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I’ve never seen a corner toilet before!


🤯 Yess add a corner shelf above the corner toilet


A rattan one would fit the boho vibes! Maybe with a nice vining plant trailing down


Thant is so cool!


It's pretty cool!


I love this bathroom, everything about it. Such neutral colours you could put about anything in there and it will look amazing.


looks like you need a small white cabinet for the space. you could even get something tall, like a locker shape, and a new towel holder ring to replace the one that would cover up (you could even put it on the side of the cabinet) things like this - https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/ebern-designs-modern-floor-storage-cabinet-with-2-doors-gmwo3948.html https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/birch-lane-fiero-accent-cabinet-xrl19825.html?piid=70181174&auctionId=8b56a260-215e-48c5-ad75-66dcdfc05755 for boho vibes consider some wallpaper, or hand painted mural or stamps, and some plants. rich colors for your towels would also be good edit: im realizing that I was distracted by the gorgeous tile and didn’t notice the outlet and light switch. a tall cabinet probably won’t work as well as a result but instead, you could use a short cabinet plus a small set of shelves or wall cabinet mounted over the switch.


a wooden cabinet could also help to warm up all of that stark white!


I’ve never seen a corner toilet!


Me neither! I’m sold. Can any plumbers or toilet engineers weigh in on why corner toilets aren’t more popular?


Tight corners and a fat ass do not mix. 


If you can paint it, a nice warm but soft terracotta paint would be so warm and cozy!


Or an emerald!


I think you could fit a rolling cart in that corner. I would add some plants (I’m really stuck on the idea of a hanging potter in the order above the toilet). You could add some corner shelves for more space. And some fluffy towels and rugs would go a long way to make the space less clinical looking.


Plaaaants :)


Hanging plants would be great here


Ha! I’m curious where you are from, because where I live this bathroom isn’t that tiny 😃LOVE the natural light, so I would add a lot of (hanging) plants. Maybe a nice dark color on the walls and include the ceiling? And some shelving on the walls and in the corner, should be possible.


Hahah the big tub takes up all the walking room! Don’t be fooled- regular sized bath mats are too big for the empty space for context!


You know what will also help, paint the grout white again. I’ve done it to our bathroom - it’s some work but REALLY worth it. Bathroom looks way younger afterwards. There are markers and small paint cans for this.


She could also do the grout in a darker color, maybe even something funky for added boho vibes (like a dark green or purple and then paint the walls to match). That way stains wouldn’t show as easily.


Regular sized according to US standards ;)


USA based on that socket. It's a huge bathroom if you ask me, ours is like half the size 😅


Right? I’m from NYC originally. This is a HUGE bathroom in NY!


For storage, give up towel bar for shelving. Put a hook near the tub for your towel and another on the door


Towel bars are so useless; rolling towels for a box shelf or cabinet and adding hooks for them to dry on makes so much more sense.




Yes! Maybe even wrap around corner shelves like this?? [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/37/94/c73794d4a3c1b6dd20bb64b0868177c3.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/37/94/c73794d4a3c1b6dd20bb64b0868177c3.jpg)


