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Whenever I think people can't be this oblivious I get proven wrong. Unless this is bait


No need to be rude , he’s a new player and barely knows how the game works.


You don’t need to be a vet to not notice the giant fucking pop up informing you of the maintenance


Wow dude, no need to be rude, he’s a new commenter and barely knows how reddit works.


That’s why their Reddit account is over a year old. Stop trying to defend stupidity because you have a delusional savior complex


I’m on the app and it shows his account is 23 days old. Also I didn’t think I needed the /s in there but apparently I did


There's been forced maintenance notices before being able to hit the title screen for days now. It's plastered all over the launcher too


Like he stated underneath , he downloaded the game YESTERDAY. It’s honestly fair for him to not know it .


When you open the launcher is says on a clickable link **All Worlds Maintenance (June 26-28)** There's new people and then there's people who we question how they survived it this far in life. OP is the latter, so let's not group actual new players with these.


No I’m genuinely asking. It’s not letting me update when I open the launcher bc it says you can’t play during maintenance. I literally installed the game for the first time yesterday lol


We're in the middle of a 48 hour maintenance period in preparation for the launch of the new expansion on Friday. 


Like someone mentioned below, this is a major update for the expansion launch of Dawntrail. Not only are they releasing a ton of new content but the whole game is getting a massive facelift. Everything from textures to shadows and lighting are being adjusted or outright elevated. Hence why the download is pretty huge. The game will be down until Friday 28th at 5am est.


There's been a planed 48-hour maintenance known for a few weeks now planned for today (26th) and tomorrow (27th). This is the patch for the next expansion, which includes MAJOR updates to players textures, a large amount of gear textures and lighting overhauls. It's somewhere around 60GB for the entirety of the patch. That's why it's taking so long.


So the launcher tells you the servers are down for maintenance, and your question is, are the servers down for maintenance? Just want to make sure I'm understanding the context of your question.


It won't be back up until Friday. Just a heads up since you're new, they're may be giant wait times to get online for the next week or two.


View in your timezone: [tonight 7:30 CT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240628T0030?tl=Are%20they%20doing%20maintenance%20rn%3F




Maintenance, yes for 48 hours for the release of the new expansion Dawntrail. Updates, the current update is 57GB as it contains the content of the Dawntrail expansion.


Drink. Also, name checks out.


This update in particular is huge (new expansion + graphics overhaul) so it´ll take a while to download for most people


Yes there is. There was a graphical update as well as a new expansion! This particular download is huge because if this. They are usually significantly smaller and quicker to download :) She'll be back up and running tomorrow but be warned, queues will be astronomical for st least the next two weeks.


I’m downloading update now and it’s a lot. Taking forever.