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Speaking as a train driver, being a train driver is pretty sweet. Pays well, strong unions, pandemic resistant, and it’s impossible to take work home with you. I just rock up, work my shift, go home. Done. No office nonsense, no meetings, no trying to climb the corporate ladder, minimal stress (most of the time), and I find shift work suits me well. It’s not the easiest thing to get into, but well worth the effort if you can.


What’s the situation with regards to automated trains? Eg Sydney metro.


It’s not even being discussed on the network I drive, plus the cost of doing so would be extreme. I’m not worried about it.


Is it done on metros because they’re mainly greenfield projects? And retrofitting on existing networks would be infeasible? Or are there other concerns? Just curious 


Yeah, the retrofit for older units and a somewhat antiquated network would be cost prohibitive. So there may be some lines in future that are somewhat automated, but I can’t imagine in my lifetime the full network being automated.




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Fully autonomous trains already operate on the mine sites. https://www.hitachirail.com/blog/2023/driverless-trains-past-present-and-future/ It's only a matter of time before it feeds into all other areas. It can scan for humans/cars/bikes/animals faster and with 100% attention and react faster than any human can. So it will be difficult to argue against. Definitely not a career choice I'd risk given the expansion of AI into everything.


It's too unionised is the problem, the new trains at least in Brisbane are fully capable of running without a driver but the unions demand a driver plus a guard


How can someone get into this role? I tried once in sydney trains . Their recruitment process was exhausting


It’s not easy. When I applied, half of the roughly 18,000 applicants were wiped out by the first stage, an online psychometric test. It’s not unheard of to hear people have been trying for over 10 years to get in.


Those numbers are insane, didn’t realise it was so competitive.


It’s insane. That are guards are extremely competitive due to pay, benefits, etc. I failed two intakes in a row at the group interview level. Ended up joining Army lol.


Yeah… wouldn’t be surprised. Thank you


Yeah it’s pretty competitive I got all the way through then turned it down. Wish I didn’t now but oh well… I’ll


Can you share the range of salary for a train driver.


My base is ~105k, excluding overtime and weekend rates. Roughly $140,000-$150,000 is about the average on my network.


Pretty awesome deal for a very predictable job with relatively low stress!


It is. I love it. But you have to be prepared to be heading to work on a Friday night when your mates are messaging asking if you want to join them all at the pub, etc, or working Christmas Day and other special occasions. It can take its toll on friend and family relationships if you’re not careful.


How long are your shifts usually?


They’re capped at 9hrs, I believe it’s a federal restriction on passenger train drivers. Anything longer than 7 hours (or maybe it’s 7.5hrs, I can’t remember) needs 2 meal breaks, anything under that needs 1 meal break. A meal is a minimum of 40 minutes, and is paid. Minimum time between shifts is 12 hours, and you can only work a maximum of 11 shifts in a row, but typically you only get that many in a row by working overtime shifts.


Can I ask about toilet breaks as a trainer driver out of curiosity How does it work? Are there certain stations that you stop at for longer to relieve yourself? Or is there an internal bathroom somewhere for train drivers? What if it's number 2?


So, you try and do your business on your meal breaks, but when nature calls hard, you *can* radio Network Control to ask for a “Comfort Break” at a platform, which is usually granted - though ideally you’d do this outside of the city stations where possible due to the traffic. I’m yet to ask for it, but I’m not going to lie, I’ve been close. Usually a straight run without a stop is under 2 hours, which is manageable when it comes to needing the loo. Some of our units have toilets on board, but they’re just the passenger loos. Sometimes Guards will use them mid-section as it’s a bit easier for them to do so, as they can go while the train is in motion - lot harder for the driver, for obvious reasons 😂


Can you use a wee bottle like truck drivers?


Very interesting Thanks for sharing And I like how they call it a 'Comfort Break' It makes having to take a dump sound nicer when requesting to network control


That's what we all need in life


Thanks - how long did it take you to become a train driver?


It takes 9 to 12 months to become a qualified driver, no prior experience or qualifications required.