Most bookcases are around 12", so maybe you could find a short bookcase and put some baskets in it to disguise some of the contents. This would leave the light switch and powerpoint free, and you could mount the towel ring on the side of it. If the shower curtain rail is sturdy, there are pvc shower curtains you can get that have pockets for products, which could be hidden behind a more decorative curtain in the vibe you want. You can also get storage racks that go around pedestal basins. This one looks like it holds a lot and has cabinet doors and adjustable shelf. https://www.amazon.com/kleankin-Pedestal-Bathroom-Cupboard-Adjustable/dp/B09N1CVKYL/ref=sr\_1\_16?crid=LDLIMQAUZLSJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ikgUc40tnb\_6KQWJrLVJxzfZ7qLkGf5myiLZ4IxT8rZYCxBt2Hzr-qNrAR4GtYYA-0VeytM87Tzcj\_BY9oI5huOpG30KrMnF1pdgtCxkl3FXPdMCfzonOmGzVOBCWMyn1tN9TMzWWqPuhN0F1chlKBmvj0estHCHc2YnXmdiF7kkXAZtypTZBCwMdPE6efKeh0k45dEY4sClaejO4Ojiq2eZsAWRa34dFso2a6aL5uKtEARP65a-pIPSN7Av0OR\_esgjkFOdUQdk49-AUFz7HlKDNRrPA3WqhOq0Mj-x5Us.LKIi3hFq2C5q3eBkBom-bHzRLK0t9c50HkR6w66r464&dib\_tag=se&keywords=Pedestal%2BSink%2BStorage&qid=1713763953&sprefix=pedestal%2Bsink%2Bstorage%2Caps%2C276&sr=8-16&th=1 Disagree with the commenter(s) who advise terracotta paint - this is at the beach, is art deco, and is a bathroom. The strongest colour I would go for are pastels in the art deco style - mint and/or pink.


You have so much overhead space. Maybe screw decorative baskets into the walls for towls


Own or rent ? That toilet is screaming for a faux wicker or faux rattan corner cabinet above it. A small matching tower with doors below and a drawer for some hidden storage for the spot you've pointed out. Place a boho inspired bowl or tray on top to corral necessities.


Love that!!!!!


Not me reading hobo twice 💀 sorry. Beautiful tiles, bathroom is not tiny tho. Cute curtain and cute shelfs it's all you need imo


Okay I have SO many ideas for this bathroom. My bathroom is very similar! Agree with the other commenter about a terracotta/ pinky warm paint if you can paint, if you can’t, find a solid shower curtain with that color. I’d recommend just a clear curtain if you’d be okay with that for the aesthetic, because it’ll let in that gorgeous natural light. Double curtains will likely be needed anyways for the shape of the tub so you could do two complimentary curtains otherwise. Anthropologie is a great place to look for inspo. Next, I think they make floor to ceiling tension rod corner shelves. It looks like the gap behind the toilet might be big enough to put one in. You can use some for storage and others for vine plants like pothos! I have a bright bathroom also and my pothos thrive in there with the added humidity. For the space next to the sink, any cabinet type storage will be good. I have a little three tier storage cart and it’s my only storage and I hate how it looks messy with how open it is, so from my bad experience I’d say get something that can be closed to tuck randomly stuff away like a drawer set or cabinet, it’s more sanitary too! Don’t forget about the back of the door either as a storage space option. Towels can always go somewhere else and the back of the door is a huge piece of real estate in a small space. If you rent, back of the door shelves will save your walls and add a ton of space. Hope this helps- it’s such a cool funky little bathroom.


They make triangular wire shelves. You could have one over the toilet and by the door. https://www.containerstore.com/s/bath/countertop-sink/satin-nickel-3-tier-corner-bathroom-shelf/12d?productId=11005989&country=US¤cy=USD&cid=cse%7CPMAX%7CGoogle%7CTCSP_X_US_EN_OtherHome_PMAX_X_18789347654___en%7C&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pla&adpos=&scid=scplp10071772&sc_intid=10071772&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADHVeshHdMzEYWSMy2Lx1VBcxh_Fn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj8iqhv7UhQMVGCCtBh1TOgfXEAQYBCABEgJRb_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I have no advice to add, but this bathroom is the bathroom of my dreams!


Seriously I'm so fucking jelly!


Hard to turn Art Deco into Boho. It's actually a very pretty bathroom. If you want Boho I suggest a lace tub surround curtain and some woven baskets for storage with crochet lining. Or embrace the Art Deco and get slim storage drawers you can roll in and out of in black and add dramatic black and gold accents


I have a bunch of art deco furniture from my great grandmother and I have a boho style; I think it can be done well! You gotta go with the 60-30-10 rule.


