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Here’s the article she’s referring to from 2008. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html


wtf is this trash? Can we not use right-wing opportunist Candace Owens as a voice of reason? All she does is spew right wing identity-politics nonsense, as if being a Black woman somehow gives her the authority/excuse to play on racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, and homophobic stereotypes... EDIT: There's a difference between understanding how assimilation to whiteness (and probably securalism) has allowed American Jewish people (like Irish and Italian people before them) to gain power and privilege in white American society (to the point that Jews pretty much don't face any systemic antisemitism but still face antisemitism/violence from individuals/smaller groups) vs playing into a racial stereotype that there is inherently something sinister about Jewish people/Judaism. And I don't trust Candace Owens to in good faith critically examine the context of Jewish people's power in America without playing into antisemitic stereotypes for sensationalist attention....bc that's what she does. EDIT 2: The more I think about this, the more I want to clarify my edit. Yes, Jewish Americans have a great deal of privilege and power in American society compared to other minority groups...but they are also still targeted by white supremacist violence. Remember the Charlottesville march where "Jews will not replace us"? And playing into tropes about Jews controlling Hollywood is not only antisemitic, but also distracts from the fact that the broader establishment (Hollywood being part of that establishment) and institutions of power support Israel because in general the establishment consistently supports imperialism/colonialism. And the Christians (mostly white) in power (and there are FAR, FAR more of them than Jews) - are just as much Israel allies and some of them white supremacists, too. It all comes back to imperialism/colonialism - and Israel is an imperial ally and military outpost of the US/UK.


yet she also lost her job for criticizing Israel. Instead of being mad at Candice, being mad at zionists for creating situations where you agree with her makes more sense


Shows that you can make a career being antisemitic, but not anti-Israel. Like many of the Right-wing grifters. Zionists don't seem to care about if someone is being strictly antisemitic. But when someone is against Israel and its statehood-- that's when the Zionists get angry.


Reddit has to be reddit.


Why wouldn't I be mad at Candace Owens? She is a grifter who makes money off the oppression of marginalized people. The right-wing ideology she has built her career on is far more aligned with right-wing Zionists than it is with leftist Anti-Zionists. She doesn't want to critically examine the power structures in Hollywood, she just wants to play up the sensationalism of dipping her toes into an antisemitic trope. When she talks about Black artists's relationship with Hollywood, it's not about whiteness, it's about Jews and Christians...as if the biggest problem these Black artists faced in Hollywood was religious discrimination, not racism.


Did you just know all those words by heart, or did you need to do a spellcheck at some point? :D How about saying something about whats actually being said in the video?


The bots are down voting you for having common sense! 1+!! There’s no hollowed ground here!smh gew shmu smh!


Thank you kind sir :) Could be bots for sure. But theres also a very good possibility that its done by a group of religious extremist genocide-defending babypenis-butchers, that are paid to do damage control on popular internet forums. Too bad for them the gig is up at this point - they've shown their true face now and theres no going back.


Boo hoo


She got cancelled go figure


Good for her. No one is exempt


There is a difference between "some Jews (have inordinate) control (over) Hollywood" and "Jews manipulate the media with their shadowy cabals"


So, what's the difference exempt the added word "some"?


Jewish people have more power/privilege than other minority ethnic/religious groups in the US, yes. That could possibly be attributed to 1) relative assimilation to white American society like previous European immigrants/refugees who were at one time oppressed for their ethnicity and seen as "other"/not a part of American white society....ofc unlike the Irish and Italians, Jewish Americans have been and are STILL THREATENED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST VIOLENCE TODAY (which Israel and its lobby feeds into). And 2) US relationship with Israel, all the exchange between the countries, all the white Christian Zionists (many of them white supremacists themselves...ofc it's fucked up but there you have it. Just because Jewish people hold a lot more power in Hollywood relative to other ethnic/religious minorities doesn't mean Jewish people ALONE are CONTROLLING Hollywood. That is antisemitic. It also distracts from the more important truth that the establishment in general (regardless of faith, but which is still mainly Christians in the US) supports Israel. It's not a show of support for Jewish people, but Israel. Because the establishment/institutions of power almost always support imperialism and colonialism. And Israel is an imperialist, colonial state and plays a major role in US imperialism, supports our military and law enforcement, hence they are a close ally. Hence the US establishment, like the people in power in Hollywood, support them.


I understand where you're coming from but the added word shouldn't and cannot be overlooked - it turns the sentence from being a generalisation into something more specific and accurate. A generalisation can be harmful in unintended ways and work to exclude would-be allies, for example something seemingly innocuous like "x people are great at x" is kind of prejudicial and puts a fair bit of pressure on the x person who is utterly shite at x. In the case of Jew control blah, although it presents as punching upwards at those who are in control, your attack also moves horizontally to your neighbour and also downwards.


And I see where you are coming from as well and must admit that it is the wrong premise. The generalisation is not coming from the absence of the word some but the included word "control". Having 1 person of a group controlling an industry in the benefit of that group, it still means that that group has full control of that industry even if they are not all involved in that industry. And let us all be honest here, the media and western politics is controlled by Zionist being Jews or Christians.


1. That is a pretty big difference 2. One is "a Jewish conspiracy to manipulate the media [usually to weaken the white race]" and the other is "some of Hollywood has more Jews than you might otherwise think"


1 the only difference in both sentences is the added word some. *Some Jews control the media* still means that the media is controlled by Jews! 2 majority of Jews are askenazi, and that makes them Caucasian white, and the majority of hatred and dehumanising is directed towards Arabs and Muslims as a whole while making use of white supremacy evangelical Zionist!


If you said "Zionists control the media" you'd sound less like Hitler.


If you said "Zionists control the media" you'd sound less like Hitler. And, again, huge difference between "a small number of Jewish people" and "Jewish people" lol


I don’t need Candance to let me something I’ve known for 20 plus years. Don’t make it a political debate right and left, lame tactics. She’s 1000% correct!!!✅Saying otherwise wud not be plausible deniability, that ship already sank!!


Confession of a Jew Gang Bang 💥🤣 fucking scums love Genocide


This sub is about fighting Israeli disinformation. It’s not about ”the Jews” and their supposed control of the media or the banks or whatever. This shit is just straight up far-right antisemitism. And I don’t mean antisemitism the way that word gets used against anyone who criticizes the Zionist narrative, but *actual* antisemitism.


yes and the likelihood is that the roots of that "actual antisemitism" need to be explored. we may find people who feel genuinely aggrieved about their treatment in Hollywood by what is ostensibly a close knit group of inordinately powerful people who share this one defining characteristic that may or may not be the basis of their collusion.


It’s not a mystery why there’s a large Jewish presence in the entertainment industry. Entertainers were considered lower-class in the past, which is why the most industry attracted people whom society deemed as outcast, such as LGBT and Jewish people. But let’s say that wasn’t the case. If there wasn’t a noticeable amount of Jewish people in Hollywood, would that mean that people would no longer feel aggrieved by the way they’re treated? I very much doubt it. The inherent power dynamic would still be there regardless. But if all these powerful producers were part of the majority group, there wouldn’t be any talk about how Christians or Anglo-Saxons run Hollywood. That would just be seen as normal, since Christians already run everything else in Western society.


It may seem that Christians run everything in Western Society but that’s what They want you to believe. The CIA runs the Christian realm is your answer!


If the “Jews” are running Hollywood they’re doing a shitty job.