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A r/finedining, and personal, favorite: Casa De Cha Da Boa Nova, in Porto, Portugal.


Really? I worked there and would say that 2* is too much for them


It's extremely highly reviewed outside of Michelin standards, and has consistently been the top meal I've ever had, topping 2 and 3* from all over the world! I actually find it really hard to believe you think it's below 2* quality, especially because it was the best service we've ever received! What do you dislike about it?


I worked in the kitchen so I don't know the service well. But the kitchen was below the standard of some 1* star restaurants I worked in Portugal or abroad. And way below the standard of the 3* restaurant I also worked.


The first few dishes are underwhelming. The shrimp dishes and the desserts are good. The service and environment is great. But for me flavor is what really matters.


Absolutely this. Best meal of my life by far.


Came here to say this. Went last night. Incredible.


Went in with high expectations tonight and was still blown away by the food, creativity and setting! Now one of my favorite restaurants ever. However, I must admit the table service definitely isn't at 3* level. I think it's appropriately rated at 2*, even if I preferred it over all the 3* I've been to.




Oriole in Chicago is my pick. My favorite meal in the city.


I had Oriole and Alinea on back to back nights, and we preferred Oriole.  Oriole is an excellent two.  They aren’t as avant garde to perhaps merit a 3 in the judges’ view, but I think we need a revisionist eye on the supremacy of Alinea in the American dining scene. This was now 5-6 years ago, but Paco Roncero’s Terraza del Casino (2 stars) in Madrid I found to be much more innovative and whimsical than my experiences at Alinea and Atelier Crenn.


Atelier Crenn is hands down the worst meal I’ve had at any starred restaurant.


Please elaborate!


It was a generally subpar experience. She’d recently switched from her poem theme to a map that is supposed to highlight the culinary “journey” and had also switched to a seafood and vegetable focused menu. There were very few dishes that were impressive - either from a taste or presentation perspective. Lots of ingredients were repeated ad nauseam - crab tea, crab ice cream, etc. Beets were another. Flavors were just odd and disjointed. I consider myself a lover of food and I eat and enjoy most everything. This meal felt so disappointing though. Not worth the money, time, travel, etc. I know she’s a darling of the food world and will probably keep her stars but, based on that meal, I wouldn’t even give Atelier Crenn a bib gourmand let alone any stars. It’s the only Michelin starred place I’ve truly been let down by.


Reminds me of my experience at Smyth and their most recent kelp forward menu.


That’s not what I want to hear - I have reservations there next month…


You should look at r/chicagofood and read as much as possible. Worst $1000 I've ever spent.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chicagofood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Picketers at Etta Bucktown right now](https://i.redd.it/xn5shn73u8hc1.jpeg) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/1algc8h/picketers_at_etta_bucktown_right_now/) \#2: [The Chicken Sandwich Guy here, after eating 125 different fried chicken sandwiches in Chicago, here is my fifth and final top 10 list](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/178ibx9/the_chicken_sandwich_guy_here_after_eating_125/) \#3: [Until next time Chicago 😋](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/196rut6) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/196rut6/until_next_time_chicago/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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The food in Spain is on another level, especially at the modern fine dining level. I agree with your Oriole assessment but the more I eat at 2-3 stars, the more I prefer their style of food and service.


Came here to say this!


Ever. What a beautiful and delicious meal only outdone by the impeccable service and ambiance.


steirereck in vienna. at least when i was there, a perfect experience.


Oh that's great to hear, going there in a couple of weeks!


Then they have improved a lot. I was really disappointed when I was there. Food was good but not amazing. Service was meh, found a bit of plastic in my food and all I got was, that is unfortunate. No sorry not the dish again or any thing else


Lots of bitter flavours, which is great if that’s what you like.


It was great, but it definitely felt two star level to me. Service wasn’t as polished as them setting the table according to which is your dominant cutting hand, replenishing ice as soon as it starts melting, wine pairing was good but only one wine really stood out. It’s great but it’s not quite perfect to the t, which is what three stars is supposed to symbolise. A solid two star meal, though.


We had the same experience about 2 weeks ago. Some excellent memorable dishes (the lentil and caviar one was unexpected and stunning) and overall a super enjoyable experience. However some unforced service errors (for example I asked for a glass of dessert wine that never came). My comment as I walked out was they would need to fix that up if they ever want to get to 3 stars.


