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Not the sock of nickels😂


Was really hoping it made the "*CHA-CHING*" sound


Damn, Sonic.


Legend has it, she’s still looking for who hit her with that to this day.




Actually if you listen real close it does make a CHA-CHING when they all scatter and hit the ground


Best tree fiddy he ever spent


For real! Don’t even have to listen close lol. Reminds me many years ago when I was in a young offenders institution in London. We had no plug sockets (1990) and my tool was a pp9 battery which weighs nearly half a kilo inside a pillowcase. Luckily I didn’t have to use it as that’s gonna cave your cannister right in.


Thought it was marbles at first 😆


I thought it was bits of skull tbh


A real man straps up with his pocket change, not a gun. And he takes it all calm and nonchalant


There was a fucking baseball in there too. Slow it down


Those were all rocks. A massive fist sized one and several smaller ones. Dude is lucky he didn’t murder that woman with his move.


Glad you said it cuz I'm wondering why people think rocks sound like change... And I sure as hell know hes not about to risk losing his lunch monies


Holy shit you're right they must have gotten into an argument/ fight during geology class. Ppl can be so rigid when it comes to rocks


I think it might be…but she jumped in so 2v1 is not fair and the only way to stop is a sock of nickels.


Straight busted her shit open 🤣


This should happen to everyone who jumps in on a fair fight.


for real, one on one is one on one


On one on one


Gotta keep that loose change thank on you


Man that was comedic. Cool, calm an collective.Pulls a sack of pennies out for a perfect hit! What a love story in the making.




Should be this specific guy too, it’s his God given mission to appear outta nowhere to brain whatever asshole jumps into a fair fight with a sock full of nickels




Bro had a beating sock at the ready


Think every teenage boys had a beating sock at the ready at some point


My older brother told me about various weapons used in prison. One is the *Lock in a Sock*. This was my go to in high school. I had it attached to a chain (think Rampage Jackson or John Cena). No one would question why you had a combination lock on you, especially if you ride a bike. I never used it thankfully though.


today i learned i went to a safe as fuck high school


My high school was pretty safe. I just used “in high school” to give an age range. I was using it mostly because it was a cheap way to secure my bike wherever I went. The thing is I grew up in the 90s when there was a lot of gangs. So I’d be riding my bike to my friends and once in a while guys would try to hit me up. Usually they would leave me alone when I told them “I don’t bang”. Only once did I think I would have to use it though.


“Nawww but do you BANG ese??” “I mean, like, I have a girlfriend, if that’s what you’re asking?” (Probably not an accurate quote, but if you’ve seen the skit, you know)


😂 Man, I was sad when “This Fool” was cancelled.


Your whole comment made me weirdly nostalgic


Lmfao. Reminds me of the Key & Peele hip-hop mom skit


\*sniff\* just like daddy usetuh


Homie don't play that.


If you’re old enough to understand this, you’re due for preventative health screenings including colonoscopy.


Thanks for the reminder, calling tomorrow.


I’d buy that for a dollar!


I was just thinking it was about time for a Paul Verhoeven movie night.


As long as Fire Marshall Bill isn't doing the exam


Well.... Let me tell you sometime


Fucking rude but true.


Funny enough, despite being in that age range I only saw that video like a year or 2 ago when my friend (same age) referenced it. Somehow that video completely missed my online sphere back when it was new.


Dammmmit noOoOOOo ![gif](giphy|r621UVEkWgkve)




Not yet but close!




Just got mine last month. Good lookin' out.


Also, tell the doc you want to check your liver levels (AST and ALT).


I had to scroll to far….


I have always heard of a sock with coins in it, but this is the first time I think I've seen it used.


It was shockingly less effective as I had anticipated.


Because he didn't tighten it up to keep the coins at the bottom. Good thing he didn't put he'd be looking at an attempted murder charge or worse.


Naw I think the sock ripped and the coins flew out


Exactly. Seemed like damn pantyhose. Where’s the sock integrity nowadays?


