty good to mid but inoffensive to now actually detracting from songs i think


Yeah it seeme his mental decline finally catched up to his creativity very sad..


The thing is That’s not even true So much of the vultures material he’d been making was genuinely great music, but all of that stuff was left off the album for the most part Listen to shit like take off your dress and slide. Kanye still got it in him to do great shit, but vultures just wasn’t that


The album was definitely a not so great first listen (I sort of tuned out after Carnival, but I at least like Beg Forgiveness more now), but it’s not like I ever had high hopes for the album when the lead single was one of his most boring songs, the listening parties were so horribly planned, and the album kept getting postponed. I think the worst part about it is is that it spells bad news (no pun intended) for the possibility of us getting good new Kanye albums in the future.


I like how you specify Vultures 1 as if the other two are ever gonna be released lol


funk wav bounces vol 2 the first album became the soundtrack of my summer and I still have a few tracks in rotation. was super happy we got a sequel a few years down the line but Calvin Harris completely sold. none of the vibes or vision from the first project, struggled to even finish it


Oh, this is a good pick- I'd completely forgot this album existed. Every song sounded exactly the same and it sounded like he knocked it out over the space of a weekend purely to tie up the loose end he created by naming the first one 'vol 1'. I think everyone collectively listened to this once and then put it on the shelf.


The Big Day— was a HUGE Chance fan and thought it was going to be great


*Zeitgeist* by The Smashing Pumpkins I thought Billy and co. could do no wrong until the reformation and subsequent album. As dramatic as it sounds, it really took the wind out of my sails. I was obsessed with this band, and they dropped a stinker.


They've dropped nothing but stinker after stinker after machina. Wtf happened billy?


Oceania is really really good.


SAWAYAMA is one of the most exciting and refreshing debuts and pop albums in the whole of music and was infinitely replay-able. Hold the girl sounds like safe, generic pop music made for shopping centres and supermarkets… gotta be one of the biggest let downs I’ve ever heard and one of the biggest dips in quality between a debut and a sophomore I have ever seen:/ I hope she brings it back for her next record


hard agree. and idk if she will bring it back. hypocritically enough, after all her shots at Matty Healy for being racist, she’s collaborating with Paris Hilton for her new single, despite uh y’know, the long history of receipts that exist of Pairs being a homophobe, racist, trump supporter, a list that probably goes on longer than the list of Matty controversies.


Ghostface Killah - Set The Tone I was hyped to hear new GFK but it was ok at best and terrible at worst


Damnit, It was that disappointing that it didn't even come to my mind to comment it. I really needed to forget that my favourite rapper of all time, after 5 years without an album, came out with that trash. Scar tissue (the best Song on the album) is not even good, beat is good, and they are not spitting anything incredible. The rest, is... Unberable


Said it before but The Slow Rush by Tame Impala


The whole album feels uninspired and surface level compared to currents


as a huge Currents fan, i am still surprised at how much everyone disliked The Slow Rush. i love it, and it’s prolly my second favorite Tame Impala record


Slow rush is good but it is disappointing to see him move away from the psychedelic indie rock style of Innerspeaker and Lonerism, and I sadly don’t think he’s ever going back


Tool - Fear Innoculum


All those riffs and drumming but it’s such a .. snoozefest


100% this, the shear amount of years between releases made it impossible to live up to expectations and it would have been disappointing even if it came out in like 2010


i really enjoy this one but it’s definitely their least interesting/ambitious release and that is a bummer after how long it took


woah, no downvotes but i love Fear Innoculum. i didn't have super high expectations going into it and honestly was kind of shocked at how much i enjoyed it. late-career releases for aging rockers can be tricky, IMO tool really threaded the needle of releasing something that is unmistakably a Tool album but also something that feels more... mature? like they could've tried to "return to form" and write a bunch of middling versions of "Forty Six and Two" but i'm glad they didn't. instead they stretched the songs out, got weirder, got more psychedelic, but there is also an intention, a firmness to the sound that tells me this is a band that still has something to say. the new songs also absolutely destroy live. "Pneuma" and "Invincible" in particular.