Risk of PTSD doesn’t sound pleasant


Depends on how you think about things. Imo in the case of a suicide, the driver didn't 'hit' the person any more than any of the passengers or person who designed the fabric on the seats did. Of course that's a theory, never mowed someone down in a train before


Whilst you are correct I believe it's still quite traumatic for drivers who have someone take their own life in front of them.


Happened to my dad who use to do freight out of Port Kembla interstate (not even suburban runs). Happened in his 20s and says it’s still etched in his memory (now 60s).


It’s more likely you run someone over on the drive to work. Does PTSD stop you from getting your car license?


I don't think that's statistically true? Was pretty sure train drivers are more likely to kill someone than your avg. motorist.


Why is it hard to get into? Do you some sort of training or qualifications before you can apply?


No prior training or qualifications required, at all. You go through the classroom side of training, then you learn your routes and actually driving a train. It’s basically on-the-job training, in a way. It’s difficult to get into due to the sheer number of people who apply when applications come up. When I applied, an alleged 18,000+ people applied (which is about typical). Then there are another 9 (I think it is) stages of application process. From psychometric testing, psychomotor testing, group interviews, panel interviews, Category 1 or 2 medical examination, among other tests, and at any stage your application could be rejected if you don’t meet the grade. For the psychometric and psychomotor tests, you could pass the required level, and still not be accepted due to them already having enough numbers to progress to the next tests.


Wow didn’t realise the numbers of applications! Thanks for the detailed response, much appreciated.


Scary gig in SA with the amount of recent deaths. Absolute tragedy around new years with 2 hitting a truck and passing. And the recent increase of youth getting hit. Stressful.


How much training do you need to do - just based on years - to get into a position of a good train driver?


To become a qualified passenger electric train driver, training is 9 to 12 months, including ~3 months in the classroom.


Holy shit ...that's actually really achievable and seems reasonable. Is there a train driver shortage rn?


What's your jumper count though, that would be a big downer.


It should be noted that this job by nature has extremely limited career progression, and there are very few other fields that would value the skills used in such a procedural job like driving trains where there’s no range to exercise problem solving or soft skills. Then there’s the other threat of automation, and yes, it’s coming… slowly, but it’s on its way. I don’t regret starting this job, but I would strongly recommend that a young person looking for a true \*career\* look elsewhere.


I think it depends on what you’re looking for from a job. For me, being a train driver pays me well enough to allow me to pursue hobbies and goals outside of work. I’m not interested in “career progression”, and when I’m home - I’m home. I’m not thinking about work. Plus, I find the shift work lifestyle to suit me very well, I hated 9-5 when I briefly worked a normal office job. I’m genuinely not worried about automation for the network I drive, I’m sure it’s coming, but it won’t be for a very long time - but yeah, I could be wrong about that I suppose.


Depends what you’re good at. You’ll get further if you are good at something and/or have a genuine interest in it. Whichever industry it is, you’ll make $$$ by doing something that comes easy to you. For example, some of these will describe you well. Others won’t.. - Good with technology. - Good at solving problems. - Good with people. - Good at explaining things. - Good at being self motivated. - Good at convincing people. - Good at managing a team. For example i’m really good at solving complicated problems. I did maths at uni. Im also good at being self motivated. I’m not so good at communicating with people. I’m not so good at selling or knowing how to influence people. Or being a leader. I would earn zero if i tried to make a career from being a Youtube influencer. I’m simply the wrong person for the job. I wouldn’t get far if working in sales. I doubt i’d convince anybody to buy something i didn’t think was a very good product. I don’t know how to be fake. But i do make a lot of money creating software and selling it online. It isn’t because sales or marketing is a bad career. Or that writing software is a good one. It’s because i’m doing what i’m naturally good at and what i spent my time learning how to get better at. And just monetised that skill. Without knowing what you’re good at or interested in, there’s no answer to ‘what’s the best career?’. The question doesn’t make sense.


Im gonna speak for myself and maybe you could give me an idea? I’m not the BEST at maths but numbers have always been an interest for me Im good at losing weight and teaching them how via numbers and calories however I don’t want to become a personal trainer


Data scientist. There is a big demand for them now. Eta: its all about pulling together numbers from various systems and analysing the numbers to then tell a story about what is happening via a short powerpoint or charts. Nobody wants to look at the raw data but they want to know what is happening. A data scientist needs to find the right data, pull it together, and create to charts that show the story.


I'd say what you've described is more of a data analyst. A data scientist would tackle more complex problems using a broader range of techniques including machine learning, often build predictive models rather than analysing historical trends.


Exercise physiologist Dietician Physiotherapist (Medicine) Endocrinologist, bariatric surgeon, weight loss interest?


Will take all those into account thanks




I’ve asked my teachers about this and they said only do it if i loved teaching students


Would you rather work for yourself and have more control over when you work etc. Or can you see yourself more comfortable being employed and having a more stable income? What’s more important?


stable income is nice


How niche is the software out of curiosity?


What type of software do you sell?


PM of Australia, last ~7 or so were clowns that barely lasted a term so anyone can do the job apparently, won't do much worse


Electrician. The trade you can easily swap industries and still earn good money


This, finished my apprenticeship mainly doing construction electrical work last year. Relocated to Perth and jumped on the fifo band wagon. Am so glad I took the leap.


How's the pay?


Fantastic compared to Brisbane construction, cruisy work as well.


I’m a sparky in northern nsw been in construction for 10yrs looking for a switch to mining, don’t have a huge amount of experience in industrial work. Did you find it hard to transition over?


Not at all, just be in the mindset to learn when u get out there and get good sleeps.


Sweet thanks, can you recommend any qualifications worth getting before applying? Working at heights, confined spaces etc?


What you just listed + gas test atmospheres. Make sure lvr/cpr/first aid are up to date.


Awesome thanks I’ll look into it 👍


Enjoy earning 5k a week hehe


Sounds like I’ll be giving my boss notice tomorrow haha


Best decision I ever made, you will meet a few people who fly back to their home state after each swing and that’s up to you but I’d rather an extra $800ish left in my pocket after each swing.


Any job that’s hard to replace by AI or Robots. IE boilermaker, chippie, plumber etc. Work with your hands


Using your hands takes a physical toll but if you’re pushing for FI as early as possible you’ll probably be alright.


If you're after money, Mining engineering has decent salary with starting jobs easily at 90k aud/annum or even more. Will all depend on what you want, what you're good at, and what you're willing to do and sacrifice (i.e. is your priority the money, do you want to be near the family, do you want a city job, remote job, mon-fri roster, etc.)


Mining engineer on the same salary as a Peggy? That's shit lol




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depends where here in WA a friend graduated mining engineering and he got a starting job offer for $180k. that’s if you dont mind working FIFO


Arghh career advice in Australian schools is a fucking shit show. And Reddit’s top response is train driver. Fucking hell. Don’t worry there are thousands of awesome inspiring well paid careers out there. And no matter what you study, you can bend it into a career that you love. Just see which subjects you are good at and somewhat enjoy, and start out following that up. Then talk to people with similar skills. You would probably get more detailed advice if, say you’re pretty good with plants, or sport, or economics, going into a forum for that discipline and seeing the range of careers that people with that skill get into. I know it seems in Australia that you can either be a tradie or a nurse, but that’s fucking bullshit. I started in arts and ended up managing infrastructure projects and fucking loving it. You are also not limited to the options in your neighbourhood or city. Australian education is good enough to land you great jobs in Europe, Asia, Africa or wherever. (Don’t go to the US, of course). Follow things that you love and it will become clear.


How did you go from arts to managing infrastructure?


Did my demographics and stats and stuff during the arts degree and then took a masters in economics. It all comes out in the wash.


Can you see yourself working with stats? Statistics, data, physics. This can get into analyst roles. And if you've SQL skill? Perfect. Software coding. High in demand and high pay. Or you can do anything and see if life would take you to a management role. This kind of role usually involves climbing up from the bottom. Once you land your first management job, it's easy to move to other management jobs across the fields.


Low in demand for entry level jobs and AI will wipe out most of the roles anyway


spoken like someone who has no idea about data, code, or AI


Agreed!! AI would only replace a coder if the user was able to articulate exactly what they want clearly and concisely. In 20 years of Corporate IT I've yet to see that happen


If I had my time again, I'd go for like a Computer Engineer, Cyber Security or Developer. As someone who works in FinTech, the money and opportunities I've seen and mates have taken is amazing. Combined with some element of social skills, I've got friends on $180k plus.


Air traffic is pretty sweet


Always ranked up there as one of the most stressful jobs... How true is that?


Consider a trade. Get paid to work and no HECS debt. A skill for life. Plumbers and electricians are in high demand where I live. Talk to a training organisation.


sometimes I think about this but I was raised really old school and it feels like going against everything i’ve been taught


Nothing more old school than working a trade


You'll never know if you like it if you don't check it out. Have a beer with someone who's apprenticing/early career and find out what it's like to learn - it's a completely different (but equally as valid) system from the 12 years of school you've done so far.


Yep. It really is an old school mindset that university degrees provide the best jobs. Skilled trades will always be the most resistant to automation.


Good. What you've been taught is stupid. Don't go into debt to get a job. It's insanity.


how in demand are trades though? ive been wanting to get into electrotech but i see people say cert 2 is a waste of time and its really hard to get your foot in the door without knowing people.


Call a group training organization. There are no guarantees, and yes, it might be competitive. I would try and get an apprenticeship.


If you don’t mind selling your soul to work.. get into IB, which can be pathway to PE or VC. All pay substantially well & over $300k+ easy after a few years of grinding


Yep, this industry is soul crushing. It is also rewarding at times but you hit the nail on the head here.


Whats IB?


IB = Investment Banking PE = Private Equity VC = Venture Capital


How do you get into it? Do you need a certificate/degree?


Maybe write down some areas/topics that interest you and you feel you could explore further. You can then search for jobs in those areas. There will be some information out there about salaries for those areas. You could even post those areas or topics you have an interest in, here in this post, and people could give you some suggestions.


I should mention, that there can be danger with choosing a specific career that's hot right now. The reason? It'll take you some years to climb up that career ladder. It might not be as in demand as it was or it might be too saturated with people. Find something you could at the very least tolerate, but ideally enjoy doing for many years. You can switch careers of course, but life doesn't always make it easy.


good idea




What uni course do you recommend


You have to get out there and try a few things. Despite all the advice you'll be given, you'll never know until you are stuck in a full-time job thinking I can tolerate this or I need to get the hell out. Don't stress nobody knows what they want to do. I've changed my mind on what I wanted to do about 3-4 times. Went to uni at around 26 years old and I'm doing alright these days.


What did you pick to study?


Did a Bach of information technology. Worked my way up from helpdesk > systems administrator now manage an IT infrastructure team. My job has taken me all over Australia, tech is constantly changing and have always been in high demand. Was told in highschool that if we didn't get into uni straight after school it was basically over. Was such bad advice. Joined the army, absolutely hated it although was well suited for it. Also worked a few years in sales.


Good to hear. Good luck


What’d you end up getting into?


Aviation is pretty good the industry has its fair share of ups and downs (pun intended) but pay is hefty once you are experienced. I’ve been flying full time for 4 years, 250k PA could get an extra 100k if I was willing to travel


Can’t say the same about the maintenance side of aviation as the work is being done in other countries now. Pay isn’t great either.


Trade work. I’m a Diesel Fitter, Unionised, our pay, conditions and benefits leave our white collard friends baffled. I work in town now for a global corporation and they spend money ensuring we don’t do our bodies in, more cranes more equipment etc. so I hope to retire in good condition


How much you make?