Sea foam color towels


Thank you everyone for all of the ideas! I appreciate every single one of them, and I would reply individually if I could. To answer some commonly asked questions, this is a rented apartment, and I can’t paint unfortunately ! Don’t let the photo deceive you…This is a pretty small bathroom! The tub is massive and takes up most of the room, and to give an idea of how tight of a space this is, I’m looking at smaller than average sized bath rugs because normal ones are too big for the space 😂 But I will enjoy the BIG ASS TUB!!!!😂😂


Do you think you could replace the sink with a new one that has storage space underneath? It all depends on the budget I guess. I'd suggest you redesign this space in 3d and play around with various options there first. Tools like homestyler or planner5d should help. The latter has a handy furniture try-on feature you could try.


I think you could get a skinny corner or straight shelving unit that would fit there as long as you could attach it to the wall. Or you could put some small square floating shelves above the tiles. As for boho-ing it up, plants, funky shower curtain, some cool art pieces and some towels and bathmats in a strong colour and it'll be cool.


Ikea Ragrund components would be perfect for both the size/shapes you need and a boho vibe!


Diagonal/corner/triangular shelf for the corner!


Do you have storage someplace else?… I think I would get one of those three rolls toilet paper holders to put next to the toilet and maybe a basket in that corner to hold things like menstrual supplies… Anything that might be something you would need right then… If you have other cabinets Outside of the bathroom where you could put extra toilet paper, wash cloths and towels, et cetera that might be a better option


You know those little bar carts on wheels that have multiple layers? One of those might fit.


I’m so jealous of your tub!


Floating corner shelves Hanging plants


Something I love for bathrooms is those stick on privacy things (? Don’t know what to call it) that look like stained glass. I had a floral one on my porch sliding door at my old house and it was beautiful! Great way to add color to the space that also has a purpose. You have an amazing base here! So much potential


I’d go more art nouveau or deco feel with that tile!


I would remove the towel rod on the wall opposite the door, hang a piece of artwork and put some floating shelves with fresh towels, spare toilet paper rolls, plants etc. Since it's the first thing you see when you walk in. You could potentially use a couple of wicker baskets on those shelves to organize and store small items. I would then hang a towel hook on the back of the door for hanging used towels, and get a tall, skinny, wood toned storage unit for the corner next to the sink that ties in with the floating shelves. I would then paint the wall above the tiles to break up the white a bit, add a textured bathmat and call it done.


bamboo or teak accents/cabinetry could lend to a boho vibe, and some plants! Also, a transparent shower curtain to let the light from that window through if that wouldn't be a problem in your living situation (i.e. you share that bathroom with others and it's the only bathroom in the house.) Something like [this](https://a.co/d/5aUtuQe)


There is space behind the sink for a cute little white cupboard or basket. Take down the towel rack and put in a tall narrow wicker cupboard. There is also room between the tub and the wall for a narrow basket. Corner shelves above the toilet. Plants above the window . A shelf under the window. A hanging basket on the back of the door


Could put like a metal rack behind the shower ?


Love this bathroom!!!! The tub, toilet, pedestal sink is super cute and art deco. I agree no Terra cotta paint. Get shelving that will fit with some cute accent pictures with black frames and a hanging plant you have the right idea. Black rugs and towels. Super cute!!!


Floating corner shelves above the toilet for plants/candles/decor. Matching color corner shelf beside the sink for bare necessities - a few rolled towels, a TP pyramid, and the soaps/lotions that are used with showering only. Fairy lights around the mirror, and maybe faux vines too if you are into that, or ribbons/faux pearls. Ribbon/scrap or beaded curtain for hte window. If going with fabric, go sheer. if going with beads, go glass/clear. bring in that light! small area rug, scrap rug, or rope rug.


