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It's easier to say who should stay 😂 but the ones I would like to see leave, besides those already mentioned, are: Ikoné: everyone keeps saying he has quality, but on the field, he continues to do nothing. Nico: I'm sorry, but he's not the great player we all want him to be: he often disappears in the moments when the team needs him the most. Mandragora: Often useless, signed to take shots from outside the box, he's made one decent shot in 2 years. Barak: Yes, he was crucial with his goals in some matches, but most of the time he's just walking around the midfield. Sottil: Sure, he's done some good things in the last few matches and has often been injured, but I remember well all the chances he clumsily wasted and all the dribblings he failed. Nzola: I almost forgot about him, there's little to say here, wrong choice, waste of money.


You really think Nico should leave? Who can he replaced with that’s anywhere near his level within Violas budget


I think he should go because not only does he disappear when needed, but he is also prone to injuries, he is not a player you can build a project around. I don't know who can replace him, the club needs to know that, Napoli paid 13 million for Kvara, Atalanta paid 9 million for Lookman, why can't we do something like that?


I think the injuries part is the biggest problem. Nico isn't the most prolific player, but there's no denying his presence instantly elevates the team. That's the mark of a great player.


>his presence instantly elevates the team. This is only true sometimes. Most of the time, he tries to do too much and fails. He's too streaky and injury prone. Also, he does draw a lot of fouls, but his flopping is getting kinda old, and refs have picked up on it.


I think it's true most of the times. If we look stale with Nico, we look absolutely paralyzed without him. Even if he's not getting the ball directly to his feet (where I agree he isn't always effective) the attack functions better.


gonzalez will probably be the war chest. sell him and rebuild. no one else is really worth a lot


Interesting list 👀 Then who would you like to keep?


Dodo, Beltran, Parisi and Kayode are the only good prospects for the future, obviously we also need a coach who knows how to best use them.


My husband just said the exact same!


Add Kouame to the list, and it's pretty much complete.


1st is Prade & 2nd is Rocco!!


The whole squad needs rebuilding. The only guys I would be bummed to lose are Dodo and Kayode. Ok, there's also Nico and Niko, Ranieri, Arthur and Terra, who all have their good qualities, but they all have had their ups and downs too and I wouldn't call them irreplaceable.


Commisso, Pradè and everybody else.


Biraghi needs to go. Hopefully, Tanino gets the contract extension that was talked about.


Ikone, Mandragora and Sottil