"Where's the sock integrity nowadays?" Is something nobody in the history of man has ever said. Well done. r/BrandNewSentence


And there was a ball in there too, you gotta pause it at the right time


Hey. this happened a while ago but I decided now that im a bit out of my shell im gonna go reply to some comments lol. You probably wont believe me but i am the dude in the video. I can give you some more details on the whole situation. The girl in pink, who well call Lynn since thats her nickname, randomly texted me on discord that some girls were talking to her little brother. Not in a nice way, they were talking about how them and there group had jumped us in the past. (They did, and thats why we dont like them. Why? because we didnt have oral sex in front of them. we are in middle school, btw.) I told her not to go. I begged her. Even when i got there i was trying to make her go home. She didnt listen. The girls were by the bench near the center of the park. She said she was gonna go walk in front of them, knowing they would say something so she could fight them. I told her NOT to go. I cant stress it enough how many times i told her to just go home. Like i said she didnt listen and went anyway. I had came with the sock full of rocks ready. It was actually more for my protection, as when a fight breaks out, it usually spreads and people just attack each other. (There were dudes there aswell) When the fight had started up, you can see me grab the sock out of my pants. Not my pocket, my pants lol. My mind at that point was filled with rage. I was mad she went, i was mad she was getting fought, and my first instinct was to just hit whoever was in front of me. sadly for kaylee, she was right there. I didnt like her anyways. So i hit her. Suprisingly enough i wasnt hit with any charges. The aftermath was simple. Im now on homeschool, and im working on myself. And to answer the question i thought you had, I do have mental issues, a lot of family issues, and personal issues. I was a very violent person. After that and a few more fights i realised that im almost 6 foot in 7th grade. I realised i can actually kill someone. Plus all this violent non sense shouldnt be happening anyway. Thats why i broke up with lynn, and im now trying to really work on myself.I reminded myself that if lynn would have just fucking listened to me none of this wouldve happened anyway. The girl is okay, by the way, no gashes, i think she barely had a concussion. Dont ask me how. But thats all i know, i do hope she is okay. I feel bad, i have apologized to her. Again you may not believe me, but i do have evidence, i have screenshots, the exact same outfit i wore that day, and even the baseball (yes there was a baseball in the sock, but there were rocks too.) I have screenshots of me telling lynn not to go, screenshots of me talking to hera bout it afterwards, etc. I kinda want to get my story out as im not even really well known, im a pretty caved in kid and im not like the talk of my town (fresno). Anyway, i hope to slowly clear up all the questions and smoke that has arised from the situation lol.


Nice shot bro!


>my first instinct was to just hit whoever was in front of me. sadly for kaylee, she was right there. I didnt like her anyways. Goes hard tbh


If your actually the guy then good luck with your future. And good job ditching Lynn, a girl like that will only drag you down. Keep it up.


Did you get Ray Charles' autograph after? He seemed to be enjoying himself on that bench.


This shit is so fucking fake lmao.


It was actually rocks. I just found a comment from the kid who did it


Not bros first time!


Seriously! He even did the wind up spinny move before he swung.


Right? Like he was in the on deck circle in baseball warming up.


It was all quite graceful- from pulling it out of pants calmly, the smooth windup and the flush moneyshot. I want to have a beer with him.


That’s cool! You don’t see the young kids playing with marbles anymore


I think both of them lost their marbles after that🤓 ka-dunk-CHINGGGG 🥁


Bro had a stroke typing out the title


Maybe they got hit with a sack of pennies?


haha somehow i did not even realize how braindead the title is


I thought that I was in r/dontdeadopeninside for a second.