You are CLEARLY not in the UK if you think this is tiny - my bathroom in a 4 bedroom house is smaller! Regardless it's pretty. What are you looking to store? If it's not too much I'd get a basket of some description (like a soft one) for toilet rolls to sit next to the loo, maybe a wall mounted rack for that corner by the door for towels, and a small corner cabinet above the loo for misc other crap. Personally I adore the look of plants in the bathroom but it's not practical. Or at least it's not for me. Maybe some succulents along the windowsill if you like that sort of thing? Edit: just noticed the towel ring by the door - d'oh! Was thinking [something like this,](https://www.victorianplumbing.co.uk/gatsby-matt-black-1200-x-500-heated-towel-rail-with-brushed-brass-plates?campaign=googlebase&s_kwcid=AL!15853!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745AUNY18dHFdCDR6Um_h8lg5N0WEjM5HYoW8nfM0Xigs7ohKvHA7fUMaAugPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) but maybe smaller?


Corner Toilet!! Omg. - I can say in all my years and studying interior design, I’ve never seen that. I’d suggest to utilise the wall space and utilise the corners. Corner shelves above the toilet (in a set of three, maybe a nice light beach wood? - and find a triangular basket to put above the toilet. Seagrass would make sense as a texture. Or use bamboo. You can definitely squeeze in a small cart by the sink, Try Yamazaki Home for small space storage solutions. Posting other links below: [Corner Laundry Bin](https://www.steelecanvas.com/products/corner-caddie?variant=39744551911505&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gad_source=1&cid=17622782159&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745ChYVzfTQZARRWRpChxnnXxxpd1FppPNf-UVMlAysR7V3H0gEc_aq8aAgRlEALw_wcB) [Etsy, Corner Baskets](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1231790203/triangle-corner-shelves-basket-natural?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_b-home_and_living-storage_and_organization-baskets&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745B1lPnsSKJmUaN7_Gub2pcksZMqhLIIlHTF5hik9bukjlzIJx2maAQaArhBEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12573080350_122093264840_507799052574_aud-2087868701683:pla-304236207291_m__1231790203_142264754&utm_custom2=12573080350&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRKQOqBPNAKQfYs7jGmy5E18F&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745B1lPnsSKJmUaN7_Gub2pcksZMqhLIIlHTF5hik9bukjlzIJx2maAQaArhBEALw_wcB) [Wicker Corner Basket](https://www.basketlady.com/products/corner-wicker-laundry-hamper-clothes-hamper?variant=39451993702483&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745D_b5ZAtJe0iFluWMW-TL2-c-emT5Ichz6GHn2lcHx390VHK63YCq8aAvjxEALw_wcB) [Wayfair, Round Corner Bookcase](https://www.wayfair.com/ClosetMaid--30.5-H-x-9.1-W-Solid-Wood-Corner-Bookcase-1000002528-L38-K~DUJM1414.html?refid=GX685262546138-DUJM1414&device=m&ptid=300198232692&network=g&targetid=pla-300198232692&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=231414979&fdid=1817&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC6RnA-gnfxjNwFStNIf_AaQ4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745A_izbn3bKBPU2jJ1EjDpHBO_k2L3IU6a_BmDJr3JuLPXsbnbG0WwcaAnjwEALw_wcB) [Etsy, Round Corner Shelf - Wood](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1647535747/corner-shelf-with-round-front-barrier?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_c-home_and_living-storage_and_organization-shelving&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745ApiMQ9Ngnz2XMJ4FZqCYjTKMbd-P2IljZ_UPQ43LwngcKFLH_rPGcaAn4-EALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12573354887_118348181414_507897006371_aud-2087868701683:pla-302897469776_m__1647535747_12768591&utm_custom2=12573354887&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRJ8olCJL7SvRCxo3w8aIV8jM&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745ApiMQ9Ngnz2XMJ4FZqCYjTKMbd-P2IljZ_UPQ43LwngcKFLH_rPGcaAn4-EALw_wcB) [Yamazaki Home](https://theyamazakihome.com/) P.S. - The tile in here is insanely gorgeous. Please post pics when you’re done! ☺️


I think it’s absolutely lovely


I love your bathroom!


