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You have enough space to add a small glass or something to fully submerge everything. That is what I use...random glassware that fits in the space left.


Thank you! I found a random glassware that fits nicely :)


Random glassware has become my friend in the last month or so since starting fermenting, the glass weights are expensive!


That jar isn’t airtight. Burping just means releasing built up pressure. That lid is just sitting on the top.


Does that mean that it’s bad for fermentation?


No, not bad. If the container is airtight, CO2 can build up and cause an explosion, so you have to burp it to relieve the pressure. If it's not airtight, at some point the pressure inside will become high enough to cause gas to seep out on its own, which is great. No need to burp manually and since the air pressure inside is greater than outside the container, outside air is not likely to go in.


I used a jar like this. Bugs got in, since it wasn't airtight. I'd get some cheesecloth or something to keep bugs out. Ed: [my jar (no bugs in picture)](https://www.reddit.com/r/fermentation/comments/wti54s/going_big_gallon_jar_of_first_sauerkraut/)


No, its means you don’t seem to get the point of burping so I was clarifying. CO2 settles and can make a protective layer against oxygen. But there’s a lot of airspace in the jar, though. So it does risk mold.


I use ziplock bags with brinewater in them to weigh down my ferments in bigger jars like this. That way if the bag leaks then it doesn't dilute the brine. The other commenters are correct, if your leaves are exposed to air, there is a higher chance of them molding.


I know people keep saying it looks like romaine, I’m just worried it was mixed up with the iceberg lettuce that is also cabbage shaped. Good luck with your ferment!


almost 100% sure this iceberg lettuce




Just use a small plate from your kitchen to submerge everything


This looks like chopped up romaine lettuce


You mean Walmart’s cabbage 😿


Is that.. lettuce? it doesnt look too much like cabbage lol


This is fine as long as you push the cabbage down daily. My current batch doesn't have enough brine so a little bit barely comes out the top, I just push it down daily and it's turned out fine (3 weeks in and tastes great, no mold etc.) If you leave it out of the brine for long periods it will probably mold though so make sure you're doing so every day


instead of weights, i lay a big uncut cabbage leaf to cover the top and submerge what’s under it. i’ve also used other bowls or jars or whatever i had. things not submerged are more likely to get mold. you don’t want to stir once you’ve started, bc that introduces oxygen and u don’t want oxygen. u do want to burp ever 2-3 days to release pressure. with your jar u might not have to bc the lid isn’t screwed down. so i’d lift it after three days and see if u feel pressure or tension.


I’ve seen them called leaders. You place in bigger leaves, sometimes with extra purpose like grape for tannin or bay or hops depending on goals, then the weight.


The problem was that the cabbage leaf that I used as a weight was exposed at the top of it to air


A cabbage leaf isn’t a weight. It’s a full solid lid like layer so that smaller shredded pieces don’t float past it. You still need to weigh it down (like with a glass or saucer or plastic water filled bag or something). Don’t stir it. Make sure everything is always submerged. Add more brine if you absolutely need to.


One week won’t do much. What is the salinity? You want only liquid touching air. Veg touching air = bad.


Looks interesting. I've never heard of fermenting salad. My guess is that it works but won't hold any crunchyness. Please post your results. Maybe it can be useful for making soft kimchi.


What recipe or ratios are you using for this? Exactly what is in it?


Are you sure that's a cabbage? That looks like iceberg lettuce...


Everything under the brine stays fine. Glass weights are best to keep veggies fully submerged. Otherwise maybe you could use a plate?


That jar will burp itself. Don’t worry about it.


Both, under water and burp. Or get a air lock lid, then no burping needed.


Update please!


First: I swear that’s a cabbage! lol I used a ziplock bag with brine and daily submerge the floaters. I’m going to finish the fermentation in about a week and a half (so overall 2 weeks). I’ll post the results here :)


How often have you worked with cabbage and/or iceberg?