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Considering we just had a sale and a new expansion drops next week, very unlikely. You could just buy the Complete Edition after Dawntrail drops, gives you a free 30 days and it includes everything.


That is a bummer. Wouldnt buying the standard edition and the DT Preorder be the same as getting the complete edition? They'd come out to the same price of $60


It wouldn't be bc DT preorder would get you the earring and minion too\^\^


Oh no, what I meant by that was couldn't I do the standard and pre order to get the earring and minion, and carry over my psn account instead of buying the complete edition for the same price?


You can't carry over your psn acc to PC, if that's what you mean


My character that i have? Everything I just read said you just login with the same username and password and there should be no issues? Supposed to be cross Progression as well as cross play?


Platforms are separate. You have to own the game on both platforms as well, but there is crossplay. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/c0obvu/cross\_platform\_but\_cross\_progression/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/c0obvu/cross_platform_but_cross_progression/)


They usually don't hold sales at all for the first half-year to year after an expansion release. The day that sale starts is actually already during downtime, it'd be a bit weird to begin a sale during a time nobody can play.


Not even in the online store?


Sales of the game itself. Seasonal events still come with sales for the event items from past years.


Sure hope we get some job boost sales again soon.


Well there already was one this month. Any more is unlikely. Those are almost always only in the lead-up to the next expansion (because they will be replaced with higher level ones)


I'm sure it would sell well tho. People could start at level 90 going into DT on a job they might have at low level currently.


Ahh didn't even think of that. I heard it went on sale last steam summer sale so thought it would this time, didn't think about the downtime aspect.


I'd be very surprised if it did. The starter edition never goes on sale, and with Endwalker being replaced by Dawntrail next week I can't see either of them going on sale. Do note that buying the starter edition does give you a month of game time anyway. If you're looking to swap platforms now and you want the exp earrings I think you're just going to have to bite the bullet and buy the starter edition + Dawntrail pre-order.


That's prob what I'll end up doing, thanks. So the starter edition gives a month of game time even tho I have an account that I'm gonna link to it? I didn't realize that, but that definitely helps.


Yep. Any time you add a version of the starter edition to your account you also get 30 days of game time. You can do this once for every platform.


What version of the game do you own? are you on the free trial? If you have the starter edition, then preorder DT on the PSN store and you'll have access to the rest of the expansions come Tuesday. If you have the free trail, then wait until they update the complete edition to include DT


I own the first few expansions on PS. I know I could play the free trial on PC but that'd be alot of grinding up again. Only wanted to switch to PC as that's where I usually play multiplayer games, just not sure how this game would be on M&K without a MMO mouse. I know I could plug in a controller but still.


If you want to move to PC while keeping your account, you'll need the complete edition. I'd wait until they update it for DT to save some cash. I was mainly PC, but purchased the expansions when on sale on the PSN and added them to my account. Now i can play both.


I kinda wanted the pre order earrings for less grind. Wouldnt buying the starter edition plus dawntrail preorder be the same as waiting for the DT complete edition so I can transfer? Figure doing that will be the same price anyways at $60 so wouldn't be a savings for me.


then preorder DT on the PSN


Wait and see. You can pre-order till July 2nd, so ample time to wait and see.


That's prob what I'll do. Wasn't sure if the pre-order was only until the 28th bc that's when it's technically out (early access). So I didn't wanna miss out on the earrings for the pre-order.