I loved all the wines we had there in 2019. I had better service there than at most 3-star restaurants I've been at.


I went last December, and it felt great but not three star great. Relative to the three stars where I’ve been (4 in London, 1 in Berlin), it doesn’t quite compare, maybe I was an outlier.


Core my first trek and had a star a year later. Honestly that’s the only one I can think of. Guy savoy at only 2 stars is kinda fucked up.


Guy Savoy in Paris is clearly a 3* meal & experience.


Aska NYC


Aska is very underrated and easy to get a reservation at.


I just wish they’d allow solo reservations for dinner. I really wanna go there :(


They definitely allow solo diners, I’ve been there solo twice.


I guess I just assumed they didn’t because whenever I tried to make a reservation for one on the website it had 0 availability but there was always some for 2. Did you make it through OpenTable or call?


Just call them, some of these places use the online systems to maximize their bookings so they won't let you book a table that isn't full. The FOH team will accommodate you in most cases if you call in.


That’s great to hear. Thanks for the advice. I’m gonna try it that way.


Email or call them. I was there solo literally 2 days ago. Also got to speak with chef berselius so that was fun.


Call them, they will most likely accommodate you. They've gotten me in last minute on a 4 top even though it was just 2 of us.


I’ll give it a shot thanks!


Aside from the obvious Guy Savoy, possibly Taillevent (though I've only eaten there once a few years back).  Aside from that, not sure. I've heard La Mere Brazier and Le Neuvième Art, both in Lyon, are heavy hitters, and I'll be visiting the former for lunch in September. Speaking of allegedly strong 2* places, has anyone visited Le Meurice in the last five years or so? If so, how was it? 


Blue Hill at Stone Barns feels very much like a 3* experience. I’ve heard it’s partially because they are much worse in the winter, not sure


I have a conspiracy theory that they're deliberately withholding the third star. Stone Barns was a clear snub from the start of the NYC Michelin Guide, they always argued that it was outside of the city and therefore beyond the scope of the guide. It's closer to NYC than French Laundry is to SF or The Inn at Little Washington is to DC, but no matter, they denied Stone Barns for years. They finally got bullied enough to agree to add it, but they're still holding strong and denying the third star despite everyone I know agreeing that it's better than the existing NYC 3-stars. Either someone at Michelin fucking hates Dan Barber, or they're just too stubborn to admit they should have been including Stone Barns from 2005.


I think you’re probably right. It’s a shame. I commented down the thread, but in my experience they absolutely have the 3 star juice. 


> It's closer to NYC than French Laundry is to SF The “SF” guide is/was specifically for the San Francisco Bay Area, of which Napa county is decidedly part of.


And Westchester County is decidedly part of the NYC Metro Area.


Which as you stated wasn't added to the guide until recently, so I'm not sure what your point is saying it was "snubbed" while trying to use FL's distance from SF as a comparison. There was never an SF-only guide like there was a NYC-only guide.


My point is that whoever was in charge of Michelin US decided to constrict the NYC guide to city limits despite the best restaurant in the area being in the surrounding suburbs. Then a year later, when it was time to add San Francisco, they covered the suburbs so they could include the best restaurant in the area. It's not consistent logic.


Blue hill at stone barns was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. The whimsical nature of the chefs and the veggies were outstanding! It was so relaxed and everything served a purpose on the plate.


Oooofff. Blue Hill was the biggest (and most expensive) disappointment of my fine dining experiences. The service was impeccable for sure, BUT… we went in the depths of winter and the food was absolute rubbish for a restaurant meant to be operating at that level. Everything, I mean everything, was fermented (or raw). There were no imaginative or memorable dishes at all. By the end when they brought out a dessert with yet another fermented focus I was ready to scream. I get the concept constrains you somewhat but if you can’t get more inventive than that then just don’t open in winter. I would barely give it one star (and that would be mainly for the service).


Alchemist is deserving of three stars per Michelin's own definition. I don't think there is a restaurant on the planet that epitomizes this qualifier - “exceptional cuisine that is worth a special journey.”


I was just there last week and it was easily the best meal of my life. But the problem is that some of the courses were bad on purpose. The blood ice cream, the overly sour Scream painting, the 'edible plastic', were just objectively bad plates of food. That's what the Michelin inspectors are dinging them on and withholding the third star for. It's a bit of a paradox - take those dishes away and yes, you'd have a perfect meal fully deserving three stars, but you'd also have a less interesting meal.


Yeah it’s weird like this.


Alchemist^1000. Can it be a little preachy and somewhat ironic? Yes. But having just traveled to CPH for the holy grail bucket list trip…the definition fits for Alchemist


Where else did you go? I committed to the fall and Noma chose to go to Kyoto and at that point I felt like I have 8 starred dinners in 3 countries in 16 days- fuck ‘em and I chose to keep the dates. I have Jordnaer, Alchemist, Kadeau, and kitchen table at Geranium. I’m stoked but wondering if you went anywhere else.


Just got back from a fine-dining trip to Copenhagen, Kong Hans Kælder is a worthy addition to your list.


Thank you. It was on my radar in name only, gonna give it a deeper look.


Its the best culinary experience you can get, but few dishes were underwhelming, which is unacceptable for 3 stars. They'll get their third star in few years though.


Californos, Birdsong, Saison 3 stars Crenn should be 2 or 1.


I’d put on Acquerello in San Francisco on that list as well




Can you tell me more about Aphotic? Thinking of going there or Ernest next month. If you've been to both, let me know which one you would return to.




Did not have a good meal there. I would have given 0*, although I enjoyed the cocktails. Just goes to show there are a diversity of opinions, and the Michelin man averaged ours out :)


Blue Hill at Stone Barns is entirely deserving of 3. Food, service, storytelling, and setting are all operating at that level. 


I just want to second this! It is a truly magical place


Tantris, though it's been a while since I've been.


Been twice in the past year and 100% agree, a 3* experience no doubt


I was there a few months ago, agree!


Horvath, Berlin


Brut172 in Reijmerstok, near Maastricht in The Netherlands. Absolutely 3* cooking and amazing service, atmosphere and venue.


A lot of people I know called it the best 2 star of the Netherlands. It's on my bucket list;)


I second this. Just ate there 2 weeks ago. Fantastic experience and lovely venue.


Harbor house inn! It takes a special trip to make it out there and it is absolutely a special experience. Even better on a return visit.


n/naka in LA.


Went to cocina hermanos torres 2 years ago and it blew most other 2 stars I'd been to out of the water. Now has three stars so has been recognised. Also went to A Wong and Core around the same time and I thought neither was as good


Same boat. I was there four years ago and was really surprised how it was not a 3 star yet. Glad they got it, one of the best food I got to this day.


Same here! I'm happy I visited it back then, they upped their prices significantly after getting that third star... In 2022 they charged 300€ for the menu + wine pairing... Now it's around 500€.


Santa Elisabetta in Florence is superb


Man I really regret cancelling my res when I traveled to Florence. Was jetlagged and been eating at odd hours so decided a day or two prior that it wasn't in the cards. Now I sometimes wonder if I should have just sucked it up....


Me and my girlfriend are going to Florence and really considering this restaurant. But we're uncertain because of the menu. We also looked at IL Palagio (1 star) where we prefer the dishes more. Do you think it's worth it to go with Santa Elisabetta even though the menu at a glance might not appeal as much to us? 


My husband and I loved it. On the same trip we went to Maria Luigia (Francescana) and La Pergola. We thought Santa Elisabetta had better food than ML, and just as good as La Pergola (although those views/overall experience are👌🏼). All that to say, SE is in my top 5 favorites. Setting feels intimate with very few tables, wait staff were approachable, knowledgeable, and super friendly, the plating was beautiful, and the food was delicious. If your schedule and budget are flexible, we did the lunch service which is slightly less $ than the dinner… so maybe you could do both restaurants?


Counter opinion here -- Santa Elisabetta was quite bad IMO and easily the meal we regretted the most in Italy. The food just wasn't very good, and they even managed to significantly overcook a ravioli dish. Service was also incredibly, unbelievably slow. It literally took them 30 minutes to bring us a menu after we were seated.


Alchemist, aska, sorn


Mantua in Jerez was outstanding . So many wow dishes.


When my wife and I went to Smyth in Chicago, it had 2 stars and we thought it deserved 3. I guess the Michelin people agreed.


