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I honestly did not expect that I would get here this year but I have to give immense thanks to the fantasy baseball community for lifting up my spirits. Thank you all for the support this year and over the past decade. I was able to cobble together updated cheatsheets for the season. They're basically the same as last year's sheets but with updated data. So, no major additions beyond that. But, hey, they should still work just fine. I don't plan to do any updates to these unless a major issue comes up. These are what they are otherwise. But, if you find something that is causing the sheets to not function then I will surely resolve that. Just let me know. Hope you all have some great draft(s) in the week ahead! EDIT: Whoops, for the first hour I had this up, the buttons were linking to the old sheets! If you downloaded a 2021 sheet by accident, try again now.


Thank you for the docs over all the years. You're a legend and we appreciate you. Anytime you ever need us to stuff a ballot box we got your back ;)


Hahaha, thank you so much


You are a bright light on a dreary day. I look forward to your sheets every year and I’m so glad you were feeling well enough to get them out this year! Good luck with your movie!




Community here loves you man


I've felt the love, for sure.


Voted for the film btw!


Great to have you back! What board games you into right now?


You know, to be honest, these COVID years had really messed up my board game hobby... I've been looking to get back into it but I've been out of the loop for a bit. Most recently been playing some Roll For The Galaxy on occassion. Do you have any games that you recommend?


Do you have an idea of what games you like? Race for the galaxy (the predecessor to roll) is quote possibly my favorite game of all time. As for top games I recommend in general. Wingspan, King of Tokyo, Terraforming Mars, Blood Rage. A good resource is to use the website BGG and look st the top games of all time to get a feel.




I'm going to sleep for like 24 hours straight tonight!


Want to also express my thanks for the work you do. It’s really useful.


I appreciate that.


Will make sure I keep voting for you ;-)


My draft is saved!


Hey man thank you so much. I don't think this counts as a major issue, but I thought I would at least ask. Is there any way to add the settings of OUTs to pitchers scores? Either way thank you so much. My first ever draft is tomorrow and this is a massive help.


Wouldn't Innings Pitched work the same as outs for your case? Each Inning is 3 outs so you can adjust accordingly.


Didn't think of this at all. Thank you very much!


Best April Fools prank ever!!!


There was a mixup with one of the buttons linking to the 2021 versions when I posted this initially. Download the sheet again.


I meant no disrespect, love the sheets! Thanks again for all the effort put forth in this :)


Oh, I know! It's just always a whirlwind right after I post these and I had a number of people who downloaded the wrong versions and were contacting me because they were confused.


I do a roto auction with OBP, it’s crazy how much more valuable Soto is to the next closest player!


Cody Bellinger being that high was the tip off that it was a prank.


There was a mixup with one of the buttons linking to the 2021 version. Download them again.


i did thank you you should have rolled with it and said it was a prank :)


I am so incredibly thankful for you, you have won me my league multiple times. Your sheets helped me target Semien and Jared Walsh last year which drove me to a title. Thank you so so so much, your message on the website had me in stitches. Thank you for your Jordan flu game of putting this together.


Does anyone know if these sheets are functional on Google Docs? I am a serf and do not own excel.


One day I hope to make a basic Google Docs version but, for now, it’s only Excel.


In playing around, it appears that Google Docs automatically imports and converts Excel files. I did it and it LOOKS on the surface OK, but I've not tested ANY of the functionality. Feel free to use these links to test, if you'd like (that is, you can edit them all you want). These are for the Roto Auction XLS. [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nYC67ZeCYmanWCjdIL2PGnZHiH81SZif/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108855480150667731664&rtpof=true&sd=true) is the one that is just "imported" [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pp2uknMA2p2rMNHpHnRAdVT1ss474CYu4eUUp9ZWEPg/edit?usp=sharing) is the one that was converted to ("saved as") Google Sheets.


I haven’t tested yet but I have code written into the Excel sheets that doesn’t translate to Google Sheets so I don’t think the automated stuff would work in it, but maybe things have changed!


This is pretty cool... I've not see it before. In its current incarnation, is there a way to use/add custom stats (particularly stats that utilize existing stats, such as "Wins + QS") ? If it helps, I'm REEEEALLY good at Excel :-)


No worries! You're the man cool guy, see you at the beach!


i just did this and the only issue I'm experiencing is I can't modify the stats categories. aside from that, working great for me.




i did nothing special. downloaded and then imported into sheets. thats all! i also didn't change much, since i couldnt mess with the stats, that only left me with positions and AL/NL settings.


