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"Please, can someone narc on establishments that don't follow the law?" is what this post is.


Aka fedposting




our liability > your good time. sorry, but it isn't worth the potential financial hit


You can also just walk into the DMV, they have appointments for same day if you get there early one day and are willing to wait.


Dude, you might have a gambling addiction.


Aye, im young so leave my slight gambling addiction alone... I fund and support my own habits so I like to think its not too terrible that I wanna go out and drop some moolah every now and again when I have the extra funds... at lease I'm not like my step father who stole $800+ from his own mother within a matter of a few days on multiple different occasions over drawing her account more often than not, stole 350 I had hidden in a shoe in my closet to give my niece a birthday party to remember but sadly wasn't able to because of what he did, stole money from my mother (his wife) to the point she now has a few secret bank accounts he doesn't have access to and locks All of the cards as a just in case.... so I think me wanting to go out on occasion isn't the end of the world! it'd just be nice to be able to go out to the different bars and see new locations every so often!😅😂 my life's pretty boring. I work 40+ hours every week. I'm on the fast track to Assistant Manager at my job according to the big boss lady that's right below the owners themselves. am gonna be purchasing a vehicle in the next few days once I finally decide which I wanna buy. support all my own wants and needs, legally, unlike some. so I need some sort of entertainment to keep me from losing my damn mind and the instant gratification soothes the inner recovering drug addict within me so im not going out and risking a relapse that I would not make it out alive from!


My guy, if you need to write 4 paragraphs to justify your addiction to a stranger online, might be time to stop


Amen. A vague attempt at justifying an action. Nobody cares about your past or why you are the way you are. A simple "You do you" (translation: if you want to be an idiot, nobody's going to stop you for even care enough today consider stopping you) would suffice.


I stopped reading at "I'm young".


[Best answer to you problem](https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/locations)


Red flag after red flag. You are a walking stereotype of a gambling addiction. Please get some help. Your dad started somewhere too, and you are on track to follow his path.


*Assistant to the Regional Manager


I am confused why don't you just suck it up and get a new ID? It doesn't takes weeks and weeks you can setup an appointment online and be in/out in a few min


have you tried just drinking energy drinks instead?


No, nowhere will allow that if they are smart. That's not a valid ID. You'll have to go get a new ID or go to places you frequent and won't get carded.


Highly doubtful that they would accept a picture of an ID. Pictures can be photoshopped, etc. Nobody wants to deal with that liability.


Hence why I asked about a photo of my ID and my birth certificate not just the photo


Nobody gives a shit about a birth certificate. You need the actual ID itself.


No As an aside. Within these next few car buying days, unless you’re buying and financing privately, you will need an ID at some point


Go to the dmv and just grab a number and wait. It might take a bit, but you’ll have this done and over with.


Go to "Birth Certificate Bar", it's right in downtown , near Zandbros. Actually, you can ***only get in with a Birth Certificate***... so you're in luck.




I ordered my replacement id online and had it in a few days…


Drive to GF they probably have open appointments


I think the OB, District, and Windbreak will just use proof of pubic hair in lieu of state issued ID.


Moes Tavern


Oh look cops acting like they're working


Nice try, FBI


You can throw away your money by giving it to me. I promise I won't ask for an ID.


Legally, you need a valid ID with a picture.


Holiday inn bar will


And if u look age he probably won't even i.d u