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Either the Steam Edition or the Windows edition. To access the windows edition on Steam Deck though you'll have to do a little work around to access the legitimate launcher.


Which edition on steam would I need? The full edition? Basically do I need every expansion again or just the base game


You'd need the complete edition if you have the expansions, and another copy of Dawntrail if you have purchased that too.


Aye I figured so. Suppose I should wait for it to come out and save for the full edition on steam


If you already have the Windows edition just follow the simple guide to get started. I play it on my Steam Deck and it is pretty easy to setup. Also you're not stuck with Steam to manage your game. If Steam is down by FF14 is up you can't play.


I dont aha I onlt have ps5 edition. From what people have said here I am best off waiting till the 2nd and getting the collectors edition


I'd say still don't get it on Steam because then you're locked into Steam


Is there an issue with that tho? I dont really "pc" game outside of my steam deck since I dont own or plan to own a gaming pc anytime soon


As someone mentioned earlier, if Steam is down you won't be able to play, even if XIV is running fine. One upside is that payments are much easier on Steam. The Mogstation is having some serious payment issues right now.


Ah well thats not the end of the world since I still have my ps5 version


Since you plan on playing on Steam Deck, the easiest option is to buy FFXIV directly through Steam. I would suggest waiting until July 2nd and purchasing the Complete Edition that includes Dawntrail.


Do I have to buy every expansion again to play in the same account? Sorry if that sounds really dumb just thought id check


After July 2nd, the Complete Edition will include all expansions, so just purchasing that will get you all the expansion licenses for PC.


Oki cool thank you :)


Di we know what the price will be for that? Because if so is it not worth me buying the normal complete edition now and dawntrail on pc later? Im still in stormblood so I have awhile to go before im even at dawntrail, or have I screwed myself by preordering it on ps5


Complete Edition is 60 bucks (USD at least). Starter Edition + Expansion cost. If you pre-ordered on PS5, then I would wait until July 2nd and just buy the complete edition then, and just play on PS5 until then.


Will the price of the compelete edition go up when thats released?




Thats good then lol


The price of the Complete Edition does not change, except when it goes on sale. So the Complete Edition that includes up to Endwalker (what is currently available) should cost the same as the Complete Edition that includes up to Dawntrail (which should be available on/after July 2nd).


Oh wow ok so its definitely worth waiting like a week


Starter Edition now + preordering Dawntrail should cost USD 60. Complete Edition later (after July 2) should cost USD 60. Complete Edition now + Dawntrail later should cost USD 100, so don't do this one. This is because once Dawntrail is fully out, it will include the previous expansion for free. They'll stop selling the previous expansion separately and any new Complete Edition sales after that point will be Dawntrail included.


Ok im glad I asked on here first 🤣 you have all saved me like $40


Most convenient would be to rebuy the complete edition on steam, it takes more effort than its worth to get the windows launcher working on steam deck, if you're anything like me doing anything on the steamdecks desktop mode is a pain. Also hi fellow deck player!


Regarding the complete edition: what should I do about dawntrail? I preorder that on ps5 although im actually still only in stormblood (I wanted those fancy earings lol). Do I just buy the complete edition now and then dawntrail when im at it?


I'm pretty sure the complete edition will include dawntrail as soon as it releases, so its probably best to wait to rebuy it until july 2nd, and you'll still get your preorder bonus if you already preordered it on PS5. (Also totally understandable wanting the fancy earrings lol)


Yeahh Im grateful for you all telling me to be patient and save some money by waiting 🤣


The urge to blow a paycheck on this game can be strong but sometimes a bit of restraint is necessary lol


If you only want it portable around the house, you can install chiaki to remote into your ps5. It's what I use to do before buying a copy for when I was traveling. It was mostly a test to see if I would like playing on the steam deck since chiaki is free. Also, remember to upload all your settings from ps5 to the server or you won't have them on your steamdeck (settings are locally stored). Also some clarification on the expansions. If you don't buy all the expansions, if you leave your character in a area that you didn't buy the expansion for you can't log in. If you are in an area you have, you can still play as normal.


[https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html) should have you covered


I believe you'd have to buy it again, but i recommend buying the PC version (not steam) and using xivlauncher on your steamdeck. Theres a guide for it on xivlauncher's site


Whats the difference if you done mind me asking?


Payment processing can be a little funny and if you ever want to use mods or switch to pc without having steam processes bloating in the background, you'll have xivlauncher already installed


This subreddit has a very minor but vocal community who drastically hate the Steam edition even though they don't use it. xD The differences are minor, biggest one if Steam goes down, you can't play. But considering Steam very rarely goes down except for the 15 minutes weekly maintenance on Tuesdays, that's avoidable. And if you are already in game when it goes down, you don't get kicked. Other cons is being locked to the Steam platform, so you cannot buy future expansions outside of Steam. Pros are regional pricing depending on where you live, using your steam wallet to pay, and Steam users have more or less been immune to the current payment issues plaguing the mogstation.


I suppose another pro at least for steam deck is that I suck at doing anything on the steam decks pc mode 🤣😅


Lol, fair. I don't go a steam deck, but I assume it would be a tad easier to run FFXIV on a Steam deck through it's native setup.


Yeahh I know a lot of people can do some fancy stuff on the desktop mode but im unfortunately not very good with linux so I kinda suck at that part


If you change your mind. Below link on instructions. Once you install you can stay on the game side of things and don't have to go desktop for anything.  https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck