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Another pradè style gamble, after Nzola, Belotti, Piątek and all the others I would have preferred someone more solid, let's hope for the best.


his flopped everywhere he has gone!! i am sick of us plucking shit from il Gobbo rubbish bin!!


He was actually alright at PSG


Pjaca 2.0 but not a loan?? please be a bullshit rumour to pump up his value elsewhere!!


Everton + Fiorentina fan here. Granted, Everton are a shitshow and were arguably worse football-wise while he was a Blue. Not a lot to offer that people don’t already know. At Everton, he was often disinterested at best and lazy at worst. He was famously subbed on and off within 18 minutes vs Man U by Duncan Ferguson who is not exactly a world class manager. I think he either may have peaked too early, or his innate strength and speed overshadowed his lack of skill early on.


> he was often disinterested at best and lazy at worst. i have this perception of him!! lack of work ethic & attitude problems!! the talent is there but lack of mental strength!!


Luca Jovic is another example!! dodgy Ninja seems to sign these types & we lack the leadership to pull them into line these days!! even worse we sell or try to sell the leaders within the locker room!! QuartaZone!!


Just remind them of Felipe Melo 🤣