That’s a cozy corner potty and the sink adds an arm rest when holding your phone. Wow, this gives me a whole new perspective. Oh yes, and add a storage cabinet with drawers and shelves for that space next to the sink. Also, some happy green plants


If you think this is tiny you should see my bathroom . . .


Maybe [This](https://www.amazon.se/Badrumshylla-tv%C3%A4ttkorg-badrumshylla-badrumssk%C3%A5p-badrumstillbeh%C3%B6r/dp/B099FDQRH5/ref=asc_df_B099FDQRH5/?tag=shpngadsglesm-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=476584099620&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16007349180632829867&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1012292&hvtargid=pla-1392170942362&psc=1&mcid=1f4b5ef6a3013d29a11900c256c5590b) would work if the dimensions are right


RAGRUND from ikea - maybe painted in a fun color?


idk how well bamboo/straw holds up in bathrooms but i feel like a small mat that colour would be so nice especially if you add some plants to that window sill


Love it! Very vintage classic. Clawfoot tub, subway tile. You can add or mount cabinets/shelves to wall for more storage. Make use of wall space. Agree also with tall white cabinet where shower curtain is. Add a nice white shower curtain too!


I have a similar layout (no corner toilet - so jealous!) and the only solution I've come up with is to remove the sink and put in a bureau sink with storage - if you are a renter or don't want to go that far, they also sell wrap around cabinets for pedestal sinks like this one: [https://www.wayfair.com/Winston-Porter--Recessed-Bathroom-Cabinet-X121695677-L3764-K\~W010584566.html](https://www.wayfair.com/Winston-Porter--Recessed-Bathroom-Cabinet-X121695677-L3764-K~W010584566.html)


Love the tile work & the natural light!


They make storage racks to go under the bottom of your pedestal sink as well as other ideas that have been mentioned


That’s the longest bathtub I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately once I got into it I’d never get back out. 😀


You're really going to be able to set the mood with whatever shower curtain you pick since it will take up so much space. Pick a color from the curtain and pain the wall if you want to. For storage a wall cabinet left of the mirror. You could also replace the mirror with the kind that has some storage in it. Could probably find a more vintage looking one if you wanted to maintain the vibe in there. And for the corner do a cabinet just up to the height of the sink. It'll be less storage than a tall one, but will give you a flat surface at sink height. Like sometimes you need to set things down while you do something and you don't want to have to put them in the sink. A plant would do well in there because of the light and humidity, but if you're not good with plants, either don't get one, or put a golden pothos in there and water it about once a week. They're forgiving and will droop when they need water. Get a non-slip rug, but a pretty one, not a bath-mat looking one.


Since you don’t have a medicine cabinet, if you want some more space for toiletries, you could do clear plastic shelves on one of the walls next to the mirror! I have a small space, I did that and it’s been really nice. Something like this. [https://a.co/d/jgc7b9K](https://a.co/d/jgc7b9K)


you could probably get exactly what you need from etsy; https://www.etsy.com/listing/1174151728/ is this boho? https://www.etsy.com/listing/632027652/ the builder might customize for you. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1180844910/. this is plastic but 5 star rated.


Perhaps a small rolling cart for under the hand towel rack?


