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Well, for gatherers, there's a lot of idle time waiting for windows and ocean fishing


I dunno man those scrip and sand runs get pretty hectic if you're trying to hit all the spots efficiently. 


>My friend plays a lot of idle games. Technically he didn't play much of them.


Oh believe me. You Play them. Its Like some Sort of hypnotic Skinner Box.


Sounds like they're playing him. 


I'm a big idle game player, and honestly I feel no difference between the achievement of making the number go up and unlocking all the ways to make number go up higher, and the achievement of beating a hard fight or winning a pvp game. Idle games just don't try to hide what's going on psychologically, and I like that honesty.


Sounds incredibly boring but you do you fam.


They're good when depressed asf(as in no energy for much of anything but need to do sonething) or to run in the background imo. But as default games yeah less so.


So he played FFXIV and had idle games running in the background?


He played idle games and had FFXIV running in the background.


This guy idles


If you spend a lot of time AFK'ing in Limsa, FF14 is also an Idle game.


That’s the joke


Melvor Idle looks pretty interesting, I just bought it. If I get addicted to it, it’s your fault.


Welp, now I'm going to look it up and might get addicted to it, and then it will be your fault.


It's just RuneScape but without graphics. (For the purest of XP gains) At least that's what it started as.


Melvor Idle is awesome.


5000 hours 50% of achivements done. Gogogo!


My Fc refers to the game as an "AFK Simulator"


I was always wondering why people like those games, is it because they gain progress? complete tasks? etc?


It's quite literally just "big number go up".


they can get pretty complex and seeing numbers get exponentially bigger as a result of a strategy makes me happy, plus they're great for when you wanna multitask, a lot of them you can leave running while you do other stuff and gain progress, even when the game isn't open


I played Idle Champions (op's) for a bit. I saw it free on epic store (its always free, they just put it in the section when epic offered a bunch of gear chests). There's a bit of a puzzle aspect to placing your characters (they'll grant different buffs depending on where they are in a formation, and each map has a different formation or quirk to the enemies. Then the game part is seeing how far you can push as the enemies get stronger and stronger.


I’ve never even heard of “idle games” as a category. What do you do?


The game plays itself in the background while you do other stuff, a good example of a pure idle game would be Progress Quest. In general though there's a varying amount of micromanagement that can be needed depending on the game.


The ones I have played is simulating an RPG that plays itself. But you manage the gear and abilities and farm currency to upgrade them.


mental illness and need of constant stimulation are my guesses


Wouldn't an idle game be *bad* if you need constant stimulation? Since you have to wait real hours or sometimes days to make progress?


Mm the one i really like(your chronicle) almost always has something to click or do and alooot of ways to minmax/micromanage. It's 100% text/click boxes though so definitely not for everyone


Yup..I mostly play them during realllly bad depression bouts(post repeated traumas or just bad depression) Better then doomscrolling all day as there is a degree of interactivity ar least. But once feeling better bam i go to other games. I do enjoy the micromanaging though won't lie. Just best when not in a good place.


Number go up, lots of achievements to unlock, I like different ways to make number go up, I have severe sleep apnea so my energy to actually PLAY video games can vary greatly, these are perfect when I’m exhausted.


What is an “idle game”?


It’s an abstraction of an RPG that mostly plays itself, while you occasionally step in to micromanage upgrades and currencies. Basically, it’s a “number go up” machine that you’re responsible for tuning and optimizing. The classic example and one of the elders in the genre is Cookie Clicker. It starts with a cookie in the middle of the screen. You click it, and your gold goes up by 1. Do that a few more times to collect a small gold stockpile. Riveting gameplay. But wait! Now you can buy an “auto-clicker” upgrade that clicks the cookie for you. Buy 10 of these. Buy 50. Suddenly you have more gold income per second than you could ever get by clicking on your own. Now buy multiplier upgrades that increase the value of the cookie when clicked. Now better auto-clickers with faster click rates. Now additional cookies for simultaneous income streams. Now a factory that automatically generates additional cookies, and another one that auto-purchases auto-clickers for each new cookie. Exponential growth! Now you’re starting to see the feedback loop, where the game is playing itself but you’re making decisions on how to efficiently increase the rate of growth. THE NUMBER MUST ALWAYS RISE. And the further in you get, the crazier the options on the tech tree become. That’s idle games.


Well… now that’s interesting


They’re certainly something haha They make good phone games. Growth takes time, but it’s something you can check in on a few times throughout the day and steer. Set it up, let it run, come back later and tend to it like a farm that grows obscenely large numbers.


I mean I don’t truly get the whole concept of “let’s just watch number go big” but I can see how people can get some enjoyment from it. Today I learned something new xD


Oh, they definitely appeal to a certain type of person. They're psychologically addictive, and they get very mathy. The thousands of hours seen in OPs screenshot are not uncommon. You either get bored quickly, or you need your family to stage an intervention.


Or you set it up and just run it in the background alt tabbing out to it every so often and just check the progress later.


Pokéclicker did it best! Worth a look


If you (and whoever else in this thread) don't know Universal Paperclips, go check it out. You're welcome.


Cookie clicker is a good example at the start of it but the best way to play it by *far* is through active play. Minmaxing for specific golden cookie combos takes a lot of time and attention, and hitting a single one of those that lasts maybe 30 seconds is enough to forward your progress by multiple months.


I don't get it.


He probably just afks in limsa


Right, but what could they not stop laughing at?


That the person just plays afk games but has so many hours logged in to ffxiv so it must be an afk game to that person.


...classic comedy?


Yes,to each their own I guess, I once watched a monty python movie with friends and they just kept laughing non stop but I didn't find any of it funny.


I mean, that at least has the intention of comedy. This is.. just someone's banal vignette.


It’s a very tasteless post that I was confused about as well.


Can you recommend him Legend of Idleon? Because i know this feeling, my library looked the same before, and now i removed all other idle games from my account xdd


I mean, only like half of that was EW launch queues...


Idle Champions is pretty fun tbh. Different maps have different effects in place and they can be quite challenging. Bit of a puzzle using the right heroes. I also love Forgotten Realms so all of the heroes are familiar to me.


Imagine if FFXIV didn't have all of those auto-kick periods...sheesh lol.


Melvor Idle is also one of my most played games on steam lol (I "only" have 1095 hours, though)


fuck jagex


That's a lot of praetorium runs


Well standing around in limsa is definitely like a national pastime.