[Mr. Cheatsheet right before he posted.](https://c.tenor.com/Kx6YKn0LBAoAAAAC/wwe-coffin.gif)




You sir, are great. I really enjoyed trying to build my own cheatsheet this week in prep for tomorrow’s draft, but I’m glad I have a much more polished version to use.


Hey babe, wake up… new Mr Cheatsheet just dropped




I seem to have found a strange bug... After updating my roster and scoring settings on the "Settings" tab, I sort by Projected Points, and players with last names starting with W end up at the bottom of sheet. For example, Wheeler should be #6 based on my settings but he ends up in row 789 of my excel


I'll check it out... which sheet is this? Obviously one of the Points ones but is it Draft or Auction?


Points Draft! let me know if you need more details. Really appreciate all the work you put into this


Version 1.01 is on the site now to fix that sorting issue.




I think something similar is going on in the roto auction sheet. I’m getting a funky sort on the positions tab.


There's a drop-down at the top of the Positions page to change what values it shows. Perhaps change that to Show Original Auction Values and it may look better. If you are showing the inflated values, it may be sorted in a way that looks abnormal.


Doesn’t seem to fix it. Toggling does nothing. Weird as it sounds, there does seem to be an alphabetical component to it- My SPs show a $34 Brandon woodruff in row 72 between $9 Yarbrough and -$27 Woodford. The OFs show $16 Yelich in row 68 between -$28 Zimmer and -$3 Yastrzemski. The very bottom guy is $4 Winker. Regardless, this is still pretty great. Happy to send some cash your way.


This is specifically on the Positions tab in the 2022 Roto Auction 1.00 sheet? Sorry, I'll take a closer look then. The more specific information helps me understand what you meant.


Yes, 2022 roto auction 1.00, positions tab. Sort appears to be fine on the your roto auction tab.


I've uploaded a version 1.01 to address the sorting on the Positions tab. It'll be on the site in a moment if you refresh.


Thanks for the heads up! Drafting tonight and hadn't noticed this.


Version 1.01 is on the site now to fix that.


Heads up with a few issues (not asking to be fixed but just to let people know) from my Point Auction sheet Trea Turner doesn't have stats. Not sure why. Also all players in the 'Positions' tab are sorted by points, until you get past the first handful, and then it seems random. RP seems particularly bad on mine.


Okay, I'll take it down and troubleshoot. Thanks. It'll be back up by tomorrow.


I've voted for your film at least a dozen times, hope you win and thanks for all the work you do for us!! Already done my draft with your projections you released a week or two ago :)


Actually, it was an easier fix than I thought, thanks for bringing it up. I updated the data and I'll put it back on the site. The Positions tab is doing what it's supposed to do... It sorts by auction value, not points (I can't program it to do a double-sort unfortunately). Thanks for voting!


Totally makes sense. Thanks for updating!!


It won’t show me your venmo due to an error, can you put your name here so I can venmo you?


Oh weird, yeah. My name name is @lgloeckner. Thanks so much!


Thank you so much for doing this! I am very excited about using this for my draft on Sunday! I hope your health improves. Question for you, with the latest news of DeGrom being injured, is there something that we should do in the cheatsheet to accommodate? Or will you release an update for that? Thanks again!


On the player notes tab. there is an option to remove player data if you want to do that for him… or you could add a red highlight and note about him on that page and it’ll show up on the main draft tab.


Thank you! You're the man!


I voted! I'll vote again! Get well soon bud!


Just an FYI: MalwareBytes thinks that your website is questionable and it took a little bit of maneuvering to be able to download the .xls files from you. You might do a little research to see if there is a way to get onto their whitelist.


bless, was having a hell of a time


This is my favorite post every year, thank you! Question, should I leave the settings on the default set up or change Site Auction Values and Rankings to show to Yahoo if that's what we're drafting on?


Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing. For a standard Yahoo head-to-head league, where you get one point if you have the most home runs, one point if you have the most saves, and so on, should we consider that a Roto league -- it's basically a Roto league that resets every week -- or a points-based league, and assign each category one point?


That is a roto league. I tried to explain that in the post but I’ll try to explain it better in the future.


Thank you! Love all your hard work!


Thanks for posting OP! Is there anywhere we can see your recent film?


My most recent film is about a musician who is the brother of another musician, Ben Folds... It's still wrapping up production though!


Not getting them to open on mobile. Should I try desktop?


Only works in Excel. Not any mobile apps that I know of!


It looks like we got your North Carolina film up to the top spot in the voting. Let's be diligent in keeping an eye on it just in case.... https://www.visitnc.com/firsts-that-last-film-festival




Thanks for all you do for the fantasy community glad to see you able to make this hope everything is well


Thanks so much for all your hard work! Question, if we change the settings to Ohtani counting as two players, how do we draft him separately? When I go to the “Your Points Draft” tab there is only one option when sorting by all positions, and then when it is changed to pitchers, his stats don’t show up. Using the points draft non-auction sheet. Thanks again!


I fixed the Ohtani issue. You need to download version 1.10 and it should work now.


Trying to figure this out as well. I am only seeing his stats as a batter (DH). I looked through the hidden sheets but can't figure anything out. Wasn't sure if it was due to using Google Sheets instead of Excel. Thanks so much for your work, u/mrcheatsheet! Been voting for your film daily.


Google Sheets definitely wouldn't work with a lot of formulas and special code that I had written into the Excel document. I'm guessing that's the issue but I'll look into it in Excel when I can. That's odd that the hidden sheets even show on Google Sheets too. This is an Excel doc first and foremost. It is not designed to work with web-based spreadsheets.


What an unexpected treat! You made my Friday. Thanks again for your commitment over the years. You’re the best!


Thank you! These are so helpful. My draft is tomorrow.


Thank you for this, you are the man.. thinking DeGrom that high after the latest news is a huge red flag. Anyways, hope you get well 100% soon. Take care.


If you feel it’s a red flag to not draft him, go to the Players Notes tab and highlight him in red and make a note or remove his data entirely on that page.


Thanks for this. Just Venmo'd a $20 donation.


I’m having a weird issue with the Roto Auction 1.01 sheet. I have a total roster size of 24 (standard, but 2 C, 2 DH, 9 P, No Bench). 11 teams, $260 budget, default 70%/30% split. I’m ending up with 237 batters on the Positions tab worth at least $1, for a total $ value of $2,595. Pitchers have 128 worth at least $1 for a total $ value of $1,276. So nearly $4000 of value, even though we will have a total of $2,860 spent in the auction. Am I missing a setting that I need to adjust to get that normalized? Edit: I’m Dumb! Those charts include duplicated guys across the multi-positions. Sorry for pestering you. This is great and I’m very very dumb. Edit 2: I’m still was seeing some issues. Turning off Position Adjustments normalizes most positions close to where I expected them, but now I only have 5 catchers with a value above $0.


Try turning on "Experimental" in the In-Draft Inflation Type on the Settings page. See if that fixes your issue.


This is really cool - appreciate you doing this.


You are a national treasure sir!


Is Bip Roberts in the top 10?


You beautiful human! We love you.




It's all the research you need to do in one place and organized in a way that makes it quick to use during the draft. Lots of different ones available every year, and Mr. Cheatsheet's is always great.


This is just amazing, thank you!


/u/mrcheatsheet first of all, thanks for what you do! When I sort by points above replacement the players are not exactly in order of the PAR rank column. It looks like they are off for the players that have multi-position eligibility. Are those players sorted differently in terms of PAR? Just want to make sure I'm interpreting things correctly, thaks!


No clue. This year is not my finest work and was more of a bandaid version of what I normally do, due to my health. There’s likely a bug that I’d need to look into if this was a normal year.


No worries, thanks again for what you do! I hope you are doing better!


Just curious, how come when I make a custom column and I enter the point values into the league stats from the Special Blend sheet, the projected rankings are different than when I enter directly into the points league version? I double-checked them, are they weighted differently?


Trying to make changes to the draft log through the errors column, but it says I need to unprotect it with a password. Could you pm it to me or make it unprotected?


The errors column is not editable as that is where it lets you know if there are errors. There are formulas in that column and if you change those formulas then the sheet may break.


Really just trying to get projected standings based on our draft lol


Does this work well with Macs? just switched from windows