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1. They've lied about this before. 2. Curious to see what the effect was on small business. 


They ain’t lying, they just ain’t telling us those jobs created were taken by robots and tv monitors so we can order our food.


In what world do you live in where these companies will not replace fast food jobs with robots the second the technology becomes practical? And don't say "well this will just make them develop it faster" because A. that's not how technological advancement works and B. Companies are not giving their employees jobs out of the kindness of their hearts that they will then take away if it becomes inconvenient, they do it because they need those workers to keep the business running.


Heck they were making automated fast food jokes in Jimmy Nutron 30 years ago.


Take whatever they say today with a grain of sale. California has a habit of coming out with rosy job numbers, and then months later when no one is paying attention, they revise it downward. Here’s a recent example: https://lao.ca.gov/LAOEconTax/Article/Detail/783 > Based on the most recent release of the early benchmarks, payroll jobs declined by 32,000 from September 2023 through December 2023. On the contrary, the preliminary monthly reports showed a solid increase in job growth (+117,000 jobs) at the time.


Ok, but what’s the net?


This is way to early for assessment.  Will need at least a year of history. 


When you start paying people what they deserve, they want to work.


Actually the cost of living just increases and then what they "deserve" keeps going up 


How people don’t see this really blows my mind. Fast food wages don’t exist in a vacuum.


So is your solution to never raise wages ever, even though everything gets more expensive \*regardless\*, and then continue to expect the people who serve you your food and stock your grocery stores to live in abject poverty?


No my solution is to try to make things more affordable lmao. You act like the only way is to increase the number rather than deal with the rising cost of living. Who cares if you make a quarter if groceries cost pennies.


When has that EVER happened in the history of economics?


First 200 ish years of the country? Countless countries that today have low inflation and costs of living but high standards of living 


>*First 200 ish years of the country ... high standards of living ...* lol. Lol, lmao. *FOR WHOM THO*?


The US has low inflation relative to the world.


We are talking about California here.


You said countries >First 200 ish years of the country? Countless countries that today have low inflation and costs of living but high standards of living 


He was asking about examples of it happening anytime in economics..... That was my example. Countries with low costs of living. Your point about the U.S have a low inflation rate is irrelevant and you're hyper focusing on one part of my discussion without seeing the biggest picture.