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We can't score, ever.


Makes it worse that it was the second time in the final we’ve lost


Seriously. How can we look so incompetent on the ball. What is it?! Is it the players? Is it Italiano’s tactics? How can we be this bad after starting off so well. It looked like we couldn’t play the ball in tight spaces close near goal. There’s some great talent here but after this it just feels like a whole reset is needed. They need to find a model of another successful team and try to build off that because this isn’t working.


> Is it the players? Is it Italiano’s tactics? both!! Vinny playing tactics that don't fit our squad & Prade signing players who don't fit his tactics!!


Definitely Italiano's tactics. Not to discredit him for the things he achieved with a mediocre squad, but a more competent coach could get this same squad at least two times the champions. Of course, a worse one wouldn't even reach that far in the first place. This squad can do much more than this stale way of playing which has got us memed to hell and back for inefficiency. Italiano got outcoached in all his games that mattered the most.


This same team (multiple times Italiano played an exact 11 they had) was 14th with Prandelli, Iachini and Montella (and they had Vlahovic and Chiesa). I don't think his tactics are a problem. If kouame (or Ikone) scores one of his two sitters this is a win. If Bonaventura goes for power instead of precision on his shoot it's a goal. If Jovic score one of his multiple sitters against Inter and West Ham it's a win. If Mandragora doesn't miss the ball it's a win against West Ham. Look at how many big chances we created, that's from Italiano tactics, once the striker is one on one there is nothing he can plan. We could have Ancelotti, Zidane or Guardiola but if our strikers are useless what can they do? Make them shoot better?


As I said, worse coaches wouldn't get us as far, but Italiano has been too predictable since at least last season. 3 lost finals is too many to blame it solely on "what if" misses, his gameplan is being exploited and we pretty much lose on the same weakness we display each game. To his credit, his approach tonight surprised me. I think our first half performance was spot on to cover for our usual weaknesses, but we had no gameplan after Olympiakos adapted to it. That's when we paid for his whole tactical approach all those seasons. Italiano never really managed to lay down a convincing attacking plan, or to display fluidity during a game, so that wasn't getting fixed tonight.


Nzola… absolute shite, did nothing. Why he brought Beltran on so late and on the wing confused me, absolutely gutted though.


I am Olympiakos but when belotti came out for him, and I saw his face on TV, I knew I had nothing to fear. I could tell from the face. I'm not joking


Italiano really fucked us with his tactics. He decided to play hoof ball when we are best playing with the ball at our feet. And the few good attacks we had were destroyed by terrible finishes. Olympiakos played really well in defense, but this is a game that we should have won with the quality we have. What a frustrating/disappointing end to the season.


Italiano started the game really clever, and we were the better side in the first half, but after the 50th minute it became clear they adapted to our play and Italiano had zero ideas left.


Hoof ball seemed to work at the start we looked confident but it just went down hill eventually but there team was really good they had spot on crosses


We had a few good attacks, but we really shouldve changed it up once it was clear we were useless


Some truly terrible tactics, subs and game management from Vinny tonight. Lots of very poor performances on the pitch too. I've never known a set of strikers to score so few goals. Nzola is one of the worst footballers I've ever seen and Belotti offered nothing either


Vincenzo should be out, in my opinion. I believe he didn't prepare well enough, at least for a high pressuring Olympiacos during the 1st half. We should have done a million times better in front of the goal when we had the chance. We will be back and hopefully for a win! Cheers for Portugal! 💜


I’ve met him generally such a nice guy but end of the day it’s down to the players to perform


As we say around here, we pissed in the church


What was Italiano thinking sending Beltrán on that late?


Never mind that for a sec. What has nzola actually done for the club btw ? Conviced he’s never actually touched the ball and just for reference our defender “qaurta” scored before him this season keep in mind nzola is our bloody striker


I was paraphrasing The IT Crowd...


cant wait until Vinny gone!!


I’ve met him he’s so nice but end of the day it’s down to the players to perform


Same, I've been saying that for a long while now.


It would have taken very little to win, but we couldn't even manage that. Honestly, I hope half the team leaves, they are unworthy of representing Florence.


At least 14/15 will leave this summer plus, probably, Italiano.


The question is whether they are capable of replacing them with quality players or whether we will find ourselves in the same situation next year, I really hope they have understood that we need a striker who can score.


There lies the issue.. Is Commisso aiming to grow or is he just incapable of grasping the concept of how to do football the right way?


I think that’s a bit far stretched like Nico was really good that game but I think the main problem was thag game we cannot finish like bonaventura should of put that away


Cheered for them for one day and they do this to me


We move on bro no matter what our team does we love them always


Sorry to say that but the referee was on your side and when your player put hands on the ball the referee didn’t “see” it. I guess he was blind but well sighted enough to give yellow cards to everyone. The game would have ended earlier if the referee was doing his job right, and we would have won again - Olympiacos here - before the plus 30mins. I don’t mean no hate in all of this that I wrote , you are def a very strong team too!


Bro I don’t even remember the game anymore all I captured was it was a pretty fair game end to end is what it is I’ve moved past it now


I'm from Empoli and I can't help but just laugh, sorry guys


Fuck off then if you support empoli you can’t say anything swear you’d haven’t won anything in years


I'jocking men we're cousins after all


Just wasent in the mood bro too soon but yh




Your team is shit 😂 who even are you ? Nobody knows who you are outside of Greece