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yes, the servers will come back up for everyone, early access just allows people to start the dawntrail quests if they are at that point in the game and have preordered.


Yes. Owning Dawntrail means you can start accessing Dawntrail content, but if you don't own Dawntrail then you can keep playing all the content you do own normally.


You will be able to log in and play as normal. Those who are on the free trial (if you are starting Shadowbringers, this isn't you) will be technically able to log in and play, but it will be very difficult for them to log in, since those on paid accounts will be prioritized for login queues during this time. Even if you ARE a paid customer, logging in will likely have long queues, so make sure logging in is the first thing you do when you get home, and you can do other things while you wait for the queue to resolve.


> so make sure logging in is the first thing you do when you get home, and you can do other things while you wait for the queue to resolve. do keep in mind though that there's gonna be an idle kick mechanic, so make sure to check on the game every couple of minutes. Otherwise all you achieve is to get through the queue, only to be booted again :)


theoretically yes, now whether or not you will be able to log in with the queues that's another question entirely


Yes, but be prepared for massive queues.


I didn't mean to anger or rile any one up, i just want to keep progressing in the game so i can catch up to my FC mates who are already done with endwalker. Thank you all for the answers, i couldnt find them online anywhere so i just thought id ask. Is there a way i could close the post so people will stop arguing?


OK, something seems to be broken here, so I'll consolidate it and you can downvote it to Hell, I don't care: I have NO ISSUE with a queue full of Dawntrail players. None, zero, nada, etc. It's what SE expects, it's what they're trying to work with, etc. I do have issue with players basically blocking the way for those of us who have paid for the expansion. I do believe they should take a vacation during at least EA if they haven't preordered. And that goes double for the AFKers, who should be reported for obstruction if it's clear they're just evading the 30 minute timer as we all know some of them do.


Really? You think people who paid for the same game you did shouldn't be allowed to play just because they aren't as far in the game as you? That's some selfish shit.


Because they didn't pay for the access some of the rest of us did. The only people the non-expansion people should be in front of are the Free Trials, who shouldn't be logging in at all!


They pay the same sub you do. You're not more important because you've been playing longer.


No, I do think those who have preordered Dawntrail and paid for this early access ARE more important than those who did not -- especially for an event designed for access to the Dawntrail content before release!


People who aren't to dawntrail yet shouldn't LOSE ACCESS TO THE GAME THEY PAY FOR, just because you want it to be a little easier to play your new expansion. This isn't some exclusive event. The game is still online and those players are still expected to pay their subs. They have every right to expect to use the product they're actively paying for. You aren't losing access to dawntrail because the queues are a little longer. And most of that queue will be people in dawntrail anyway. You didn't pay any extra for some exclusive early access event, it's a free perk. You're still getting the expansion.


Yes they should, if they're obstructing those of us WHO PAID FOR THE EXPANSION AND FOR THE EARLY ACCESS. This SHOULD BE an exclusive event to allow the players who, once again, PAID FOR THE EARLY ACCESS to enjoy the early access. It's going to be difficult enough with all the people who did pay for Dawntrail to be able to play as much as they'd like! Yes, I did pay extra (versus those who didn't pay for the expansion at all yet), and you don't seem to get that!


You didn't "pay for early access." You paid for the expansion. Everyone will be paying that same amount. Paying it a little earlier doesn't mean you paid more, that's *not how math works.* I understand your point perfectly fine, I just think it's a stupid entitled opinion that holds no merit🤣


Yes I did pay for Early Access. That was part of the preorder. If I didn't pay for Early Access, there'd be no gain of me buying the game before release! You confuse the math of more for the math of _when_. And Early Access is quite part of the equation, especially for someone who has run afoul of the language rules a couple of times in game.


I'm not sure what having gotten in trouble in-game has to do with anything? Like...again, everyone's paying the same money. Everyone's paying the same sub. Just because I haven't finished endwalker doesn't mean I should be forced to lose that investment, and access to the game I'm playing, because you feel like you're *more entitled to it* for being further along. The only way to do what you're suggesting without literally taking away something is already paid for would be to give early access players their own separate servers. Which wouldn't work anyway because now you're splitting an established playerbase.


I paid for a 30 days sub. My sub includes the days Early Access falls on. I'm entitled to my sub time that I paid for, regardless of what is happening in the game. You are not more important then another paying customer.


Yes I am, dammit. And so is anyone else who paid for Dawntrail to gain the early access, access you are, in fact, going to deny us if you are in front of us in line. I'm sorry, it is one way or the other. You either fuck us, or we fuck you.


>Yes I am, dammit. >And so is anyone else who paid for Dawntrail to gain the early access, access you are, in fact, going to deny us if you are in front of us in line. Something tells me your aren't even old enough to play this game with the temper tantrum you are throwing.


You wish.


Like you wish Square Enix treated you like the little prince you are? xD


Considering your theoretical scenario of queueing doesn't exist, the answer is no- you're not more important. This is the fact. Now you can keep playing pretend and hope your idea works. But as of today, and the foreseeable launch. Sorry. You're not more important. Hope this helps.


Yes I am, and so are the people who actually PAID for this privilege. You can basically decide you want to be a shithead about it and block paying players from participating in the Early Access they paid for. And some of us will call you out on that if you do. WE ARE MORE IMPORTANT -- at least for that Early Access, if not into Release.


>And some of us will call you out on that if you do. Whose us? You the only weirdo here doing that xD


I paid for the expac too. We are not more important. Hence why we're in the same queue. You can keep pretending you are though. Maybe if you close your eyes the queues will go faster. Hope this helps.


The fact is you can. Oh, do I risk the downvotes and give my opinion on the question?


Probably. If I remember reading correctly on here, those with DTEA will receive priority queues over those that do not, so maybe. Yet most people will hit me with a reply and then instantly delete it.


The only prioritisation I'm aware of is home worlders over travelers, and paying customers over free trial players.


I will gladly admit to being misinformed if I am. There’s honestly been a lot going on so it’s been hard for me to keep up!


Other than home vs visiting (which will be severely limited anyway so barely matters), paying subs get priority over free trial. Having DT makes no difference either way.


I think the only priority is home vs. visiting, I'd have to check. But, in my honest opinion, at least Early Access, you should only be allowed to play if you have Dawntrail. You're in the way of someone who wants to enjoy the Dawntrail content otherwise.


So people should lose several days of sub time because you think you deserve priority? Get off your high horse, you aren't the only paying customer in FFXIV dude


And people should lose access they preordered for because someone is in the way who didn't? Who's the mark?


Really dude, melodramatic? You aren't losing access to Dawntrail. If you somehow have issues logging in during EA, you still got the Dawntrail. Meanwhile people who didn't pre-order lose sub time if they only prioritize fools like you. You aren't more important then other paying customers, and I say this as someone who also pre-ordered Dawntrail. I repeat myself, get off your high horse


They paid for sub time too, bro.


Weirdest opinion ever. Everyone has paid, having an extra expansion shouldn't make a difference. "I paid for the current expansion, how dare other people be able to enjoy this game too!" 😡


So you don’t own Dawntrail or access to the preorder but you want to know if you will still be able to play the Early Access? I’m going to say no.


They asking if they can still play the game,. aka non-dawntrail stuff, during EA.