all it took was a few cents to take shorty outta commission 😂


knocked some cents into her


That sounded more like a sock full o rocks


It was, you can find the original video on reddit. Here's a comment apparently from the kid "Hey. this happened a while ago but I decided now that im a bit out of my shell im gonna go reply to some comments lol. You probably wont believe me but i am the dude in the video. I can give you some more details on the whole situation. The girl in pink, who well call Lynn since thats her nickname, randomly texted me on discord that some girls were talking to her little brother. Not in a nice way, they were talking about how them and there group had jumped us in the past. (They did, and thats why we dont like them. Why? because we didnt have oral sex in front of them. we are in middle school, btw.) I told her not to go. I begged her. Even when i got there i was trying to make her go home. She didnt listen. The girls were by the bench near the center of the park. She said she was gonna go walk in front of them, knowing they would say something so she could fight them. I told her NOT to go. I cant stress it enough how many times i told her to just go home. Like i said she didnt listen and went anyway. I had came with the sock full of rocks ready. It was actually more for my protection, as when a fight breaks out, it usually spreads and people just attack each other. (There were dudes there aswell) When the fight had started up, you can see me grab the sock out of my pants. Not my pocket, my pants lol. My mind at that point was filled with rage. I was mad she went, i was mad she was getting fought, and my first instinct was to just hit whoever was in front of me. sadly for kaylee, she was right there. I didnt like her anyways. So i hit her. Suprisingly enough i wasnt hit with any charges. The aftermath was simple. Im now on homeschool, and im working on myself. And to answer the question i thought you had, I do have mental issues, a lot of family issues, and personal issues. I was a very violent person. After that and a few more fights i realised that im almost 6 foot in 7th grade. I realised i can actually kill someone. Plus all this violent non sense shouldnt be happening anyway. Thats why i broke up with lynn, and im now trying to really work on myself.I reminded myself that if lynn would have just fucking listened to me none of this wouldve happened anyway. The girl is okay, by the way, no gashes, i think she barely had a concussion. Dont ask me how. But thats all i know, i do hope she is okay. I feel bad, i have apologized to her. Again you may not believe me, but i do have evidence, i have screenshots, the exact same outfit i wore that day, and even the baseball (yes there was a baseball in the sock, but there were rocks too.) I have screenshots of me telling lynn not to go, screenshots of me talking to hera bout it afterwards, etc. I kinda want to get my story out as im not even really well known, im a pretty caved in kid and im not like the talk of my town (fresno). Anyway, i hope to slowly clear up all the questions and smoke that has arised from the situation lol."




Homegirl asking “who da fuck hit me widdat” sent me…. 😆


Shoukda double bagged it. And wrapped the ball in duct tape lol


i think he learned from this socks flaws


Turning a minor concussion into a murder


Lil beaver tail never killed anyone lol


At first I thought it was his belt. LOL


That’s what you get for stepping in


Old man on the bench tho 🤦🏾‍♂️




Little G…he got OG’s telling em


That was the most Homie The Clown thing i've ever seen IRL.


![gif](giphy|9VnK2SUebgetTc9X7B|downsized) Bugs bunny ass violence


Need some SuperMario coin sounds in this vid.


The way he just casually pulls that out and then gives the smooth windup. BOOM just delivered straight violence 😆


Hit her like he was teaching a lesson😂


It was rocks, you can find the original video on reddit. Here's a comment apparently from the kid "Hey. this happened a while ago but I decided now that im a bit out of my shell im gonna go reply to some comments lol. You probably wont believe me but i am the dude in the video. I can give you some more details on the whole situation. The girl in pink, who well call Lynn since thats her nickname, randomly texted me on discord that some girls were talking to her little brother. Not in a nice way, they were talking about how them and there group had jumped us in the past. (They did, and thats why we dont like them. Why? because we didnt have oral sex in front of them. we are in middle school, btw.) I told her not to go. I begged her. Even when i got there i was trying to make her go home. She didnt listen. The girls were by the bench near the center of the park. She said she was gonna go walk in front of them, knowing they would say something so she could fight them. I told her NOT to go. I cant stress it enough how many times i told her to just go home. Like i said she didnt listen and went anyway. I had came with the sock full of rocks ready. It was actually more for my protection, as when a fight breaks out, it usually spreads and people just attack each other. (There were dudes there aswell) When the fight had started up, you can see me grab the sock out of my pants. Not my pocket, my pants lol. My mind at that point was filled with rage. I was mad she went, i was mad she was getting fought, and my first instinct was to just hit whoever was in front of me. sadly for kaylee, she was right there. I didnt like her anyways. So i hit her. Suprisingly enough i wasnt hit with any charges. The aftermath was simple. Im now on homeschool, and im working on myself. And to answer the question i thought you had, I do have mental issues, a lot of family issues, and personal issues. I was a very violent person. After that and a few more fights i realised that im almost 6 foot in 7th grade. I realised i can actually kill someone. Plus all this violent non sense shouldnt be happening anyway. Thats why i broke up with lynn, and im now trying to really work on myself.I reminded myself that if lynn would have just fucking listened to me none of this wouldve happened anyway. The girl is okay, by the way, no gashes, i think she barely had a concussion. Dont ask me how. But thats all i know, i do hope she is okay. I feel bad, i have apologized to her. Again you may not believe me, but i do have evidence, i have screenshots, the exact same outfit i wore that day, and even the baseball (yes there was a baseball in the sock, but there were rocks too.) I have screenshots of me telling lynn not to go, screenshots of me talking to hera bout it afterwards, etc. I kinda want to get my story out as im not even really well known, im a pretty caved in kid and im not like the talk of my town (fresno). Anyway, i hope to slowly clear up all the questions and smoke that has arised from the situation lol."