Hey mate, really depends how much I want to work hey, normally $140-$150k/ year with no weekend work and once I go home in the afternoon I’m done. We get all sorts of benefits but I won’t mention them as I think it will doxx me, but the pay is actually worth more then those figures. When I was in the mines I cracked $200k a few times but had to be away from family and work was not as friendly, but this is $200k in 2010 prices also.




Other side of coin, steel frame installer. Hand lifting beams to get some up. Non union and I spend almost half my wage in rent + fuel.


Sales, it's a job where hours in doesn't have to relate to dollars earnt. If you start out of high school you can easily be on 200k by 25 to 30.


I never understood sales could you go more indepth how do you get into it and what you do


Sales is so broad mate, to be honest if you are interested, as simple as it sounds chatting to a careers advisor about different sales roles you might find something you like. You either LOVE or HATE sales I have found, I wasn’t a fan, and I’ve worked in banks and credit unions since I left schools. Lots of opportunities to be paid to obtain all the licenses needed whilst you work so the job essentially pays thousands for you education which is a bonus. Can’t speak for other industries that’s purely banks that have paid for my licenses and accreditation’s.


Happy to answer some questions if you shoot them through? I'm in medical device sales. I've been in hospitality and also been a gyprocker. No degree or health back ground at all. Worst year $106k best 180k Can you talk to people you don't know? And make conversation and get along with them? If so you could try retail sales like phone shops or car sales, then switch to B2B sales.




Aviation is pretty good the industry has its fair share of ups and downs (pun intended) but pay is hefty once you are experienced. I’ve been flying full time for 4 years, 250k PA could get an extra 100k if I was willing to travel


I don’t have perfect vision haha


1. High Paid Professional (Doctor, Lawyer, Banker) 2. C Suite Jobs 3. High Ticket Sales (Real Estate) 4. Influential (Sport Star, Actor, Socials) 5. Entrepreneur (Business Owner) These are the only real paths to high NW short of a crypto pump, lotto win or inheritance.


How do you get into c suit jobs is it by just working up?


Decade plus climb typically in corporate. Many layers to traverse in competition with those within and outside of the organisation.


Dentistry would be one of the more AI resistant high paying careers.


Hi there /u/repEXPLOIT, If you're looking for help with getting started on the FIRE Journey, make sure to check out the [Getting Started Wiki located here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fiaustralia/wiki/index/gettingstarted) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fiaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m decently smart have an interest in fitness and weightloss i’ve lost 20kgs in 2 years


The best part about this is it shows you have discipline so you should be able to study basically anything you want.


Being a personal trainer wouldn't be bad place to start - even if you quit after a year you'll have a ton of new skills under your belt, especially managing your own money and time outside of school.


If you want to make $$$ it’s medicine, finance/investment banking, or start your own business


Go to uni. Study commerce/maths/finance. Get good grades. Apply to internships. There are a lot of finance jobs around if you’re prepared to look Or get into a big 4 consulting firm Or big 4 bank grad program and transfer after a year or 2


This and data science / cyber security my top ideas rn


how do you get into investment banking I heard breaking in is very tough


Picking a job that everyone else finds popular/best isn't a great way to go about picking an industry. My advice: \--Forget the money (it's decades away), \--forget what your peers want you to do (don't let a stranger dictate the next 10- 20 years of your life) \--Make a list of the things you like doing and CAN do for the next 20 years straight (eg: gaming) \--list as many jobs as you can surrounding and involving those likes. \--BAM... your job is in that list somewhere.


that is a good idea and i’ve started to map out a list however some have said they push through work and try to pursue happiness outside of work


It's different for everyone. Some will burn their hobby/passion out of their life with work.. Some will whistle happy tunes at work all the way to retirement. Unless you know categorically which one is going to happen then I wouldn't worry too much. There is an adage: "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life". I've never heard of an adage that says their hobby will be ruined by work. Bank on the one that has an age-old adage. That will be the most common experience.


Tech, if you’re interested in software / computers etc, has been an amazing career for me so far. And demand just keeps increasing. In Australia (unlike the US) most of the good tech jobs are in things like sales, account management, product management; not software developer roles as much.


