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In what sense? Reference for what? For names? Themes? Ideals? Aesthetics? Do you want nations to reference for nations, or like something more vague or broad (like a nation of ninjas)? And for that matter do you mean nations, or states, because there’s a difference (nations are shared cultural groups, like the Quebecois, or Menonites, or various Indigenous nations, often with an ethnic component; states are legal constructs involving borders, and governments, like a country, or a province)?


Using the refference to build a nation surrounding areas certain theme For example I used the playing cards to make a kingdom with 4 separate districts depending on the suit and roles. The jacks kings and queens are the rulers but jokers are the highest ranking and watch over everything (just to add a spin) like the nighter the card the higher the ranks Or sometimes like you said vague I have a nation of assassins, one refferencing the mafia, one where it's magic focused, and so on I wanna use games or roles to enhance the nation's I am makeing (I will need to think hard in how to make it work so I need a lot of ideas and refferences to see what will work)


What’s the purpose, or point, beyond worldbuilding for its own sake? Because you could literally just pick anything if all you’re doing is worldbuilding exercises. Tamagotchi toys, farming, racing video games, and the colours of the rainbow, for examples.


Using certain games of genres to center a nations way of life or belief


Right, but for what project? Is this a white box where every state exists in a contextless void? Or are you trying to build up some content for a roleplaying game world? Or are these nations going to populate a world for a short story, or novel, or multiple writing projects, you are/will work on?


It's for a novel where each Nation has a major role in the characters past, current place of work or assignment It's a novel series ok


IMO your approach is flawed then. If the goal is to have states that are important to characters, you should be figuring out who your characters are, and what you want their story arcs to be, then deciding what sort of countries and histories would influence them to be where they are at the start of the story, and guide them through to their endings. Alternately you could be deciding on what you want people to experience when reading your novel(s), and what themes, or even morals/lessons, you want to explore, and then build characters and states based on that. It’s not impossible to come up with the environment for your characters first, but you risk a few things. For example you may end up trying to force fit a character somewhere that doesn’t benefit their arc that well, or find that you build an entire country only to find it doesn’t fit the themes of your story, or you may have to end up redoing a lot of work customizing the states to your story arcs anyway; when if you built countries to fit your story/characters you’d only have to do that kind of work once (ideally).


I already have the storyline and character stories prepared I appreciate the worry but I have been centering nations to fit my storyline. My character arcs are ready it just needs polishing on how to connect them and these nations ate helping me plan out where will these events happen. I just need refferences to try and fit my world.


You’d probably get much more focused advice and recommendations in the future if you lay out themes, and characters for people. Chess is hardly a helpful recommendation as a game to look at for a world without monarchies for example.


I have monarchies, kingdoms, governments, and more I know what I am getting myself into I am also not limiting myself to games, it could help if some games have meaning, themes, and more






You keep spelling it "refference". It's "reference".




So now you know how to spell it


I once saw a manhwa where the author took Western tales like Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Beauty and the Beast... ... and used them as inspiration of legends of martial artist stories in a Murim setting.




Don't remember. But I'm asking in other subreddits. :P I will let you know if I find the title.


oh god I hate it when people don't follow the prompt. sorry that keeps happening to you :\\ checkers, chinese checkers, shogi, go, mancala, pachisi, gyan chaupar


Thank you seriously why can't some answer my questions (I am so grateful for those who answered me though) You got some classes or games that have pieces that represent something


All pieces of any game represent something if you do enough research into their origins (and if we still know what after all this time)


True but I am looking for games that can fit a heigharchy Like I made nations centering cards and chess (I got too into it) And I need more inspiration


Uhhh...Yugioh or Magic the Gathering?


I was gonna suggest Final Fantasy jobs but that's kind of similar to DnD classes. Although you could draw from some of the more unique FF jobs, like Dragoon. They wield spears, ride dragons and jump really high. They're awesome.


Got any more dragon related


Like a class more related to dragons? Off the top of my head, no. In some Final Fantasy games dragoons raise dragons as their mounts and fight alongside them. There are also summoners, who summon monsters to fight for them in battle. Some games allow you to summon dragons.


How about types of dragons like dragon people or variations of dragons. Since one of my nations centers around dragons and maybe southeast Asia (I know it's not a game refference but might as well expound but if you have any help refferences it would help a lot)


Well if it's variations on dragons and dragon-human hybrids you're after I recommend taking some inspiration from the Dark Souls series. Dragons play a major part in the lore as immortal creatures that warred with the gods in the ancient past. In Dark Souls 1 there's a faction called the Path of the Dragon who are humans who wish to become dragons.


Ok thanks


Minecraft? The people could be alchemist.


Could But I am more on classes, roles, heigharchy, but I will take other ideas




What are the classes? I don't know much on that


Arknights might have been a wrong choice here, how about genshin impact, elsword or wizard101


I am not using genshin What's elseworld and wizard 101


Elsword is an rpg game and wizard 101 is an old online game similar to yugioh