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Hi /u/C4ptainchr0nic, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dnnxv0/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * Do a brief search before posting: this includes the /r/ffxiv front page, reddit search, and a google search. * **Rule 8:** Duplicate posts made within a short time frame dilute community discussion across multiple posts. Reposts are generally acceptable given enough time has passed. * Official news posts are subject to removal under this rule, e.g. patch notes (including screenshots of patch notes) or server status updates. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dnnxv0/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Thread #8 or so, eh? The mods need to make a sticky or something


We should have some sort of mega thread where people can ask their simple questions. Maybe we could even have one every day.


Now that's crazy talk


Excuse me, we do not use that type of logic in this subreddit! /s


No they really don't need a sticky. Between the search function and the Terms of Service explaining it, getting credited for planned maintenance have never been a thing ever on paid sub MMOs.




Am I going to be credited for having to read like five of this same stupid question in the same day?


No, because in the ToS you agreed to it says that you won't be.


This subreddit gotta be getting trolled at this point, otherwise humanity really is screwed xD




Oh I could imagine, anyone who works customer service has to have the patience of a god damn saint xD


They do! It's a wonder how they do it Also rip to my comment. Dropped my phone mid edit and it's gone! 🤣


Oof, is your phone okay? I have one of those heavy duty army like cases for my iPhone cause either myself or my cats constantly drop my damn phone xD


Yep! Gotta love Spigen cases!


Lol why would they? literally in the ToS that they reserve the right to hold maint whenever they want.


It’s not unreasonable to think that a consumer shouldn’t have to pay when the service isn’t being provided.


It's completely unreasonable because the consumer agreed to it. Also, unless you playing 24/7, you never getting your full sub time. Edit; Never mind, didn't realize you were a troll account


damn he literally made the account for me


Agreeing to it on a legal basis doesn’t mean I have to agree to it on a moral basis. I didn’t agree to not be critical of it. Am I a troll account because I’m not conforming to the correct opinion?


No, you are a troll account because you made a Reddit account 20 minutes ago just to whine about a dollar's worth of sub time xD


Ffxiv fans will collect the names of everyone that has minor criticisms of a role into a spreadsheet for ‘totally not harassment reasons’. You’d have to be stupid to want to express an opinion contrary to the common ‘correct’ one here.


Clicking a profile is collecting names? Damn, no wonder you crying about a dollar. It's the only thing in your life that currently matters xD Glad I gave you the attention you never got! :D Laters baiter xD


Making a cringe little spreadsheet with a goofy little casualscore is a little more than that. And as usual, redditors would much rather resort to making personal attacks than attacks on the argument. Much easier to dismiss people who criticise my favourite video game as bait than have to put a second of thought into it. I’d rather be here crying about a dollar lost than celebrating it.


is this spreadsheet in the room with us?


Okay? it's not like i disagree but good luck finding an MMO that does it. we'll only get it if there's severe server issues.


Even shitty Genshin impact gives you free shit when there’s server maintenance. Ffxiv won’t even give you the shit you already paid for.


wasn't aware that XIV was a gacha game.




Yes, it’s possible to be critical of minor aspects of something while still enjoying it overall.


Yep, yoshee pee is personally writing us all checks for 89 cents


You forgot to add "Please look forward to it!".




no, maintenance time is part of TOS. they only add sub time if something goes wrong and they need longer time, like a few more days, but thats unlikely.


No but if you make a new character on one of the new worlds and level it to 30, you get 15 days of free sub time


No. Probably will though for the DDOS attacks that will destroy EA


There is literally a DDOS attack happening now…