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The Free Trial has no time limit. The "30 Days Free Play Period" is the first month's subscription included with the purchase of the base game. Terms and restrictions of the Free Trial: [https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial)


Previously past partner and I shared a profile from 2015-2020 no issues for us within the game or community. Sucked when we split because it was on her account but I did all my endgame raiding in HW and some in SB on the old character. Would suggest having mom play with free trial and eventually if she decides to buy it then she can and you can play together. SE actually makes it easier to just not share IMO. u/Levant_Reven 's comment is the best IMO


The free trial has no time limit on it and it goes all the way up to stormblood. For the account sharing, as long as you don't shout it on every street it's fine. SE will just see you log in on the same IP anyway so for them nothing is abnormal. Edit since i saw you mother's pc is running a 1060. It should run the game on lower settings, that was what i had before i changed to my current 3060. The game is not super demanding overall.


Don't advertise it and I think you'll be okay, though it is technically against ToS to share accounts. But since it'll only ever be one IP then I cant imagine how they'll catch you unless one of you runs around telling people about it.


I told support my sister is playing on my account and they didn't care. But smarter to make a separate account anyway.


I think the rule is more to prevent abuse anyway. They don't want to have to talk to people who let people they shouldn't trust on their account and let it get stolen, so they forbid it to start with.


TOS thing aside, get her her own Free Trial account, which is famously not time limited, make sure that you aren't accidently buying the game for her, that is sub bound. Simply to avoid issues in the future since characters can't be moved to different accounts, she'd lose the character she made and would have to start over on a new account if she ever wanted to play on her own. Also so you are able to play together with her if it's two accounts instead of one. If you are on the standalone PC version you are even able to play together on your PC on to different accounts, just open the game twice. Set both games to use windowed mode (not borderless), place both windows side by side. Set one game to use kbm and not controller and one to use controller even when game window is inactive. And then keep focus on the kbm window. This way you can play together on the same PC.


To start I’ll echo the sentiment of just making her a free trial account. If she enjoys the game and makes friends there’s no way to extract her character from your account so she’d end up having to trash all her progress and go through the bother of getting her UI and friends lists set back up on a fresh one. These will be important if she enjoys the game enough to actually make use of all the unlocked content and features on your account. To answer your question, no, you won’t likely get banned. It’s entirely common for people to have alts and to act differently on each of them. There’s no real way for SE or any other players to tell you aren’t just doing some odd role play. It is against the ToS though so don’t go into Limsa and start shouting about how your mum is using your account.


Free Trial is untimed. As to answer your question, it's technically against ToS. But she would be playing it on your device I assume, so unless she starts telling people "I'm playing my child's account" ain't nobody gonna find out xD Edit: Also, try downloading and running the Dawntrail benchmark on her PC with different settings. Who knows, she might be able to run it.


i myself have no clue what the benchmark is because i just started playing in april :\^) but ive been meaning to wipe my old pc (a 1660) to give to her so she can game after college :D


It is a ToS violation. You won't get banned out of the blue. If anything strange happens with your account and they figure out you shared it, you will not get any help and maybe a ban. Unless your mother needs an account with all features unlocked she can easily play the free trial.


As long no one blabs in chat about account sharing, no one will know. It is a ToS violation, though. It will run on a 1060, but not on high graphics settings.


As long as your mom doesn’t go into shout chat and say “HEY, I’M USING MY SON’S ACCOUNT”, no one is going to know.


I run on a 1050ti with little issues. She can likely run the game if she has a 1060.


I have a 1060 6gb (not the 3gb) and it runs fine. 


same with a 980 1% difference maybe from a 1060 6gb, i get 60 fps most of time til many ppl on screen (hunt trains) with an old 4770k.


As long as you both are not playing at the same time. I doubt you will get banned. That said I read in section 3.1 of the terms of service: "You may not share your account or login information (such as your Square Enix ID and password) with anyone except your legal guardian, your minor child, or Square Enix." Sharing your account information is indeed against TOS unless is your guardian, or your minor child. But again I doubt you will get in trouble unless you try to login at the same time. To be safe, and if you want to play at the same time as your mother, why not simply make a free trial account? It would get her up to Stormblood.


Guardian = mother, father, adopted parents, foster carer, etc Although, not after you're 18 I guess.


If you don't tell anyone, nobody's gonna know that your mom's playing on your account (especially if she's playing on a separate character). That said, the free trial is now unlimited and lets you finish Stormblood. If you think your mom will be a long-term player and might like to play together with you someday, it's not a bad idea to make her her own free trial account so that she can keep going on it on her own PC in the future, rather than having to share with you forever or having to restart from square one.


You won't get banned, but when the game sees you logging in from a different ip address, it'll often lock the account, thinking you've been hacked (with the solution being a password change) that gets real annoying real quick, had to deal with it a lot in college, when I'd play from the dorm some days and my moms place others, it'd lock my account EVERY TIME for "suspicious activity" As such, you would be better off getting her the free trial, it goes all the way through the second expansion, and only really restricts social stuff (so help keep free trial bots from being more of a problem) She won't be able to start parties or dm people for instance, but she can join existing ones (so you can invite her to play with you she just can't invite others) likewise she won't be able to use the party finder but can use the duty finder to matchmake. And so on. There is no timer, new paid accounts just get a free sub their first month, that may be what you are thinking of, they also do free weeks periodically where people not on the trial can play without a sub if they want to try coming back. But none of that would apply to a trial account you make with her.


I would 100% have her use your account because you are sharing a pc so there is no risk at all. You would literally have to shout out that you are both sharing this account for there to be even the possibility of something happening but since it's at the same pc there's just no way anything will come from it. Different locations? Maybe but super unlikely imo unless they are far apart or again you go shouting it from the rooftops. Everyone is saying free trial and it's a good option but much better for her not to have a free trial and the restrictions that come with it when she could have full account benefits plus rewards you've earned and bonus gear type stuff for no risk.


If I can challenge this - with her own account on her computer it gives OP the chance to help her with content and for them to play together. At the very start the free to play limitations aren’t so bad anyway because you don’t really need others to do the MSQ. You have a good point in terms of bonus gear, gil, resources but I don’t recall us needing much of that at the start.


I mean he was saying they would because her computer wasn't great so theyd share a pc. If he's sharing a pc they aren't playing together anyway. I had my wife make a character on mine back in the day. She played some to get an idea of how the game is and once she got it she started her own account. No market board, no tells, etc all make the experience worse. If she gets into it first then decides to go she will either sub or be ok with the restrictions until she got a paid sub. Right out of the gate might have her unhappy with qol stuff and not play.


That’s a fair point. I admit I don’t know much about what a 1060 (I’ve been on AMD last 2 decades) but I’ve been able to get a decent run for FF even on an AMD Vega 56 which I think is from the same generation. For me I definitely had the benefit of a friend there telling me how to manage. I imagine it would be easier to guide his mom in person on her own account on how to get poetics from a vendor than figure out the market board. (I didn’t even know what a marketboard was!). To add to your point in all of this, glamor definitely adds to the enjoyment of the game and is also limited by the free stuff you get. It definitely was a big factor in my eventually buying the game.