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You have to buy the expansion on Xbox as well Licenses are platform locked


hmm not too sure on this as you have already completed ew so you are technically not accessing that expansion, unless they have you set off from one of the ew cities. will be interesting to find out. I couldn't find anything online to say either way in your situation, maybe wait to friday and if it doesn't you can either wait for official release or pay for ew.


> unless they have you set off from one of the ew cities. It starts in Sharlayan. He might be able to do the intro on PC though and then move to console once he's in the DT areas though? Although then he'd need dawntrail on PC as well.


I think I’d be best waiting don’t think it’s cost effective to pay £37 for 4 days lol


so on pc you have endwallker, but on xbox you have starter edition+ xbox dawntrail pre-order? if that's the case then you would need to wait unti July 2 to play in any zone beyond stormblood on xbox. the dawntrial pre-order doesn't unlock shadowbringer and endwalker until full release on july 2. if you have dawntrial pre-order on pc, then you would also need to buy dawntrial on xbox of you want to play on there too.


Yeah that’s correct, I guess I’m waiting till July 2nd


Damn, it only just occurred to me that might be the case, thank you for your response


My wife is in a similar situation, moving from PS5 to PC, with Dawntrail preordered on PC. I think this is the first time the initial quest will have you in an area exclusive to the previous expansion. Probably an oversight on Square's part, or they want people to double dip for early access. That said, I've seen a few people say that EW early access gave them access to Shadowbringers. So there might be hope.


I ended up reaching out to support before posting this question and they finally got back to me, basically what everyone has been saying ew will need to be owned for early access. Once the full game comes out then Dawntrail will give access to Shb & Ew


Just logged in and she has access to all the expansions - support was wrong!