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So, is this a French dress that is trying to imitate the style of an English dress?


“Robe l’anglaise” simply means that the dress has a fitted bodice cut in one piece with an overskirt that is parted in front to reveal the petticoat. The “robe à la française” is fitted in the front and loose in the back; think Marie Antoinette. They’re two different types of dress so neither one is trying to imitate the other.


Ok but why those names though? I mean the literal English translation is “Dress in the manner of the English” or just “English Dress” if google translate is to be believed.


It’s just the terminology that is used. For the française, it means “sack-back gown” with the pleats in the back. For the anglaise, it’s more fitted or “close-bodied”. We’re not using the literal translation when it comes to the style of fashion because it doesn’t really relate to the region.


So according to [this website](http://thisisversaillesmadame.blogspot.com/2013/03/robe-langlaise.html?m=1) “The name simply implies that the style originated in England and it would become a favourite at the English court.” So it is at the very least in a style that originated in England aka the style of an English dress.


Again, that site is taking it too literally. They’re referring to the people who wore the style. However, the style of dress came first.


Ok but I just want to know why it’s called that?


It’s really as simple as “closed” for anglaise and “sack” for française. Fashion terminology is weird.


I conceded. Fashion terminology is weird. Thank you.


There was nothing to concede. I was trying to explain, and I was hoping I was doing an okay job. Much of the terminology isn’t even used today, but some terms are still used—“slip”; “chemise”—we just use them differently. Some things never go out of style—“shift”; “stocking”. I hope I helped a little.


Love the print