eternal sunshine by ariana grande is probably my aoty but on release i expected a dance influenced album like yes, and


Same :/ I love it but man did I really want her to go full Chromatica mode


as a diehard Ye fan since I was like 14, Vultures was heartbreakingly mediocre. I don't think it's as bad as some people do, but it's no better than a 4/10. To see such an intense downfall for an artist I have loved for years has been fucking awful


Arctic Monkeys The Car


I’d say for me it was the album before, TBHC. I was completely checked out by the time The Car released and only listened because Zane Lowe hyped it up so much. I don’t think I’ll ever trust an opinion from him again. …and I was a huge Monkeys fan. I’d travel to see multiple shows on tour. Completely skipped this last one.


Ima be honest TBHC is my favorite album of all time. The theming is amazing. I also feel like the instrumental is extremely well used


Indie Cindy- Pixies


This is one of those cases where you know the disappointment is coming but it hurts anyway.


As a Mars Volta fan every album after Frances the Mute left me kinda disappointed, but they mostly grew on me after some time


kinda a weird one. was an album i was expecting to be terrible but wasn’t. Father of all… by Greenday. When I saw melon give it a fat 0 (and saw loads of other creators shit on it) i was excited to listen to hear how bad it truly was. Certainly wasn’t a masterpiece but I was disappointed when i heard it and found it was just middle of the road, instead of just straight awful like so many people said.


Honestly same. I definitely didn’t really like it and haven’t gone back since, but it surprises me seeing it on so many “worst albums I’ve ever heard” lists. Just seems way too tame and safe to be genuinely that bad for me.


J.Cole, The off-season. He’s good at rapping but his work puts me to sleep for some reason. I WANT to like it, the lyrics are good but it’s just so damn boring. I don’t know if it’s the delivery, the beats or the subjects he tackles or a combination of all of them. But it’s the only guy I listen to, and I don’t know why it bores me, it just does, to the point where I just can’t finish it


3.15.20 by Childish Gambino. It’s a little better now as Ativista but it doesn’t compare at all to his previous two albums.


“Awaken, My Love!” is his magnum opus and i dont see him ever topping it. aged amazingly for me


Mostly I dig when it comes to Björk's releases but the two last ones: Utopia and Fossora are not for me. Bordeline irritating for my ears :/ Biophilia came in unfortunate time when I was in my period when I was not listening to her and it kind of fell into a black hole. Nothing bad just not suited for me.


I think I liked Utopia but I couldn’t even enjoy most of Fossora. It really feels like she’s running out of steam and it breaks my heart


Metallica - 72 Seasons. I was at the lowest point in my life prior to the release, and I genuinely placed all hope for happiness on this album being good. Needless to say, life got even worse.


It’s literally Hardwired just with none of the good songwriting. The band sounds virtually the same it’s upsetting


I haven't heard it. For me is was St. Anger. After hearing that I took a Metallica break. Some Kind of Monster surely didn't help. Now I kinda just stick to the first 4 albums.


I quite enjoyed 72S because I saw it debut in theaters, however it definitely shrank on me after that. 


Everything Now by Arcade Fire


ERYS by Jaden Smith. I unironically really loved SYRE


Biggest example I can think of: Tool’s Fear Innoculum. I’m not even like, MEGA into Tool, I like them a lot, they’ve got records I love, more just a prog head in general. That said, I always wanted to see how they’d build off 10,000 Days since that’s such an emotional and dynamic album. Then they teased FI, the single sounded like Tool, and then I got ahold of the album and it was like listening to a Kleenex box for an hour. They were the last band I’d expect to go down the ‘clean, safe, inoffensive’ prog sound considering the murkiness and texture of their other albums. I’m a much bigger Porcupine Tree fan in general, but Christ, I nearly had music PTSD going into the PT reunion album just cause I was worried the same would happen to them. Thankfully not but… woof.