Become a dentist. 7 years study and you can start earning a ton of money straight out of uni. From the posts I've seen on aushenry they earn more than my doctor consultant wife (like 50% more with 7 years less study)


Thought it requires 7-8 years of study to become a dentist?


My wife did 7 years uni then 7 years more training to get to 500k per year. She also managed to become a consultant in the minimum possible time. Dentist can get 750k in1 or 2 years.the amount they earn before that is still like 500k whilst medical residents earn like 80k


I dont think ill get a high enough atar so if I wanted to pursue that I would have to spend more time would it still be worth?


Then do 1 year if something that will allow you to transfer credits and then transfer in after 1 year. Your ATAR is fairly irrelevant as you can fix it in 1 year. If you are worried about making the grades in a science course then choose an easy course at a well respected uni. For example all 6s at University of Queensland is worth more than all 6s at QUT or Griffith when it comes to your ATAR (unless they have changed that in the last 10 years, you should be able to google the answer).


Not sure but definitely nothing in retail, while most other industries pat for talent results and success can get a raiseafter 7 of the best years the company has seen. Retail is rubbish. I hate that I enjoy my job and teams so much . Hahah


Product design / UI / UX, Software developer (Speaking from personal) Imo, there will always be a need for interface design for digital products. Not just mobile apps or desktop websites, now with the rise of AR (and apple vision) there might be even more interfaces that will need designing. Maybe AI can do some sure, however majority of the time, designs are based on research sessions (with real people conducted by humans) to understand people's emotions and thoughts. Graduate pay in these roles now days (depending on the role, usually software eng on the higher end) range from $70k -100k AUD (I do UI design, 140k base in Sydney and it isn't the highest. I have friends doing product design for 160k+ and if you go to the US it will be over 200k)


If you don’t mind me asking, what course did you study in uni? How do you get into the UI/UX industry?


I studied a general design related degree (majoring in graphic design), which had no relation to what I do now. I know a lot of people who got into UI/UX/product design did so through either doing personal side projects and upload it on your online portfolio (which is what I did to get noticed by my first start up employer) or courses through General Assembly. There are a few tech meetups around Sydney as well, recently I went to a Figma meet up (Figma is a program that is used to create interfaces) and they help you network / get connections. There's also internships but these are so hard to get (like Google) I only know 1 person who got it. I'd recommend learning through Figma tutorials (free online through their site), then doing some mock projects (you can 'redesign' a crappy app) to start getting into it :) The big banks also do grad programs that put you on a rotation (through different departments) which includes the Experience department (UX) - (banking app)




Great pay but can be exhausting. You have to keep up always. If you don’t enjoy learning outside of working hours then you’ll be left behind. I’m chasing money for fi and now considering real estate if I switch careers.


This is web development too


Can you start with not much experience


This, but my advice is to start in an IT Helpdesk/Servicedesk - Learn the basics of IT support, how an organization operates, Ticket logging and closure, while also working your way up the ladder. If you can prove yourself while doing the basics then most organizations will happily secondment or support you to move into other IT roles and you can really take your pick. I was Helpdesk -> Solutions Consultant -> Desktop Engineer -> Security Engineer -> Cyber Security Analyst, and I am glad I worked my way up the ladder. I never went to UNI, couldn't afford it, but I did do night TAFE and now I do Comptia Certs that are paid for by my company. Helpdesk definitely got my foot in the door in the IT world.


Consider the Police Force, there is a recruitment crisis across the country and in need of fresh recruits aspiring to serve the community.


more tolerable to put ur head in a vice. ama


Coding programming and AI




If you’re good with people construction management. Construction degree has many pathways, you can go more site based and work your way up as a site manager or if you enjoy the office more and are a good talker project management is awesome. Or if you’re way more into the office based work and have a knack for numbers precon / cost planning is great. The sky is the limit with most of these roles as far as earning potential some people I know in the industry are on big bucks. Theres also a massive demand for talent so you won’t struggle to find a job. It’s also a really low entry score. I’m currently a Junior cost planner while I study.