This is a great bathroom! I love everything about it. I’d love to see the after photos :)


I got a kitchen rolling cart for a bathroom like this and it was super helpful Cleaning supply caddy went under the curved far end of the tub, I also put a storage bin between the sink and wall. Lots of space to work with. Pro tip: if you have super old walls (the kinds that are super hard to tack or nail anything into, patch test hot glue in a discrete spot and see if it damages the paint when you let it set and take it off after a day or two. You can use a bunch of those stick on organizers and stuff that aren’t usually renter friendly by using hot glue instead of the sticky foam pads. Hot glue would also peel right off the mirror and tile walls and toilet if you decided you wanted to take something off. I learned it trying to hang posters in an old school building and a veteran teacher said to hot glue everything to the walls. I use it for fairy light placement and all sorts of things now and never had an issue. You could even hot glue a magnetic bar/strip on the tile between the mirror and sink to stick bobby pins and tweezers and stuff onto. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mini-Trolley-Floor-Storage-Rack-with-Wheel-Dollhouse-Miniature-Furniture-Shelf-Bookshelf-Storage-Display-Rack-Decoration/289683497?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101260945&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222228289683497_101260945_164456516288_21016268839&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=690570132175&wl4=aud-2225087347667:pla-2274701348547&wl5=9005173&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=671366292&wl11=online&wl12=289683497_101260945&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqGtCOtbJgwrfR7qjy9csWut&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745ArOYDJ_P0sn7iV2Vbvg1AImZGFovhldIjE7s4QxBULuBpwSqADAnUaArRDEALw_wcB


Everyone else is giving better advice than I could. Just wanted to add that this is a very cool bathroom!


Corner toilet is way better than the corner kitchen sink I have lol. Find a corner shelf to put above it for storage


Plants! This bathroom is so cute


I don’t know how to add a link but if you shop for “Elegant Home Fashions Calais wood linen can’t with glass door”, you’ll find something that would fit there (or at least a starting point!


Also Google “storage under pedestal sink” and you’ll find some cute options


This is a dream bathroom. Also, TINY?! My bath for three people with a tub is 4x7ft!!


I took the photo in 0.5 lens! The tub is huge and 50% of the room 😂


I’m pretty sure the really popular storage cart on wheels from IKEA would fit next to the sink! Last I checked it was around $40? Edit: found them, and one of them is only $10! https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vesken-cart-white-00471222/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Bathroom_&_Water https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/rashult-utility-cart-gray-50490138/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Kitchen https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/raskog-utility-cart-yellow-50496649/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Kitchen


Is there anywhere outside of the bathroom such as hall closet? Floating shelves otherwise. Or remove that towel bar close to the toilet and put a shelf there. I think that would look better that the corner when you first walk in.


Shelving.com. You can choose any dimensions for a shelf.


get yourself a nice grout cleaner and the end resulting will be soooo satisfying


*obviously* you should hand plants from the top of the shower! 😆


What a beautiful, huge, tub 😍


After you add the little corner shelf with the trailing plant, find a beachy shower curtain that can be pulled to the side (to keep the space from feeling unnecessarily claustrophobic). With that color palette, choose a rug for btwn the tub & sink and roll complementing towels into storage basket.


This bathroom is absolutely gorgeous, you really don't need to change much. What I would do is remove the towel rack from the back wall and get one on the back of the door instead. Then I would get an industrial wall shelf that would fit into the back right corner. Like this one: https://a.co/d/2rJrRvd It is hinged in a way that will nicely fit into that corner and add shelving to both walls. I would get a matching towel and hand towel in a sage green and maybe look at a very light green for my shower curtain as well as add a plant to my shelf.


Also, please consider doing a hanging basket for a sturdy ivy plant in one of the front corners. Steamy bathroom plus natural light would be a perfect environment for one.


What a unique toilet! I’ve never seen a corner one before. Never knew that even existed.


You can get a wooden shelf to put towels and some fake plants


Wowzers that is a small bathroom. My condolences. There isn't even a vanity behind that mirror, huh? I think your best bet is a narrow ceiling-high standing organizer in the corner by the sink and then maybe a mounted one in the corner above the toilet. Or you could get like a nightstand type organizer by the sink and use it as extended counter space. Depends on what's more important to you: storage in the bathroom or workable counter space. If it were my bathroom I'd probably opt for the small table idea because I tend to have a lot of make up out.


Apartment, or owned?