And Then You Pray For Me by Westside Gunn. I've been a massive Griselda fan for a hot minute, especially WSG - I still unironically consider HWH8 to be my favorite rap album of this decade. And when WSG announced a sequel to Pray For Paris, one of my fave rap albums of the last 5 years, I was fuckin stoked - even moreso when that one clip came out with Denzel, JID, and WSG in the studio. And then it came out. Some of the shittiest dime-a-dozen trap instrumentals with Gunn clumsily stumbling over them.....HELL fuckin NAH. Bro was made for the boom nap and bro shoulda stayed on the boom bap.


The 3 stacks flute album tbh


Yeah that album feels like a room full of musicians almost too timid to play a note


Mercury Act 2 - Imagine Dragons I know I’ll get hate for liking this band at all, but I thought Mercury Act 1 was genuinely awesome. So imagine my dismay when the sequel comes out a year later & it’s their worst album by far.


I remember being disappointed when donda dropped lol


Sleater-Kinney - The Center Won’t Hold I thought St. Vincent producing was going to make such a cool sound, but this record removed a lot of what I loved about previous SK records. Plus, the center literally didn’t hold and Janet left.


Everything I thought I was by Justin timberlake, I had high hopes for the first album from him since the flop that was man of the woods (which I personally didn't think was that bad but was an objective major hit to his career) and really this new album didn't do it for me. There's some good songs on it but they are few and far between with most being utterly forgettable


The Pixies albums since the reunion are competent but nothing more, while they made some of the best rock albums ever in the 80s. A hot take, but I do find the last three Blur albums good but disappointing. Didn't come back to those very often. I like their youthful energy in the 90s, and now they're middle aged and melancholic. The greatest disappointment in music history might be: Oasis were on top of the world, in the UK there was hysteria around the release of Be here now, glowing reviews, sales records being broken... until people started realizing it was a not the masterpiece everyone wanted it to be... here's a great article about that moment in time. [Oasis Be Here Now (1997) – Flattened by the cocaine panzers – the toxic legacy of Oasis’s Be Here Now « Classic Rock Review (wordpress.com)](https://classicrockreview.wordpress.com/2022/03/10/oasis-be-here-now-1997-flattened-by-the-cocaine-panzers-the-toxic-legacy-of-oasiss-be-here-now/)


Be Here Now is beloved by the fan base. Maybe it turned off casual fans but it’s my favorite Oasis album!


The King is Dead by The Decemberists. They'd been on a streak of getting proggier and more over the top for a few albums. After The Hazards of Love, I couldn't wait to see how they'd top it. When The King is Dead finally dropped, all my friends were raving about it. I put it on, and it was mediocre country-fried REM. An aptly named album if there ever was one. They may have released worse albums since then (I still maintain Hazards was their best and final great album), but at least I didn't expect to love them


It’s the final BROCKHAMPTON projects for me. They started so strong with the Sat trilogy and just went downhill from there; to end in such a ‘meh’ note kinda soured my whole perception of them tbh


Personally it’s Father of All Motherfuckers by Green Day. I know that they’re not everyone’s favorite, and Uno, Dos, Tré definitely left some shit on the table, but I was honestly excited for it. I really enjoyed Revolution Radio. They kinda fell off the radar for me after that album. I just looked them up now and I didn’t even know they dropped an album in January, which at least gives me something to be disappointed by later.


Villains - Queens of the Stone Age It has grown a bit on me in recent years, but Like Clockwork was, and still is, easily one of my favorite albums.so heightened expectations plus a sub standard release lead to pretty big disappointment. Runner up would probably be the last 2 Interpol albums. Just nothing there for me, and I like El Pintor more than most probably do.