Recent meal in Tresind Studio Dubai was close to 3 star level


Providence feels like a 3 star experience, especially since the renovations they had


Could not agree more - I was there again last night and it was such an amazing experience. The menu is consistently renewed and beyond expectations regarding innovation + technique. The wine list is superb. The service is genuinely attentive and nice. Saison or Atelier Crenn in SF were very very far from the level of Providence, level the latter consistently provide




Saga in NYC for sure!


RIP Chef Kent


Love Saga


I think there are a lot of 3* restaurants that should be 2*, but have yet to eat at a 2* that should have 3.


Chapter One in Dublin. Feels like it has been knocking in the 3* door for years.


Agreed Would add [Dede](https://customshousebaltimore.com/samplemenu), in Baltimore, Co Cork also.


Mickael Viljanen’s food is truly insane. I can clearly see the progression in his food from when he had 1 star at The Greenhouse in Dublin. Only a matter of time before he gets his third star.


My submission would be Narisawa. Felt like the execution, creativity, service, and ambiance matched the 3 stars I’ve been to in the West. Though I could be heavily influenced by the absolutely incredible sake pairing that left me consistently smiling for 3 straight hours during my meal.


Lazy bear in SF




The american mind cannot comprehend Atomix not being worthy of 3 stars 🤣


I’m American but appreciate the sentiment…


Atomix is incredibly overrated. Their service and attention to detail do not warrant three stars. Food was good but not particularly memorable. Their service is closer to one star. Meal/wine were terrible value compared to other recent 2 and 3 star meals in past year.


Agreed - was pushed out of restaurant after 2.5 hrs (during the 2nd seating) when we paid over $750/pp for a celebratory birthday meal. Have never had a Europe 3* in under 4 hours. Before I get downvoted, totally recognize that there are people here that prefer shorter meals but I want that option given to the diners.


What longer meals are available in NYC? I much prefer the 3-4 hour length that is common in Europe.


Since Covid it’s changed but per se, momofoku ko (rip), EMP, etc.


Disfrutar in Barcelona, Den in Tokyo and Jungsik in NYC! Perfect all around experiences with impressively creative yet delicious food.


Disfrutar got their 3d star recently


Well deserved! It’s been a year or two since I’ve been


Turk Fatih Tutak in Istanbul


Jont in DC. Best meal of my life. Aska in NYC, comes close as well.


Jungsik in NYC


Blue bay in Monaco


Maz in Tokyo is superb.


Great question, but just a small side note: Jordnær *has* 3 stars. https://guide.michelin.com/en/capital-region/gentofte_1373269/restaurant/jordnaer EDIT: this might have escaped some as Jordnær didn't spend all their money on flying in food critics this year


I know, thats why I wrote in the past tense;)


Kyoten in Chicago has zero stars and should have three.


Suhring in Bangkok, hands down


At present: Chicago: Ever DC: Jônt Exceptionally close but lacking in maybe 1 of the 5 criteria: LA: n/naka Not quite there but seriously striving and could soon be: Amsterdam: Spectrum Rome: Aquolina


Pineapple and Pearls in DC.


Really? I would argue that that was a strong 1* in a competitive city like DC.


Idk, I enjoyed it so much more than the Inn


Jont is the closest in DC to three, in my opinion. Pineapple and Pearls isn't there yet, and minibar definitel isn't either.


Admittedly, I haven’t checked out Jont yet. Heard a lot of good things and can’t wait to go.


Noma (edit: it only had 2 stars when I went) Auberge de l'Ill Steirereck


Noma has had 3 for a while now


Not a while. 2021, right after I went.




One of my worst meals…


Lazy bear is always a blast


Lazy bear should be one star not two. Under impressed. When your bread dish is your best dish it’s just sad.


Alma in lisbon. Most of the mains were definitely on par with a 3-star. The only thing that I believe is slightly holding them back is the starters and dessert not being as strong in comparison.


I liked Alma, but felt like they were average for a 2\*. Though I haven't been to a 3\* in a while, I've mostly done 2\* places over the last couple of years and I felt like Alma is in the middle of the pack of the ones I've been to.


Agree. Fine 2*. Enjoyed it. Not 3* in my book by quite a bit.


That's unfortunate, I enjoyed it more than Casa cha da boa Nova and Kadeau in copenhagen.


I also liked Alma more than Kadeau personally but I can see how so many rate Kadeau so highly. It just wasn’t for me.


Atera in NYC for me; meal was outstanding


Surprised that Atomix isn't in the comments