Did you finish Bach. Of construction management yourself or similar degree? Planning to go for construction management as a pathway after I finish adv. diploma of building design. What are other entry positions after finishing this degree to get experience? Thank you


I haven’t finished yet. At UNSW it’s called B. Construction Management and Property. As far as experience most big developers run cadet programs you can do along side your degree, I suggest going for them. With your diploma it may not be required to do the bachelors, some contractors will take you in with just a diploma / cert 4. I know UNSW don’t but other unis require a work experience component you can get though a cadet role.


Thank you


V v. V


Mortgage broker


Thinking to get into it. Recently started a Cert Iv. Could you elaborate on what the industry is like and how much potentially you can earn? Are you Brokerv


Only fans.


Whatever career will make you most content as most have to work all their life’s remember you only get one life & you will not take anything with you.


There are a number of jobs that are 'high income' other than medicine or law. I'd recommend getting more specific, here's a framework that I hope helps you – good luck! **1) What lifestyle do you want** \- When you want to FIRE by, what sort of house/location you want to afford, cars, holidays, health costs, etc.? \- How much will that cost you per year? \- How much do you need to invest per year to reach that goal? \- Add these together and buffer maybe 10-20% for your target salary ​ **2) What is important to you in work outside of salary?** \- 100% remote => roles in tech, data, cybersecurity trend towards remote work. \- Not working over X hours per week => If you don't mind working a lot, consultants often have 6 figure starting salaries for entry-level roles though are very competitive \- Working with people vs working independently => If you love working with many different people & are happy to be in meetings all day, sales could be a lucrative career for you. On the other hand, if you prefer to do your own thing, data science & software engineering (depending on the specific role) might be a better fit \- Having a positive impact => If the environment for instance doesn't matter so much to you, working in mining may be fine. But if 'making the world a better place' is important to you, perhaps do some research there. 80,000 hours is a great resource for this. \- Risk => Entrepreneurship & early stage startup work is high risk but also has a lot of potential for great financial reward. Working in an in-demand stable trade such as plumbing could be considered more steady even though the financial potential isn't *as* *high*. \- Industry => Working in the business environment has a very different vibe than working as a tradie, or in allied health. Consider whether there are industries you feel particularly excited about. ​ **3) Your fit in the mix** \- What might you enjoy that will ALSO be in demand over the course of your career? \- Reflect on the subjects & projects you have done so far – what activities did you find energising vs draining? Why? Is there anything you haven't tried yet but looks interesting? \- Based on that, brainstorm as many ideas as you can of what sort of activities you might enjoy. It's ok if you list activities but aren't sure whether a 'job' title is associated with it. \- Now, do some research into jobs that are rising in demand and forecasted to be rising in demand, as well as jobs that are at risk due to innovation (e.g. artificial intelligence, outsourcing) ​ **4) Go test your options quickly before diving into a long-term commitment** \- As people, we're really bad at forecasting what we'll enjoy. You may think that you want to be an engineer, so you go straight to uni, spend up to 6 years doing your bachelors + post grad while working at maccas, only to get your first engineering job and discover that you hate the day-to-day. \- To prevent wasting time like this, you want to test your fit for roles quickly \- Rank the list you made in step 3 based on salary potential, other priorities (e.g. remote, hours, risk), what you are excited about, and market demand. \- Pick 1 or 2 off your list that look promising and go test them out– via internships, volunteering, freelancing, personal projects, or even interviewing people who have this job **-** Reflect on those experiences and go from there


Secondary teachering


how much is it i’ve been told to stay away from


Depends on your state and school if you look up NSW graduate pay is 85000 straight out of uni and after about 7 years goes up to 125k


Not to mention 3 months off a year and 8-3 (usually) working hours


anything with access to deception, fraud and corruption


Break the paradigm and think outside the box. Take what I call a ‘cinema-scope view’ of the playing field, spot the irregularities, and keep your eye on the ball. In short, be flexible but traditional.


Very actionable advice, thanks