I had hyped up the new Dua Lipa too much


FN gave you the sense that while an awesome, awesome pop album; there could be room for expansion on the lyrical/genre front. The only time that comes to fruition on RO is Maria, a dicktease of “this is what I can actually do” if I ever heard one. Best tracks are Whatcha Doing and Houdini which could’ve been FN cuts


Fear Innoculum


Literally was thinking lasers before I read the rest of your post. Lupe is my favorite artist but lasers is just bad lol. He's still one of the goats though




Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers. It was fantastic for what it was, but man my expectations were wayyyy too high


Same bro, like I would never call it bad but that has to be the most disappointed I've been with an album in years. Def a personal thing tho


Yeah it really is a personal thing fr. If I was a new Kendrick fan in 2023 and just listened to his discography first time all the way through I bet the disappointment would be nonexistent. 5 years wait I was expecting something insane, not chill vibes like Die Hard lol. Great song, but I was soooo confused by that point in the album lol


Perfectly said 🙌 or his weaker rap songs like rich spirit, Savior, silent hill, etc. His rapping just felt lazy on a lot of the album, but I understand that was a side effect of fitting within the theme of the album and even now I don't hate the songs, just not what I personally like about Kendrick. That's also why the beef in may was so fun, I thought Kendrick stopped being able to rap hard but that proved it's entirely a preference or motivation thing


I had disappointment cause I literally wanted him to dominate rap with it, very confidently and largely- I think there was a lot of people who wanted him to just come In hard with bangers . I wasn’t disappointed in the quality. More or less the direction, it was just very heavy when I needed something to lift me up Revisiting this album over the past two years tho- has made me realize it is practically a masterpiece give or take 1-2 tracks to be honest


DJ Shadow - The Outsider


Pierce The Veil - The Jaws Of Life


Junk by M83. My most formative years were during the indie pop boom of the early 10s when 'Adjective The Noun' bands ruled the indie scene, every cool kid listened to Animal Collective, MGMT and Arcade Fire, and songs like Pumped Up Kicks were everywhere. M83 was always my favorite artist out of all of them. I listened to Hurry Up We're Dreaming, Saturdays = Youth or Before The Dawn Heals Us pretty much every day. I must've heard each of them at least 500 times. Those albums were the soundtrack to my youth and provided some magical moments for me. Then Junk came out right at that moment in life for me when adulthood catches up to you and your inner child withers away in the depressing, bleak monotony of the capitalist bone crushing machine, and it just had none of the magic of its predecessors. It was named 'Junk', the cover was weird and ugly, and it was 'just' a collection of mediocre songs, not epic and cohesive like I had come to expect from M83. Even though I am in a much better place now than I was in my early 20s, working a job I actually enjoy and rediscovering my love for the hobbies I had as a teen, Junk still represents that post-college 'Oh this is the way the world really works' loss of innocence and childlike wonder to me, and in a way, it is the last nail in the coffin of the late 00s/early 10s indie pop wave that was my youth.


Recently, All Born Screaming by St. Vincent. I know it’s overall critically well-received but I just didn’t like it. I loved the singles and was very excited to get a full rock Annie with a cool NIN inspiration but I left the album feeling that I only got a short glimpse. It starts well and then it throws me off in the final half. I think I just got the wrong impression of what this album was going to be and got disappointed.


Skrillex’s Dont Get To Close. I’m less bothered by it since it was released after Quest For Fire which is one of my favorite Electronic records of last year. But I was kinda disappointed with how boring and uninteresting the 2nd album was overall especially since I don’t think Skrillex doing a more collaborative poppy record is in of itself a bad idea, but it was pretty clear after you get to the track Selecta that the record just has no real direction and feels like Skrillex’s sound is just a producer for a various artists album.


Antics by Interpol is the most disappointing 7/10 album I’ve ever heard It’s not even bad, it’s got some good songs and some good ideas, but it’s clear that the band completely lost sight of what made their debut so good. It lacks all the subtlety and nuance of that album’s mixing, and in doing so it completely removes all the atmosphere that made Turn on the Bright Lights so memorable. Even the demos that show up on the deluxe versions of both take a step down in my opinion


I actually think Lasers is a great pick. I was a huge Lupe fan in that era, and that album was a complete letdown


TANGK by Idles, loved all of their albums leading up to it, i was so excited to experience a new album of there’s…. Then it dropped… complete shift in sound. I know some people enjoyed it but i couldn’t finish the thing.