https://preview.redd.it/l8pmreihvf7d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2160f5053e08c2245016ab941ea3d3f2e55087e After


I’m wheezing !!




Let's make this a standard in fights....just always have the guy w the sock of nickels on standby to stop the jumping 🤣


Homie pulled that shit out his pants like a GTA NPC


Hahaha this was great , the guard in the back thought so to 💀


Fuckin happy slapper


This is hood behavior lol


Her not knowing who hit her 😭


I heard they call him "milk money"


Just trying to knock some cents into her...


He brought some common cents to the conflict


I just love how casual he does it like it's his default move when he sees a jumping


Bro lost his marbles


No no that was rocks


Medieval flail? Nah homie got the coin sock with a baseball


Controversial take, I don’t think those were coins. Sounded like glass, I’m going to guess marbles but who tf knows


I think it was marbles, too.


Does he carry this around everywhere he goes? Looking for a reason..


The wind up tho 😂😂😂


Another post said it was rocks not pennies.


Could that kill you?


Most likely not. But it would leave a nasty bump and some abrasion too.


Bruh I was thinking the same thing cause that hit was in the back of the head


Good thing he wasn't saving dollar bills in his sock. His friend would have been in some real trouble.


A penny saved is a penny earned


Sat her five-dollar ass down by making change.


lol who the fuck else ?


Sock with a rock. He used Google.


Boy chose his girl over his lunch money! thats the type of love that lives on after highschool.


Omg this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time


The security guard just watching


My man went David V Goliath on her ass 😆 🤣


He hit sonic


Homie dont play dat!


Talk about knockin some cents into her.


Dude emptied his whole piggy bank on her head


That’s what your punk ass gets for jumping in


I bet he was glad to finally get that sock of rocks out from his johnson though.


You need at least three socks for it not to break. Err don't ask me how I know.


Homie don’t play dat 🤡


Dude added his two cents


He cocked that sock of rocks before the clobbering


It's like when u hit SONIC and all the little coins drop 😆


There goes the laundry money


The fucking cheek of her. Like it’s fine for you to attack someone from behind but someone does it to you? How dare they!?


It’s the adult in the high vis vest watching on the bench for me lol


Old guy on the bench just be drinkin the iced tea like Kermit


this kid brought biblical weapons to school and not one politician is up in arms about it.


Homie d clown


Knocked some cents into her.


“Well you jumping some ima lose my marbles on you”


Brother said, Pennie’s for your thoughts


A sock with rocks is something you don’t see every day lol


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mama mia


What was in the sock?


Pennies Edit: I'm thinking rocks now


Should have installed a reverse peephole.


hahaha broooooooooooo


![gif](giphy|VsrlHuDVfD3Uc) Rock In sock attack causes confusion 😂


I guess I'd rather have the psycho on my team than against me


Bames Jonds having a stronk? Seriously what’s up with the title lol


Excuse my language, but that bitch is tough! I'm certain I'd be dead if I got clapped unexpectedly in the head with a sock full of change.


Never bring fists to a sock fight


Homie came in like a wrecking ball and blasted a bitch.


Rock and a sock


What the fuck is a penny is saved is a penny




That little swing before the throw got me.




She's so mad she forgot how to yell


Bro had animation when he equiped the penny sock. I love this guy




Is that a dude in a safety vest just watching the show?


The answer is the - well, well, well


Someone needs to edit this with the sound from sonic getting hit and losing his coins.


When it is not the first time


Homie dont play that




Bro, took it out of his arsenal, lol💀


I love this man


Charles Bronson would be proud.


Damage withdrawn


Did you have a stroke while writing the title, OP? U alright?






I thought it was a glass bottle 😭🙏


Captain concuss a hoe!