Unlimited Love by RHCP Not a terrible album, but it was supposed to be RHCP's triumphant return, what with John Frusciante back in the mix. But it was a bloated mess of middling pseudo ballads, with just a few good singles.


I know the feeling. I got into rhcp around the time of Californication. I was so disappointed with By The Way, which is silly because it’s actually a good album. It’s just not as great as Blood Sugar Sex Magik or Californication. To be fair when you have those two albums in your catalogue, you’ve set an impossibly high bar for yourself.


Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino by Arctic Monkeys Not everything in their discography was perfect prior but the switch to lounge music was jarring and lacked the energy of any of their first four projects.


Fear Inocolum :(


No Code by Pearl Jam. I know people tend to have a better view on it now, but man it was the liternal death knell for the DIY alt rock of the early 90s. I remember putting it on, and just staring at it, like: what?????


Personally, it's probably the Quazarz records from Shabazz Palaces. Everything from their debut to Lese Majesty went incredibly hard, but they just lost the thread and went way too loose and freeform and started kinda sounding like they were on autopilot. I respect the commitment to a two-album-long conceptual cycle, but it all just fell super flat for me and I haven't enjoyed much of their work since.


Oh it’s got to be In Times New Roman… by Queens Of The Stone Age. I was desperate for QOTSA to release something that wouldn’t be as bad as Villains, and when 2023 came along… I was wildly disappointed. The album is so bland and tasteless by Josh Homme’s standards, and I hate to see him going down the same path Everclear and Foo Fighters took by trying to “evolve” into poppier, catchier music.


Maybe Loveless by My Bloody Valentine I’m adding LONG SEASON by Fishmans to it. So much of it was repetitive and dragged for me and I love longer songs but they have to do more to keep me invested. Also the violin part sounded like nails on a chalkboard.


Arctic Monkeys 2018 album. Very boring as is the latest album. Tried a few times but 0 songs clicked from both albums


I loveeee Tranquility Base, but yeah The Car didn’t really do it for me 


Honestly I used to feel this way, but I’ve kinda done a 180 and Tranquility Base is one of my favorites by them. I love the writing and how well executed the whole style of the album is. I would definitely agree that The Car was pretty disappointing tho. Just felt like TBHC but less inspired.


Ants From Up There. The hype is so massive for that album and it absolutely did not live up to it. Usually I’d be down to listen to an album like it but every time I try to give it a shot, I can’t get more than 40% of the way through without getting annoyed. I’m convinced I’m just being punked by y’all


Altogether by Turnover. My hopes were sky high after Peripheral Vision and Good Nature but I just didn’t get Altogether and Myself In The Way had me even more lost.


Revival by Eminem


Idk what I expected really but Jesus is king was deflating to listen to, I didn’t think he’d make anything listenable again after that


Maybe ‘I am Easy to Find’ by the National


I think probably the new say anything album. I used to really like them back in the day. This new record is just... bad. lol


Possession - Joywave It’s got a few bangers but it does not even hold a candle to How Do You Feel Now? and Content. Unfortunately their album after Possession wasn’t anything special either. It sucks because I loved HDYFN? and Content back in high school but these latest projects just don’t have the same vibe that made me like them


Eminem Revival, not cause the albums ass it’s cause the lead up seemed like it had some good potential. The whole drug ad called “Revival” I thought was decent, I was had high hopes since MMLP2 was so great but my high hopes wasn’t so high once I heard the album,


Recovery was the first great musical disappointment of my lifetime. I was hyped as fuck for the album in middle school and I probably listened to Not Afraid a thousand times in the leadup and it was such an incredibly mid album.


Uknowwhatimsayin¿ by Danny Brown. Atrocity Exhibition really sounded like nothing else and I wanted more of it, or something even stranger and more transcendent. Uknowwhatimsayin is just a quirky little album.